Learn English With Disney | Cinderella

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @yashaswinishriradhey
    @yashaswinishriradhey 9 месяцев назад +20

    Mark my world, this channel will be the best for learn english speaking skill😊😊

    • @LearnEnglishWithTVSeries
      @LearnEnglishWithTVSeries  9 месяцев назад +2

      Wow, we’re flattered. Thanks for your amazing support, yashaswinishridadhey! ❤️

  • @shubhashchandrapathak8695
    @shubhashchandrapathak8695 3 года назад +28

    This is the best approach to teach language. I really appreciate you guys, and I'm lucky to get this channel in time.

  • @naradakandawala8322
    @naradakandawala8322 3 года назад +279

    Mark my words, this channel will be the best channel for learning English and yet LEWTVS will be unstopabble

  • @rubensalves8267
    @rubensalves8267 Год назад +24

    This video was amazing 👏🏼 The teacher’s voice matched perfectly with the sound-track and scenes. It seemed all connected. Good job!

  • @ginmarapintoolvera6272
    @ginmarapintoolvera6272 3 года назад +607

    This channel is the perfect example of learning english while having fun. My listening has improved a lot with your videos 😊
    Thank you and greetings from Ecuador ❤

  • @Bee_Key97
    @Bee_Key97 2 года назад +19

    Oh my God! I never thought learning English would be so fun.
    I'm glad that I found this channel.

  • @jushafchopra6611
    @jushafchopra6611 3 года назад +448

    God bless all of the girls like Cinderella exist in this world 🌎

    • @lajamies3097
      @lajamies3097 3 года назад +6

      @DarthGirl Plays Uhm yeah she deserved it right.But i don't understand why you confused with this bro :v

    • @Anushka-m5j
      @Anushka-m5j 6 месяцев назад


    • @HijabZahra-m7s-f3u
      @HijabZahra-m7s-f3u 6 месяцев назад


  • @puja__mondal
    @puja__mondal 3 года назад +9

    Your pattern of teaching is excellent. Now I become confident that one day I can speak in English fluently and smartly.

  • @nilufar04
    @nilufar04 Год назад +9

    This channel is the perfect example of learning english while having fun❤ Thank you very much🎉

  • @ollielevido7407
    @ollielevido7407 3 года назад +4

    Really happy to see this lesson pass 1 million views.

  • @khadijahismail62
    @khadijahismail62 3 года назад +12

    I love learning with Disney movies.. keep making these amazing videos
    it's unbelievable how much my comprehension has improved from watching your channel

  • @g0ldenceleste373
    @g0ldenceleste373 3 года назад +37

    This channel is amazing and it helps me so much can you please do an anime one? They have English dub s that you can use :) thank you again✨✨

  • @augustocesar1498
    @augustocesar1498 3 года назад +29

    In my country, Brazil, we have a good expression: " tudo de bom", which refers to a thing (or person) that has everything you need, or appreciate. This method used by you teachers is "tudo de bom" !!!!
    hugs from Brazil lol

  • @priyaale3317
    @priyaale3317 3 года назад +12

    Wow your teaching style is fabulous, loved it ❤

  • @rajanikumari-r8b
    @rajanikumari-r8b 8 месяцев назад +161

    Who is watching from India

  • @elenazip6991
    @elenazip6991 3 года назад +8

    I really fell in love with the prince's eyes.🥰🥰🥰

  • @meryemhm8869
    @meryemhm8869 3 года назад +47

    A brilliant channel . Every week new ideas , and useful vocabulary to learn ... I can see your huge efforts in every uploading video you do .just a wonderful stuff . I cannot thank you enough guys .you give us a big service and we appreciate all that❤️👏

    • @ronynova1178
      @ronynova1178 3 года назад

      Hello.Have you seen Cindrella2?

    • @thanthansoe2472
      @thanthansoe2472 3 года назад +1

      I want to know how to download disney movies. I want to download. I neet to cartoon movies to improve and learn english. Help me

    • @ronynova1178
      @ronynova1178 3 года назад +1

      @@thanthansoe2472 My first language is not English.I think your too

    • @ronynova1178
      @ronynova1178 3 года назад

      @@thanthansoe2472 Hello.where are you from?

    • @thanthansoe2472
      @thanthansoe2472 3 года назад

      @@ronynova1178 from Myanmar

  • @szwnaahmk7989
    @szwnaahmk7989 2 года назад +1

    Mark my words, i shall watch all of these kind of content video😭 i definitely like this so muchhh. Finally, i found my way to express better in english😢 thankyou

  • @ushivas
    @ushivas 3 года назад +8

    I hope we get discount on real-life course when this channel get 4 million subscribers . Also this lesson was superb 👍

  • @Krishna_0788
    @Krishna_0788 2 года назад +2168

    Any Indian 🤔🇮🇳?

  • @LearnENGLISHwithMyLingo101
    @LearnENGLISHwithMyLingo101 3 года назад +11

    I have always enjoyed the Cinderella fairytale 😊

  • @LilitH-wj2ss
    @LilitH-wj2ss 3 года назад +6

    I absolutely adore Cinderella! Especially 1950 animated film. It's my favorite since childhood. 2015 film is good too. Thank you for the lesson!)

  • @ys21054
    @ys21054 3 года назад +57

    Thank you guys for making this amazing lesson🥺🥺 I do love Cinderella! Wish I could watch another piece of Disney movies!!!

  • @gurjeetkaur304
    @gurjeetkaur304 3 года назад +1

    Thanks ....this is the best channel to improve English.

  • @huongduyenduong3392
    @huongduyenduong3392 3 года назад +19

    Cinderelle is literally my childhood.

  • @emilynang335
    @emilynang335 3 года назад +6

    This channel helps me a lot in my English improvement, because of you , i am able to get almost every English song and movie

  • @ravishaniperera9105
    @ravishaniperera9105 3 года назад +14

    I love this story since my childhood 😍 There is no point in talking about your speaking skills 👌👍 I could learn English in this story ❤ thank you 😙

  • @supriyachoppadandi8094
    @supriyachoppadandi8094 Год назад

    This is the best channel to improve English language. Thank you so much sir....

  • @dr19gaming88
    @dr19gaming88 9 месяцев назад +59

    who is from bihar😊❤

  • @SudhaVishwakarma-t6c
    @SudhaVishwakarma-t6c 8 месяцев назад

    I belongs from India, watching these outstanding scenes with a keen eye . This is very helpful in English learning.
    I am truly thankful to the teacher

  • @angrezikipaathshala2387
    @angrezikipaathshala2387 2 года назад +3

    You are authentic and your teaching ways are creative, interactive and incredibly excellent ✌🙂

  • @learnenglishwithsamahhassa4615
    @learnenglishwithsamahhassa4615 3 года назад +1

    It's my first time to pass by your channel. I'm really impressed.

  • @niasangma1729
    @niasangma1729 3 года назад +14

    One of my favorite live action Disney movie❤❤

  • @chanchalsingh5534
    @chanchalsingh5534 3 года назад

    Literally ...i am searching these kinds of channels finally i found it.. So thank you...

  • @Aplushua
    @Aplushua 3 года назад +11

    I like your channel very much, and you make learning English a very interesting and easy thing. That would be awesome if you could teach more business, finance, and economy English. Thank you very much for these videos!

  • @manishawritesforyou
    @manishawritesforyou 11 месяцев назад

    We can understand your way of teaching with zero effort..Thanks for such a wonderful video and waiting forward to watch much more like this

    • @LearnEnglishWithTVSeries
      @LearnEnglishWithTVSeries  11 месяцев назад

      Aww yeah! That’s amazing to hear. Thanks for learning with us and keep up the great work! Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you don’t forget a single lesson! ❤️

  • @parliamone9359
    @parliamone9359 3 года назад +7

    I love this type of videos!! Thank you for this, my answers were all correct, it's great to learn english in this way :)

  • @alimostafa3485
    @alimostafa3485 Год назад +1

    I'm so lucky that i knew this channel . It is amazing.

  • @KimJoonie
    @KimJoonie 3 года назад +31

    Oh Gosh! This is a magic, I completely understood every single word at the end 😳

  • @zaahidabdi3258
    @zaahidabdi3258 2 года назад

    Thanks; when i saw this channel I’m not understand native speakers but just I understand I appreciate

  • @jayasreesuresh8722
    @jayasreesuresh8722 2 года назад +3

    0:23 wow Bellatrix reformed to fairy Molly gave good short😂

  • @najemaazubeidi1619
    @najemaazubeidi1619 3 года назад

    This channel is so great. You can learn with a fun way, and not make you boring

  • @rihamafify
    @rihamafify 3 года назад +7

    Perfect, loved it so much!, specially it’s one of my favorites, thank you!

  • @brandyliu7980
    @brandyliu7980 2 года назад

    I'm a Chinese student. My Oral English teacher shared your videos with the class. After I had access to RUclips, I tried to find you ! Thank you! I'll study English harder.💕

  • @moumitamandal351
    @moumitamandal351 3 года назад +28

    I've seen this movie so many times... but whenever i watch it, it always seems to me new❤️❤️and it takes me to the world of magic and spell.... I'm really spellbound to watch this movie again 😘

  • @Vishnu-ss2pr
    @Vishnu-ss2pr 3 года назад +2

    Mine all questions got right in test and i'm really thankful for you for providing such a beautiful lessons in unique way

  • @flashgautam3640
    @flashgautam3640 3 года назад +6

    An amazing way to learn English.... 😘

  • @saharrahimi6822
    @saharrahimi6822 2 года назад +1

    Than you for making this video and I want to say that I answer to all the questions correctly.

  • @JojokungzsLife
    @JojokungzsLife 3 года назад +4

    Oh my god, wow! This channel is underrated. I don’t know it before that the video is was great like this and if I know, I wouldn’t missed all the time until today.❤️❤️ This is my first video that I watch it until the end. This video is perfect and thank you so much for make this happen. And I love this movie a lot. It’s tell us to be courage and be kind 😊 And I decided already that from now on I will learn more from this channel. 😊😄😁

  • @bestt262
    @bestt262 Год назад

    This channel is the one for learning English and also vocabulary

  • @princessmayoya4154
    @princessmayoya4154 3 года назад +14

    cinderella is an evergreen tale, I really love it, thank you guys for this beautiful lesson

  • @hientranthithu2037
    @hientranthithu2037 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much!
    One of my favourite channel! So satisfied with your content and method!

  • @mayam4575
    @mayam4575 3 года назад +10

    Thanks a jillion for this exhilarating lesson!! I really adore this movie it's one of my favourites 💜

  • @jessamilperalta5807
    @jessamilperalta5807 2 года назад

    This channel helps me a lot , I really wanted to learn much more English. It's not easy to learn but for not giving up to learn everyday is the best way for me

  • @hazmathzal3749
    @hazmathzal3749 3 года назад +170

    Wow.. Thank you so much for this lesson Ollie. I absolutely adore Cinderella. This lesson is definitely gonna help me a lot:)

  • @huyenngothithu72
    @huyenngothithu72 3 года назад +3

    So splendid, it's really happy as I can learn great things from my favorite film. To be honest, thank you very much for this lesson

  • @sheejamartin5640
    @sheejamartin5640 3 года назад +12

    I got this video accidentally but it was the important thing nowadays I want because in my school I've a debate competition..... Thank you so much from India, Kerala ❤️❤️

  • @thuhientranthi9952
    @thuhientranthi9952 3 года назад +1

    I am from VietNam. So when i saw all video of this chanel, I feel that it is really useful for me, helping to learn more phrase, and vocabulary, improve my speaking skills,.ect. I hope the chanel can upload many video for peoplea and me because it helps me to learn english better....Thanks

  • @rikta__malitha
    @rikta__malitha 3 года назад +4

    Favourite Channel...
    I love ❤️❤️❤️
    Thank u so much

  • @kazuya3432
    @kazuya3432 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much! This video is very useful for me to study English!! Now I subscribed you!!

  • @yanie2201
    @yanie2201 3 года назад +3

    This channel is so helpful. It's help me improve my listening skill.Thank you so much.😘😘😘

  • @debasishsengupta5681
    @debasishsengupta5681 3 года назад +1

    Big thank you for sharing this useful vedio for all English learners over the Glob 🙏

  • @zanttypadahana
    @zanttypadahana 3 года назад +8

    I do really love this movie. 🥰🥰
    Thanks so much for showing this movie and let us learn English 😊
    Your videos really build my English

    • @ronynova1178
      @ronynova1178 3 года назад +1

      Good evening

    • @zanttypadahana
      @zanttypadahana 3 года назад

      @@ronynova1178 Good evening to you

    • @thestoryclubforkids
      @thestoryclubforkids Год назад

      Follow @thestoryclubforkids for lots of English stories and poems to learn English the easy and fun way!

  • @fatimamachrafi1612
    @fatimamachrafi1612 3 года назад +2

    شكرا جزيلا ، عمل متقون 👌
    Thank you 😊

  • @softy-2485
    @softy-2485 3 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for everything you have been doing for us.. Your channel is amazing to be good at English to learn innumerable wonderful expressions.. I really appreciate

  • @Faizanaqvi-g8o
    @Faizanaqvi-g8o Месяц назад

    I am watching this Vedio from Pakistan
    Really appreciated
    I am thankful to the teacher 😊

  • @a.g.mprince8111
    @a.g.mprince8111 3 года назад +7

    tnx a lot from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩its really beneficial ❤️

  • @Bankinglover
    @Bankinglover 3 года назад

    Literally this channel is very helpful to us
    People who r weak in english

  • @samroger7954
    @samroger7954 3 года назад +10

    WoW, i learn a lot and at the same time it saddened me. Because I’ve never had any luck with girls but I will give anything to just have one girl stand there and say "Take me as I am."

  • @shwetadeshmukh482
    @shwetadeshmukh482 3 года назад +2

    Thanks a lot for this amazing opportunity for learning English in a fun way👍

  • @kiranpreetkaur1062
    @kiranpreetkaur1062 3 года назад +5

    I love it. Please make more lessons with the same characters

  • @sandunilakshani6021
    @sandunilakshani6021 3 года назад +2

    Amazing ❤
    Good job sir 👍🏻
    Love from Sri Lanka

  • @alexsal49-95
    @alexsal49-95 3 года назад +3

    You must do a video with some musical movies as a topic. In my expierience there are so many classical musicals such as Grease , Singing in the rain , Footloose, Dirty Dancing , Saturday Night Fever, etc. Also there are some modern musical movies , for instance Yesterday, Once again , Sing Street, Rocketman , Bohemian Rhapsody, A star is born.
    I´d love that. Greetings from Mexico.

  • @yun7461
    @yun7461 3 года назад

    This is the first time I'm here ,and I absolutely like this channel

  • @WallFacerJonSnow
    @WallFacerJonSnow 3 года назад +893

    Oh man, your teeth are perfectly shining.

  • @54jayarathnahm
    @54jayarathnahm 3 года назад +2

    I learning most of things. It's a greatest lesson. Very interesting.Thanks a million.

  • @lucianapimenta9602
    @lucianapimenta9602 3 года назад +3

    Love is Cinderela, it's magic.

  • @samsouma5175
    @samsouma5175 3 года назад +1

    It's the first time i see this channel ❤ it's veryyy perfect and good to learn english easy way 👌❤❤
    I think am in love with the channel 😁

  • @TeacherElo
    @TeacherElo 3 года назад +16

    I love that you used different versions of Cinderella💕 . Personally, I grew up with the animated movie, so it's my favorite.

  • @justhuman1253
    @justhuman1253 3 года назад +1

    you help me a lot to learn new words and understand them pretty well 10q very much it means a lot to me

  • @karimali9796
    @karimali9796 3 года назад +5

    Aww yeah, boys and girls, citizens of the world, here is another fascinating lesson from the best channel ever.❤

  • @Muni_oficil
    @Muni_oficil 2 месяца назад +1

    This is very helpful tnk 🎉
    Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰

  • @ibrahimdiallo00
    @ibrahimdiallo00 3 года назад +3

    I like your lessons. it helps me boost my confidence in english keep uploading ✌

  • @khatialekishvili-ez2ox
    @khatialekishvili-ez2ox Год назад

    I easily learn English words from this chanel. Thank u sm

  • @LearnEnglishWithTVSeries
    @LearnEnglishWithTVSeries  2 года назад +15

    Our company RealLife English is celebrating our 10th Anniversary! To thank you for all of your support, we are making a super special gift!

    51% OFF our popular fluency course, Fluent with Friends, PLUS a BONUS of 4 Live Lessons with our Fluency Coaches!
    Learn more through the link above, and remember to use the promo code RLE10

  • @sonammishra1024
    @sonammishra1024 3 года назад

    Thank you so much. You are doing a lot for Non English Speakers .

  • @CAT-wc5uw
    @CAT-wc5uw 3 года назад +6

    Hey thank you to you as well for this helpful and awesome channel ❤❤❤. See what i learned from this video🤧:
    - 🍒maiden: unmarried young woman
    - 🍒no question: no chance, no possibility
    - 🍒questionable 🤔 ~ old-fashioned.
    - 🍒old-fashioned >< contemporary
    - 🍒frayed: clothes that are worn at edges
    - 🍒fall to pieces/ fall to bits
    - 🍒associate: to connect or to have relationships with s.o
    - 🍒servant: attendant
    - 🍒mark my word: want a person to pay attention and remember what we're saying.
    - 🍒personate: dinstinct, famous, important people (king)
    -🍒 rags: clothes are visibly old and torn.
    -🍒 from rags-to-riches: grew up in poverty now has great wealth.
    - 🍒ball: large social gathering for dancing💃
    - 🍒dowry
    - 🍒take me as i am: accept me for who i am.
    -🍒 country girl: girl from a rural pastoral are.
    - 🍒trade: a job that demands special training.
    -🍒 apprentice: a person who is still learning from a more experienced person the skills to perform a certain job.

  • @iulianablueeyes3466
    @iulianablueeyes3466 2 года назад

    Wow, the style of presenting is super !

  • @emiliahe1793
    @emiliahe1793 3 года назад +3

    I love Cinderella and love britisch accent as well!

  • @languageandmana9255
    @languageandmana9255 Год назад +2

    I love this form of English learning ❤😍

  • @monsieurmaurice3951
    @monsieurmaurice3951 3 года назад +7

    I learned 4 words today : "gee it up a bit" , frayed , vested , and dowry . Thanks !!!!

  • @pheakdeychuobofficial4270
    @pheakdeychuobofficial4270 3 года назад +25

    Beautiful to study for me today what about y’all?

  • @misbahsaif1079
    @misbahsaif1079 3 года назад +1

    RUclips recommending me this is worth it

  • @moldirkopbayeva1616
    @moldirkopbayeva1616 3 года назад +3

    That was perfect, thank you! 🤤🥰

  • @رجاءرجاء-ذ4غ
    @رجاءرجاء-ذ4غ 2 года назад

    Oh dear thank God I found this channel 😊thank you

  • @naturalcurliliceous4843
    @naturalcurliliceous4843 2 года назад +17

    Hello there! Thank you for your wonderful lessons, it would be nice if there were a printable PDF of this lesson to make my students to practise the content. Anyway thanks a million again!

  • @SanjuYadav-pf3xz
    @SanjuYadav-pf3xz 2 года назад +1

    Thanku 🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏 sooooooo much 🥰

  • @manirajansingh5761
    @manirajansingh5761 6 месяцев назад +19

    Any people watching in 2024

  • @yasminbegum4968
    @yasminbegum4968 3 года назад +2

    I am from Pakistan ,it’s really helpful to watch

  • @tasnimzarin6571
    @tasnimzarin6571 7 месяцев назад +29

    Any Bangladeshi? 🇧🇩