  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @michaelbannon2985
    @michaelbannon2985 Год назад +26

    I was reminiscing about the first time I watched your channel. You had your little whiteboard and prepping for your first Open.. Pre-Jas I believe. At 57 years old, I can live vicariously thru you and Jas.😂😂😂😂 Thank you for all you do!!

    • @alexgoldstein958
      @alexgoldstein958 Год назад +3

      You too? I thought I was only one. 61, been watching since 8k subs. Jays is my hero, Craig is a beast ( in a good way). Thanks to both!

  • @Cashbrook20
    @Cashbrook20 Год назад

    Hell yea Craig!! Smashed that 140 what a LEGEND 💪

  • @MrRkaperak
    @MrRkaperak Год назад +5

    I actually really needed to hear you talking about getting back into it and not being afraid to start over. I’m been terrified of getting back to my old workouts after breaking my foot, and lately my foot and ankle have been feeling better than since it happened finally and I’ve been talking myself out of going to the gym and just staying home doing nothing, or so something overly simple with dumbbells and a jog to say I did something. Because I know I’m not where I was, I’m skinny fat now when I used to get complimented and asked for advice

  • @joshashmore1521
    @joshashmore1521 Год назад +1

    Chills from that 140 reaction - watched it a bunch of times. Your passion is so infectious, keep it going dude!

  • @lilbrzlnkid
    @lilbrzlnkid Год назад +1

    Needed this video and the pep talk today. Thanks for keeping it real 💪🏽

  • @alextibbits
    @alextibbits Год назад

    You guys absolutely got me through lock down, this channel is just the best

  • @Алиман-ш3у
    @Алиман-ш3у Год назад

    Great mobility 👍

  • @TheHoldend855
    @TheHoldend855 Год назад +3

    Yes, this talking about being confident in lifts really gets me
    PB’d my snatch 2 weeks later tore my Achilles, now I’m not even hitting percentages and honestly affecting me that I almost want to give up

  • @kgw1209
    @kgw1209 Год назад +1

    Congrats! Feeling strong is the best!

  • @stuartmills299
    @stuartmills299 Год назад

    Absolute legends!!!!! WDQ

  • @cameronoffereins1335
    @cameronoffereins1335 Год назад

    You’re a legend, bro.
    Very encouraging and motivating to see you be you and training so well!

  • @richardyung1596
    @richardyung1596 Год назад +4

    Thanks for being real. Y’all are legends :)

  • @moximusmaximus7476
    @moximusmaximus7476 Год назад +1

    Love the vids buddy. 57 and been into phys for years. Ex bootneck, ran ultra marathons, then tried crossfit. But I loved the lifting and got into that. Then I tore my lateral meniscus just over a year ago. So I started strength training. Just got back to squating with the hope of getting back to lifting when I tore my hamstring. I don't quit, will be back to lifting, from scratch, soon enough. Keep up the good work dude.

  • @alannorman4097
    @alannorman4097 Год назад

    Plateau's of performance I think they call it. Performance is flat for a while and then you go up the gradient. Keep it going!

  • @squidvicious944
    @squidvicious944 Год назад

    Kyle R. From Beer Revolution in Edmonton, caught me out in my HSTL hoodie. You are an absolute legend.

  • @alanlawson6669
    @alanlawson6669 Год назад

    Many pie jokes to be made .... I'll say no more 👀🔥😂

  • @n_mad
    @n_mad Год назад

    140kg is huge! Good stuff getting back there. Trust the process 💪🏾

  • @Norbsim88
    @Norbsim88 Год назад

    Congratz, I was holding my breath with you on setting up at 140 SNATCH. You are a LEGEND ;)

  • @Feisar777
    @Feisar777 Год назад

    Loved the 140 reaction

  • @zacharyswitzer5542
    @zacharyswitzer5542 Год назад

    Great job with those lifts man. Big weights going up.

  • @ash6415
    @ash6415 Год назад

    Good stretches I have the same knee issues, these helped me as well.

  • @SamuelElsom
    @SamuelElsom Год назад

    Active frog and t hip opener are always in my pre workout mobility.

  • @Gydc576gbh
    @Gydc576gbh Год назад

    That 140… You’re a Legend you are ❤

  • @andrewdorsett6663
    @andrewdorsett6663 Год назад

    What's the long sleeve top you're wearing under your shirt? That looks like something I'd want in my kit for running...

  • @bronwynbellphotography
    @bronwynbellphotography Год назад +1


  • @cds8010
    @cds8010 Год назад +2

    Love the daily vlogs!

  • @andrewgilbertson5356
    @andrewgilbertson5356 Год назад

    Good Luck👏

  • @gfabregas80
    @gfabregas80 Год назад

    Just made my holiday purchases, thank you and hope this little purchase helps you guys out. We love your channel and your content, please continue.

    • @TeamRICHEY
      @TeamRICHEY  Год назад

      You are a legend. Thank you ☺️

  • @Dastenson
    @Dastenson Год назад

    Always excited when I get that notification that you've put another video out. Keep up the HUSTL

  • @jadnazar96
    @jadnazar96 Год назад +1

    It was awesome to meet you guys at fitfest 🙌 keep up the hard work you legend 🤌👊

    • @TeamRICHEY
      @TeamRICHEY  Год назад +1

      Awesome to meet you too legend!

  • @mtbsteve1
    @mtbsteve1 Год назад

    Nice Craig!

  • @jacobmason412
    @jacobmason412 Год назад

    300kg total, not bad for a day's work😄, great to see it. Still plugging away with my 150 total after a year doing weightlifting/CF, loving it though, started cuz of u and jaz so just wanted to say thanks man.

    • @TeamRICHEY
      @TeamRICHEY  Год назад +1

      Legend Jacob! Keep chipping away

  • @lalampen
    @lalampen Год назад

    I have GoWOD - what is the first movement called in the app you did? TY!

  • @jenniferjones4343
    @jenniferjones4343 Год назад

    I have used Pythagorean Theorem in my regular life. I measured the space above my fireplace (length and height) to then figure out the diagonal length. Since TVs are measured and advertised on their diagonal length that is how we figured out the largest TV we could buy.

  • @vinster666
    @vinster666 Год назад

    I remember benching 120kg for 6 reps and feeling like you. 💪💪

  • @benjiz28
    @benjiz28 Год назад

    I've definitely had my shoe catch the ol' mat before... and did the same thing. Not cool. I felt that lol

  • @cathygrant4358
    @cathygrant4358 Год назад

    Would a small be too big on Jas for the cargos?

  • @fotoanthology-naveen1075
    @fotoanthology-naveen1075 Год назад +1

    Hey TeamRichey : If no one told you today you both are absolute legends...

  • @CrowGraystone
    @CrowGraystone Год назад


    @MrOMGWTFROFL1 Год назад

    Can I ask what was the thought process of stopping CrossFit and doing weightlifting full time? I'm thinking of doing the same, but worried of the training on your own all the time aspect that you miss from crossfit

  • @_chappy_life
    @_chappy_life Год назад

    I only know when a new song releases because Craig announces it. 😂

  • @melgilliard2641
    @melgilliard2641 Год назад

    Perfect vid even just to say hi ❤

  • @joshthiroux3336
    @joshthiroux3336 Год назад

    I'd like to see the channel prioritize Richey as the sponsored athlete and what that journey looks like.

  • @MrBeeMeR320D
    @MrBeeMeR320D Год назад

    Hey Legends, you forgot to pick someone (me!) for the green beanie!!! 😁😁😁

  • @kardawi23
    @kardawi23 Год назад


  • @benharvey7565
    @benharvey7565 Год назад

    Maybe you should partner with PRVN that way you 'would never quit' and 'leave no doubt' to overcome your doubt 🤣🤣🤣

  • @TGoodie1717
    @TGoodie1717 Год назад

    Why can I see his breath when he lifts??? 😮‍💨

    • @TeamRICHEY
      @TeamRICHEY  Год назад +1

      Because the box is the same temperature as outside 😅 currently -1

    • @TGoodie1717
      @TGoodie1717 Год назад

      @@TeamRICHEY now THAT’s dedication

    • @MrBeeMeR320D
      @MrBeeMeR320D Год назад

      well, it's probalby cold in there like in my gym :p

  • @alexgoldstein958
    @alexgoldstein958 Год назад

    I think Justin M rubbed off on you ‘Like’ a lot

  • @heathertimbrell573
    @heathertimbrell573 Год назад

    Just been watching the down under championship (after as in the UK)and am sure Royce Dunn was wearing a hustl.made t shirt during one of the lifting events 👍his team won too