Rome and Nubia: The Forgotten War

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @laabitres
    @laabitres 4 года назад +208

    Nubians also defeated the Persians and Greeks in battle, their archery was renowned throughout the world, but history books don't want to talk about that.

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +16

      @Micheal Hnat You're wrong on everything... Ancient kush was all of sudan not Ethiopia... Ethiopians was what Greeks called nubians... And nubians are Sudanic not nilotic

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +2

      @Micheal Hnat You're living in some fantasy...Are u stupid??? I said Ethiopians were what Greeks called nubians u idiot ....can u read?? And again the merotic language is related to Sudanic language..old nubian is related to modern nubiin.. Spoken by aswan nubians... Merotic language is far from nilotic.. Here is a break down of the merotic language...
      Nubians live in the nubian Sahara 8k years ago..
      The methodological basis of Christopher Ehret’s linguistic reconstruction, bracketing a period around 8 000 BC for Proto-Northern Sudanic (part of the Nilo-Saharan language family)
      Proto-Northern Sudanic language contains root words such as “to drive,” “cow, “grain,””ear of grain,” and “grindstone.” Any of these might apply to food production, but another root word meaning “to milk” is cetainly the most convincing evidence of incipient pastoralism. There are also root words for “temporary shelter” and “to make a pot.” In the succeeding Proto-Saharo-Sahelian language, there are root words for “to cultivate”, “to prepare field”, to “clear” (of weeds), and “cultivated field.” this is the first unambiguous linguistic evidence of cultivation. There are also words for “thornbush cattle pen,” “fence,” “yard,” “grannary,” as well as “to herd” and “cattle.” In the following Proto-Sahelian period, there are root words for “goat,” “sheep,” “ram,” and “lamb,” indicating the presence of small livestock. There are root words for “cow,” “bull,” “ox,” and “young cow” or “heifer” and, indeed, a variety of terms relating to cultivation and permanent houses

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +21

      @Micheal Hnat Black Americans are literally Nigerians and Ghanaians you're not Israelite

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад

      @Steven EYE He's a melt he also misunderstood what i wrote

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +1

      @Micheal Hnat You're using the bible as archeological evidence... Lolo good joke... U think nubians still dress like they did 3000 years ago?? I just gave u the linguist evidence of Saharan people of the region and the linguist evidence of region.. U just by passed it and then brings up the bible lolol... Like i said the merotic language is close to old nubian related to modern nubiin... Ancient sudan and modern sudan are not that different... Different ethnic groups live in many parts like they do today..nilotic tribes in the south are our brothers but the ruling class of kush were the northern Sudanic people.. Even cushitic tribes in Sudan were apart of kush.. Ok here is a drawing of nubian mercenaries by the Egyptians... They are drawn exactly like the Egyptians...

  • @TheCristuff
    @TheCristuff 5 лет назад +312

    There is such much in the desert of Sudan still being excavated with new stories being found

    • @greatnilemedjaywarrior3155
      @greatnilemedjaywarrior3155 4 года назад +9

      Yes yes an yes I Agree Sudan is Big an there is Alot to Be Discover

    • @dogwhistle8836
      @dogwhistle8836 4 года назад +7

      @Baleri Kirmu dont be bringing pigmentation into history and stop being a paragon of virtue signalling normal ppl just want to enjoy history not this woke religious propaganda

    • @tnbn55
      @tnbn55 3 года назад +2

      Sudan, the real Babylon.

    • @cursedclover1339
      @cursedclover1339 3 года назад +20

      @@dogwhistle8836 race is very important to history we know as humans alot of the viewpoints towards darker skinned Africans were negative and incredibly bias. unless a alien was to document history in truth were always going to be bias, in this world race is very important to historical viewpoints theory's and discovery.

    • @curtisthomas2670
      @curtisthomas2670 3 года назад +8

      Some have speculated that under the sands of Sudan and Egypt much more lies buried than has been discovered and uncoveredto date

  • @maliandek
    @maliandek 3 года назад +22

    Thank you brother. I will renew my early study on the ancient kingdoms of present day Sudan. It is time for the modern day descendants of the African people to remember who they really are. Only then, through self respect, can we rebuild our families, businesses and communities.

  • @AbbeyRoadkill1
    @AbbeyRoadkill1 5 лет назад +311

    Such a shame we don't have Nubia's view of this conflict. History textbooks certainly don't mention this war at all. Heck, it even gets left out of "deep dives" into Roman history such as Mike Duncan's History of Rome podcast.

    • @y2k21
      @y2k21 5 лет назад +14

      We do have their view of the war but we can't decipher Meroitic script yet.

    • @DABEEZ737
      @DABEEZ737 5 лет назад +20

      @Admire Kashiri His (NL) JOB is to draw out black people and find out what they know... by provocation and dissemination of racist clap trap.
      Its funny how youtube is full of these TROLLS and AGENTS..

    • @stephenbrady5220
      @stephenbrady5220 5 лет назад

      @@y2k21 🤣

    • @y2k21
      @y2k21 5 лет назад +33

      @@NeptunesLagoon I'm not discussing geopolitics, history, sociology or business with someone like you.
      You're a waste of my valuable time and that's why I defaulted to wasting your time with an unintelligent rant about weath, health and dick size.
      Conversationaly that's all YOU are worth. You're not Hitler, you're not Trump, you're not Churchill and you're not even Tosh.O so why would I have a debate with an unimportant, narrow minded deranged Nationalist who not only takes credit for other European peoples accomplishments in the past while contributing little to nothing NOW but also lost sight of what's really important in an increasingly globalized, debt fueld MODERN geopolitical climate.

    • @y2k21
      @y2k21 5 лет назад +22

      @@NeptunesLagoon But I can give you this.
      I hate narrow minded Afrocentrist views as much as I hate your narrow minded Eurocentrist views on an ANCIENT civilization that has very little in common with Modern America.

  • @jrjoseph9213
    @jrjoseph9213 3 года назад +129

    The Roman were defeated in Nubia point blank. Kush kept all his land and remain fully independant and did not had to pay tribute to Rome and last another 500 years...The Romans, like the Greeks, like the Persian Empire did not succeded to conquered Kush. Lets face it, it is clearly not the Kushites who asked for peace but the Romans who just could not do anything so deep in Africa. That defeated occured in 22 BC and Kush was still so powerfull 500 years later. when pagan cults were banned in the Roman Empire around 450 AD, the cult of Isis remains allowed in Philæ for the Nubians only. Only a victorious empire can have that kind of privileges. Rome was defeated in Africa end of the Story.

    • @bobthabuilda1525
      @bobthabuilda1525 3 года назад +10

      Repeating falsehoods will not make them true

    • @jrjoseph9213
      @jrjoseph9213 3 года назад +13

      @@bobthabuilda1525 And which version is false according to you?

    • @bobthabuilda1525
      @bobthabuilda1525 3 года назад +7

      @@jrjoseph9213 There is only one claim you repeated multiple times; since you pretend to be clueless, however, I'll spell out the obvious. The romans didn't lose to the Nubians, and that's not according to me, that's reality. The Nubians wanted to negotiate for peace after the battle at Qasr Ibrim and become a client state of Rome. That isn't something you do as a victor.

    • @jrjoseph9213
      @jrjoseph9213 3 года назад +30

      @@bobthabuilda1525 So you say The Roman did not lose but the Nubians somehow managed to Regain Qasr Ibrim , did not had to pay tribute to Rome, extented their border to Maharaqqa(Hieraskaminos) Which is north of Qasr Ibrim and retain the rights to go to Philae until 450AD....What an interesting "victory" by the Romans a nice expression of Clemency to those who were "defeated". Even if it defies logic some people like you will repeat a lie until you believe its true.

    • @smoothcriminal4038
      @smoothcriminal4038 3 года назад +4

      Joshua Caleb The same can be said about the comment you just made.

  • @OBZRV82
    @OBZRV82 5 лет назад +89

    It's obvious that certain chapters in history are either proposly ignored or altered. It's a disservice to all mankind when this happens. But eventually Truth emerges and reveals it's self.

    • @Usthereout
      @Usthereout 4 года назад +8

      @Zack WY you mad?

    • @thecraplordsell4575
      @thecraplordsell4575 4 года назад +14

      Zack WY wow someone is triggered and butthurt over an unknown history. Are you like this hurt over other non powerful kingdoms defeating powerful empires lol

    • @OBZRV82
      @OBZRV82 4 года назад +11

      @Zack WY Ma'am please.. There's no need to get emotional about ancient history.

    • @Gorilla.24
      @Gorilla.24 3 года назад +2

      @@thecraplordsell4575 bitch..all z system is based on a lie

    • @gradeared
      @gradeared 3 года назад

      We’re coming.

  • @dingbum8618
    @dingbum8618 5 лет назад +202

    Gaius Iulius Caesar was never crowned Emperor. (2:47) He was "Dictator for live" but refused the crown offered to him as a symbol of kingship.

    • @AbbeyRoadkill1
      @AbbeyRoadkill1 5 лет назад +30

      Technically he never took a crown but in the end that's just semantics. He was the sole ruler of Rome and was therefore Emperor. I have no problem with calling him Emperor because, functionally, that's what he was at the time.

    • @matthewsmith1779
      @matthewsmith1779 5 лет назад +28

      @Witchfinder Nielsen

    • @Ekphrasys
      @Ekphrasys 5 лет назад +23

      Whammy Bard no: Caesar was a DICTATOR, Like Cincinnatus or Silla before him ... It was something very different ... Besides, the term emperor was military and not political... Emperor has began to be used as a political word in the late empire , especially the Eastern part (Byzantine)... Emperors like Augustus (the first proper Roman emperor) were called PRINCE, CAESAR and later AUGUSTUS.
      Prince was also a military term during the Republican times .... But Caesar was definitely a dictator .

    • @philipzahn491
      @philipzahn491 5 лет назад +1

      ...and he wasn't called "Caesar Augustus" during the Second Triumvirate.

    • @rifter0x0000
      @rifter0x0000 5 лет назад +3

      Ekphrasys Caesar was named Imperator after being named Dictator. It's also the origin of the word Emperor. I don't think Sulla got that title but you're right that technically Caesar wasn't king or Emperor by title. He did have pretty much the same powers as an emperor though, and was able to pass his title through heredity unlike what the Republican constitution prescribed.

  • @kromeworld2804
    @kromeworld2804 3 года назад +38

    Queen Amanirenas lost her husband and son to the war, but in the end she sat triumphant over the head of Caesar Augustus in her Sovereign Nubian Kingdom full of never-ending gold, beauty and wealth the likes of which most Romans would never know. Black Excellence.

    • @kromeworld2804
      @kromeworld2804 3 года назад

      @Physical Removal defeated the Roman Empire.

    • @kromeworld2804
      @kromeworld2804 3 года назад +2

      @Physical Removal lol. Right, Rome is totally cool with getting smacked in the face and not going back to crush those who disrespect them. You're delusional. There is plenty of evidence that they actually respected the Nubians and even enlisted them in their army. Nubians were better as trading partners than subjects -- unlike most of Europe which the Romans viewed as useless barbarians... Most of Rome's gold was from Nubia and Egypt (Egypt's was from Nubia)...

    • @kromeworld2804
      @kromeworld2804 3 года назад +1

      @Physical Removal It's funny how you read that without realizing the adoration for the Nubian King. You also fail to realize how Flavius is comparing Nubian slaves to Greek slaves or Arabic slaves - who are weaker and useless. There were slaves of every race - and there still is. Silly modern westerners have convinced themselves they've never been slaves and only black people were ever slaves - so stupid. Your racial version of history is actually a cage that you are choosing to keep yourself in. I hope you can find your way out.

    • @knowledgedesk1653
      @knowledgedesk1653 3 года назад

      @Physical Removal I am from India. Europeans were living in caves and wood houses when we were building great advanced cities. Wood huts😂

    • @knowledgedesk1653
      @knowledgedesk1653 3 года назад +2

      @Physical Removal Arabs crumbled Romans in mere decade but weren't able to subjugate Nubians for 600 years.

  • @k.c1126
    @k.c1126 3 года назад +23

    This was a very interesting presentation. I didn't realize that Rome had tried to conquer Nubia, but I should have expected that to be so.

    • @curtisstewart9426
      @curtisstewart9426 3 года назад +2

      Rome eventually conquered Carthage (Tunisia today). They were enemies. Hannibal, took a longer northern route to conquer Rome, but failed. He lost nearly have his Army and Elephants too.. He was at the doorsteps of Rome. Rome, did have an interest in Northeastern Africa to extend their Empire. Even Mussolini conquered Ethiopia in 1936. He thought he was another Julius Caesar. Sadly to say.

    • @axi271
      @axi271 2 года назад +1

      @@curtisstewart9426 your information is false because Mussolini never conquered Ethiopia however it did occupy it's territory.

    • @vaktus3380
      @vaktus3380 Год назад

      @@axi271 occupation is conquest

  • @kamauthabiti5171
    @kamauthabiti5171 Год назад +1

    Dr Clarke would not let us forget. Great Dr Clarke, thanks for your knowledge.

  • @historicalafricanmartialar4295
    @historicalafricanmartialar4295 5 лет назад +134

    Thanks again for working with us on this video. it was a lot of fun to research and share. We hope that everyone enjoys listening as much as we did making it.
    A couple of corrections in the audio, we meant to say Julius Caesar was functionally emperor of Rome. While he had all the powers of an emperor, his official title was actually Dictator for life. Second, Nubia ruled Egypt for 88 years in the 25th dynasty. The 26th was actually the last Native African dynasty to rule Egypt before they were replaced by the Persian Empire in 525 BCE.

    • @AbbeyRoadkill1
      @AbbeyRoadkill1 5 лет назад +8

      I have no problem with calling Caesar "Emperor" because functionally that's what he was at that point in time. Calling him anything else is just playing word games.

    • @stefanpigford6891
      @stefanpigford6891 5 лет назад +1

      Historical African Martial Arts Association SPREAD THE WORD..TELL THE WORLD...
      TELL IT LIKE IT IS 💯✔️💪 🇲🇾👌

    • @y2k21
      @y2k21 4 года назад +2

      @@NeptunesLagoon I remember you. You're that guy who quit the debate we were having when I started referencing material from the most prestigious institute on Egyptology in Europe to back up my claim that Egyptian society was a multitude of different races.
      How's fighting mainstream science and archeology going? Did you show the world that your great, great, great grandfather invented everything? Did ya finally prove that blacks can only build a one room mud hut yet? Did ya learn how to spell finally?

    • @y2k21
      @y2k21 4 года назад +2

      @@NeptunesLagoon well my name is Shane and it was definitely you that I argued with. I remember your style of typing and your obsession with black inferiority.
      From what I can recall from our debate is that it started off by me dismissing you as a waste of my time. But after awhile I decided to give you a chance and actually presented an argument where I used material from the Max Planck Institute to back up my argument. You tried defending your argument with a video that you made but after a few more replies you just disappeared.

    • @y2k21
      @y2k21 4 года назад +1

      @@NeptunesLagoon Corals are not plants btw. Apparently you're also one of those people that don't know much about them.видео.html

  • @moibahdunor5790
    @moibahdunor5790 4 года назад +54

    The ancient african heroes are very old and only very fragile fractal memories remain. But whit these great stories our collective memory is patching the pieces together! Let's keep digging! Blessed

  • @Hborn
    @Hborn 3 года назад +12

    This should be a movie

  • @bookswithbenjamin8902
    @bookswithbenjamin8902 5 лет назад +27

    I was disappointed that it was only 12 minutes. I'm used to hour long lectures from you guys.

  • @patrickols
    @patrickols 5 лет назад +28

    This was very interesting. Usually that part of Rome history is never mention probably because most historians and people think that it's not an important part of Rome history. I will admit that I never knew about these wars.

    • @incognito96
      @incognito96 4 года назад +4

      @Kemetau 4ever they just decided to leave that one out.

    • @incognito96
      @incognito96 4 года назад

      @Hakuna by a one eyed african queen

    • @305jett
      @305jett 3 года назад +2

      Reading the works of Dr,John henrick Clark,you will get all off that and more,and in his words,time never dear entered Nubia, because the queen was there waiting on the Romans,with one of the stronge and powerful army,

    • @Calzaghe83
      @Calzaghe83 3 года назад +3

      It wasn't really a war. There are lots of Roman incursions that ended like this one. It's not anything special. Had they wished to they could have certainly captured all of this territory but it wasn't worth it. Look at the Roman incursions into Saudi Arabia for example.

    • @supahotjoe6493
      @supahotjoe6493 10 месяцев назад +1

      The same reason why they left Mali empire out of the history books or why they tried to make us think before -525 B.C that ancient kemet (ancient Egypt) was black.

  • @RosalegaFrumlegt
    @RosalegaFrumlegt 4 года назад +13

    This was absolutely fascinating. I keep revisiting this as I'd never heard of this before.
    Thank you for making this.

    @IFY0USEEKAY 5 лет назад +114

    The "Roman wife" that Antony divorced to marry Cleopatra was Octavia, sister of Octavian
    ( Augustus).

    • @AbbeyRoadkill1
      @AbbeyRoadkill1 5 лет назад +24

      Yeah, I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned. If you don't want to turn your fellow triumvir against you, you probly shouldn't divorce his sister. Mark Antony was not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    • @AbbeyRoadkill1
      @AbbeyRoadkill1 5 лет назад +5

      @Apollo Sun Yes, by all accounts Cleopatra was a fascinating person. Unfortunately, she bet on the wrong horse.

    • @rifter0x0000
      @rifter0x0000 5 лет назад +7

      Whammy Bard She didn't have much choice there, really. Octavian wasn't interested. Besides, Antony was an alcoholic and a bit of a hedonist (he was Epicurean among other factors).
      By all accounts Antony considered Octavian a spoiled upstart too young and inexperienced for his position. Antony thought himself the better choice and was a seasoned, gifted general. So he probably made Octavian angry on purpose thinking he could bait him east and beat him with Egyptian help.

    • @paulmentzer7658
      @paulmentzer7658 5 лет назад +2

      Or leave the place you are living in, the day before your pregnant wife was scheduled to arrive. Octavia had made the trip to get Mark Anthony to stop his conflict with her younger brother. The age difference between the two, made the relationship more mother-son then siblings. Octavia ended up traveling with her brother to Egypt. When Cleopatra committed suicide her household went into choas. Octavia on hearing of Cleopatra's death, went to Cleopatra's house to recover the two children of her husband, Mark Anthony (they were never divorced) for taking care of her husband's children was seen as a duty of a Roman wife, especially when the real mother is dead. She raised both children through adulthood, a daughter marrying a North African King.
      What Mark Anthony did when he made sure he would not be on the island he had been living on, leaving on the day before his pregnant wife was to arrive, made it easy for Octavian to get the Roman people and Roman Army and Navy behind him in the war against Mark Anthony.

    • @davidgagnon3781
      @davidgagnon3781 5 лет назад

      Yes indeed! Ouch! That was a mistake.

  • @russellthompson6079
    @russellthompson6079 5 лет назад +19

    A great chapter in the history of blacks that have been forgotten, thank you for bringing this to our attention!

    • @danial469
      @danial469 5 лет назад +1

      Yah i normally hate this we was kangz shit but this is cool.

    • @hollowyahmesu5391
      @hollowyahmesu5391 5 лет назад +3

      @@danial469 On 1 March 1979, The New York Times carried an article on its front page, written by Boyce Rensberger, with the headline: "Nubian Monarchy Called Oldest". In the article, Rensberger wrote: "Evidence of the oldest recognizable monarchy in human history, preceding the rise of the earliest Egyptian kings by several generations, has been discovered in artifacts from ancient Nubia." He estimated that "The first kings of Ta-Seti may well have ruled about 5900 BC."
      Bruce Williams, archaeologist at the University of Chicago, continuing the research, adds his perspective. "A newly discovered ancient kingdom is always a matter of interest, but when it precedes the earliest known monarchy, the unification of Egypt in the fourth millennium B.C., then history itself is reborn. The place is ancient Nubia at Qustul, where the investigation of archaeological materials recovered during the great 1960s rescue effort has recently unveiled a birthplace of pharaonic civilization several generations before the rise of the first historic Egyptian dynasty." (Archeology Magazine) Just west of the city of Kerma lies the site of Busharia, where shards of pottery dating from 8000 to 9000 BC have been found. A nearby discovery at El-Barga shed light on foundations of round buildings, graves and pottery shards from 7,500 BC. Therefore Kushitic civilization began on the banks of the Nile over 15,000 years ago and was settled at least 55,000 years prior. Furthermore, based on the traditions of the first settlers and the artifacts found in this region, Kushitic civilization gave birth to that of so-called "Egypt" (see also: Nile Valley Civilization).

    • @chefdariusjackson
      @chefdariusjackson 5 лет назад +12

      Dani Al shut the fuck up Mexicans talk about the Aztecs or Italians talk about romans etc. nobody is saying we wuz kangz... go back to 2015 with that bullshit 😴😴😴

    • @yolondagilbert1100
      @yolondagilbert1100 5 лет назад +1

      @Herbal Shaman , yeah...whatever you said; I agree. I was with you intially but became confused with all those big words and paragraphs. Anyhow, you're right! 😀✌

    • @patpatrik764
      @patpatrik764 5 лет назад +2

      @Herbal Shaman Got a source for any of those claims? You do not expect us to believe it just because you wrote a wall of text trying to sound smart, right?

  • @Dinofaustivoro
    @Dinofaustivoro 4 года назад +21

    I love when he starts talking about kush

  • @leepeel7129
    @leepeel7129 5 лет назад +8

    Thanks for putting this up! I had heard about this conflict a couple times, I'm glad I found some more info! It would be really cool to get that language translated and learn more in depth about the Kush. Awesome!

  • @yonatan484
    @yonatan484 3 года назад +70

    First of all the name nubia is made up in the 12 th century by European. Mero was their name also not ancient egypt its kemet

    • @NECHOMILLER1234
      @NECHOMILLER1234 3 года назад +11

      Nubian/s is the 10th century Muslim Egyptian name for Black slaves from African Continent. 19th Century Western European historians, used this name, as to legitimize the role of Black people as slaves in Europe and the Americas. Now its being used by Afro-Centric historians, to wash away the rich and diverse history of African nations and Empires. As it does not conform to the post-modern African American vision of what Ancient should be in their eyes. We need to stop using the word NUBIA/N as their was no such thing as the "Empire or land of the Salves".

    • @xzility1941
      @xzility1941 3 года назад +1

      @@NECHOMILLER1234 bro slaverys been gone for like 100 years chill 💀

    • @kadensmike8190
      @kadensmike8190 3 года назад +19

      @@xzility1941 Slavery still exists and many police forces around the world are struggling to stop trafficking and forced labour of adults AND children. Please do not be so insensitive to suggest someone in the USA 'chills' about the effects of the African slave trade - their society is crippled by racism to this day.

    • @marymcdonald9932
      @marymcdonald9932 3 года назад

      Thank you

    • @marymcdonald9932
      @marymcdonald9932 3 года назад +11

      @@kadensmike8190 Shoot...the American prison system is a form of modern day slavery. Those prisoners are paid nickels to 1 dollar daily for their hard factory like work. Exploited by large companies. Not only that...they have to work like that to pay for jailhouse expenses including using the phones.

  • @musakam
    @musakam 4 года назад +163

    If you really believe this side of this story which is from the Romans, then you are a fool. It is quite inconsistent with the Roman way of conducting war. Nubia was rich in gold and strategically position in terms of its geography, the Romans were defeated, I hope one day we could be able to read the Nubian side of the story through their writings.

    • @youtubeyoutube936
      @youtubeyoutube936 3 года назад +3

      What was its strategic importance?

    • @DSNCB919
      @DSNCB919 3 года назад +2

      I think they can read them that it's a lie to hide the truth honestly

    •  3 года назад +12

      The Nubians couldn’t defeat the Romans. Even the Parthians were far weaker than the Romans who conquered all their territories along the Tigris and Euphrates. They had logistical problems maintaining such massive swathes of territories with their primitive communication technology. They constantly had civil wars by generals who tried to break away from Rome.

    •  3 года назад +9

      @Best Commentseva
      The fact you don’t know about the city of Ctesiphon of the Parthians was captured by Rome five times in its history - three times in the 2nd century alone. The emperor Trajan captured Ctesiphon in 116, but his successor, Hadrian, decided to willingly return Ctesiphon in 117 as part of a peace settlement is proof you have no idea what you’re talking about. Rome was practically invisible during its golden age.

    • @Jman511x
      @Jman511x 3 года назад +23

      @Sharon Scavella Cleopatra was Greek. Pharaohs during the Ptolomaic era were Greek not native Egyptians. Native Egyptians were never able regain control of Egypt again after the Persians conquered them in 525 bce. Then the Greeks conquered Egypt in 332 bce. Also there’s more than one cleopatra there were 7. The Cleopatra they’re referring to in this video is the last Cleopatra.

  • @fe7264
    @fe7264 5 лет назад +51

    I’m from Sudan and recently went back to visit the motherland about a year ago. I got visit Meroe during my month long vacation. It is sad that the gold thirsty colonizers destroyed the tops of our pyramids using TNT in search of gold. Also, the Nubian language is nearing extinction. I hope our new government will recognize it and teach it in schools throughout our country. Throughout our recent political protests we referred to our Sudanese women as kandakas (warrior queens) for their bravery in protesting our military.

    • @fe7264
      @fe7264 5 лет назад +22

      ​@Zak Jansen First of all, who said I wanted to be white? Colonization paved way to many conflicts in my country. My family didn't expect the issues to be resolved in a short period of time so they decided to leave the country and moved to America. In America, my father became a physician at the world's biggest cancer center and my mother became a biostatistician at the world's biggest medical center. I am currently in medical school. My family came to America legally, became citizens, never broke the law, pay our taxes, and never used any federal assistance programs. Moreover, we volunteer regularly in America and give money to those in need in both America and Sudan. If situation in Sudan improves, we all intend to move back. America has benefitted from my family being here. So you can fuck off with that 'go back to your country' bs.

    • @kingpiye99
      @kingpiye99 5 лет назад +2

      @@fe7264 أدي في راسو 😂

    • @junjungatbos3548
      @junjungatbos3548 5 лет назад +3

      @@fe7264 haha get'm bro👍

    • @junjungatbos3548
      @junjungatbos3548 5 лет назад

      @Zak Jansen you're a dumbass😄🤣

    • @azzyhumble218
      @azzyhumble218 5 лет назад +1

      Zak Jansen you people are the first to start conflicts and instigating. Until ppl change yaself it will always be evil

  • @BashiyrDouglas
    @BashiyrDouglas 3 года назад +5

    We are Global African Indigenous people!! Love and Unity is the best key for us all together!!💯
    Also Giving thanks to the Great Mother's/Goddesses and Great Father's/Gods and the Ancestors and Guardians!! Saying from Snefer aka Bashiyr!!🤴🏿👸🏿

  • @jozz2248
    @jozz2248 5 лет назад +22

    I click on these videos even though I don't even have the time to watch sometimes... I know I will eventually, I just want to help support the channel.
    Much love. The precipice of History fascinates me to the utmost.

  • @shanemize3775
    @shanemize3775 3 года назад +8

    Very fascinating video. I've never heard of this war, though I have heard of the Cushite Kingdom, of course. I hope that more research and archeology gets done, so that the story can be told from the Cushite perspective one day. Great video and presentation. Please keep the outstanding videos coming and God bless you, my friend!

  • @roannateminya5209
    @roannateminya5209 3 года назад +10

    Nubians used to rule Egypt ...I deeply think even the Egyptian pyramids were built by the Nubians but the current Egyptians won't agree to this....

    • @danbeg4183
      @danbeg4183 3 года назад +6

      true cause there more pyramids in sudan or nubia than Egypt

    • @BadBoy-cp9lp
      @BadBoy-cp9lp 3 года назад +3

      The current Egyptians are Arab they came to Africa to spread Islam ☪️.

    • @Sikandros
      @Sikandros 3 года назад +2

      But the Sudanese pyramids are no where near they quality of the great pyramids

    • @kingabstract2695
      @kingabstract2695 3 года назад

      @@Sikandros That proves it started at Nubia they improved theirs skills in time.

    • @Sikandros
      @Sikandros 3 года назад

      @@kingabstract2695 so where are the great nubian pyramids

  • @PerrisDGold
    @PerrisDGold 5 лет назад +6

    Thank you!!!! Thank you so much!!!! 6 am i found this video... love it from 🇪🇸

  • @jw6588
    @jw6588 5 лет назад +7

    Dope content. Thanks for capping off my evening nicely!

  • @greatnilemedjaywarrior3155
    @greatnilemedjaywarrior3155 5 лет назад +141

    I'm pretty sure if they go to Nubia Sudan and do some more Digging all across Nubia Kush I'm so so Sure they Will Find More Stuff it's just a matter of time an when it Needs to Be Done it's alot we still don't know Kush is Glory

    • @abdihassan5362
      @abdihassan5362 5 лет назад +24

      There is are lots of undiscovered places, like the land of the punt in horn of Africa our language is based on ancient Egyptian and so our cultures some of our festivals go way back in Kemit, even through we are Muslims there are old words we intend no to use cos they are old believes of planet's/sun/moon/ and elements and we have knowledge full of astronomy but you won't see it on
      tell lies a vision and westerners like to with wash everything in order to make the Blackman uncivilized

    • @mangammg646
      @mangammg646 5 лет назад +9

      Dude my mom is nubian we are not from Sudan,, nubian is a tribe sudan is a nation

    • @Bayard1503
      @Bayard1503 5 лет назад

      Who is "they" ? You can't possibly believe that they don't have archaeologists in Sudan

    • @420JackG
      @420JackG 5 лет назад +2

      We know very little in terms of the overall scope of human history... whether it's a baffling 10,000 year old temple in Anatolia, great cities consumed by jungles in southeast Asia or central America or equatorial Africa, or mysterious bronze age battlefields in northern Europe, we seem to understand very little. I suppose it's one of those "the more I learn the less I know" situations.

    • @truth8703
      @truth8703 5 лет назад

      @the iron way can you expound on that ship with treasure that was found off the coast of Somalia and what Netflix documentary it was in? Thanks!

  • @thecgwoodsoncenterofpedago9055
    @thecgwoodsoncenterofpedago9055 5 лет назад +104

    Nubia ruled Egypt during the 25th Dynasty.

    • @demetrionmason5447
      @demetrionmason5447 5 лет назад +71


    • @lordeldauoud142
      @lordeldauoud142 5 лет назад +17

      Demetrion Mason 200% Correct!!!!!!!

    • @thecgwoodsoncenterofpedago9055
      @thecgwoodsoncenterofpedago9055 5 лет назад +12

      @@demetrionmason5447 I agree that the region known as Nubia (Ta Seti) did influence Kemet. It is older than Kemet. But Nubians never governed Kemet as a polity before the 25th dynasty. Nubia for most of its history was not a single unified kingdom but a region with multiple kingdoms.

    • @demetrionmason5447
      @demetrionmason5447 5 лет назад +1

      @@mikevarga6742 what is wrong with u? I didnt say it does make me right. Why are u being confrontational when im only speaking on the subject?

    • @demetrionmason5447
      @demetrionmason5447 5 лет назад +1

      @@thecgwoodsoncenterofpedago9055 well put together. I love these type of conversations man.

  • @Bludaizee3
    @Bludaizee3 5 лет назад +6

    Excellent video! Thank you so much for some fascinating history. Also the narrator has a beautiful voice, I'd love to hear more of him please!

  • @isiomaamma9869
    @isiomaamma9869 5 лет назад +8

    Great historical events from ancient times !!

  • @kaleahcollins4567
    @kaleahcollins4567 3 года назад +4

    Egypt was not just a longtime Rivals Egypt was nubia's birth RIGHT. The first Egyptian kings were Nubian . Even fair Cleopatra had nubian maternal ancestry dna taken from Arsenoe skeleton. Nubian Egyptian and Greek Macedonian was her ANCESTRY.

  • @easternhistorian4763
    @easternhistorian4763 5 лет назад +5

    This is quite an interesting video! I thoroughly enjoyed the narrator and the accompanying images.

  • @TheMargaretgallagher
    @TheMargaretgallagher 5 лет назад +24

    This video about the Kushites vs. Romans is excellent. Thank you for sharing your research and insight.

  • @MasterMalrubius
    @MasterMalrubius 5 лет назад +27

    Thanks for bringing learning back to the internet.

  • @rodneyjenkins3908
    @rodneyjenkins3908 5 лет назад +4

    Black Africans helped the Roman empire stay in power for a long.North Africa was a huge stay for rome.Most of North Africa was populated by black people before the ARABS came in.

  • @eddeewhat5553
    @eddeewhat5553 5 лет назад +9

    I really enjoyed this. Just would have like if you had show a couple of the capitals or cities on the map. Still a great video

  • @mohamedswaray470
    @mohamedswaray470 2 года назад +1

    Wonderful video bro, great work. I have to say I left the whole pages for you to fill in. I’m writing my own history book, I no longer want to be accepting any bullshits. We have been reading lots of crap in this world, its time to shift away from falsehood to reality.

  • @mactown91210
    @mactown91210 3 года назад +5

    Because the west doesn’t deny Kush’s blackness I wouldn’t doubt that they do have a way to translate their language but won’t make it public seeing that all black history has to be denied and whitewashed. Great example is Egypt. They claim Egypt was everything except what it was before the Greeks conquered. They did leave countless images portraying their likeness and no your eyes don’t deceive you when you see them as black.

    • @elchaosnate8015
      @elchaosnate8015 3 года назад

      Truth will shine bright in their face

    • @accountretired9479
      @accountretired9479 3 года назад

      Well those Arab lackeys from North Africa are already trying to steal Nubian history now that they have Sudan to themselves, they saying the Nubians were Arabs and Amazigh, lol imagine looking at the depictions of Nubians and seeing Arabs. even in these comments there are some saying that

    • @Niani23455
      @Niani23455 3 года назад

      @@accountretired9479 Why is humanity so evil? When I found out the extent false data are published to prove the Nubians were non black, I cried. Never have I cried this way before as an adult. Just why? They took Egypt, isn't that enough? Some scholars even have the audacity to say black Nubia was inferior to white Nubia which was supposedly at Lower Nubia. Wtf is that even supposed to mean? Jesus Christ, if there is any greater power out there please save us. It's so painful that African nations barely give a crap as well.

  • @Delicious1922
    @Delicious1922 3 года назад +7

    Of course they never talk about this war, because Rome lost to an African nation. Rome in folklore is portrayed as invincible so scholars keep that lie going. When in reality they lost wars just like anybody else

    • @TheSoleGOAT
      @TheSoleGOAT 3 года назад +2

      We know they were defeated in parts of Germany, in Parthia and so on. This just seems like a minor war that we don't even know much about. Also lost? They couldn't conquer it.

    • @Calzaghe83
      @Calzaghe83 3 года назад +2

      @@TheSoleGOAT It's not even a war, it was a minor incursion. There are several incidences such as this, look at the Roman incursion into Saudi Arabia for example.

    • @Niani23455
      @Niani23455 3 года назад

      @@Calzaghe83 I want to ask, do minor incursions take place for 5 years?

  • @JuniorJuni070
    @JuniorJuni070 5 лет назад +26

    The nubians arent forgotten.
    They were one of the finest warriors in africa
    Great mercenaries

    • @silasbishop3055
      @silasbishop3055 3 года назад

      Did you mean Numidians?

    • @radrook4481
      @radrook4481 3 года назад

      Wonder why the Zulu didn't make use of the bow.

    • @hassanabdikarimmohamed2505
      @hassanabdikarimmohamed2505 3 года назад +1

      @@radrook4481 zulu are bantu and aren't even good at fighting, while nubians (related to the ancient medjay of ancient Egypt, ancestors of the modern Beja) were and still are genetically Cushites who were experts at warfare, just like their modern descendants the beja tribe of Sudan, defeated the British empire and killed their general, just like Cushites in Somalia defeated the British and Italian empires for 21 years (Dervish movement), while Ethiopian amhara tigray and oromo Cushites defeated the Italian alian empire twice, and Somalis in the 16th century were the only ethnic group in coastal Africa (entire Africa from Nigeria to Cape Dunford South Africa to Ras Hafun Somalia) to defeat the Portuguese empire both in land battles during the famous Conquest of Abyssinia 14 year invasion and war waged by the Somali Adal sultanate (even killing Roderigo Da gama, brother of explorer Vasco Da Gama) and in naval combat (ajuran sultanate war with the Portuguese empire)

    • @TermiNation_45669.
      @TermiNation_45669. 3 года назад +2

      @@radrook4481 The bows they had were similar in size and power to the bows of the Khoisan peoples. Naturally those bows were used primarily for hunting.
      You can find hundreds of sub saharan African ethnic groups who were expert archers all over the contintent from west to east Africa, and down to southern Africa. It just so happens that the Zulu people are not one of them.

    • @TermiNation_45669.
      @TermiNation_45669. 3 года назад +1

      @@hassanabdikarimmohamed2505 The Zulu people did as well as they could have. All they had was an iron age army fighting againts a modern 19th Century army. They were always going to lose in the end, but the fact that they managed to win a few times is a testiment to their capabilities.
      If they had proper access to the same weapons and given enough time to master them and implement them to their armies, they would have easily won.

  • @indupacs.a.6215
    @indupacs.a.6215 3 года назад +21

    Julius Cesar was never crowned “emperor of Rome” as you mentioned. First Emperor of Rome was his nephew Augusto Cesar. Go back to read history.

    • @matthewsmith1779
      @matthewsmith1779 3 года назад +4

      "Adopted" Son Augustus*

    • @amenrakwamehotepporchprima9307
      @amenrakwamehotepporchprima9307 3 года назад +1


    • @tnasr3254
      @tnasr3254 3 года назад +2

      Mistakes happen and HAMA wrote in the comment section 'A couple of corrections in the audio, we meant to say Julius Caesar was functionally emperor of Rome. While he had all the powers of an emperor, his official title was actually Dictator for life.'

  • @lupus.dei.
    @lupus.dei. 4 года назад +4

    It was not known as Egypt for thousands of years... it was known as Kemet.

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад

      Two lands.... Kemet was a toponym....

  • @unopinionated1823
    @unopinionated1823 3 года назад +5

    Great story and voice! You should include some instrumental music and sound effects and all would be fantastic!

  • @radrook4481
    @radrook4481 3 года назад +4

    European Historians accurately documented the defeats that Rome suffered at the hands of the Gauls, Germans, Carthaginians, Iberians, Parthians, Mongols etc. I see no reason to conclude that it suddenly started hiding defeats just because they were fighting against Nubians.

    • @scarletkingdom2359
      @scarletkingdom2359 3 года назад +3

      They never fought the mongols, those came at 1206 ce, Rome fell 395 ad

    • @accountretired9479
      @accountretired9479 3 года назад +7

      I'm sorry but those European historians have every reason to document the Roman defeats at the hands of Germanic tribes, Gauls etc as those are the people they descend from and the mongols defeats were documented by other peoples as well(muslims) so it would be hard to hide...lets not forget that the Nubians are black and if that is not self explanatory enough as to why colonial era historians(of which a lot of todays work is based off) would hide that then I'm sorry you need help

  • @420JackG
    @420JackG 5 лет назад +2

    Good video... I've neglected your channel for too long, time for a binge catch-up.

  • @AT-wj5sw
    @AT-wj5sw 5 лет назад +4

    I’m a Roman descendant. I respect all our old enemies. The great empires of old gave rise to the strongest humans that are around today.

  • @andrerenardamexembey9209
    @andrerenardamexembey9209 3 года назад +2


  • @CodellMusic
    @CodellMusic 5 лет назад +17

    Great video, thank you for sharing this important piece of history, you should definitely do more videos on ancient African empires, they like many other important parts of history are not covered enough!

    • @frankmill5172
      @frankmill5172 5 лет назад +4

      a Trump supporter liking Black African History I never thought I'd see the day lol

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 2 года назад

      this isn't your history

  • @lindsaygraham5687
    @lindsaygraham5687 5 лет назад +5

    Great video! Very interesting and informative. Just needs higher sound volume and much clearer narration.
    How about a video about the Arab slave trade in East Africa and the European conquests that put an end to it, like General Charles "Chinese" Gordon; the Congo Arab wars; the conquest of Zanzibar; the continuing Arab slave trade.

  • @barbaramack2897
    @barbaramack2897 4 года назад +4

    Once upon a time I took archery lessons. How I'd love to have those golden arrows!

  • @robertschlesinger1342
    @robertschlesinger1342 3 года назад +1

    Very interesting, informative and worthwhile video.

  • @shhmatdelski8386
    @shhmatdelski8386 3 года назад +5

    Nubia was made up of many tribes not one singular group. The thumbnail shows the Hamar tribe and to this day they still have red dreadlocks

  • @josephphoenix1376
    @josephphoenix1376 Год назад

    Excellent episode 👍

  • @jamesdavis4508
    @jamesdavis4508 3 года назад +3

    I will love to know more about this nubian queen 👸. Is fit for a epic movie.

  • @RayRay-yt5pe
    @RayRay-yt5pe 2 года назад +1

    It would be nice if they made a movie about this.

  • @valmarsiglia
    @valmarsiglia 4 года назад +8

    "meh-ro-IT-ic." "MEH-ro-ee." I'll never understand how someone can put so much work into making a video like this then think "Meh, I'll just wing it on the pronunciation of key terms" especially when the information is so readily available. It so unnecessarily undermines all the other work.

  • @jorehir
    @jorehir 3 года назад +3

    1) ancient Egypt had already been brought to an end by the Greeks. The Romans came when Egypt was already hellenized.
    2) Egypt was not in ruins. Despite some war damages, it remained one of the wealthiest regions in the Mediterranean (which is why the Romans wanted it).
    3) the Romans lost what?!? There were 2 legionary campaigns, and both were tactically victorious: the legionaries managed to push deep into Kushan territory and even sacked their capital city. Strategically, the Romans gained a stable border and a safe trading passage (close to the most important trading route for the Empire), much more convenient than further military pushes.

    • @jorehir
      @jorehir 3 года назад +2

      1 - The treaty granted to the Romans that the Dodekaschoinos was to remain Imperial control despite the invasion attempt of the Nubians and their claims, as well as war reparations like the return of the stolen statues, and also granted to the Romans the loot from Nabata and the other Nubian cities. On the other hand, the Nubians were granted to not pay tributes to Rome.
      I'll repeat it more schematically:
      > The Romans LOST their tributes but GAINED a stable Dodekaschoinos + the loot of Nabata.
      > The Nubians LOST the Dodekaschoinos forever + their loot on Egyptian cities but GAINED to not pay tributes to Rome.
      > Both gained peace and the wealth from the stable trading route.
      I've never claimed that the Romans won the war, and surely no one can claim that Meroe won the war. It was a fair peace treaty.
      "because roman egypt was starting to crumble"
      This is absolutely false. The Nubians were driven off Egypt as soon as the Legions arrived. Peace treaties happened when the two Legions were inside Kushan territory. Other 23 legions were at disposal of Rome at that time.
      2 - True, Napata wasn't formally the capital of the kingdom, like Rome wasn't formally the capital of the late Roman Empire. But still, that was an important raid to say the least, like the Vandal and Goth raids on Rome despite the capital being in Ravenna (or Constantinople or whatever).
      3 - Just because Meroe didn't win the war, it doesn't mean that they lost it. The same goes for the Romans.
      As mentioned, both parties gained and lost things, so that the final result is fairly neutral for both.
      And i invite you not to forget that the Legions were never defeated in that war, while the Nubian army was.
      "Common sense that the Nubians were kicking arse"
      Except that they were pushed back by the 2 Legions despite the huge numerical superiority and despite having the home court advantage...

  • @matthewmann8969
    @matthewmann8969 4 года назад +5

    Interactions in these times between Sudanics and Latins are interesting

  • @nyeusiutawala9639
    @nyeusiutawala9639 3 года назад +2

    History of Early Ethiopia or Kush (13,000-7500 BC)
    The region known as Kush has been inhabited for several millennia. Royal Ontario Museum and University of Khartoum researchers found a "tool workshop" south of Dongola, Sudan with thousands of paleolithic axes on rows of stones, dating back 70,000 years. As early as 13,000 BC, ceremonial burial practices were taking place at Jebel Sahaba and Wadi Halfa in the northern part of modern-day Sudan (known to archaeologists as the "Qadan" period, 13,000-8,000 BC).
    At the Toshka site in modern-day "Lower Nubia," archaeologists have uncovered tombs where domesticated wild cattle were placed above human remains, indicative of the use of cattle in a ceremonial fashion. Circular tomb walls with above-ground mounds are further evidence of the beginnings of ceremonial burials.
    At other sites nearby, we can see the development of Ethiopian (better known as "Egyptian") civilization. At the Kadruka cemetery, spouted vessels were found, and the tombs at El Gaba were filled with jewelry, pottery, ostrich feathers, headrests, facial painting, etc.--all of which were present in "dynastic Egypt," and are still used today amongst different peoples of modern-day Ethiopia. The neolithic Sabu rock paintings even depict dynastic Egyptian-style boats.
    Just west of the city of Kerma lies the site of Busharia, where shards of pottery dating from 8000 to 9000 BC have been found. A nearby discovery at El-Barga shed light on foundations of round buildings, graves and pottery shards from 7,500 BC.
    Therefore Kushitic civilization began on the banks of the Nile over 15,000 years ago and was settled at least 55,000 years prior.
    Furthermore, based on the traditions of the first settlers and the artifacts found in this region, Kushitic civilization gave birth to that of so-called "Egypt"

  • @alialsuri2490
    @alialsuri2490 4 года назад +4

    intresting info about arab archers professionalism in your video! in Khalid ibn alwaleed siege of Anbar fortress in Iraq, his archers manged to hit several hundreds eyes of Sasannid soldiers in one moment, and in arab resources they even call the event battle of the eyes. i read this event skeptically till i heard your info about nubian and arab archers' skill.
    i hope u make that new video soon
    thanx for your effort and loved your work

  • @riverbullshark
    @riverbullshark 3 года назад +1

    Nice video mate it was goog

  •  5 лет назад +6

    Got any videos of the 70 AD Roman Hebrew war? You know how the Hebrews had to run into Africa and migrate west to the horn of African? That’s a really important moment in time.

  • @veronicalogotheti5416
    @veronicalogotheti5416 2 года назад

    Thank you

  • @ta-setiwarrior1848
    @ta-setiwarrior1848 5 лет назад +26

    Egypt was only know by that name from the Greek, Not before .and it was not thousands of years because the Greek received its arts, science, religion ,from kemit.

  • @TheKeithvidz
    @TheKeithvidz 5 лет назад +2

    Title gave you INSTANT sub. The period I wrote of, will write and read.

  • @AMM0beatz
    @AMM0beatz 3 года назад +3

    Respect to nubia

  • @denniswambua4471
    @denniswambua4471 3 года назад +2

    How did aincent people of different languages communicate

  • @lennis4739
    @lennis4739 5 лет назад +10

    At 2:47 you say "Julius Caesar was crowned Emperor of Rome". This is not true, he was never Emperor. He was Dictator in 49BC, 48-47BC, 46-44BC and then "Dictator in perpetuity" in 44BC, but it wasn't until 27BC that Rome got its first Emperor in Julius Caesar's grand-nephew and adopted son Augustus.

    • @alexanderscott9001
      @alexanderscott9001 3 года назад +1

      What's the difference between Emperor and Dictator? They both have absolute power and nothing good has ever come from that. Just curious as to what makes them different other than the name...

  • @marielaveau6362
    @marielaveau6362 3 года назад +5

    I don't know how much of this presentation to believe, seeing as how you stated that the Kushites ruled the 26th dynasty of Egypt, when that statement is false/inaccurate. They ruled the 25th dynasty.

    • @user-vl2mr8mr5u
      @user-vl2mr8mr5u 3 года назад +1

      What he said is accurate about the wars tho

  • @catrr2194
    @catrr2194 5 лет назад +4

    🌬🌍👣🤷🏾‍♀️ I would like to hear more.

  • @jamesnave1249
    @jamesnave1249 2 года назад +2

    Great video! Such a shame we haven't managed to find anything to help us translate Kushite writings!

  • @eviljuicy5398
    @eviljuicy5398 3 года назад +8

    A few things first.
    Nubian-Roman War ended in a stalemate that went on for 5 years but it is true the treaty was mostly signed in favor of the Nubians and the taxation of her people in Lower Nubia was revoked so Amanirenas achieved her objectives eitherway.
    Other wars fought with Nubians and other Empires were...
    Egyptian and Nubians teamed up and drove out the Hyksos from Africa.
    Egyptian New Kingdom-Nubian war - Egypt won and conquered Nubia for centuries.
    Nubian-Persian war - Nubia won defeating Persian armies.
    Assyrian-Nubian wars - Nubia won three times under the commands of Shebitku, Shabaka and later Taharqa and ultimately saved Jerusalem aka modern-day Isreal. He would later lose against the Neo-Assyrian army a few decades later and die in Thebes in 664 BCE. His nephew Tantamani would win a few battles against them and retake Lower Egypt but would be driven back to Nubian lands and lose the war ending the 104 year 25th dynasty for good.
    Libyan Egyptian-Nubian war - Nubia won under the command of Pharaoh Kashta in 760BCE establishing the 25th dystanty and conquering Egypt, parts of Libya, and expand somewhat into Arabia.
    After Kingdom of Kush was weaken, it collapsed from the invasion of the Aksumite Empire in 350CE. Shortly afterwards it would form three powerful Christian Kingdoms, Alodia, Nobatia, Makuria which would last until 1504 CE ending the Nubian civilisation for good and beginning the era of Islam in Sudan.
    Nubians defeated the Islamic conquerers from West Asia twice and signed the longest peace treaty in human history for 600 years, Baqt pact.

    • @HotHeadCJ
      @HotHeadCJ 3 года назад

      Thank you

    • @dogons2k12
      @dogons2k12 3 года назад

      I see that your summary has 10 key wars/ battles won by the Nubians according to your summary.
      Why don't you collaborate with one african video makers on RUclips to make ten (10) different short documentaries based on your summary above?!
      Its good you posted here but this vital information will reach millions if partnered with a professional RUclips video maker.

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 2 года назад

      too much b .s

  • @-haclong2366
    @-haclong2366 5 лет назад

    Some advice, if y'all divide this documentary into parts it would be wise to add timestamps into the description so people can jump to parts in case they didn't have the time to watch the whole video.

  • @colinoverton790
    @colinoverton790 5 лет назад +5

    From the text I would not describe the war as a Roman defeat, more of a stalemate.

    • @unklesamory9425
      @unklesamory9425 5 лет назад +3

      Their goal was to conquer Kush....they failed. Her goal was to defend it which in the end she succeeded. Its not a wash like say the battle of Meggido but the terms clearly favored the Kushite position.

  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 5 лет назад +29

    In pompei there is soilder that appeears to be nubian .His ash corps is defenatly black african and with a roman sword wouldve been part of the milatary police.
    just intersting to see someone so far from there homelamd actually in an authoratative job.

    • @cramerfloro5936
      @cramerfloro5936 4 года назад +6

      We often forget how much of a melting pot of cultures the Roman Empire was, even before the age of emperors.

    • @soheil527
      @soheil527 4 года назад +1

      @Straw Halo who?

    • @squareysquare3150
      @squareysquare3150 4 года назад +3

      @Straw Halo No. Septimius Severus came from North Africa but he wasn't "black". His ancestry was most probably a mix of Greek & Phoenician.

    • @ebrimakrubally4612
      @ebrimakrubally4612 3 года назад +6

      Black Roman Emperor Karakala
      The memorials of Caracalla, Septimius Severus, Geta, Maximinus, and a long line of Black, Moorish, African Emperors of Rome reject this lie. We must revisit the Roman Empire and salvage the Black ancestors and Emperors that have been covered by the global western academic conspiracy.
      click on link below:

    • @isaiahdokpa8559
      @isaiahdokpa8559 3 года назад +9

      @@squareysquare3150 wrong there are many black africans in north africa duuuh

  • @lancesaltzman4966
    @lancesaltzman4966 5 лет назад +39

    Rome, must have lost 😊
    Yayy, Nubia 😍

    • @michaeltaylor9222
      @michaeltaylor9222 5 лет назад +10

      @Christian Kenny but they did lose tbh, they even went as far as signing a peace treaty

    • @markthecenturion
      @markthecenturion 4 года назад +4

      Have to disagree, this was a clear Roman victory. First of all this was not a Roman 'invasion,' but rather a retaliatory campaign against earlier Nubian raids into southern Egypt. Just 2 Roman legions managed to march half way through Nubia, capture and destroy Napata, one of the major cities in Kush, and win every major battle in this war. Only their stretched supply lines prevented them from going any farther. Again, this was all done with only 2 legions! Furthermore, the Nubian King and his son were both killed in the conflict. The only "victory" the Nubian Queen could claim, if you want to call it that, was that she survived to make a treaty with Rome that kept her kingdom from being conquered.

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +2

      @@markthecenturion ROMANS were invaders to nile of the invaders responsible for the destruction of pharaonic culture

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +2

      @Christian Kenny Yes they created a new religion and destroyed native gods...Europeans destroyed Egypt...Greeks and ROMANS...

    • @NubiansNapata
      @NubiansNapata 4 года назад +2

      @Christian Kenny Greeks and ROMANS were the worst thing to happen to the nile valley, they both destroyed pharaonic culture..."last time u check"lolol u know what i meant...pharaonic culture not not concerned with any other's just facts Greeks and ROMANS replaced the native gods..ROMANS would eventually convert every one to christianity....this use to be our religion too before Islam and christianity to Egypt and north Sudan

  • @abudujana13
    @abudujana13 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for this very informative video!!

  • @MrAmhara
    @MrAmhara 3 года назад +10

    This video is inaccurate. The Nubian language was not AfroAsiatic. It was Nilothic. It is still spoken till this day. However the written language has been forgotten.

    • @danime1941
      @danime1941 3 года назад

      nubian language is Nilothic from afroasiatic family duh

    • @levia9349
      @levia9349 3 года назад +2

      @@danime1941 They spoke Meroitic language and not Nubian.

    • @danime1941
      @danime1941 3 года назад

      @@levia9349 yes the nudian didnt spoke nubian that make since XD

    • @levia9349
      @levia9349 3 года назад +2

      @@danime1941 The official language of Meroitic dynasty was Meroitic language Nubian was spoken there too

    • @danime1941
      @danime1941 3 года назад
      the kingdom of kush spoke several
      languages but the mane one was the nubian

  • @thehappy15a
    @thehappy15a 5 лет назад +2

    This is super interesting. I wonder if more people are working on translating their language.

  • @jahmah519
    @jahmah519 3 года назад +5

    History is written by the victorious, dont take an half hearted look at the script, take a wholehearted view of the maneuver. Look at who wrote history by seeing what is going on.

  • @smashrockwell
    @smashrockwell 2 года назад +1

    Why did this video thumbnail show Nubian captives and free Romans? This was a bad photo crop.

  • @goon143
    @goon143 5 лет назад +6

    Cheers amigo .

  • @drewfranko3352
    @drewfranko3352 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video

  • @frankmill5172
    @frankmill5172 5 лет назад +18

    The Nubians started their Monarchy hundreds of years before Egypt first Pharaohs and lasted longer than Egypt

    • @JDSFLA
      @JDSFLA 5 лет назад

      Made up "history" that has no foundation in fact.

    • @GORO911
      @GORO911 5 лет назад +2

      That's fake Afrocentric and black nationalism nonsense.
      Black Nationalists like you are making up history cause they feel mad that everything that Nubia has is just borrowed from Egypt.
      Nubia is nothing but Egypt's copy cat so live with it.

    • @GORO911
      @GORO911 5 лет назад

      indeed the ancient Egyptians were middle easterners\Mediterraneans and they are\were ethnically and racially different from Nubians.
      and No, Nubia didn't spread its culture to Egypt, it is the opposite.
      everything in Nubia has its traces in Egypt, Egypt invaded Nubia to take their gold and that's how Egyptian culture spread there.

    • @frankmill5172
      @frankmill5172 5 лет назад +9

      @@GORO911 if Black Africans didn't spread its culture to Egypt why is the Oldest mummy in North Africa a Mummy of a Sub Saharan African child The Tashwinat Mummy found at the Uan Muhuggiag archaeological site in Libya is between 5,400 - 5,600 years old. The age of the mummy is significant because it predates any of the mummies found in neighboring Egypt. It was discovered by Professor Fabrizio Mori in 1958.
      The mummy is a small child, about 3 years old, that was found in the fetal position. The body was embalmed, carefully wrapped with leaves, and covered by an antelope skin; its entrails were replaced with wild herbs to help with its preservation.
      The Tashiwnat Mummy is currently the oldest known mummy from Africa. Since its discovery, researchers now believe that mummification in Africa did not start in Egypt, but probably elsewhere in the continent by an unknown civilization

    • @GORO911
      @GORO911 5 лет назад

      @Akuna Joshua
      i don't think you can tell me i am not Egyptian to begin with.
      And what is it about "undoing what Europeans did" ?
      Europeans are not responsible for the black man's lack of achievements.
      Europeans didn't put the black man in mud huts.
      Europeans didn't strip the black man naked and tell him to go live in the wilderness without any sign of civility.
      you obviously have a problem accepting yourself as a black man.

  • @craigmitchell8796
    @craigmitchell8796 3 года назад +1

    Another opportunity. To learn from those willing to teach.

  • @rubenjames7345
    @rubenjames7345 5 лет назад +11

    I'm not sure that this represented a "Roman defeat", but whatever. Interesting review, nonetheless.

    • @abdullahiabshir9607
      @abdullahiabshir9607 4 года назад +5

      Romans lost more than 4 Times against us cushutic (hornafrica) why Roman never conquered in hornafrica

    • @Zarahification
      @Zarahification 4 года назад +4

      @Tracy Sharp Stop exaggerating Kush didn't beat Rome and Rome had already conquered Egypt, a super rich province. What you fail to understand that Romans had to weigh in whether going on war against Nubia til they submit worth it. If the Romans really wanted to destroy Kush, they would keep on fighting till they crushed them.

    • @Zarahification
      @Zarahification 4 года назад

      @@abdullahiabshir9607 There are several reasons why Romans didn't conquer Nubia, Horn of Africa logistical issue, is one of them. The area, desert etc too.

    • @Zarahification
      @Zarahification 4 года назад

      @Tracy Sharp Well the Arabians defeated the Romans because of the climate and desert. Roman legions were not prepared for such kind of war in such as hot desert climate. Crassus who was defeated by the Persians was a super rich guy with an army, but a crappy general who can't be compared to Caesar. Trajan was a better general who desicvly defeated the Parthians/Persians 3 times.

    • @MichaelClayton64
      @MichaelClayton64 3 года назад +4

      @@Zarahification Kush never became the client state of the Roman Empire therefore the Romans lost the war and were defeated by the one eyed Candace and the treaty was favorable towards Meroe because the Romans were afraid they would overtax themselves trying to fight wars with Kush, We don't have the Kushite side of the story because the Meriotic script has not yet been deciphered, but when it does, the whole truth would be told.

  • @dontcopymystyle4469
    @dontcopymystyle4469 3 года назад

    Just beautiful..💯

  • @dontawright238
    @dontawright238 3 года назад +4

    I wonder why they don't teach this in school? Hmmm

  • @MegaTang1234
    @MegaTang1234 4 года назад +1

    very intresting

  • @Africanpeopleparty
    @Africanpeopleparty 3 года назад +10

    This is the Reason they keep the truth from Africa for ages, and is coming out little by little

    • @michaelclayton7945
      @michaelclayton7945 3 года назад

      @marko millicevic The Ancient Nubians had a written language called Meroitic Script, what are you on about?

    • @mbombehdampha6
      @mbombehdampha6 3 года назад

      @@michaelclayton7945 Tell em💯💯💯💪🏿😁😁💪🏿

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 2 года назад

      what truth?!

  • @barrythetraveller102
    @barrythetraveller102 2 года назад

    That soundtrack is bloody scary...Big Screen Style

  • @titanmode3888
    @titanmode3888 4 года назад +30

    Too me it does not made sense that he Nubians paid tribute to the Romans while the Nubians won that war. I don't believe it

    • @titanmode3888
      @titanmode3888 3 года назад +21

      @Quodlibeta Nubia was not occupied by the Romans so what independence are you talking about ? My men, Rome was highly overrated. Romans got destroyed plenty of times by the Greeks, Persians and Carthaginians. Rome tried to conquer Nubia like so many others such as the Greeks, Persians, Assyrians who all backed down. Nubia was a serious super power who never got conquered. Get your facts right dude.

    • @titanmode3888
      @titanmode3888 3 года назад +13

      Quodlibeta The Nubians kept their independence from the Nubians ? My man, do you even know what you're saying ? Are you drunk ? And what hostile location Rome was at ? Rome was serrounded by savages, hence the Romans beat these savages easily until they came to the more active part of the known world. The Romans where the late comers to the world stage at that time, there is nothing impressive about the Romans, even the Greeks believed the Romans where a bad copy of themselves. Let's not overglorify Rome, because was little match to the known empires. Don't believe the Eurocentric media too much dude, that love to portray Rome as some kind of super power that defeated every known civilization because they didn't. I don't disrespect the Romans or something, let's be clear on that but i feel the Eurocentric media is overhyping Rome way too much IMO

    • @patricelumumba4396
      @patricelumumba4396 3 года назад +4

      @@titanmode3888 & then when truth gets revealed, it's said that you afrocentric. It's best that the truth gets told by their own kind, as they is a few Europeans doing so, but then get bashed by their own kind.

    • @kman55w
      @kman55w 3 года назад +5

      False. The queen hated Rome to the core especially after her son was killed. Liars

    • @wedongo
      @wedongo 3 года назад +2

      @Quodlibeta after reading all your comments i must say only an irrational person wouldn't agree with most of what you said

  • @chinesesparks
    @chinesesparks Год назад +1

    Also not all from todays Sudan were viewed as Kush, Kush was todays Upper Nubia and lower Nubia were referred to as Wawat possibly an indigenous name, the people from wawat were Cushitic speakers and called themselves Nehesi a word meaning "people" like with the pan grave culture in the east the progenitor of the Beja/Medjay also a Cushitic people, kerma was a creole culture of Cushitic and Eastern Sudanic, its like southern Britian referred to as England and northern Britain being Scotland and west Britain being Wales etc... not all of Britain being called England

  • @ericconnor8251
    @ericconnor8251 5 лет назад +6

    Cool video bro, but as others have said Julius Caesar was never officially emperor and the Kushites founded the Nubian 25th dynasty, not the Saite 26th dynasty, which was entirely native Egyptian. I'm assuming that you just misspoke there.

    • @mangammg646
      @mangammg646 5 лет назад +3

      True but what they need to understand is Egyptian had different Africa tribes kush is really Sudan and Ethiopia,,nubian tribe and the jola tribe are kemet or mitzrayim

    • @KingSiik
      @KingSiik 5 лет назад +6

      Kemet people not Egypt. No Africans called themselves Egyptian. That’s a European word.

    • @ericconnor8251
      @ericconnor8251 5 лет назад +1

      @@KingSiik So? Everyone uses the Greek-derived word "Egypt" today, even modern Egyptians when they speak in English. In German, Germany is called "Deutschland", but you don't see Germans going around online commentaries in English trying to correct people about it. There's no need to be this pedantic about using ancient Egyptian words when it has nothing to do with the point I was making about the 25th versus the 26th dynasty. Do you have something to say about that or no?

    • @KingSiik
      @KingSiik 5 лет назад +5

      Eric Connor In keeping record of ones history, the integrity of the chronological order is important. No case can be made it’s not.

  • @alessiorenzoni5586
    @alessiorenzoni5586 3 года назад +2

    🤔The Roman Empire arrived in Tanzania: in the geographic maps of ancient Rome, the city of Rhapta was at the southern edge of the known world. Surprisingly we have reports of trade contacts between Romans and this very distant emporium (4500 km from the Empire). According to Ptolemy and Pliny the Elder, several Roman merchants engaged in routine journeys to Azania (the ancient territory that today takes the name of Tanzania).

    • @Taharqo.saved.the.Hebrew
      @Taharqo.saved.the.Hebrew Год назад +1

      African history is still more impressive than European history 🤔

    • @jasonjames6870
      @jasonjames6870 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Taharqo.saved.the.Hebrewwhat about just human history

  • @DarthDracquos
    @DarthDracquos 5 лет назад +5

    25th Dynasty of Egypt, not the 26th

  • @persianfantasy2070
    @persianfantasy2070 5 лет назад +2

    well done