The 18 BEST Mac games of 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 87

  • @Andytizer
    @Andytizer  21 час назад +2

    Check out the Hbada E3 Ergonomic Office Chair:
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  • @NellWatson
    @NellWatson 20 часов назад +31

    Looking forward to Cyberpunk, Robocop, and Control as Mac native in '25. Those will really demonstrate the hardware capabilities nicely. We'll hopefully get Resident Evil 9 also.

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  20 часов назад +4

      Looking forward to those titles being released soon! Almost forgot about Robocop, that's supposed to also be out by end of 2024.

    • @owelz
      @owelz 16 часов назад +3

      Yeah, I really hope game studios start adding more games on Mac

    • @TechGameDev
      @TechGameDev 15 часов назад +1

      @@owelz Apple refuses to allow us to cross-compile, i.e. to compile for Mac you need a Mac. There is just no SDK to work on Windows. And then.... 1.32% of Steam players are on Mac... it's just not worth it.

    • @TechGameDev
      @TechGameDev 15 часов назад

      well the material is useless M4 max = rtx 3050 it's really a joke

    • @Mrorlgloth
      @Mrorlgloth 14 часов назад

      Hogward legacy , Monster Hunter world, and GTA VI ?

  • @tk42won
    @tk42won 19 часов назад +27

    Since most people are still on base M1, it is good(important) having it as a baseline for comparison

    • @TechGameDev
      @TechGameDev 15 часов назад

      probably don't have he probably sell it

  • @N34R4T0M4T
    @N34R4T0M4T 19 часов назад +2

    Big congrats moving house, I hope you make it all you want and take us with you on the journey! Maybe do some vlogs, and some home automation and setup and other video content around it!

  • @vasiliykotorov3665
    @vasiliykotorov3665 20 часов назад +7

    Death Standing has mouse issues and playable only with gamepad. At least on the Apple website users still reporting this issue.

    • @erikludwig5515
      @erikludwig5515 19 часов назад +1

      Literally had this issue yesterday. Turning my mouse on and off while in game fixes it for me, but still pretty annoying.

  • @ErnieZee
    @ErnieZee 14 часов назад +3

    Out of all of these Valheim is the best. Me with my buddies have been playing on a coop server for 3 months now and have sunk over 200 hours each into the game and we aren't even halfway done! It's such a great game I can't recommend it enough. And there's crossplay between macOS, windows and xbox so everyone can play together! (Well except playstation and nintendo but it's supposedly coming in the future).

    • @stephanemignot100
      @stephanemignot100 13 часов назад

      I died in a cave three months ago and haven't launched it since, I'm stuck in Stardew valley ^

  • @aag24
    @aag24 19 часов назад

    Merry Christmas, Dr Andrew Tsai! Happy new year to your and your family.

  • @EverydayMacofficial
    @EverydayMacofficial 6 часов назад

    Sniper Elite 4 was released on MAS over a week ago fro pre-order. The relese date is Jan 30th 2025.

  • @finnmead5373
    @finnmead5373 9 часов назад

    I’d add Balatro to this list. Fantastic game!

  • @OldKingMaple
    @OldKingMaple 9 часов назад

    Love these videos, looking forward to seeing more of what is capable on mac graphics, is the resident evil 2 mac version also coming to steam?

  • @cloudGGs
    @cloudGGs 21 час назад +3

    The best Mac game of 2024 has got to be grid legends! ❤

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  21 час назад +6

      That came out in 2023, was on last year's list :).

    • @cloudGGs
      @cloudGGs 20 часов назад +2

      Woops hah😂

  • @NetvoTV
    @NetvoTV 20 часов назад +2

    What do you think of the 32 GPU M4 Max or just get the full 40 GPU M4 Max if already reach that price point?

    • @Buksmaui
      @Buksmaui 16 часов назад

      You should wait for the Mac Studio, could come with 80 GPU cores.

    • @antrinh9088
      @antrinh9088 10 часов назад

      same with this question 32 gpu m4 max or 40 gpu m3 max. Which provide higher fps in gaming?

  • @bojler1616
    @bojler1616 20 часов назад

    I cannot praise enough Songs of Conquest!!! I can highly suggest.

  • @monkeyfish227
    @monkeyfish227 20 часов назад

    Good list! Nice overview. I tried Elden ring and cities skyline 2 this year. Next maybe frost punk 2 or cyberpunk Mac release…..

  • @alexborn738
    @alexborn738 17 часов назад

    Finished RE7 and currently playing Prince of Persia. Good games, greate performance on M3 PRO

  • @jayheha0053
    @jayheha0053 3 часа назад

    What is metal fx and how is it installed?

  • @Duke_of_Dhaka
    @Duke_of_Dhaka 5 часов назад

    Brothers, can anyone tell me whats the fps counter on the top right corner of the screen that he has on? Looks beautiful and how can i get it?

  • @StayPufttt
    @StayPufttt 20 часов назад +1

    there's no coming back from the last legends video.

  • @eugeneputin1858
    @eugeneputin1858 17 часов назад +1

    All these games have to match steam prices to be viable in any way

  • @-tom-tronic-
    @-tom-tronic- 9 часов назад

    Hey Andrew. I have a question. Its very weird, i have the 20 Core M4 Pro. I had the M3 Pro before. I play Alien Isolation alot on Steam for Mac. I tested Alien Isolation on the M3 Pro Macbook with a FPS of 66 at a certain Point in the Game. Now i tested it with the M4 Pro and i get the same FPS, 3 FPS more sometimes and its dropping down to 40-45 every 10 Seconds. It bothers me alot and i dont understand why. Is the Game not optimized for the M4 or something ? Did u experience the same thing maybe ? Any ideas ? Or could u test the native Alien Isolation Steam Version? Thx !

  • @PoyanPanah
    @PoyanPanah 18 часов назад

    just a question -- the screen saver / wallpaper is it running on light mode / day mode ONLY or automatic?

  • @iakona23
    @iakona23 16 часов назад

    Can the new Indiana Jones game be played on the M4 or M4 Pro Mac Mini with crosssover or some other translation software?

  • @lost_valley
    @lost_valley 15 часов назад

    I loved RE Village and 4 remake. Fun and scary

  • @nickm50
    @nickm50 11 часов назад

    Can you do an update to Xbox 360 emulators on Mac silicon?

  • @zrahawi
    @zrahawi 16 часов назад

    Is there a way to play Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation on a Mac?

  • @georgebouz7324
    @georgebouz7324 17 часов назад

    Does FiveM work? (Parallels, Crossover etc.)

  • @NetvoTV
    @NetvoTV 20 часов назад

    Can you make a video about do we need 4K or 1080p/1440p 60fps high quality is better hence doesn't need M4 Max?

  • @uselessvids6407
    @uselessvids6407 21 час назад +1

    Sir, how can I play switch games after the switch emulators have been banned?

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  21 час назад +3

      GreemDev is the current maintainer of Ryujinx.

  • @d21mike
    @d21mike 12 часов назад

    I wondering how others are organizing their games on the Mac. I am just getting started but I buy my games generally on Steam when playing on the Mac or Steam Deck. I normally play games on xbox but like the idea of playing on the Mac. I was testing a game from Steam playing inside Steam Big Picture Mode. One reason for this is I can use Steam Link on Apple TV to play on my LR TV. One issue with this is the XBOX Controller via ATV does not work with the game I am testing (one man sky). The XBOX Controller via ATV does work inside Big Picture but not the game. However, if I play the game on my Mac via Steam Big Picture the game does recognize the XBOX Controller connected to the Mac. I also like the cross saves that I believe I can get when playing on Steam. I also have been testing with Geforce now. My goal is to have a Living Room setup and using Steam Link to my various computers run Steam Server seems like a nice setup.

  • @marianbencat6658
    @marianbencat6658 13 часов назад

    Path of Exile 2!! Runs like a charm withour any issue (m4 pro)

    @VELIXYZ 20 часов назад

    No mans sky 🎉

  • @daniilslavkov7703
    @daniilslavkov7703 19 часов назад

    M4 test frostpunk 2 please

  • @afin4538
    @afin4538 20 часов назад

    Hello, what kind of Macbook to buy to grow for 3-5 years?

    • @erikludwig5515
      @erikludwig5515 19 часов назад

      100% depends on what you need it to do.

    • @afin4538
      @afin4538 17 часов назад

      @@erikludwig5515 Programming, Video editing, games sometimes)

    • @wiiiiiiihhj
      @wiiiiiiihhj 17 часов назад

      Between the base and top model is proper just my thought

    • @erikludwig5515
      @erikludwig5515 17 часов назад

      @@wiiiiiiihhj Yeah, generally the base M#Pro chip MacBook Pro will keep you covered for most things for a while. Especially if you have no specific needs for extra power.

  • @stuhljaen
    @stuhljaen 20 часов назад

    thank you for the recap of what i played last year

  • @dlaw3351
    @dlaw3351 12 часов назад

    Can you try the marvel rivals game?

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  11 часов назад

      Yep did it already!

  • @zakuworks000
    @zakuworks000 17 часов назад

    Someday I hope indie developers will escape the urge to stop making “metroidvania with roguelike elements” slop

  • @skymakai
    @skymakai 14 часов назад

    Definitely missed Stray. That's a AA game that's completely compatible.

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  14 часов назад +1

      I covered it in my Best of 2023 video :).

    • @skymakai
      @skymakai 10 часов назад

      @ Oh! The years fly by!

  • @darksidex2
    @darksidex2 9 часов назад

    If only EA would make it possible for Apex Legends for me to play natively I’d throw everything away and just get myself a MBP Max

  • @josephchaaban8840
    @josephchaaban8840 19 часов назад

    Is that bloodborne running on mac?????? Andrew you G

  • @monkeyfish227
    @monkeyfish227 20 часов назад

    Also, what is your top games on Mac for 2024? I guess that must include some non native games through crossover.

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  20 часов назад

      My faves at Balatro, and Ghost of Tsushima via CrossOver, love it!

  • @Zangetzu33
    @Zangetzu33 18 часов назад

    Best games on mac : Starcraft 2 and Black Ops 3 !

    • @devonjames4092
      @devonjames4092 5 часов назад

      is there a large player base in BO3 multiplayer? I heard it was deserted...

  • @nuj427
    @nuj427 18 часов назад

    One question, knowing how successful GTA5 is for... ten years.. why Rockstar doesn't plan port it native to the macOS? I could pray for the GTA6, but not likely I guess, but why not?

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  18 часов назад

      GTA6 will never come to Mac:видео.html

    • @TechGameDev
      @TechGameDev 15 часов назад

      Already, Apple’s hardware in the graphics department is extremely underpowered, and Apple doesn’t care because most Mac users focus on CPU-intensive tasks like video editing and many other things. In an interview, they mentioned that instead of dedicating space for a separate GPU die to provide more power, they chose unified memory, which shows that Apple doesn’t prioritize this aspect.
      GTA 6, like Red Dead Redemption, is designed to push the limits of video games to the extreme, but it relies on very recent instructions and technologies, making translation to ARM very complicated. For instance, GTA 5 works because it’s an 11-year-old game, and all the instructions and technologies are now older, well-understood, and have had enough time for patches and added features to ensure it runs properly. porting the GTA game would therefore be an extremely costly and difficult task (the operation is very difficult) since 2% of gamers in the world are on Mac it's not even worth it

  • @paradooxes
    @paradooxes 20 часов назад

    Did you forget No Man's sky ?

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  20 часов назад

      No Man's Sky is a great game, but it came out in 2023!

    • @paradooxes
      @paradooxes 20 часов назад

      @@Andytizer Yes but with so many updates, It can be considered as a new game in 2024. :p

  • @rolandmbala-qf5rt
    @rolandmbala-qf5rt 14 часов назад

    NO CAMERA on this machine ? sorry apple...

  • @monkeyfish227
    @monkeyfish227 20 часов назад

    the chapter for valheim is off by some seconds …..

    • @Andytizer
      @Andytizer  20 часов назад +2

      Thanks hopefully that's fixed now?

    • @monkeyfish227
      @monkeyfish227 20 часов назад


  • @lophixarts
    @lophixarts 19 часов назад

    LoL, Minecraft

  • @mvargasmoran
    @mvargasmoran 17 часов назад

    Give us Diablo 2 Back! you activision bastards!

  • @jojobaru334
    @jojobaru334 14 часов назад

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ios vs android vs android vs android vs android vs android vs android 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Ironboyhight
    @Ironboyhight 20 часов назад

    Fortnite plz

    • @TechGameDev
      @TechGameDev 15 часов назад

      don't work anymore servers shutting down

  • @sotonin
    @sotonin 15 часов назад

    Valheim is not beautiful. it looks like ass and i wish they would remaster it.

  • @TechGameDev
    @TechGameDev 20 часов назад +2

    the games are really crap no multiplayer old graphics horror games that no one plays today only 2000s style games with boosted graphics and not as much in addition

  • @janoo85
    @janoo85 12 часов назад

    i fellt again for your stupid tittle XD there is not exist any good game on mac still XD it is more like a list of pathetic games ony mac whats looks like a stupid phone games from 10 years ago

  • @Jibale_
    @Jibale_ 19 часов назад

    Wtf are these games? 💀🤡