Thank you Douglas, but I have been an atheist since I was 14 and that has not prevented me from knowing, understanding and even appreciating the influence of Christianity on my own culture. It's not that difficult
It's really quite difficult, because there are many different claims out there of what influence christianity has had and it's hard to determine which of those are true.
@tijgertjekonijnwordopgegeten you're better off ignoring most of them and simply reading history to make the determination. Too many people have a stake in the answer for you to be comfortable, assuming they are honest and correct. In my opinion but negative impact as well as positive and some of that is merely a matter of what you think is or isn't good.
Me and my wife went to church in preparation for our wedding. She wanted to get married in her local church as its a beautiful building, rather than for any religious reasons. We attended a morning ceremony as part of this. The vicars and other people we spoke to were all amazing and I haven't a single word of complaint for any person we dealt with. But the Sunday service itself was ghoulish, cult-like and frankly, disturbing. Half the songs we sung were desperately praying for mercy, asking God to forgive us, not to destroy everything we love because we're so damn sorry that we're not perfectly, but please please please please don't hurt us, we're trying almighty lord. Once the service was finished, we thanked the people there and left, both of us more sure that it was something we did NOT want in our lives. It makes you feel pathetic and small. You're automatically bad and flawed and you must beg- BEG for forgiveness. Its not unreasonable advice to connect with your past, but too many people beg for the church, to the church.
Douglas Murray is a conservative. Conservatives love authoritarianism. Christianity is authoritarian as is it's associates fascism and oligarchy. Douglas Murray gets erect at the thought of combining the worst of theocracy and oligarchy, because the "right" people will be in control, and the rest will be forced into obedience. If Douglas Murray gets his wish, he may find that both oligarchy and theocracy reject him as being one of the "right" people.
Bro confused modern Christianity with modern Islam or pre- Newtonian Christianity. Christianity like many modern beliefs is more interested in getting you into a relationship with God and less into forcing you into moral purity tests. It is modern liberalism or wokeism that wants to be authoritarian. It has already ostracised Douglas Murray and many atheists for wrong think.
@@WeAreInYourWall no, we understand that a lot of people can't be saved. It is unfortunate but it is what it is, if you deny God then you deny everything else that proves his existence. Like the evil that mankind does all the time which is due to Satan yet people blame God.
He could have said people should go to church as a way of participating in a "cultural" experience. It doesn't have to be a full on practice of the religion. Canada, the UK, Scandanavia, Holland, and many other nations are technically atheistic but the churches still exist and people still attend. It shouldn't have taken 10 minutes of word salad to get that point across.
@@banba317 in Australia the Church and Life Survey - conducted every 5 years of about 20K parishioners from the mainstream churches found some fascinating response. Essentially, almost no one said they abided the Christian definition of a god; more a Star Wars unknown benevolent force. 1 in 5 ticked the didn't believe in a god. The overwhelming majority also replied they thought Jesus was a mythical being. Remember, this is church adherents whom participate in the survey. I do recall some research that 1 in 10 Protestant clergy state they didn't believe in a god when asked in another survey. The Roman Catholic church has most parishioners consider the Eucharist to be symbolic, ie, reject transubstantiation. One facet is that there is limited research on these matters by churches - the Australian Church and Life Survey is unusual. There are also significant limits to such studies - we know folk tend to give answers they feel research are wanting - not necessarily what they feel. And we can hold various ideas including contradictions without much bother. So such studies can be taken with a grain of salt - along with research by churches that folk do believe in a god. Not something we can really assess with any clarity
"Engage in the thing that got you to where you are now"...a statement which was as true at the dawn of the two world wars he laments in the same breath.
The last time I went to church during Christmas as an atheist in Germany, I asked why they put a torture victim on the wall. They never saw it that way but also didn't disagree.
When @LilChris228 says, "authoritarianism is telling others that they should abandon their beliefs because an idiot told them to" he's lying about the definition. His epistemology is faith.
The Gay atheist strikes again. Starting to waffle like JP as he nervously scratches and gets comfy while he searches how to reply. Nothing of substance from this guy.
It's 2024 grandpa, time to stop hating on gay people, and besides that, the fact that you think more about gay sex than actual gay people should tell you something about yourself LOL
What the hell is up with these public intellectuals? Get to the point man..stop waffling like Peterson..most ppl who watch this on YT are not part of ur intellectual club ,we click for an answer not an essay..
If a ♉ 🐂 had a human face it would "resemble" Alex Van Halen. Oh gee, what a "coincidence" he "just happens" to be born May 8th, Taurus. Anyone with "perception" will notice it. 😊.
Thanks Douglas. The m,usic of J.S. Bach comes through in part, a religious background. Our kids need to learn all of this. Great idea to go to church even if u r atheist!
I don't even know if that case can be made. Sure, in a world without religion, Bach wouldn't have composed religious music. But would he have composed no music, better or worse music? That's speculative either way given very different societies for hundred if not thousands of years.
@@finestPlugins My point is, that to enjoy the delicious horror of Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast for example, it is helpful to know our roots. And learn about other religions for that matter.
@hendrikbarboritsch7003 That's a different point though. And also just boils down to understanding pop culture more than actual religious doctrine (which many believers don't understand either).
I've never been an atheist, i always knew that we have a creator. No church made me believe that, maybe im more rational than some people that believe in nothing.
Full discussion here:видео.html
Thank you Douglas, but I have been an atheist since I was 14 and that has not prevented me from knowing, understanding and even appreciating the influence of Christianity on my own culture. It's not that difficult
It's really quite difficult, because there are many different claims out there of what influence christianity has had and it's hard to determine which of those are true.
@tijgertjekonijnwordopgegeten you're better off ignoring most of them and simply reading history to make the determination. Too many people have a stake in the answer for you to be comfortable, assuming they are honest and correct. In my opinion but negative impact as well as positive and some of that is merely a matter of what you think is or isn't good.
Its hard to go to a place where so much hypocrisy is present
I would not worry ... You'll be turn away soon enough... I try to be polite and sing along. One does not pray.
Jordan Peterson’s gay kindred spirit in the word salad game.
I was watching and forgot what the question was😂😂
@ by the end the floor was completely covered in croutons, sour dressing, old hard boiled eggs, limp lettuce, and plenty of cherry tomatoes.
Me and my wife went to church in preparation for our wedding. She wanted to get married in her local church as its a beautiful building, rather than for any religious reasons. We attended a morning ceremony as part of this. The vicars and other people we spoke to were all amazing and I haven't a single word of complaint for any person we dealt with. But the Sunday service itself was ghoulish, cult-like and frankly, disturbing. Half the songs we sung were desperately praying for mercy, asking God to forgive us, not to destroy everything we love because we're so damn sorry that we're not perfectly, but please please please please don't hurt us, we're trying almighty lord.
Once the service was finished, we thanked the people there and left, both of us more sure that it was something we did NOT want in our lives. It makes you feel pathetic and small. You're automatically bad and flawed and you must beg- BEG for forgiveness. Its not unreasonable advice to connect with your past, but too many people beg for the church, to the church.
Douglas Murray is a conservative. Conservatives love authoritarianism. Christianity is authoritarian as is it's associates fascism and oligarchy. Douglas Murray gets erect at the thought of combining the worst of theocracy and oligarchy, because the "right" people will be in control, and the rest will be forced into obedience. If Douglas Murray gets his wish, he may find that both oligarchy and theocracy reject him as being one of the "right" people.
You're wrong, Christians won't continue trying to help you if they can't. It is not Authoritarian.
@LilChris228: Oh, you mean like Catholic priests and protestant preachers help children understand their sexual potential?
Bro confused modern Christianity with modern Islam or pre- Newtonian Christianity.
Christianity like many modern beliefs is more interested in getting you into a relationship with God and less into forcing you into moral purity tests. It is modern liberalism or wokeism that wants to be authoritarian. It has already ostracised Douglas Murray and many atheists for wrong think.
@@LilChris228it absolutely is by its own doctrine or you reject the bible and the word of god there is no inbetween.
@@WeAreInYourWall no, we understand that a lot of people can't be saved. It is unfortunate but it is what it is, if you deny God then you deny everything else that proves his existence. Like the evil that mankind does all the time which is due to Satan yet people blame God.
He could have said people should go to church as a way of participating in a "cultural" experience. It doesn't have to be a full on practice of the religion. Canada, the UK, Scandanavia, Holland, and many other nations are technically atheistic but the churches still exist and people still attend. It shouldn't have taken 10 minutes of word salad to get that point across.
@@banba317 in Australia the Church and Life Survey - conducted every 5 years of about 20K parishioners from the mainstream churches found some fascinating response.
Essentially, almost no one said they abided the Christian definition of a god; more a Star Wars unknown benevolent force. 1 in 5 ticked the didn't believe in a god. The overwhelming majority also replied they thought Jesus was a mythical being. Remember, this is church adherents whom participate in the survey. I do recall some research that 1 in 10 Protestant clergy state they didn't believe in a god when asked in another survey. The Roman Catholic church has most parishioners consider the Eucharist to be symbolic, ie, reject transubstantiation. One facet is that there is limited research on these matters by churches - the Australian Church and Life Survey is unusual. There are also significant limits to such studies - we know folk tend to give answers they feel research are wanting - not necessarily what they feel. And we can hold various ideas including contradictions without much bother.
So such studies can be taken with a grain of salt - along with research by churches that folk do believe in a god.
Not something we can really assess with any clarity
Who are you trying to kid? In other words what he’s trying to say is, maybe we were riding on the backs of giants after all.
"Engage in the thing that got you to where you are now"...a statement which was as true at the dawn of the two world wars he laments in the same breath.
What got us here is the Enlightenment. What kept us in the dark was religion.
How is this ponderous, droll, equivocating guy ever invited onto any stage? He's awful and isn't prepared for basic, predictable questions.
If you look at the comments of both this channel & The Line, the comment section looks a lot like a choir.
Those chairs are too low and too deep- they both look uncomfortable.
The last time I went to church during Christmas as an atheist in Germany, I asked why they put a torture victim on the wall.
They never saw it that way but also didn't disagree.
How much does one get paid to talk this shit?
Ask Tim Pool and Lauren Southern
They should pay you for listening
nervous right winger, so what's new. That is the perennial condition of the right wing mindset
When @LilChris228 says, "authoritarianism is telling others that they should abandon their beliefs because an idiot told them to" he's lying about the definition. His epistemology is faith.
Fascinating and informative. Thank you for this.
Some churches are absolutely beautiful.
The Gay atheist strikes again. Starting to waffle like JP as he nervously scratches and gets comfy while he searches how to reply. Nothing of substance from this guy.
It's 2024 grandpa, time to stop hating on gay people, and besides that, the fact that you think more about gay sex than actual gay people should tell you something about yourself LOL
It's a good thing you realise you don't have any substance.
10 minutes of wordsalad 😕
What the hell is up with these public intellectuals? Get to the point man..stop waffling like Peterson..most ppl who watch this on YT are not part of ur intellectual club ,we click for an answer not an essay..
WTAF is he babbling on about? The enlightenment? The average person doesn't even know what that means.
The church guy said alot of nothing
This was an episode of Yes Prime Minister.
"The long term me no see" joke and Sir Humphrey defining Modernist
Very funny - whereas this is just petty
Tom Holland's Dominion.
Because he's stupid? Because he's a grifter?
If a ♉ 🐂 had a human face it would "resemble" Alex Van Halen. Oh gee, what a "coincidence" he "just happens" to be born May 8th, Taurus. Anyone with "perception" will notice it. 😊.
Thanks Douglas. The m,usic of J.S. Bach comes through in part, a religious background.
Our kids need to learn all of this.
Great idea to go to church even if u r atheist!
I don't even know if that case can be made. Sure, in a world without religion, Bach wouldn't have composed religious music.
But would he have composed no music, better or worse music? That's speculative either way given very different societies for hundred if not thousands of years.
@@finestPlugins My point is, that to enjoy the delicious horror of Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast for example, it is helpful to know our roots.
And learn about other religions for that matter.
@hendrikbarboritsch7003 That's a different point though. And also just boils down to understanding pop culture more than actual religious doctrine (which many believers don't understand either).
Utter woke nonsense from Douglas Murray
What does woke mean? .. Compassionate.. was Jesus woke ?
@toddm6999 Just listen to Murray to learn what woke is, he has gone extreme woke recently, especially the Israel stuff
"Woke" ok.😂
Definition of woke is not stuff that I disagree with.
It would be nice to hear from YOU what woke is please. That way, i can decide if Jesus was woke or not.
I've never been an atheist, i always knew that we have a creator. No church made me believe that, maybe im more rational than some people that believe in nothing.
condescending much?
@NCHAO. Yes bro, I'm very superior and arrogant. 😆😆😆
@@LilChris228 I'm curious now tho, why does there HAVE to be a creator? according to you at the very least
You don’t KNOW there’s a creator…….you BELIEVE there’s a creator.
@SuperEdge67 you believe there is not a creator, but you can't prove there isn't one. Finally, some common ground. 😆😆😆
Oh wow, 15 secs ago