I’ve got close to 1000 through my TX22 without cleaning or a failure. Taurus may have made a lot of garbage in the past but they got it right with this one.
I bought a Taurus Millennium PT111 G2 when it was on sale for $200 new at Cabela's. Let's just say at that moment in my life I had a precipitous need for a gun to defend myself and my home. Had very little disposable income. I know cheap guns get a lot of hate, but they serve a real purpose for people who simply can't do better for the time being. I ran a thousand rounds through it in the first two months I got it. There was a jam on the second mag, then never again, even until this day. I think the recoil spring just needed breaking in. I still really like it.
Same with me. Nearly 1000rds before a deep clean. Had major extraction issues due to the lead buildup in the chamber. A good scrubbing and cleaning out the buildup in the slide by the muzzle and it runs like new again.
I have the TX22 competition gun with a swampfox optic. My first purchase from both companies. All I can say is this sucker is AMAZING!!! Eats everything, good trigger, great grip and accurate. Just buy one.
I used to dislike Taurus, but it looks to me like they're out to bring their name out of the gutter. And they're doing a decent job of it. I strongly considered a G series pistol. When I pick up a revolver it's more or less settled that I'll get a Taurus Raging Bull. They're doing good things, I approve.
I bought a Taurus Millennium PT111 G2 when it was on sale for $200 new at Cabela's. Let's just say at that moment in my life I had a precipitous need for a gun to defend myself and my home and I had very little disposable income. I know cheap guns get a lot of hate, but they serve a real purpose for people who simply can't do better for the time being. I ran a thousand rounds through it in the first two months I got it. There was a jam on the second mag, then never again, even until this day. I think the recoil spring just needed breaking in. I still really like it.
I do the same. It's not my main carry, but it's in the rotation. It has been great for me in every way. Really happy that Taurus is coming out with better products for the low price point.
Little known fact, but you can slam-jam a P228/P229 magazine in there, and it works (flawlessly). Just sticks out a tad. I have a G2C, and a P228/229 hybrid (home build) and routinely use the 228/229 mag in my G2C.
I have the regular version and it is awesome for a 22lr to never have a issue in a 800 round box is spectacular and mine did. Taurus is stepping up they are becoming extremely ergonomic economic and reliable
Same, my tx22 just chugs along with most ammo. I've gone hundreds of rounds between cleanings with no issues, no pins backing out or anything like that. I do see feel issues when the magazines aren't properly loaded, which is easier to do wrong than on other pistols.
I was one of those who strongly suggested the tx22 competition on the last video and I agree with every one of your points (perhaps most importantly the very last one). It's definitely a full size gun, but some training with a red dot and a trigger that's very similar to ones used in carry guns I still find to have immense value...but it ain't a center-fire analog. I was surprised to hear about ammo finickiness as mine runs Federal Automatch, Cci minimags, Cci standard vel, Browning bulk and a few others brilliantly, but, as you point out, that's not uncommon. I also run mine with a can, so that could, at least theoretically make a difference. For an inexpensive, options -having, high capacity, relatively reliable rimfire with some training analogs, I still think this can't be beat. Great video as always, Chris! Edit: I have not had the roll pin issue either. mine isn't centered, but it isn't sitting proud. Something I'll definitely keep an eye on.
I normally question someone buying a Taurus, but the TX22 is A) not a defensive gun, it's allowed to be iffy B) a .22, it's really allowed to be iffy, and C) Not iffy, Taurus really seems to have knocked it out the park with this one.
For years I have talked about people singing happy birthday like it's a funeral dirge! Your comment put a big smile on my face. And thanks for a great review!
Chris is one of the few honest reviewers. I have a Sig P322 that has the known barrel leading problem. Sig replaced it twice with no success. What a failure!!
I have the original TX22. It did have the problem with the front of the slide breaking. Taurus replaced it on warranty, returning it to me in half the promised time, and performance is hugely improved. What also greatly improved reliability was cleaning the insides of each magazine with a particular brush, recommended in a certain RUclips video. The ergonomics for this gun are excellent, and I actually like the trigger very much -- as say countless others in online reviews. BTW, even though it's a .22 rimfire, it has been specifically designed to be totally safe to dry-fire -- important for a training gun.
Good, but depressing advice. We got a Millennium Pro for my wife in .32 ACP a long time ago, and I did not realize the magazines came pre-gritted from the factory. The result was wear on the plastic followers and an “automatic” failure to feed. New replacement magazines in this caliber are unobtainable, and used magazines have the same wear. I had hoped that Taurus would have solved this by now. I kind of like that pistol otherwise.
Even a year ago, Taurus has improved so much starting with the 9mm offering. I agree with you but that was enlightened by RUclips. I have all three models now and have had no problems. Time to upgrade your opinion.
I have a TX 22 competition. I've had it for a year. It does like CCI Mini Mags as well as Winchester High Velocity. Other ammo is less reliable. Even with mini mags there are occasional feeding issues but nothing crazy. it's a fun gun to shoot and doesn't disappoint at the range. if you just bought one I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you clean, scrub and lube the magazines first. Take the follower and spring out and clean the rails inside the mags. This will help eliminate feeding issues which, in the .22 world ,are just part of the deal. I wish Taurus did a better job with their mags. it's my only complaint. With those things in mind I recommend this firearm as a fun range gun. The trigger pull I have found is very clean and with break and reset very close together and crisp. The optic mount on the barrel means less likelihood of losing zero since the barrel doesn't reciprocate. I have a friend of mine that had a custom holster made for his. It works well but the guy that made it had to be creative. All in all, it's a fun range gun and great for plinking. It would never do (as any .22, as a personal defense firearm.).
Strongly agree on the mags. That being said I have had that problem with every all-polymer magazine I've ever used, so I don't know if that's a Taurus thing. Still, a good prescription for reliability fo sho.
I have the regular TX22, it has had zero failure to feed out of : Federal Automatch bulk, Aguila super, CCI stinger, then both Remington and CCI Subsonic. It has had failures to fire at least 3 or 5 times of the Federal bulk. I've been super impressed with it's reliability for me. It's not defensive handgun reliable, but it's cheap(ish) fun, and the aftermarket/modification is surprisingly active and available. The other issue I had was somewhere between 6-700 rounds(many suppressed as well), it started keyholing. I cleaned the barrel of the lead buildup from my cheap bulk stuff, and it was right back in action in minutes. I'm about 1.5k rounds in, and if it breaks tomorrow, I got my money's worth. But then, Taurus would replace it! :)
Taurus is now made in the USA, and quality is improving. You are the only reviewer I've seen who had this much trouble with this particular gun when using quality ammo (as quality as .22 rounds can get).
Taurus's G2/G3 line is actually pretty decent now. They're like Kia: they realized they could sell more by making stuff people actually want to buy that won't fall apart.
In regards to the Taurus name, what needs to happen is look at where it is from on the gun. Should it say Brazil then it's a craps shoot how it will perform. Should it say Miami or now it's Georgia location then it is far superior in quality. I've owned four Taurus semiautomatics myself (PT740, G2C, G2S, TX22), each with well over 2000 round thru them, and each US made were with less than 10 failures in total.
I have six Taurus pistols and I love them all. They are all accurate, reliable and eats everything I feed them. My TX22 is an awesome pistol and extremely reliable in over a thousand rounds I have had only 2 ammo related failures to fire and no other issues.
I have shot the Taurus TX22 Competition and Sig p322 extensively (thousands of rounds). The Taurus is much more reliable with virtually all brands of ammo but the SIG is far more accurate. The Taurus TX22 has key holing (bullets turned sideways) problems and needed barrel replacement. Even some of the new replacement barrels from Taurus continued to key hole. I have tried 5 barrels in the TX22 Competion. Three of them key holed, one had below average accuracy and one was as accurate as the Sig P322. The nice thing about Taurus is that you can buy replacement barrels for $60 on their website.
I've had four or 5 Taurus pistols the past couple of years and Taurus seems to really be upping their game. The last ones were a G3C and 2 GX4's - all three never had a failure so far.
Taurus pistols have been phenomenal since the G2C came out. I have the model 66 .357 7shot revolver, the G2C, the GX4, and the TX22. I’ve shot the crap out of all of them. They’ve all been excellent guns. I understand getting a bad taste in your mouth for certain companies. Every Ruger that I’ve owned has been a joke(to say the least). From horrible problems with malfunctions, to weak firing pins, etc. Ruger has failed me. People have different experiences. My dad, my friend, and my brother have had major problems with some Sigs(1911, and P320), and Glock(19). Most people think that when they pay more for something, it’s easier to excuse problems with the firearm. I “use” all of my guns, and a gun that won’t run is of zero use to me. I don’t care what the name on the side of it is, or how much it costed.
I love my TX22 and bought it in the 4" version black and found out taurus sells the complete upper assembly competition so I bought it as well for $200 on the taurus website so now I got the best of both worlds.taurus offers the lifetime warranty as long as you the original owner so I've kept all my paperwork.im not a huge fan of taurus but never had a problem out of this pistol and love it and will keep it forever and for only $550 total for the gun new plus two slides and barrels is a bargain.
I'm an NRA Instructor. I've been renting my tx22 out to students to shoot the qualification on for around 4-5 years. It has been shot suppressed 100% of the time, and has around 30,000 rounds of mostly CCI Standard velocity through it and is still running perfectly! I hate every single Taurus firearm I have ever touched, minus this one.
@@B_R_ Must not have been 4-5 years then! more like 3. I got it when it first came out. Still stand by the round count though. All ammunition used through it came out of my personal stores so I have a pretty great idea of how much it has been shot since its my only .22. Between getting used by anyone who wants to save their 9mm ammunition due to cost, which is nearly every student I have had, and my kids putting alot of rounds through it, the gun just wont quit. It will likely die before too long and i'll just throw it away and get abother one for $300.
@@B_R_ I have a sample size of 1. My buddy, who is an NRA Training counselor bought one and had a HORRIBLE experience. Rounds keyholing at 7 yards, jamming every 3 or 4 rounds with almost every type of ammunition. That cant be the norm though. Most people seem to like them. I love that it has really tactile index points for teaching trigger discipline, and forward thumb placement in the slotted cutouts on either side of the frame.
You are awesome Chris, lmao @ happy birthday advice, lol! I asked for the Tx22 review, thanks for this follow-up! You give the most fair and balanced reviews out there.
I own a Taurus G3C and it is my every day carry. I absolutely love it and I have well over 1000 rounds in it with no issues. Highly recommend any of the G series Taurus pistols.
I dig it. It’s not a trainer or target pistol but it makes a great entry level competition handgun for steel challenge, USPSA or any other comp with a 22 class. They’re stupid cheap ($430) and you get A LOT for your money. I’ve never been a Taurus guy either but this thing is slick
I've put about 1000 rounds of 1250 velocity 40 grain through mine and I absolutely love it. Not a single malfunction. Over the next few days I'm going to run a few thousand rounds of at least 8 types of ammo through it. Everything from snake shot to federal punch and everything in between. The only thing I don't have that I want to try is the 60 grain sub sonic rounds. I'll update this comment if I remember and let everyone know what my general results are.
The first note in the Happy Birthday song is the lowest, so always start singing at the lowest note you can comfortably sing, otherwise you'll run out of your vocal range by the time you reach the third "birthday." 😃🎂
I have a 22/45 mkiv and about 4k rounds through it. It has the same issues as this 22, failure to feed, stove pipes, magazine feeding issues, but it's overall an ok gun. The Taurus has a couple features you failed to mention but are extremely valuable when it comes to competition, and that is the ammo capacity and the magazine falls free on its own weight leading to faster reloads, clearing of stoppages, and fewer magazines required for a string of fire. Those are huge pluses when time matters.
My TX22 needed a new barrel right out of the box. Taurus replaced it quick and it worked well. I upgraded the spring and guide rod with one from Lakeline and now it's unstoppable. Eats anything and everything. CCI standard velocity are my favorite, like shooting a BB gun.
My first Taurus was a PT92. I’ve had it for at least 15 years and it has been literally bulletproof. I realize that it’s a Beretta at heart but it gave me the confidence to try others. I’ve had a flawless PT145 and G2C. (Recall on the 145 resulted in the delivery of the G2C). The G2C has been equally flawless. All that having been said, I bought a Ruger SR22 pistol and even it runs best on CCI Mini-Mag. The .22 offerings from Taurus and Sig both look great but do not seem to be an upgrade from my SR22.
Traditionally, 22s that look like center fire pistols have issues. I’ve had a P22 with a slide break and fly off the gun. The old Sig Mosquitos were noted to have reliability issues, and the Glock 44 had problems with its initial release as well. There are too many compromises made when building a gun to cycle 22LR with a slide design from a center fire pistol. The slides are often made of soft, cheap metal to keep the weight and price down. The best 22 pistols are the ones designed from the outset to be 22s and not those that look like another pistol.
Good review. My experience with a TX22 comp is pretty similar to yours. I also have the roll pin issue and it was very ammo sensitive, so I sent it back for warranty work. It now reliably cycles a decent variety of loads including Aguila 40 grain HV/SV and CCI Blazer/Mini-Mag/SV, but it chokes with Federal Automatch. I have a Ruger Mark IV Target, but I find myself shooting the TX22 more often. Although I can shoot the Mark IV more accurately at distance, I'm still pretty accurate with the TX22. Also, the TX22 has a significantly higher capacity and better stock trigger and ergonomics than the Mark IV. Compared with the Mark IV, I found the TX22 to be a more enjoyable plinker and trainer for someone who has full size/compact centerfire striker fired pistols.
On the same brand bad streak. Stock new standard TX22 gave up the ghost at ~2500 rounds with feeding issues 1/10 or more rounds with any ammo including minimags; none of the mags (even ordered OEM new ones) made a difference. Rear sight would not stay zeroed (not sliding in dovetail). Firesold it for a C note and not looking back. btw your happy birthday advice rocks--please keep that stuff coming too. Thanks for yet another excellent vid.
I have two TX22S. Run them mainly suppressed. They have many rounds through them, 7k and 10k+! Both have had slide replaced. $45 bench fee and $55 shipping. Tandemkross fiber optic front sight is nice addition. They eat everything. I also have a FN502 with Vortex Venom. It is newer to the collection and has only about 1500 rounds through it, primarily Federal bulk CPRN. It is identical in size to FN903. So great trainer for that platform. The Sig P322 gets the least use of my 22lr pistols. Truly I am a wheel gun guy. My Ruger LCRs in 22lr and 22WMR, S&W 317-3 get almost as much use as TX22s.
Ive been absolutely dumping ammo through my tx22 since it was introduced and its a dead ringer with acceptable reliability for rimfire, pro's is its accurate, 10" gong at 50yds sings. Its trigger is excellent , and the firearm is very lightweight. con's are the rear sight design can obstruct the front sight if it needs to be adjusted lower such as mine, the roll pin holding the breach block walks, the barrel thread design is not optimal the thread adapter/protector becomes easily loose i wish it was traditionally threaded. I highly recommend buying one taurus has been going in the right direction
I have a standard TX22 with a dovetail optic mount from Lakeline LLC., with a Holosun 407K. The mount required hand fitting but has been very solid. I've been running it for about two years with no problems. I shoot every week and would estimate I have about 5000 rounds through the gun. The main quality control issue I have seen is the barrel. I think the bore may be at the max diameter it can be and still remain in engineering tolerances. I say this because some brands/types of ammo will keyhole while others don't. I have seen this same issue with numerous friends who also run the TX22. Some have sent their gun back to Taurus for repair and received new barrels with the same problem. I don't know if this problem exists with the competition model since it uses an entirely different barrel. Mine has run like a sewing machine since I bought it, and with the right ammo I don't have any keyholes. Your mileage may vary.
I purchased my TX22 back in 2019 well over 600 rounds of federal ammo and a few others, even some old stuff found in their shed. Zero failures, or malfunctions I loved that gun, (accurate, reliable, very good ergonomics) but I recently traded it and my P320xf for a Beretta 92x compact for a carry weapon,.. Yes I've been bitten by the Beretta bug! Next I'll be getting a M9A4 version for a nightstand / range gun. But I will probably repurchase a standard TX22 also I really miss it!
You've basically highlighted all of the problems with so many .22 semiauto pistols - ammo just doesn't want to feed consistently. I find that my CZ conversion kits on top of my P-07 & my 75BD work perfectly with almost any ammo and they're really the only way to go in my opinion.
Thanks Chris for another enlightening and objective review. I, like you, am not a Taurus fan and tend to stay from all low budget firearms…you do get what you pay for most of the time. I am a big Walther proponent and for several years competed with a Q5 9mm. So, when Walther introduced the Q5 .22LR, I had to have one as a training tool. The Walther Q5 .22 is not a cheap pistol and mine has functioned flawlessly but the sights are pure crap unfortunately, so you can imagine my disappointment when I discovered that. I have never been able to zero the Walther sights for one thing and secondly, the rear sight sheered off the original slide and had to go back to the factory for a new slide with a modified version of the rear sight which I could not zero either (they all impact high when bottomed out). So, sometimes even high quality mfgs screw up…Sig & Walther being perfect examples, but in the main you get what you pay for…
Thank you Chris for a great review and for remaining objective despite past issues with Taurus firearms. The firearm genie must like me because I have had zero issues with all of the Taurus firearms I own. Cracking slides seem to be an issue with .22 semi-autos and Walther's P-22 had similar issues with cracking slides. The aforementioned Walther P-22 also has those who love it and have had no issues, and those who have had nothing but problems with theirs. It appears to be difficult for a firearm manufacturer to climb out of the lemon basket once they have a problematic firearm. Keep up the good reviews!
I don't know if it's already been commented, so; Taurus sells a conversation kit for the TX22 standard to make it a competition model. I think that's reason enough to love this pistol.
Yeh I’ve got the original tx22 and the competition, they both eat everything and shoot great. Thousands and thousands of rounds. I’ve got the new Sig 322 and the barrel leads up in under 300 rounds
The only Taurus pistol I consider ever buying. Looks like they really hit a home run here. I got a BuckMark Medallion and a 92fs in .22lr, but they lack the ability to install a red dot directly like this TX22 (I can change the top of the Browning for a picatinny). The ability to mount it directly on the fixed barrel, instead of a moving slide, is very interesting.
I've had really good luck with my tx22 as well. Roughly 800 rounds of trouble free plinking for under 300. Can't go wrong with the crazy ammo prices going on
My opinion is the slide has to be quite light and putting an optic on the slide changes that weight. That would cause many reliability issues like the sig. A cartridge with more power would definitely not care as much about extra slide weight. The taurus mitigated that by mounting the optic to the barrel. However that's not to say taurus Is always reliable. Just seems like a good idea for optics placement that just makes sense to me.
Currently at 1640-ish rounds in my regular TX, 450 of which with a Lakeline plate and Sig Romeo Zero. I've had pretty crappy issues with a Taurus 85 and PT-24/7 OSS in the past, but this TX has been running like a champ. For mine, Aguila 40 gr. Super Extra and Remington Yellow Jackets run best. Your mileage may vary.
Great review Chris!! I am contemplating buying a TX22….It’s about as reliable of a 22LR as any I have seen on internet reviews so far…Honest Outlaw gave it a 10 and actually liked the trigger…Ammo is key with a rim fire 22LR as rim fire is what it is…..Thanks for the Happy Birthday advise😎👍
The optics plate will loosen if you don't degrease and lox tite. Same with the thread protector. Use the loading tool and load one at a time like a center fire. With those done, it's really nice. You're not loading it right. Do not use the mag buttons to depress the stack.
My TX22 competition started off with a lot of failure to feeds. Tried paying attention to how I load the magazines and tried different types of ammo. By the 3rd trip to the range, the problems stopped. First time I’ve had to break in a gun, but I have heard about it before. Also, I have had bad luck with red dots. I put a Vortex Venom on it first, but the dot would not move when I tried to zero it. Eventually bought a budget Cylee Calf red dot for it, but the screws were not the same as the Venom. This red dot is advertised as fitting the Venom, but be aware if you purchase the Cylee Calf for a Taurus Tx22, you will need to find a correct set of 6-48 screws to mount it, even with the plate.
If you have either version of this, go get the few upgrades that are out there, and it blows Sig out of the water!!! Sadly, Sig is the same as FN. We made the perfect 22...... then recall after recall, after broken parts because they test their products on us!!! Then after 3 generations we get something decent for $1,000 bucks Haha I agree about Taurus, I wouldn't take one if you gave it to me years ago!!! Nowadays, I've got a G3CTORO with almost 2,000 rounds without a hiccup. A TX22 with a few upgrades, at about 1,200 rounds. Maybe 15-20 ammo related issues, I kinda think I'm exaggerating even with those numbers Lol I've tried several comps and suppressors, so it's been fun Haha ALSO, you can buy a new slide for the Taurus for $200 bucks!!! Two guns for the price of a Sig Haha Both the standard and comp version are the same price, if you can find em in stock Lol
I've had mine for about 6 months (non competition model), probably a couple thousand rounds. Right at the beginning, I tried some Federal LRN I had sitting around, it caused stovepipes galore. So I next got the MiniMags (from you!) and it was better, but still feeding and ejection issues. I did a little research, and apparently the magazines aren't deburred from the factory, so I took them both apart and cleaned them with a mag brush. Also decided to try the CCI AR Tactical ammo, and it's been heaven ever since. Even runs MiniMag and Velocitor no problem, I actually just ran some 22long and short through...it wouldn't cycle with the short, but long was ok. Still doesn't like the LRN, I think the softer lead gets jammed on the feed ramp, but runs fine with cheaper Norma. Just my 2 cents (maybe a nickle) but I love this gun, and saves me money over 9mm.
I'm pretty new to firearms and I've got a Ruger MK1 that occasionally gets that hangup and dented case issue on it, glad to see it isn't just my dingus Ruger doing it. Edit: Great lifetip at the end, Chris!
Own a bunch of 22 pistols and the tx22 outshines them all for being the least finicky with ammo. (still in the break in with the p322, but not impressed so far). The experience with the TX22 made me buy some G3 and gx4 Taurus guns right before the WA mag ban. Taurus has come a long way.
If you want to test the best Taurus' can deliver in 2022, the "Executive Grade" 856 revolver is supposedly hand tuned by their gun smiths in Brazil, and it's still only around $500. 3" barrel and 6 shots of 38 with a bobbed hammer.
After 3K+ rounds in my TX, I broke the firing pin. Taurus covered everything. Have some feeding issues with cheaper ammo, but if you give it the good stuff, it’s really reliable.
I’m at 2,230 rounds. Will be at 2,980 rounds when I shoot the ammo in my truck. Hope I don’t have that issue. If I do I’ll fix it and keep on trucking though
One of my first guns was a Taurus PT1911. I wish I had listened to all of the bad press. It had constant failure to ejects and slide stop failures. I sold it after less than a year. It would take several more years of positive turn around before I even considered giving them my money again.
My TX22 Competition is almost flawlessly reliable. It will eat CCI Standard Velocity ALL DAY, which is almost like shooting a BB gun in terms of recoil. I have run plenty of other brands also without any problems.
Lucky gunner coming with the happy birthday tips...giving the dad advice we didn't know we needed.
sounded like personal experience, Happy belated Birthday Chris! 🍰
Yeah, that was a very surreal segueway.
I’ve got close to 1000 through my TX22 without cleaning or a failure. Taurus may have made a lot of garbage in the past but they got it right with this one.
I bought a Taurus Millennium PT111 G2 when it was on sale for $200 new at Cabela's. Let's just say at that moment in my life I had a precipitous need for a gun to defend myself and my home. Had very little disposable income. I know cheap guns get a lot of hate, but they serve a real purpose for people who simply can't do better for the time being. I ran a thousand rounds through it in the first two months I got it. There was a jam on the second mag, then never again, even until this day. I think the recoil spring just needed breaking in. I still really like it.
Same with me. Nearly 1000rds before a deep clean. Had major extraction issues due to the lead buildup in the chamber. A good scrubbing and cleaning out the buildup in the slide by the muzzle and it runs like new again.
Taurus makes a lot of good guns.
I got the pt 111 too, being on a buget, but it's a reliable shooter. Also the tx 22. My gf loved my tx so much she bought one.
g2c is pretty good too
I have the TX22 competition gun with a swampfox optic.
My first purchase from both companies.
All I can say is this sucker is AMAZING!!!
Eats everything, good trigger, great grip and accurate.
Just buy one.
Done ;)
Mine gets stove pipes with cci tactical ammo trying Winchester next then Mini mags if that doesn’t work
I’ve been carrying a T G2C for a couple of years. Love it. Definitely a budget pistol, but reliable, ergonomic and accurate. But... to each their own.
I used to dislike Taurus, but it looks to me like they're out to bring their name out of the gutter. And they're doing a decent job of it. I strongly considered a G series pistol. When I pick up a revolver it's more or less settled that I'll get a Taurus Raging Bull. They're doing good things, I approve.
I bought a Taurus Millennium PT111 G2 when it was on sale for $200 new at Cabela's. Let's just say at that moment in my life I had a precipitous need for a gun to defend myself and my home and I had very little disposable income. I know cheap guns get a lot of hate, but they serve a real purpose for people who simply can't do better for the time being. I ran a thousand rounds through it in the first two months I got it. There was a jam on the second mag, then never again, even until this day. I think the recoil spring just needed breaking in. I still really like it.
@@DaimyoD0 great story... and yes: oftentimes they need to be broken in some before they are fully reliable.
I do the same. It's not my main carry, but it's in the rotation. It has been great for me in every way. Really happy that Taurus is coming out with better products for the low price point.
Little known fact, but you can slam-jam a P228/P229 magazine in there, and it works (flawlessly). Just sticks out a tad.
I have a G2C, and a P228/229 hybrid (home build) and routinely use the 228/229 mag in my G2C.
I have the regular version and it is awesome for a 22lr to never have a issue in a 800 round box is spectacular and mine did. Taurus is stepping up they are becoming extremely ergonomic economic and reliable
Same, my tx22 just chugs along with most ammo. I've gone hundreds of rounds between cleanings with no issues, no pins backing out or anything like that. I do see feel issues when the magazines aren't properly loaded, which is easier to do wrong than on other pistols.
I love my TX 22 I use CCI standard velocity with my suppressor and it functions 100% with or without the suppressor.
What’s the velocity on the standard ?
I was one of those who strongly suggested the tx22 competition on the last video and I agree with every one of your points (perhaps most importantly the very last one). It's definitely a full size gun, but some training with a red dot and a trigger that's very similar to ones used in carry guns I still find to have immense value...but it ain't a center-fire analog. I was surprised to hear about ammo finickiness as mine runs Federal Automatch, Cci minimags, Cci standard vel, Browning bulk and a few others brilliantly, but, as you point out, that's not uncommon. I also run mine with a can, so that could, at least theoretically make a difference. For an inexpensive, options -having, high capacity, relatively reliable rimfire with some training analogs, I still think this can't be beat. Great video as always, Chris!
Edit: I have not had the roll pin issue either. mine isn't centered, but it isn't sitting proud. Something I'll definitely keep an eye on.
I normally question someone buying a Taurus, but the TX22 is A) not a defensive gun, it's allowed to be iffy B) a .22, it's really allowed to be iffy, and C) Not iffy, Taurus really seems to have knocked it out the park with this one.
Great birthday song tip on top of your always beyond superb presentations Chris - we are among your many ammo customers.
For years I have talked about people singing happy birthday like it's a funeral dirge! Your comment put a big smile on my face. And thanks for a great review!
Chris is one of the few honest reviewers. I have a Sig P322 that has the known barrel leading problem. Sig replaced it twice with no success. What a failure!!
I have the original TX22. It did have the problem with the front of the slide breaking. Taurus replaced it on warranty, returning it to me in half the promised time, and performance is hugely improved. What also greatly improved reliability was cleaning the insides of each magazine with a particular brush, recommended in a certain RUclips video.
The ergonomics for this gun are excellent, and I actually like the trigger very much -- as say countless others in online reviews. BTW, even though it's a .22 rimfire, it has been specifically designed to be totally safe to dry-fire -- important for a training gun.
Good, but depressing advice. We got a Millennium Pro for my wife in .32 ACP a long time ago, and I did not realize the magazines came pre-gritted from the factory. The result was wear on the plastic followers and an “automatic” failure to feed. New replacement magazines in this caliber are unobtainable, and used magazines have the same wear.
I had hoped that Taurus would have solved this by now. I kind of like that pistol otherwise.
Even a year ago, Taurus has improved so much starting with the 9mm offering. I agree with you but that was enlightened by RUclips. I have all three models now and have had no problems. Time to upgrade your opinion.
I’ve had my regular TX22 for about 4 years now running federal bulk ammo. Never had any problems with the pistol. I like the way it feels in the hand
Your videos are some of the most informative, best produced in the web. Much thanks for all the work you and your team put into these!
Life coaching? No. Stand-up comedy? Maybe. Sales pitch? Of course but we forgive you because of the hearty laughter that resulted.
Man, you know how to make great videos that are entertaining and straight to the point. Hitting the Subscribe button now.
I have a TX 22 competition. I've had it for a year. It does like CCI Mini Mags as well as Winchester High Velocity. Other ammo is less reliable. Even with mini mags there are occasional feeding issues but nothing crazy.
it's a fun gun to shoot and doesn't disappoint at the range. if you just bought one I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you clean, scrub and lube the magazines first. Take the follower and spring out and clean the rails inside the mags. This will help eliminate feeding issues which, in the .22 world ,are just part of the deal. I wish Taurus did a better job with their mags. it's my only complaint. With those things in mind I recommend this firearm as a fun range gun. The trigger pull I have found is very clean and with break and reset very close together and crisp. The optic mount on the barrel means less likelihood of losing zero since the barrel doesn't reciprocate.
I have a friend of mine that had a custom holster made for his. It works well but the guy that made it had to be creative.
All in all, it's a fun range gun and great for plinking. It would never do (as any .22, as a personal defense firearm.).
Eric Terrell: "very clean and with break and reset very close together"
Mine too. Makes it very easy to "ride the sear"........
Strongly agree on the mags. That being said I have had that problem with every all-polymer magazine I've ever used, so I don't know if that's a Taurus thing. Still, a good prescription for reliability fo sho.
that comment about bdays at the end, is so spot on, take notes people!
I have the regular TX22, it has had zero failure to feed out of : Federal Automatch bulk, Aguila super, CCI stinger, then both Remington and CCI Subsonic. It has had failures to fire at least 3 or 5 times of the Federal bulk. I've been super impressed with it's reliability for me. It's not defensive handgun reliable, but it's cheap(ish) fun, and the aftermarket/modification is surprisingly active and available. The other issue I had was somewhere between 6-700 rounds(many suppressed as well), it started keyholing. I cleaned the barrel of the lead buildup from my cheap bulk stuff, and it was right back in action in minutes.
I'm about 1.5k rounds in, and if it breaks tomorrow, I got my money's worth. But then, Taurus would replace it! :)
Happy f.n Birthday Lucky!
Funnest thing I've heard in awhile.
Thanks -J
best birthday song: the combichrist version. lights up a room every time.
Taurus is now made in the USA, and quality is improving. You are the only reviewer I've seen who had this much trouble with this particular gun when using quality ammo (as quality as .22 rounds can get).
Also I strongly dislike the taurus lineup as well, but imo the TX22 is a cut above the rest.
Taurus's G2/G3 line is actually pretty decent now. They're like Kia: they realized they could sell more by making stuff people actually want to buy that won't fall apart.
@@bwofficial1776 most of their revolvers are good too.
In regards to the Taurus name, what needs to happen is look at where it is from on the gun. Should it say Brazil then it's a craps shoot how it will perform. Should it say Miami or now it's Georgia location then it is far superior in quality.
I've owned four Taurus semiautomatics myself (PT740, G2C, G2S, TX22), each with well over 2000 round thru them, and each US made were with less than 10 failures in total.
Taurus is either the best thing ever or total garbage. There's not a lot of in between.
Thanks for that HBD song tempo tip.
I have six Taurus pistols and I love them all. They are all accurate, reliable and eats everything I feed them. My TX22 is an awesome pistol and extremely reliable in over a thousand rounds I have had only 2 ammo related failures to fire and no other issues.
The Happy Birthday tip was hilarious and also is proof that I can listen to this guy explain anything.
I have shot the Taurus TX22 Competition and Sig p322 extensively (thousands of rounds). The Taurus is much more reliable with virtually all brands of ammo but the SIG is far more accurate. The Taurus TX22 has key holing (bullets turned sideways) problems and needed barrel replacement. Even some of the new replacement barrels from Taurus continued to key hole. I have tried 5 barrels in the TX22 Competion. Three of them key holed, one had below average accuracy and one was as accurate as the Sig P322. The nice thing about Taurus is that you can buy replacement barrels for $60 on their website.
I've had a bunch of Taurus pistols and only had one break and that was in the early 90's!
I've had four or 5 Taurus pistols the past couple of years and Taurus seems to really be upping their game. The last ones were a G3C and 2 GX4's - all three never had a failure so far.
Taurus pistols have been phenomenal since the G2C came out. I have the model 66 .357 7shot revolver, the G2C, the GX4, and the TX22. I’ve shot the crap out of all of them. They’ve all been excellent guns. I understand getting a bad taste in your mouth for certain companies. Every Ruger that I’ve owned has been a joke(to say the least). From horrible problems with malfunctions, to weak firing pins, etc. Ruger has failed me. People have different experiences. My dad, my friend, and my brother have had major problems with some Sigs(1911, and P320), and Glock(19). Most people think that when they pay more for something, it’s easier to excuse problems with the firearm. I “use” all of my guns, and a gun that won’t run is of zero use to me. I don’t care what the name on the side of it is, or how much it costed.
Thanks, Jamie....Lucky Gunner spent an inordinate amount of time trashing Taurus.
My Taurus PT-1911 has worked flawlessly! They have gotten much better in the last 10-15 years.
Thanks chris...Chris.... next one I need to look at is the walther ppq .22 I just bought one from a friend.
Yeah, those look pretty cool. Hope they work better than the Walther P22!
Love my TX 22
have over 500 rounds through it. Not 1 issue yet.....
Also G2C budget friendly yet reliable...
3rd and I love this pistol as much as my other TX22! And that's good advice on the Happy Birthday song.
Didn't think I'd be getting some updated tempo markings for Happy Birthday from Lucky Gunner's RUclips channel but I'm glad it happened.
I love my TX22 and bought it in the 4" version black and found out taurus sells the complete upper assembly competition so I bought it as well for $200 on the taurus website so now I got the best of both worlds.taurus offers the lifetime warranty as long as you the original owner so I've kept all my paperwork.im not a huge fan of taurus but never had a problem out of this pistol and love it and will keep it forever and for only $550 total for the gun new plus two slides and barrels is a bargain.
When you come away from a review video and the dad advice is so much better than the product being reviewed.
I had a taurus 856 revolver and it ran great. It is a great budget option vs a smith & wesson. I loved the light double action trigger too.
Pretty good gun review. Priceless birthday advice.
Great video Chris. The birthday tip is one I never thought of. I'm going to try it out! Thanks again for all you do for our community.
I'm an NRA Instructor. I've been renting my tx22 out to students to shoot the qualification on for around 4-5 years. It has been shot suppressed 100% of the time, and has around 30,000 rounds of mostly CCI Standard velocity through it and is still running perfectly!
I hate every single Taurus firearm I have ever touched, minus this one.
Very impressive. That's a lot of range time.
It's only been in production since mid 2019
@@B_R_ Must not have been 4-5 years then! more like 3. I got it when it first came out. Still stand by the round count though. All ammunition used through it came out of my personal stores so I have a pretty great idea of how much it has been shot since its my only .22. Between getting used by anyone who wants to save their 9mm ammunition due to cost, which is nearly every student I have had, and my kids putting alot of rounds through it, the gun just wont quit. It will likely die before too long and i'll just throw it away and get abother one for $300.
@@garrettsayger1275 I've heard mostly good things about them. They def have a huge fan base.
@@B_R_ I have a sample size of 1. My buddy, who is an NRA Training counselor bought one and had a HORRIBLE experience. Rounds keyholing at 7 yards, jamming every 3 or 4 rounds with almost every type of ammunition. That cant be the norm though. Most people seem to like them. I love that it has really tactile index points for teaching trigger discipline, and forward thumb placement in the slotted cutouts on either side of the frame.
The way you end the video always surprises me. Keep it up!
Chris...excellent as usual. This is one of my favorite channels on RUclips.
The trigger on my taurus is awsome . Mine has shot many types of ammo with no issues.
You are awesome Chris, lmao @ happy birthday advice, lol! I asked for the Tx22 review, thanks for this follow-up! You give the most fair and balanced reviews out there.
My Taurus TX 22 is great. A favorite of mine too shoot. I want to check out the Taurus GX4XL.
This is very spot on. Happy birthday often is a funeral dirge rather than a life celebration. Keep the tempo up!
I own a Taurus G3C and it is my every day carry. I absolutely love it and I have well over 1000 rounds in it with no issues. Highly recommend any of the G series Taurus pistols.
I love my Taurus TX22 competition with Vortex Viper red dot!! I was able to get a belt holster for it from Forged Tec Holsters. Holds it perfectly.
I dig it. It’s not a trainer or target pistol but it makes a great entry level competition handgun for steel challenge, USPSA or any other comp with a 22 class. They’re stupid cheap ($430) and you get A LOT for your money. I’ve never been a Taurus guy either but this thing is slick
The happy birthday advice was worth watching the entire video for!
Optic mounting plate for the TX22 (replaces the rear sight using the dovetail) is $29. Add any optic you want to the
I've put about 1000 rounds of 1250 velocity 40 grain through mine and I absolutely love it. Not a single malfunction.
Over the next few days I'm going to run a few thousand rounds of at least 8 types of ammo through it. Everything from snake shot to federal punch and everything in between.
The only thing I don't have that I want to try is the 60 grain sub sonic rounds.
I'll update this comment if I remember and let everyone know what my general results are.
I appreciate your thoughts on the TX22. Also was entertained by your description of a funeral dirge paced happy birthday 😂
The first note in the Happy Birthday song is the lowest, so always start singing at the lowest note you can comfortably sing, otherwise you'll run out of your vocal range by the time you reach the third "birthday." 😃🎂
I have a 22/45 mkiv and about 4k rounds through it. It has the same issues as this 22, failure to feed, stove pipes, magazine feeding issues, but it's overall an ok gun. The Taurus has a couple features you failed to mention but are extremely valuable when it comes to competition, and that is the ammo capacity and the magazine falls free on its own weight leading to faster reloads, clearing of stoppages, and fewer magazines required for a string of fire. Those are huge pluses when time matters.
My TX22 needed a new barrel right out of the box. Taurus replaced it quick and it worked well. I upgraded the spring and guide rod with one from Lakeline and now it's unstoppable. Eats anything and everything. CCI standard velocity are my favorite, like shooting a BB gun.
why did u upgrade the spring? and did u use a stiffer one?
My first Taurus was a PT92. I’ve had it for at least 15 years and it has been literally bulletproof. I realize that it’s a Beretta at heart but it gave me the confidence to try others. I’ve had a flawless PT145 and G2C. (Recall on the 145 resulted in the delivery of the G2C). The G2C has been equally flawless. All that having been said, I bought a Ruger SR22 pistol and even it runs best on CCI Mini-Mag. The .22 offerings from Taurus and Sig both look great but do not seem to be an upgrade from my SR22.
Traditionally, 22s that look like center fire pistols have issues. I’ve had a P22 with a slide break and fly off the gun. The old Sig Mosquitos were noted to have reliability issues, and the Glock 44 had problems with its initial release as well. There are too many compromises made when building a gun to cycle 22LR with a slide design from a center fire pistol. The slides are often made of soft, cheap metal to keep the weight and price down. The best 22 pistols are the ones designed from the outset to be 22s and not those that look like another pistol.
Good review. My experience with a TX22 comp is pretty similar to yours. I also have the roll pin issue and it was very ammo sensitive, so I sent it back for warranty work. It now reliably cycles a decent variety of loads including Aguila 40 grain HV/SV and CCI Blazer/Mini-Mag/SV, but it chokes with Federal Automatch.
I have a Ruger Mark IV Target, but I find myself shooting the TX22 more often. Although I can shoot the Mark IV more accurately at distance, I'm still pretty accurate with the TX22. Also, the TX22 has a significantly higher capacity and better stock trigger and ergonomics than the Mark IV. Compared with the Mark IV, I found the TX22 to be a more enjoyable plinker and trainer for someone who has full size/compact centerfire striker fired pistols.
I had zero issues with mine running cci clean subs with my can on it. It ran flawless and was ringing steel at 100 yards.
On the same brand bad streak. Stock new standard TX22 gave up the ghost at ~2500 rounds with feeding issues 1/10 or more rounds with any ammo including minimags; none of the mags (even ordered OEM new ones) made a difference. Rear sight would not stay zeroed (not sliding in dovetail). Firesold it for a C note and not looking back. btw your happy birthday advice rocks--please keep that stuff coming too. Thanks for yet another excellent vid.
I have two TX22S. Run them mainly suppressed. They have many rounds through them, 7k and 10k+! Both have had slide replaced. $45 bench fee and $55 shipping. Tandemkross fiber optic front sight is nice addition. They eat everything.
I also have a FN502 with Vortex Venom. It is newer to the collection and has only about 1500 rounds through it, primarily Federal bulk CPRN.
It is identical in size to FN903. So great trainer for that platform.
The Sig P322 gets the least use of my 22lr pistols.
Truly I am a wheel gun guy. My Ruger LCRs in 22lr and 22WMR, S&W 317-3 get almost as much use as TX22s.
Ive been absolutely dumping ammo through my tx22 since it was introduced and its a dead ringer with acceptable reliability for rimfire, pro's is its accurate, 10" gong at 50yds sings. Its trigger is excellent , and the firearm is very lightweight. con's are the rear sight design can obstruct the front sight if it needs to be adjusted lower such as mine, the roll pin holding the breach block walks, the barrel thread design is not optimal the thread adapter/protector becomes easily loose i wish it was traditionally threaded. I highly recommend buying one taurus has been going in the right direction
I have a standard TX22 with a dovetail optic mount from Lakeline LLC., with a Holosun 407K. The mount required hand fitting but has been very solid. I've been running it for about two years with no problems. I shoot every week and would estimate I have about 5000 rounds through the gun.
The main quality control issue I have seen is the barrel. I think the bore may be at the max diameter it can be and still remain in engineering tolerances. I say this because some brands/types of ammo will keyhole while others don't. I have seen this same issue with numerous friends who also run the TX22. Some have sent their gun back to Taurus for repair and received new barrels with the same problem. I don't know if this problem exists with the competition model since it uses an entirely different barrel.
Mine has run like a sewing machine since I bought it, and with the right ammo I don't have any keyholes. Your mileage may vary.
I purchased my TX22 back in 2019 well over 600 rounds of federal ammo and a few others, even some old stuff found in their shed. Zero failures, or malfunctions I loved that gun, (accurate, reliable, very good ergonomics) but I recently traded it and my P320xf for a Beretta 92x compact for a carry weapon,.. Yes I've been bitten by the Beretta bug! Next I'll be getting a M9A4 version for a nightstand / range gun.
But I will probably repurchase a standard TX22 also I really miss it!
What a lead in for a commercial
🙌 Happy birthday!
Loved the birthday song coaching. So true!
You've basically highlighted all of the problems with so many .22 semiauto pistols - ammo just doesn't want to feed consistently. I find that my CZ conversion kits on top of my P-07 & my 75BD work perfectly with almost any ammo and they're really the only way to go in my opinion.
Birthday advice best advice well done Chris!
Thanks Chris for another enlightening and objective review. I, like you, am not a Taurus fan and tend to stay from all low budget firearms…you do get what you pay for most of the time. I am a big Walther proponent and for several years competed with a Q5 9mm. So, when Walther introduced the Q5 .22LR, I had to have one as a training tool. The Walther Q5 .22 is not a cheap pistol and mine has functioned flawlessly but the sights are pure crap unfortunately, so you can imagine my disappointment when I discovered that. I have never been able to zero the Walther sights for one thing and secondly, the rear sight sheered off the original slide and had to go back to the factory for a new slide with a modified version of the rear sight which I could not zero either (they all impact high when bottomed out). So, sometimes even high quality mfgs screw up…Sig & Walther being perfect examples, but in the main you get what you pay for…
That's legit advice, and I am here for it.
Loved the birthday life lesson! Nice review…
Love the video, and I love the birthday song training.
Thank you Chris for a great review and for remaining objective despite past issues with Taurus firearms. The firearm genie must like me because I have had zero issues with all of the Taurus firearms I own. Cracking slides seem to be an issue with .22 semi-autos and Walther's P-22 had similar issues with cracking slides. The aforementioned Walther P-22 also has those who love it and have had no issues, and those who have had nothing but problems with theirs. It appears to be difficult for a firearm manufacturer to climb out of the lemon basket once they have a problematic firearm. Keep up the good reviews!
Hell yes on the happy birthday. HELL yes.
I don't know if it's already been commented, so; Taurus sells a conversation kit for the TX22 standard to make it a competition model. I think that's reason enough to love this pistol.
Solid points re Happy Birthday.
Yeh I’ve got the original tx22 and the competition, they both eat everything and shoot great. Thousands and thousands of rounds. I’ve got the new Sig 322 and the barrel leads up in under 300 rounds
Nice, I like that at the end, the shameless ammo plug, that was smooth.....
The only Taurus pistol I consider ever buying. Looks like they really hit a home run here.
I got a BuckMark Medallion and a 92fs in .22lr, but they lack the ability to install a red dot directly like this TX22 (I can change the top of the Browning for a picatinny). The ability to mount it directly on the fixed barrel, instead of a moving slide, is very interesting.
My tx22 has had almost 0 issues out of the 3k rounds I've put through it. A lot of it was suppressed though which may change reliability
I've had really good luck with my tx22 as well. Roughly 800 rounds of trouble free plinking for under 300. Can't go wrong with the crazy ammo prices going on
Great life lesson at the end!
My opinion is the slide has to be quite light and putting an optic on the slide changes that weight. That would cause many reliability issues like the sig. A cartridge with more power would definitely not care as much about extra slide weight. The taurus mitigated that by mounting the optic to the barrel. However that's not to say taurus Is always reliable. Just seems like a good idea for optics placement that just makes sense to me.
The happy birthday advice is good stuff.
Currently at 1640-ish rounds in my regular TX, 450 of which with a Lakeline plate and Sig Romeo Zero. I've had pretty crappy issues with a Taurus 85 and PT-24/7 OSS in the past, but this TX has been running like a champ. For mine, Aguila 40 gr. Super Extra and Remington Yellow Jackets run best. Your mileage may vary.
Great review Chris!! I am contemplating buying a TX22….It’s about as reliable of a 22LR as any I have seen on internet reviews so far…Honest Outlaw gave it a 10 and actually liked the trigger…Ammo is key with a rim fire 22LR as rim fire is what it is…..Thanks for the Happy Birthday advise😎👍
The optics plate will loosen if you don't degrease and lox tite. Same with the thread protector. Use the loading tool and load one at a time like a center fire. With those done, it's really nice. You're not loading it right. Do not use the mag buttons to depress the stack.
My TX22 competition started off with a lot of failure to feeds. Tried paying attention to how I load the magazines and tried different types of ammo. By the 3rd trip to the range, the problems stopped. First time I’ve had to break in a gun, but I have heard about it before. Also, I have had bad luck with red dots. I put a Vortex Venom on it first, but the dot would not move when I tried to zero it. Eventually bought a budget Cylee Calf red dot for it, but the screws were not the same as the Venom. This red dot is advertised as fitting the Venom, but be aware if you purchase the Cylee Calf for a Taurus Tx22, you will need to find a correct set of 6-48 screws to mount it, even with the plate.
If you have either version of this, go get the few upgrades that are out there, and it blows Sig out of the water!!! Sadly, Sig is the same as FN. We made the perfect 22...... then recall after recall, after broken parts because they test their products on us!!! Then after 3 generations we get something decent for $1,000 bucks Haha I agree about Taurus, I wouldn't take one if you gave it to me years ago!!! Nowadays, I've got a G3CTORO with almost 2,000 rounds without a hiccup. A TX22 with a few upgrades, at about 1,200 rounds. Maybe 15-20 ammo related issues, I kinda think I'm exaggerating even with those numbers Lol I've tried several comps and suppressors, so it's been fun Haha ALSO, you can buy a new slide for the Taurus for $200 bucks!!! Two guns for the price of a Sig Haha Both the standard and comp version are the same price, if you can find em in stock Lol
Brilliant Birthday advice!
I've had mine for about 6 months (non competition model), probably a couple thousand rounds. Right at the beginning, I tried some Federal LRN I had sitting around, it caused stovepipes galore. So I next got the MiniMags (from you!) and it was better, but still feeding and ejection issues. I did a little research, and apparently the magazines aren't deburred from the factory, so I took them both apart and cleaned them with a mag brush. Also decided to try the CCI AR Tactical ammo, and it's been heaven ever since. Even runs MiniMag and Velocitor no problem, I actually just ran some 22long and short through...it wouldn't cycle with the short, but long was ok. Still doesn't like the LRN, I think the softer lead gets jammed on the feed ramp, but runs fine with cheaper Norma. Just my 2 cents (maybe a nickle) but I love this gun, and saves me money over 9mm.
Okay, the singing tip would make me a lifetime customer, if I weren't already. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
I'm pretty new to firearms and I've got a Ruger MK1 that occasionally gets that hangup and dented case issue on it, glad to see it isn't just my dingus Ruger doing it.
Edit: Great lifetip at the end, Chris!
Own a bunch of 22 pistols and the tx22 outshines them all for being the least finicky with ammo. (still in the break in with the p322, but not impressed so far).
The experience with the TX22 made me buy some G3 and gx4 Taurus guns right before the WA mag ban. Taurus has come a long way.
If you want to test the best Taurus' can deliver in 2022, the "Executive Grade" 856 revolver is supposedly hand tuned by their gun smiths in Brazil, and it's still only around $500. 3" barrel and 6 shots of 38 with a bobbed hammer.
After 3K+ rounds in my TX, I broke the firing pin. Taurus covered everything. Have some feeding issues with cheaper ammo, but if you give it the good stuff, it’s really reliable.
I’m at 2,230 rounds. Will be at 2,980 rounds when I shoot the ammo in my truck. Hope I don’t have that issue. If I do I’ll fix it and keep on trucking though
One of my first guns was a Taurus PT1911. I wish I had listened to all of the bad press. It had constant failure to ejects and slide stop failures. I sold it after less than a year. It would take several more years of positive turn around before I even considered giving them my money again.
My TX22 Competition is almost flawlessly reliable. It will eat CCI Standard Velocity ALL DAY, which is almost like shooting a BB gun in terms of recoil. I have run plenty of other brands also without any problems.