This is the only comprehensive review on the K65/KSS60 on the internet in video form, and it is excellent and very informative. Thank you very much. I highly recommend adding English subtitles/captions to reach and even larger audience now that these saws are available more widely in North America, as well as UK/AUS/NZ.
This is the only comprehensive review on the K65/KSS60 on the internet in video form, and it is excellent and very informative. Thank you very much. I highly recommend adding English subtitles/captions to reach and even larger audience now that these saws are available more widely in North America, as well as UK/AUS/NZ.
Super píla aj recenzia 👍
This is the best Mafell circular saw review I've ever seen, and I've seen them all. Great work!
Thank you very much 👍
Skvela recenzia, kto raz chyti mafell do ruky uz ho nepusti. Cize si myslim ze 95% tych pozicani skonci nakoniec u zakaznika natrvalo :)
Tak, tak, asi neznám nikdo kdo by s Mafellem nebyl spokojený :D :)
Pěkná recenze, možná se u vás zastavim abych se na ní mrknul 🙂 Jo a to triko se mi moc líbí 😉
Tak až se u nás zastavíte, najdeme nějakou cestu, jak triko získat i bez losování 😉
Ta vypadá dobře, rád bych jí porovnal s Festool HKC 55 kterou od vás mam, určitě vidím plusy to světlo a větší prořez...
Neskutocne vymakana píla 👍👍👍👍
Is there any way I can watch this in English?
Vypadá super 😊
A taky tak funguje :)
Od ledna mám od vás Kss 40ku a už nechci jinou značku.
Super stroj