Education is the Key. Eating healthy food, what to eat and whst to avoid, how different food affects yiyr body etc etc. It should be in a school plan, staring at first grade all the way up to 12th grade, or at least 8th grade. It should be part of the PE subject or on its own. Minisistry of Education should take this into condideration. Lets not just rely on hospital. I know Auatralian Education does this. Prevention is better than cure.
Education is the Key. Eating healthy food, what to eat and whst to avoid, how different food affects yiyr body etc etc.
It should be in a school plan, staring at first grade all the way up to 12th grade, or at least 8th grade. It should be part of the PE subject or on its own. Minisistry of Education should take this into condideration. Lets not just rely on hospital. I know Auatralian Education does this. Prevention is better than cure.