That loud noise was horrible I almost hit the ceiling I can't even imagine being there in the dark hearing that!!! Lordy!!! Glad you two weren't in trouble with the police over this explore. Stay Safe stay Blessed
I'd put money on the possibility that the security guard was lying about two people being armed just so the Police would show up faster. It happens all the time and the people who lie about someone being armed don't understand how dangerous it is when they falsely report that type of thing. Not to mention the fact that it ties up more emergency resources.
0:36 hahaha!! Reminds me of Jim Carrey from Dumb And Dummer. 😂 17:54 wtf?! Woman’s voice…that gave me the creeps! 19:42 that was a voice. 21:04 that sounds like someone walking or moving something. I think the loud bang was either the security guard or the cops did it to scare y’all outta there.
Holy moly! When that crash happened | nearly hit the ceiling!😮😮 A great explore though, there were some lovely tiled walls and fireplaces. Thanks for another Sunday morning treat 😁😁
Matt and Andy this was the most frightened I’ve ever been for you. The loud sound l believe were the burglars trying to get you guys OUT! Matt, you’re calm and professional demeanor is what I’m sure made the officer allow you to leave. I’m glad you guy are safe!🙏🙏
I could hear running at 19.15 after Matt talking / Matt panning down to the screwed down trap door, seems a coincidence just after you stopped as you both could hear something just before. That hallway did look spooky 👻 😱
Wow, that was scary! I was afraid you all would be arrested!! You all have had two really crazy adventures. That one with the white stuff and green stuff was the scariest of all though. Be safe. Love you two!! Betty Boop, USA
Wow, I thought for sure you would be arrested! Glad you didn't get in trouble and didn't get hurt! Bad timing that a burglary was happening at the same time! Wish we could have seen blackpool tower! That's my home town!! I'm lovin catching up with your videos! My favourite thing is how you hear weird noises and things and then just carry on admiring fireplaces and stuffs 🤣 very entertaining!
That huge bang sounded like it happened very close to where you were at the time! Could have been paranormal or it could be the building falling apart. I guess we will never know for sure!
Guys, when you mentioned someone saw you, that was it, I was unnerved from then to the end! The amount of people assembled to find you two, wow! So glad you were understood, as to why you were there poking around. Please go back to places middle-of-nowhere. I'm positive you'd rather focus on the explore, not on getting caught. Whew! Makes my heart race seeing you both in that position every time it happens!😬🥺 Stay well, stay safe.
Aye up Andy's got his leg's out, must be warm.. 🔥, those tiles on the floor in the hallway were beautiful. Have to say reminds me of a hospital with all those long creepy corridors. Nearly hit the fecking ceiling when that loud bang happened.!! Police were very reasonable compared to some you've met.. 👮♂️👮♂️😂😏
Seems like the freaky corridor would have been offices. Before that, maybe staff living area if there was a lord living there back in the day? The basement that was massive may have been the kitchens back in the day. I've never seen anything like that before Looked more like an underground carpark. Or the place could have been a school, it looks like Georgian era with the big rooms & high ceilings
This would make an awesome haunted explore for the paranormal enthusiast. I'd love it. This place is in pristine condition too. Might pay to keep this beautiful buildings location in spite of th ends circumstances and as haunted as it is? undisclosed as to keep it free from th destruction of crime. Thanks again guys. I thoroughly enjoyed
Looking forward to this one seeing as its local ...and since they knocked that concrete monstroncity down which stood next to it even better ..this building has had so many different uses without revealing where it is...its stood empty for the longest time even the locals have asked questions as to why its taking so long to do anything with it......hope you enjoyed roaming round it...there used to be an underground passageway which led to the nearby station too ... keep up the great work guys.....
Is it just me, or is that full on running at 19:13?? I swear I have heard it a few times! You don't seem to hear it, but we are talking about fireplaces, and I agree, they are so beautiful! Never see fireplaces like you guys have over there in the US. And you have them in every room too, as even in the tiniest homes! They seem very shallow too, like the logs burning could fall out at any moment. Is it just me, or do they just appear that way on film? Still love the way you have so many beautiful places to explore over there!!
Glad you two are okay! Great show gents! No wonder you were freaking,...there WERE others there! Listen to your gut. Can’t wait for next week and for the upcoming trip! Going to be grand! Stay safe on your journeys.💕
I like the cranky side of Andy! The heat brings out the beast in him. Shrieking on a Sunday morning. I'm sure y'all were more scared than I was. Coppers!!!! At least he was kind.
There are different types of Flemish Bond bricklaying. The cellar is built in a Flemish Bond style, not to be confused with the English Bond. Very impressive. Cheers.
Hey Matt Hey Andy wow what an amazing place and massive And Matt sometimes you go into the old abandoned places you may run into some paranormal lol and yes I know you don't like when you feel that but don't let it stop you from checking out some of these beautiful places take care both of you...
You are much braver than I! As much as I say "I wish I were 20 years younger so I could go exploring." I am a big chicken, so I'm living vicariously through you guys! LOL 🤣
I absolutely love your explores as you never know how it's going to go,Matt you put me on edge right from the start with your unease for that corridor,I wonder If there was other people in the building or as you said the security guard made up a story for the cops,Matt when you said we are urban explorers and stated the interest and the date of the when the building was built that copper knew right away in my opinion that you weren't a couple of thieving arseholes so a strong opening gambit with the cops,anyway keep it coming lads fuckin love your channel and look forward to my wee Sunday escape from reality,I might be cruel but I love it when there is a chase on or when you get caught lol,hopefully not to often though.
Blimey lads that was a nervy one, that corridor looks sketchy as hell I wouldnt go down there, that copper was really nice though, I'm glad you're both ok
You can guarantee the security made up the story of “armed burglars” to ensure a speedy response from the law. The loud bang would have been a police scare tactic to flush the “armed burglars” out so the police can ambush you as you try to give it the heels on your exit. The police officer pointed out, the position of danger you put yourself in if you encountered the “armed burglars”. If there were “armed burglars” you wouldn’t have known anyway. Now think about this, what position has the security guard put you in making claims you were “armed”, what if armed police would have responded, the security guard has then put you in danger of being shot by the police.
Wow what a finale to an exciting video. Wonder what the railways used the building for, it was mahoosive. That corridor was creepy but was worth seeing the fireplaces and ceilings. Stay safe xxxx
Omg 😱 what a place esp that celler definitely a spooky place and that bang I was wearing my bluetooth headphones at the time connected to my TV and I nearly crapped myself honestly as volume was up loud bloody glad I was not out in kitchen making a mug of tea ( Yorkshire brand obviously Matt lol ) and you both got caught again lol 🤦♀️as Andy always says omg shit the bed! lol 😆 😅 🤣 brilliant video loved it jeeeez I love you guys hilarious honestly 😆 x x
I jumped out my Bl**dy skin with the bang!! 😂 You were lucky the Police were very understanding 😂 on a serious note if those burglars had been armed it would have been a different story but I do think it was a bid to get the Police there quicker Another weird one but enjoyed it 👍🏻
That loud noise was horrible I almost hit the ceiling I can't even imagine being there in the dark hearing that!!! Lordy!!! Glad you two weren't in trouble with the police over this explore. Stay Safe stay Blessed
I'd put money on the possibility that the security guard was lying about two people being armed just so the Police would show up faster. It happens all the time and the people who lie about someone being armed don't understand how dangerous it is when they falsely report that type of thing. Not to mention the fact that it ties up more emergency resources.
That’s why there was 5 or 6 cars and they could have sent the dog in
Wow guys! You getting busted was the best part of the explore. My heart was pounding as if I were there with you.
0:36 hahaha!! Reminds me of Jim Carrey from Dumb And Dummer. 😂
17:54 wtf?! Woman’s voice…that gave me the creeps!
19:42 that was a voice.
21:04 that sounds like someone walking or moving something.
I think the loud bang was either the security guard or the cops did it to scare y’all outta there.
Thanks! For petrol to go middle of nowhere, love from USA's Great Southwest.
21:50 omg listen carefully there is a man shouting in the distance xx
Yeah you can hear it it's like a lingering Hello just at the end of the train finishing
What a video. :) I was crocheting and counting a long row of stitches when that bang happened. Nearly jumped off my chair and totally lost count. 😆
Brilliant coppers, that is how you deal with people.
Holy moly! When that crash happened | nearly hit the ceiling!😮😮 A great explore though, there were some lovely tiled walls and fireplaces. Thanks for another Sunday morning treat 😁😁
Matt and Andy this was the most frightened I’ve ever been for you. The loud sound l believe were the burglars trying to get you guys OUT! Matt, you’re calm and professional demeanor is what I’m sure made the officer allow you to leave. I’m glad you guy are safe!🙏🙏
My knees are still knocking 😫 bless you two. Scared the living daylights out of me
I could hear running at 19.15 after Matt talking / Matt panning down to the screwed down trap door, seems a coincidence just after you stopped as you both could hear something just before. That hallway did look spooky 👻 😱
Yes I heard that too
Yea me too.
Wow, that was scary! I was afraid you all would be arrested!! You all have had two really crazy adventures. That one with the white stuff and green stuff was the scariest of all though. Be safe. Love you two!! Betty Boop, USA
Good video. Like how you guys remained calm and exited sheepishly 😁
Wow, I thought for sure you would be arrested! Glad you didn't get in trouble and didn't get hurt! Bad timing that a burglary was happening at the same time! Wish we could have seen blackpool tower! That's my home town!! I'm lovin catching up with your videos! My favourite thing is how you hear weird noises and things and then just carry on admiring fireplaces and stuffs 🤣 very entertaining!
Are we not going to talk about Andy's 35:05 moment
The armed burglars was more scary than the noises in the building. Great explore thank you.
The Policeman seemed very nice. 🙃☕❤🇺🇸
I think the building is magnificent
I especially like the tiled corrider.
All of our beautiful planet needs days of sweet Rain 🌧 💙
That huge bang sounded like it happened very close to where you were at the time! Could have been paranormal or it could be the building falling apart. I guess we will never know for sure!
That corridor reminded me of the shining. Was expecting twin girls to appear and ask you to play.
Very Grateful for a Happy Ending. Thank you guys
Guys, when you mentioned someone saw you, that was it, I was unnerved from then to the end! The amount of people assembled to find you two, wow! So glad you were understood, as to why you were there poking around. Please go back to places middle-of-nowhere. I'm positive you'd rather focus on the explore, not on getting caught. Whew! Makes my heart race seeing you both in that position every time it happens!😬🥺 Stay well, stay safe.
Aye up Andy's got his leg's out, must be warm.. 🔥, those tiles on the floor in the hallway were beautiful. Have to say reminds me of a hospital with all those long creepy corridors. Nearly hit the fecking ceiling when that loud bang happened.!! Police were very reasonable compared to some you've met.. 👮♂️👮♂️😂😏
Seems like the freaky corridor would have been offices. Before that, maybe staff living area if there was a lord living there back in the day? The basement that was massive may have been the kitchens back in the day. I've never seen anything like that before Looked more like an underground carpark. Or the place could have been a school, it looks like Georgian era with the big rooms & high ceilings
Amazing video and the cops seem to be very understanding
This would make an awesome haunted explore for the paranormal enthusiast. I'd love it. This place is in pristine condition too. Might pay to keep this beautiful buildings location in spite of th ends circumstances and as haunted as it is? undisclosed as to keep it free from th destruction of crime. Thanks again guys. I thoroughly enjoyed
Looking forward to this one seeing as its local ...and since they knocked that concrete monstroncity down which stood next to it even better ..this building has had so many different uses without revealing where it is...its stood empty for the longest time even the locals have asked questions as to why its taking so long to do anything with it......hope you enjoyed roaming round it...there used to be an underground passageway which led to the nearby station too ... keep up the great work guys.....
So ashame that it won't last so long. Thanks again guys
That bang was SO FREAKIN loud I jumped! 😆 Some great architecture inside. It takes courage to walk through fear, good job Matt!!
And Andy
Same. I jumped out of my skin
I think the loud bang was the police shutting the fire door to the roof so no one had an escape route
Great fun again guys! Also good to hear about Johnny's mega-pint of wine again on your channel 🍷🍷🍷 😄
Another great upload and I had a good laugh at you both when you heard the loud bang 😂
Security guard chickened out and called the police.
that bang frightened the life out of me. lol great vid.x
Is it just me, or is that full on running at 19:13?? I swear I have heard it a few times! You don't seem to hear it, but we are talking about fireplaces, and I agree, they are so beautiful! Never see fireplaces like you guys have over there in the US. And you have them in every room too, as even in the tiniest homes! They seem very shallow too, like the logs burning could fall out at any moment. Is it just me, or do they just appear that way on film? Still love the way you have so many beautiful places to explore over there!!
Ooooooh! Exciting times! Roll on Sunday!
Omg I hit the roof with that bang. What a freaky place.
I grew up in a very old pub, that blocked up drop looks like an old barrel drop. Many are still in use today x
Its giving off asylum vibes more than a hotel boys. Great explore all the same and definitely spooky. XX 💙💙👻
That wooden trolley would of been what the burglars probably used.
Glad you two are okay! Great show gents! No wonder you were freaking,...there WERE others there! Listen to your gut.
Can’t wait for next week and for the upcoming trip! Going to be grand! Stay safe on your journeys.💕
Yep, always listen to that gut feeling.
Cop seemed pretty cool with the guys!
love it when you get caught great vidio guys yah spooky place
I could swear I've watched a paranormal video on this place!
Maybe there were other Guys in the Building and the loud crash you've heard was those Guys moving and crashing that (now gone) trolley.
I like the cranky side of Andy! The heat brings out the beast in him. Shrieking on a Sunday morning. I'm sure y'all were more scared than I was. Coppers!!!! At least he was kind.
It would be cool if you could get a GoPro attached to a Car/Toy that can remote its way down the tunnel. Wonder why they filled it in.
OMG! I had a heart attack with that bang then the cops. This was so cool lol.
Stay safe guys luv ya.
Love you guys , be safe ,always ,you were lucky ,again.
There are different types of Flemish Bond bricklaying. The cellar is built in a Flemish Bond style, not to be confused with the English Bond. Very impressive. Cheers.
That’s good to know we had no idea.
That bang scared the shit out of me, it was loud as fuck with earphones. Great video, really interesting place
Great explore glad you guys made it out safely. That officer was amazingly nice. ❤
Do you think the cart going missing could have been someone crashing it out through a window, to take it? Just a thought. Fab video 👍
Hahahaha 😅 the coppers got yea but they were very cool 👍
He knew you were good guys ❤️🙋
Love your videos. They're very interesting,and you guys crack me up.
You must know that upon entering some of those places that your gonna encounter you're finders beepers. LOL 😆
Great video.. you guys were making me nervous.. I am glad the police were not hateful.. take care and have a good day!!
That was such a different explore! Scary & on edge & what a creepy place! Thanks guys for being brave (ish)
That place was simply amazing.
Hey Matt Hey Andy wow what an amazing place and massive And Matt sometimes you go into the old abandoned places you may run into some paranormal lol and yes I know you don't like when you feel that but don't let it stop you from checking out some of these beautiful places take care both of you...
"Look at the tiles on that!" Ooherr Hahaha brilliant
Amazing place and exciting adventure! Your police are very nice, y’all take care!
You are much braver than I! As much as I say "I wish I were 20 years younger so I could go exploring." I am a big chicken, so I'm living vicariously through you guys! LOL 🤣
I absolutely love your explores as you never know how it's going to go,Matt you put me on edge right from the start with your unease for that corridor,I wonder If there was other people in the building or as you said the security guard made up a story for the cops,Matt when you said we are urban explorers and stated the interest and the date of the when the building was built that copper knew right away in my opinion that you weren't a couple of thieving arseholes so a strong opening gambit with the cops,anyway keep it coming lads fuckin love your channel and look forward to my wee Sunday escape from reality,I might be cruel but I love it when there is a chase on or when you get caught lol,hopefully not to often though.
how cool was that place love are you not worried when the cops show up :)
Blimey lads that was a nervy one, that corridor looks sketchy as hell I wouldnt go down there, that copper was really nice though, I'm glad you're both ok
You can guarantee the security made up the story of “armed burglars” to ensure a speedy response from the law. The loud bang would have been a police scare tactic to flush the “armed burglars” out so the police can ambush you as you try to give it the heels on your exit.
The police officer pointed out, the position of danger you put yourself in if you encountered the “armed burglars”. If there were “armed burglars” you wouldn’t have known anyway. Now think about this, what position has the security guard put you in making claims you were “armed”, what if armed police would have responded, the security guard has then put you in danger of being shot by the police.
Absolutely brilliant looking building... excited for this one guys.... xx
Wow what a finale to an exciting video. Wonder what the railways used the building for, it was mahoosive. That corridor was creepy but was worth seeing the fireplaces and ceilings. Stay safe xxxx
Loud bang nearly threw my pad!
Cracking video guys,wow love love love watching u 👍👍wat a beautiful building x
Great job guys! Wish you could have spent more time exploring. It was like a maze. Thanks 😊
Sunday is too far away...looks like a good one though. 👏👏
It’s giving me ww2 hospital vibes and later a hostel for teens and single parents
Omg 😱 what a place esp that celler definitely a spooky place and that bang I was wearing my bluetooth headphones at the time connected to my TV and I nearly crapped myself honestly as volume was up loud bloody glad I was not out in kitchen making a mug of tea ( Yorkshire brand obviously Matt lol ) and you both got caught again lol 🤦♀️as Andy always says omg shit the bed! lol 😆 😅 🤣 brilliant video loved it jeeeez I love you guys hilarious honestly 😆 x x
Very excited for this one! 😱👻
That place is creepy af! 😳
A mega pint of wine lol, I have that as my notification on my phone haha
Good Morning Mates 🍻 🌄
Glad I can watch me first vid as an official member 👍
My wife went for an interview in that building many many many years ago.
Woop woop!
Hi guys I'm just about to settle back and enjoy this!
Shared & Liked!👍 ( loved really! ❤)
Great video both..shame you didn’t get to see it all. Think that Sgt needs to learn the burglary definition never mind you two 😂
That underground area looked like old fall out shelters.Looks similar to another video I saw underground in London
Cannot wait for this one 😍
Thanks guys for another great explore loved it ❤ take care my friends much love 💘❤ 💕
Andy, rude? No, no. I can't believe that. He just tells the truth (as he sees it). 🤪
Love the videos all of them ❤️
Notification on guys explore safe looking forward to it
I bet the security never challenged anyone but saw your two torches across the way.
Love this xxx
I jumped out my Bl**dy skin with the bang!! 😂 You were lucky the Police were very understanding 😂 on a serious note if those burglars had been armed it would have been a different story but I do think it was a bid to get the Police there quicker
Another weird one but enjoyed it 👍🏻
I think this place has creepy vibe .I hope you guys are careful in that place.
OMG 😱😳 omg 😱😳 that's awesome 👍😎
Poor Andy, I’m not surprised he’s not nose blind 😅
Just watching guys I do try and watch Sunday morning I was food shopping and housework sun lol love from Manchester xx