أجمل قصة قصيرة بالمكر والدّهاء / أبو الفتح والجرة "المُقامةُ العُمَريَّة"

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • هذه المقامة قمت بتأليفها قبل عشرين عام، وانا بالثانوية
    تقول المقامة:
    حدثنا موسى بنُ سِنان:
    لمَّا كانَ أبوالفتحِ العُمِيرِيُّ في المعرة ، كان لا يملِكُ فيها إلا جَرة، فخطرتْ بِبالهِ فكرة، لم تَخْطُر على بالِ بشر، حتى ولو كانَ من وادي عبقر.
    فخرجَ حتى رأى الناسَ يُصلُّونَ صلاةَ العصر، فأخذَ لثامَهُ، وشقَّ مِنهُ قطعةً ، ولَفَّ بها بنانَه، وقعدَ قُربَ بابِ المسجد، وأخذَ يُنشِدُ ويُنشد، فلمّا خرجَ الناسُ أصابَهُمُ الفَزع. فقال لهُم :أيُّها الناس، لا أملِكُ إلا هذا الإصْبَع، وإنِّي أعمَلُ خيَّاطًا، فلمَّا قُطِعَ إصْبَعي؛ صَعُبتْ عليَّ مهنتي، وصارَ يتمايَلُ ويتحايل، واجتمعَ عددٌ كبيرٌ من الناس، وأخذوا يَصبُّونَ عليهِ الفضَّةَ والنحاس، فرَجَعَ إلى منزله، وكأنَّهُ يملِكُ العالمَ بأكمله، وقال: إنَّ غدًا لناظِرِهِ قريب، وإنَّي إلى ديارِ البصرَةِ لستُ بِبَعيد .
    فلمَّا طلَعَ الصُّبحُ بدَّلَ ثِيابه ، وذهب إلى السُّوقِ فلم يُبقِ على رغيفٍ إلا جابه، وخرجَ إلى البصرة، وعلى حمارهِ الكَثيرُ من الخُبزِ المُقمَّره، فلمَّا وصلَ أخَذَ يَطرُقُ على كلِّ باب، ويعطيهم من الخُبزِ ما يكفي جميعَ الأهلِ والاحباب.
    بحُجَّةِ أنَّها صدقة، على روحِ أمِّه مَرَقه ،وصاروا يَدعونَ له بالخيرِ والبركة .
    ولمَّا كانَ ليلُ اليومِ الثالث، خَرَجَ إلى كُلِّ بيت، بِقَصدِ أن يُتِّمَ صَدقَةَ المَيت، فأعطاهُم من التَمْرِ والزيت، ما يكفي لقوتِ كلِّ جيرانه، حتى اطمأنَّ استِئناسَهُم بِكلامِه ،وانصبابَهُم إلى شِعْبِ إكرامِه.
    فغابَ منَ الأيَّامِ ماغاب، حتى يطمَئِنَّ الناسُ إلى حُسنِ نواياه، ويلقى منهُم منَ الخَيرِ ما يلقاه.
    وجاءَهُم بعدَ شهر، وفي نيَّتهِ الكَثيرُ من الدهاءِ والمكر، على أملِ أن يَذهَبَ عنهُ الفقر، وطرقَ كُلَّ بابٍ لكنَّ أحدًا لم يعْرفْهُ ، إلا بَعدَ ذِكرِ قِصَّتِه، فعَرَفوه ، فَحيَّوْهُ وأضافوه ، فقال لهُم أنَّ أمَّهُ قَد جاءَتهُ في المنام، وقالت لهُ: أكملِ الصدَقَةَ باللَّحمِ والإدام. فطلبَ إليهِم ما لدَيهِم من أوان، فأعطُوهُ الكَثيرَ حتَّى يملأها بالطَّعام، لادِّعائِه أنَّها سَتَكفِيهِم بِقَدرِ عام ، فأصابَهُم الطَّمع ولم يَدرُوا ما وراءَهُ من الجَشَع، فعادَ أبوالفتحِ إلى المعرَّة ، وانتظرُوه زمانًا ، وهم لا يعرفُونَ لهُ مكانًا، بينما هو كان قَدْ فتحَ بِأوانيهِم دكانًا
    فأنشد يقول
    لا يُبعِدُ اللهُ مثلي وأينَ مثلِي أينَا
    للهِ غفلَةُ قَومٍ غنمتُها بالهُوينا
    Musa bin Sinan told us:
    When Abu al-Fath al-'Amiri was in al-Ma'arra, he used to have nothing but a jar in it, and an idea crossed his mind, which had not occurred to any human being, even if he was from Valley of the Genius.
    So he went out until he saw people praying the afternoon prayer, so he took his shmakh(head cover) , tore a piece of it, wrapped his fringes with it, and sat near the door of the mosque, and began to sing and sing, and when the people came out, they were frightened. He said to them: O people, I only have this finger, and I work as a tailor. My profession became difficult for me, and he started swaying and tricking, and a large number of people gathered, and started through silver and copper coins on him, so he returned to his home, as if he owns the entire world, and said: There's always tomorrow , and I am not far of Basra city.
    And when the morning came, he changed his clothes, and went to the market, and he didn't kept any bread there, he brought all , then he went out to Basra, with a lot of moon-baked bread his donkey
    When he arrived to Al Basra he knocked each door, saying it was charity, on the soul of his mother (Maraqa) , and they began to pray for him for goodness and blessing.
    And when it was night of the third day, he went out to every house, with the intent of giving them the remaining of the charity, so he gave them dates and oil, sufficient for the food of all his neighbors, until he reassured, that they were comforted by his words, and they were thankful and trusted him
    He passed few days, so that people are assured of his good intentions, and he receives from them as good as he does.
    And he came to them after a month, with his intention a lot of cunning and cunning, in the hope that poverty would go away from him, and he knocked on every door, but no one knew him, until after he mentioned his story, so they recognized him, so they revived him, and he said to them : his mother came in the dream. And she asks to give meat and broth. So he asked them for what they had of dishes and utensils, so they gave him a lot to fill it with food, claiming that it would sufficient for the whole year, so he returned back to his city , and they waited for him, but didn't come back
    Then sing to say
    God made me closer, and no one like me?
    I take benifit the heedlessness of a people I looted
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