Psf. Flavian, Orbul din Naștere. Despre Anturajul Psf. Vlasie, AMD 2022

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • VIDEO Predica deosebit de importanta a Preasfințitului Flavian în Duminica Orbului din Naștere, despre caterisirea Preasfințitului Vlasie și problema anturajului, Mănăstirea Adormirea Maicii Domnului București 2022
    Abonați-vă la contul lui aici / @cristianstilvechi

Комментарии • 45

  • @artemizadraghici5244
    @artemizadraghici5244 2 года назад +9

    Nu m-am gândit niciodată că se va întâmpla așa ceva în biserica noastră împotriva adevărului ne lovim unii pe alții ne jignim și nu cred că vom mai fi uniți vreodată cum am fost odinioară mie dor de liniște și pace de slujbe dumnezeiești de unire și dragoste frățească doamne ferește turma ta că este hartuita Hristos a înviat

    • @SharkMaster467
      @SharkMaster467 Год назад +1

      DOAMNE AJUTA! Nu știam care e adevarul(nu ni se spune nimc, despre ce erezie este în biserică noastră) BV. NU STU sa ne spună sau (nu vor)

  • @costelnistor3700
    @costelnistor3700 4 месяца назад +1


  • @ioanmih23
    @ioanmih23 Год назад +1

    Da,frumoase slujbe,toate sunt fastuoase,toate pline de invataturi care trebuiau respectate in primul rand de ei!Rugaciunile pentru aproapele nostru trebuiau facute inainte si nu dupa si meritul lor putea fi de a tine biserica unita si de e salva suflete!Pana in clipa mortii niciunul nu poate fi considerat mantuit,deci fastul si predicile nu fac decat sa anihileze constiinta!Daca am cauta slabiciunile fiecaruia,in parte,numai bunul Dumnezeu cu mila,ne mai poate salva!

  • @gheorghecretu5798
    @gheorghecretu5798 2 месяца назад +2

    IPS VLASIE Martir.

  • @SharkMaster467
    @SharkMaster467 Год назад +2

    Ce unire,? CE dragoste la noi în biserică? Am fost dolnava, 6 luni dezile, nu a întrebat nimeni de mine(nici prt.) nimic. Nici cind dai bani PT. Pictură și altele ia repebe bani, (vrei sa i mai spui necazul tău, nu am TMP, ma grăbesc) zice pr. Nu suntem, din cei cu sume mari că din pensie(1500)dai cit poți dai in rate . Nu te baga în seamă. De 30,tot dam, puțin cite puți. Nu vreau sa judec pe nimeni, (ar trebui pr. Sa fie mai atenți, cu noi, bătrânii. Iertare vă rog! ❤

  • @zenovicaiftime2781
    @zenovicaiftime2781 2 года назад +5

    Bodaproste ptr transmisie, bunul Dumnezeu să i dea sănătate și zile îndelungate Preasfințitului Flavian

  • @Jessica.-_-.2013
    @Jessica.-_-.2013 2 года назад +8

    Multumim Psf Flavian pentru frumoasa predicà Dumnezeu sã -i dea viatà lungà si mìntuire

  • @SharkMaster467
    @SharkMaster467 Год назад

    Sa ne trăiți Presfintie! DOAMNE AJUTA!

  • @roabaadomnului7703
    @roabaadomnului7703 2 года назад +7

    Sa ne trăiți întru mulți ani ,Preasfintite Stăpâne! Bogdaproste din tot sufletul pentru înregistrare! Dumnezeu sa va dea mantuire! Doamne ajuta!🙏💐🙏

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      Adevarat a inviat! Sa fie primit!!

  • @horhogealamasanumaria4863
    @horhogealamasanumaria4863 2 года назад +3

    Bravo asa este

  • @gelugelu9845
    @gelugelu9845 2 года назад +4

    Doamne ajuta!

  • @petrutafodor1533
    @petrutafodor1533 2 года назад +10

    Despre ciprianism, nimic? Se tot condamna. ..dar despre erezia în care suntem nu ni se spune !

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад +1

      S-au facut destul de multe in directia asta, asteptam pozitia oficiala. Da Doamne!

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      @Lacramioara Scutareanu te rog frumos sa termini cu aceste aberatii!! Mergi la monahul Vlasie si rezolva-ti acolo problemele!

  • @petreldascalu347
    @petreldascalu347 2 года назад +1

    Ps Flavian Look up

  • @domighele5243
    @domighele5243 2 года назад


  • @SharkMaster467
    @SharkMaster467 Год назад

    MULȚUMESC! Presfintie ca ne spuneți adevărul. (sper)

  • @veronicaacatrinei7683
    @veronicaacatrinei7683 2 года назад +3

    Poate si acele ciurucuri au dat bani bisericii.

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      Asa poate sa dea si nea masonu sereist bani bisericii, aia nu-l face mai putin mason sau mai putin sereist. Eu daca dau bani bisericii sunt mai putin pacatos daca continui sa fac pacate? Ce e cu logica asta?

  • @janitajunghiu4893
    @janitajunghiu4893 2 года назад +5

    Sà tràiti preasfintite si ne rugam sà fie paca īn biserica noastrà . Hristos a īnviay !

  • @marcelastroea7783
    @marcelastroea7783 2 года назад +2

    Da ce sa întâmplat de la caterisit?

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

  • @busuiocbusuioc6044
    @busuiocbusuioc6044 2 года назад

    Scuzatii adresa Sf Minastiri Edem Pt ca pe Google nu au adresa nu am Facebook muctumesc mult bodaproste pt adresa anticipat ✝️

  • @crestinortodox7066
    @crestinortodox7066 2 года назад +2

    Bogdaproste ! Cit durere și suferința a făcut o femeie

  • @serbanmirela7333
    @serbanmirela7333 2 года назад +2

    Adevarat a inviat sa ne traiti SF parinte bodaproste!

  • @cameliaolteanu8113
    @cameliaolteanu8113 2 года назад

    Doamne ajuta PS Flavian

  • @orthodoxyancientynaturehis3834
    @orthodoxyancientynaturehis3834 2 года назад

    Could you put and subtitles in English? Thank you

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      That takes too much time and unfortunately I can't afford it. What would you like to know if you can be more specific

    • @orthodoxyancientynaturehis3834
      @orthodoxyancientynaturehis3834 2 года назад

      @@just4uamnda although i follow the new calendar i watch what is happening with the old calendar
      Finally what's happening with Vlasie and Demosten?

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      "Dear Christians,
      Today, the influence of those of bad faith has materialized on the one who has long been the spiritual leader of the faithful of our Church. The crafty ones wanted, through their influence on the former Metropolitan, to lay their insidious hand on the Church of God. But they forgot that they could never be victorious in a war with the Lord of heaven and earth. They succeeded only in drawing out and plunging into the mire of dishonesty the one through whom they wished to subjugate the Church. Today we can sing like the children of Israel, "Let us sing to the Lord, for he has glorified himself with glory!" (Jn 15:1). We know that the war is not over, but we can say that the Lord is waging war for His Church, and as the Prophet David says, "He will not turn back until they are finished" (Psalm 17:41).
      Today the last attempt of the members of the Holy Synod to bring in their midst the former Bishop Vlasie Mogârzan was also rejected. No one wanted it to come to this, no one premeditated this outcome, but here is what St. Mark Asceticus says "Neither God nor baptism nor the devil compels the will of man. We are free to do good, according to the grace we have received; we are also free to return to the former wickedness." So the former metropolitan was also free to choose what was best for himself, and the position he now finds himself in represents his will. If God does not compel us, nor has the devil given permission to compel us in any way, how much more could no one on earth have compelled him, either to good or to evil. Therefore we say that the situation in which he now finds himself, is strictly his will.
      We want to make it known to the faithful that the one who was Archbishop and Metropolitan Vlasie, then Bishop Vlasie, as of today, is the monk Vlasie. We will attach here the Synodal Resolution by which it was decided to have him catechised. Since the Synodal Decision explicitly relates the whole history that led to this catechization, we will speak briefly about what happened here, and then the parishioners will be able to inform themselves more fully from the text of the decision mentioned. Also, so that no one is misinformed or misinformed, this decision will be read in all churches by the parish priests. Those interested can check all the canons specified in the judgment, which has punished with cathexis anyone who has been violating them for so long.
      As specified in the document we are discussing, the violations of the canons were not investigated only in the letter of the law, but it was analysed in particular, how much the good running of church life was affected by it. We must make it known to the faithful that the application of the canons was postponed as long as possible. The fact that canonical measures have now been applied and the person in question has been catechised means that this could not be postponed any longer. The prophet David says: "If you speak the truth, you judge the sons of men in righteousness" (Psalm 57:1). Behold, God, who is just, also requires men to judge justly. Was it right that the oversight of the Church should be in the hands of a shrewd woman and some of other denominations? No! Today, the Holy Synod, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has decided that the dishonesty brought to the Church up to now must come to an end.
      Today, the priests of our Church, participating in the annual meeting, rejoiced in the Synod's decision which puts an end to the involvement in the Church of those who have made such a disturbance, not because anyone had anything against anyone, but simply because too much disturbance and division has been created among people, who are already burdened and disturbed by the problems in society. We can say that after the darkness of Calvary that we have gone through so far, today we have received the Light of Resurrection. From now on, the Holy Synod, together with His Eminence Metropolitan Demosten, will bring, with the Gift of God, more and more light into the souls of the faithful, by dealing with great responsibility with all the problems that are or that will arise in our Church. We can assure everyone that all the members of the Holy Synod are in unity and fellowship, and therefore the Holy Spirit will guide them to shepherd the flock to the pasture of the righteous faith and to the unfailing springs of God's love.
      We must first thank God for the care He has shown us and continues to show us. We must also give thanks to all those who have done their best to remove stumbling blocks from the path of our spiritual ascent. Last but not least, we must thank the faithful who patiently waited for a decision of the Holy Synod and did not turn a deaf ear to the poisonous deceptions of the unbelievers. Today their patience has been crowned, today the crown has descended on the heads of those who have trusted and waited patiently for God to work where men cannot.
      As we have said, we will attach here the Synod's Resolution from which all those who wish to know how patiently and wisely the Holy Synod has worked so far will be able to learn. We will also publish, one by one, in the days to come, all the documents that testify that, since it took over the duties of the one who has been lazy to work in the way of God, the Holy Synod has worked tirelessly to restore good order, normality and naturalness in the bosom of the Church.
      Glory be to you, O Christ, our God, who has willed this, glory be to you!"

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      Here the first part of the article automatically translated
      "Information to Believers
      Beloved brothers and sisters,
      Christ is risen!
      For practical reasons and in order to inform our Christians as soon as possible about Church events, the Holy Synod has decided to reopen the official website of the Old Orthodox Church of Romania.
      We have decided to use this channel of communication again, in order to inform the faithful and to protect them from the deception of the sowers of tares. Today there is a confusing situation among the faithful, orchestrated by some people with questionable behaviour. We are talking about those in the entourage of the Most Reverend Vlasie. This "collaboration" that Most Reverend Vlasie has with these people does no credit to his person or to the Church. Prelate Vlasie and his entourage have chosen as their advisor, counsellor and "spokesman" a person who is totally unsuitable in every respect. We are talking about Gabriel Ilășoaia of whom Preasfint Vlasie himself said a few years ago that he is a man with spiritual deviations and a character that leaves something to be desired. We are not speaking in ignorance and we are not inventing anything. This characterization was made by His Grace Vlasie in 2011 for Gabriel Ilășoaia, when he tried to divide the parish of Pașcani. At that time, Gabriel Ilășoaia tried to divide a parish, and now he is trying to divide an entire church. At that time, Prelate Vlasie prevented him from doing so, calling him a man with spiritual deviations and a character that leaves something to be desired, but it seems that in the meantime he has forgotten what kind of person he is, and has begun to collaborate with him, helping him to sow seeds and disturb our Church. It seems that Prelate Vlasie has forgotten what characterization he made of him in 2011, today calling him the chosen one of St. Glyceria, as it appears from a discussion the two have that was published on his RUclips channel. What can we take from this? Are St. Glyceria's chosen ones people with spiritual deviations and behavior that leave something to be desired?
      In the above statements, related to the characterization of Gabriel Ilășoaia by Preasfint Vlasie, we rely on a document with no. 166 of 10.11.2011, in which Preasfint Vlasie responds to some requests that Mr. Ilășoaia makes with the aim of dividing the Parish of Pascani. To prove the above, we attach at the end of this article the document in question. We mention that at that time, Preasfințitul Vlasie verbally made many more criticisms of Ilășoaia, but because we do not have a document to prove this, we will not mention those criticisms here. However, it is worth mentioning and noting that His Grace Vlasie told us about a very nasty behavior that his father Mr. Gabrie Ilăsoaia had towards His Eminence Metropolitan Silvestru. At that time, Prelate Vlasie said that he had a deep respect for His Eminence Sylvester, but here is that by some "magic" Mr. Ilășoaia caused him to bring much dishonor on the worthy Metropolitan Sylvester.
      Not long ago, Prelate Vlasie was the one who highly respected the memory of Metropolitan Sylvester, and today he has joined forces with the man whom His Eminence himself called a man of spiritual deviations. Today, in the vision of Prelate Vlasie, the one whom St. Glyceria left as his successor is "a snitch and a security guard", and the one with "spiritual deviations and a character that leaves something to be desired" is "St. Glyceria's chosen one". Here's what accompanying with shrewd people does! This is the kind of person with whom Most Reverend Vlasie accompanies himself! The words of the Prophet David are exactly fulfilled, who says: "...and with the obstinate you will be obstinate" (Preasfinitalmul 17:29).
      With the above we do not wish to defame anyone, but we only want to open the eyes of some who have doubts and show what kind of people are those who trouble the Church. We do not judge them, the One who will judge them is God, and God's judgment will not be long in coming. Gabriel Ilășoaia knows very well how God punishes those who reproach the Church and its servants, but it seems that he has not understood, that is why God will remind him of this. We do not curse, but we only ask a question: who will come out victorious in this war he is waging with God and His Church? We believe that everyone knows the answer...
      In view of the war that his father waged with the worthy Most Reverend Metropolitan Sylvester, we understand that he is now carrying on his father's fight and that is why he is bringing so much dishonour to the late Metropolitan. What we do not understand is that he has managed to take as his ally the very man who claims to have been a disciple and obedient to Metropolitan Sylvester, namely the Most Reverend Vlasie. Another thing we do not understand is the hatred that Mr. Ilășoaia has for the current Metropolitan Demosten and how he managed to team up with Preasfintitul Vlasie to so much slander the one whom our Church has had throughout its history as a servant, martyr, bishop and currently Metropolitan.
      We are surprised that Prelate Vlasie questions the Gift and work of the Holy Spirit that was in St. Glyceria while he lived on earth and worked for the Church. His Eminence Sylvester and His Eminence Demosthenes were those whom St. Glyceria chose to carry forward the banner of the righteous Church. But here today, Prelate Vlasie calls them secretaries and snitches. This claim he made both alone and through his advisor. By stating that St. Glyceria chose as his followers two secretaries and snitches, Prelate Vlasie denies the holiness of our beloved saint who fought for the living Church.
      In one of the latest interventions that Gabriel Ilășoaia had online, he makes a criticism of the communication that His Eminence Demosten addressed to priests. On this occasion, this "spokesman" of Prelate Vlasie comes with some very nasty insults on Metropolitan Demosten and on the Holy Synod, as well as with misinformation intended to make new disturbances. He also states that Most Reverend Vlasie has not been canonically dismissed and, although he admits that he does not know the canons of the Church, he nevertheless allows himself to give his opinion and to say that there are no canons which justify the dismissal of the former Metropolitan. We will therefore refer here to a number of canons, on the one hand to enrich his knowledge, and on the other to inform our faithful.
      Canon 3 of Synod I, Canon 5 of Synod VI, Canon 88 of St. Basil the Great, and many others, punish the cleric who lives with a woman with catechesis. CATHERISM! Not just dismissal from office, but catechesis. We believe that the Holy Synod was too lenient when it decided on dismissal from office and not on catechesis, as the Church canons command. In his epistle to the Presbyter Gregory, St. Vasily the Great forbids any cleric to live with a woman, even if he were of advanced age and even if the woman were a nun. St. Basil the Great commands the Presbyter Gregory not to come up with excuses of any kind, but to send the woman to the monastery, and that he be assisted by men in his natural needs, and if he does not do so, he will never be allowed to work as a priest again. If St. Basil the Great along with the other holy fathers teach us thus, what should we do? How can we honor the saints if we trample on their teachings? The Holy Synod did not invent anything, but only applied the canons and teachings of the holy fathers.
      We have been accused of being misogynistic, because we do not accept a female counsellor in leadership. We also did not summon women to the National Church Assembly. The first "misogynist" in the history of the Church is St. Paul the Apostle. He says thus: "Let your women in the Church be silent; for it has not been given to them to speak, but to be bowed down, as the law says. And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (I Corinthians 14:34,35). Does the Apostle Paul hate women? No! He simply teaches us what the man's role is and what the woman's role is in the church. Also. St. John Chrysostom says that a woman's adornment is silence. If we are true Christians, we cannot disregard the canons of the Holy Fathers nor the teachings of St. Paul and St. John Chrysostom.
      Those who accuse hierarchs of being misogynists also say that women are the ones who attend church services the most and financially support the church and its ministers. We have to tell you that this is no reason to accept a woman at the helm of the church. To justify this, we will mention the pious women. St. Luke the Evangelist says that Jesus preached in cities and villages, accompanied by the holy apostles. They were also followed by "... women who were healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven devils had come out. And Joanna, the wife of Husa, Herod's overseer, and Susanna, and many others, who served Him out of their wealth." (Luke 8:2,3). These women were always at Christ's side, spent their possessions to support Christ and the Holy Apostles in their travels they made for the purpose of preaching the Gospel, and were also present at the Lord's passion, burial and resurrection. But they did not, however, have the claim that Christ gave them offices in the Church. The Saviour gave only to men, that is to say to the Holy Apostles, the power to unbind sins, and also the Holy Spirit, who founded the Church, came upon the Holy Apostles and not upon the Myrrh-bearing Women. The Myrrh-bearing Saints came into the Orthodox calendar because they fulfilled the mission to which Christ called them, not because they meddled where they did not belong."

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      Here the 2nd part of the article that was automatically translated:
      "We have been repeatedly reproached for having something personal with Schimonahia Rafaela and that is why we always talk about her. Not at all! We take no pleasure in talking about her and her work. Our only interest has been to remove Prelate Vlasie from her influence and to protect the Church from the machinations of this woman.
      All the women in our Church must know that we do not disregard them and that we want their salvation as much as we want it for men. It is just that their mission in the Church is not to lead nor to have an advisory role. The mission of women is a holy one. God has entrusted them with the birth and education of the future pillars of the church. If we research the lives of the saints, we will see that most saints had holy mothers who educated and prepared them to become saints. Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, are a standard of the Church and a law of Orthodoxy. And their mothers are saints because they educated and prepared these saints, not because they meddled in the leadership of the Church. Here is what an important and holy mission women have!
      We pray that the women of our Church will not feel wronged and forget their holy mission. We love them with fatherly and sisterly love, and we pray for their salvation as much as for that of men. But we will not transgress the teachings of the saints and the church regulations, which teach us what is the role of men and what is the role of women. We can only urge Christian women to fulfil the mission entrusted to them by God and thus reach His Kingdom. Men should also know that we do not encourage aggression against women or defamation of women, but we condemn it.
      Now we will try to present to our believers the reasons that have led to the present situation in our Church. We have a more detailed history of the events that have marked the recent history of our Church and the reasons that led to the dismissal of Most Reverend Vlasie and the election of a new Metropolitan in the person of Most Reverend Demosten. We will publish this history as soon as we update it with the latest events. But until then, we would like to present how the suspension and dismissal of the former Metropolitan and the election of the current Metropolitan Demosten went.
      Although Most Reverend Vlasie has been asked many times in the past to give up the woman at his side who was preventing him from exercising his office as Metropolitan, he has not wanted to do so. Moreover, this woman intervened more and more in the running of the church and in the organisation of the Slătioara Monastery. Here she was made abbot on her recommendation and replaced the people in the leadership of the monastery with people she could influence. That is why the monastery of Slătioara made an address to the Holy Synod, in which they presented the irregularities caused by this woman in the monastery and in the whole Church, as well as some requests aimed at bringing peace to the monastery. This document, and all the others we will mention below, will be published with this article.
      After receiving the request from the monastery's oblast, the Holy Synod meets in session at Brady Monastery on 08.03.2021 and issues Synodal Resolution No. 1 of 23.02/08.03.2021, deciding to suspend the rights and duties that Prelate Vlasie had as Metropolitan, these passing to the care of the Holy Synod. By this decision the Holy Synod did not exclude Prelate Vlasie from its membership, but wanted the Holy Synod to become a worker from that moment on, as required by the Church regulations. Until that time, all attempts by members of the Holy Synod to work in the church were stopped by Prelate Vlasie and his advisors. The Holy Synod also met again in session at the Slătioara Monastery, together with the monastery's oblast, and the election of a prior was organized. At the same time, the Holy Synod, together with the monastery's oblast, decided that Schimonahia Rafaela would no longer be allowed to enter the Slătioara Monastery, in order to stop the disturbance caused by her staying with Prelate Vlasie in the same cell and to stop disturbing the smooth running of monastery life.
      We mention that until that time, Prelate Vlasie, although he was living in his apartment in Fălticeni, still came to some celebrations in Slătioara Monastery, accompanied by this mother, to participate in church services. But due to her prohibition to enter the Slătioara Monastery, Prelate Vlasie no longer wanted to be present even on holidays at the monastery services.
      Starting in the autumn of 2021, Prelate Vlasie, together with Schimonahia Rafaela and his other advisors, began an online campaign to defame members of the Holy Synod and other clerics, making serious and unfounded accusations designed to shake the trust that the faithful had in their spiritual shepherds. Thus, Prelate Vlasie appears online and claims that the members of the Holy Synod are part of occult organizations, alien to the Church. This serious accusation, has disturbed some of the faithful, that is why the Holy Synod met in extraordinary session at Slătioara Monastery on 01/14.12.2021, together with all the priests of our Church. During this meeting, the members of the Holy Synod issue a document in which they declare on their own responsibility that they do not belong to organizations foreign to the Church and give anathema to all those who adhere to these organizations.
      The meeting also examines the situation created by the online appearances of the Most Reverend Bishop Vlasie Mogârzan and his entourage. An address to him is therefore drawn up and signed by all those present. In this address, all the signatories ask him to return to his residence in the Slătioara Monastery, to take his place in the Holy Synod and to exercise his function. For this he is requested to reply within fifteen days. He is also informed that if he does not return to the Slate Monastery, the Holy Synod will take canonical measures.
      During the fifteen days in which Most Reverend Vlasie should have meditated on the request of the bishops and priests, he intensifies his appearances online, continuing with slanderous and unfounded accusations. He also publishes a plan to reorganize the Church, a plan that looks more like destruction. On 07/20.12.2021, Prelate Vlasie goes to the Monastery of Brădățel to discuss the situation in the Church with His Eminence Demosten (then Prelate Demosten Nemțeanul). Archbishop Demosten suggests that if he does not want to return to the Slătioara Monastery, he should at least stay with His Highness in the Brădățel Monastery and work together in the Church. Here he will have the necessary spiritual, material and medical care. Prelate Vlasie refused this proposal and therefore His Eminence Demosten told him that he had to choose between the Church and Schimonahia Rafaela. Faced with a choice, Prelate Vlasie chose the Mother and continued to disturb the Church and to slander her ministers.
      After the passage of fifteen days, the Holy Synod met in the Monastery of Slătioara on 16/29.12.2021, where it issued Synodal Resolution No. 17, deciding to suspend from office the former Metropolitan Vlasie, who remained a member of the Holy Synod, but without the right to vote. It also decides to convene the National Church Assembly on 25.01/07.02.2022. It should be noted that in its decision to suspend Most Reverend Vlasie from office, the Holy Synod based itself on the following canons:
      -canons 3 Synod I, 5 Synod VI, 88 of St. Basil the Great and many others, which do not allow women to live with and care for clerics.
      -canons 58 Apostolic, 79 of Carthage, which condemn the clergy's neglect of the people.
      -canon 80 Synod VI, which condemns the clergyman who spends in town and does not go to church for three weeks. Unfortunately, from March to December 2021, Most Reverend Vlasie did not attend any Mass, except for the feast of St. Hierarch Glyceria
      -canon 16 Synod I-II, which condemns and removes from the honor of the diocese the one who for 6 months does not take care of the flock. We mention that it has been many years since the Most Reverend Vlasie did not take care of the flock.
      -canons 37 Apostolic, 19 Synod IV, 8 Synod VI and many others which command synodal meetings to be held twice a year. We note that it has been many years since the former metropolitan did not want to hold synodal meetings. In order not to show themselves to be idle, the archbishops had to hold synodal meetings without his convocation.
      -canons 34 Apostolic and 9 Antiochian, which do not allow the metropolitan to make a decision without consulting the Holy Synod. Prelate Vlasie violated these canons by decisions he took on his own, such as: the dissolution of protopochies, the non-recognition of the synodal decision to establish dioceses, the stopping of the ministry of Prelate Glyceria Ieșeanul and others.
      -In addition to these violated canons, there are also some facts and statements of Bishop Vlasie, which have nothing to do with orthodoxy, but with heresies.
      From what I understand from Mr. Ilășoaia's postings online, he wants to bring order to the church, guided by the canons of the Pidalion. We hope that when he takes up this "order", he will also find in the Pidalion the canons I mentioned above."

  • @paraschivalupascu2265
    @paraschivalupascu2265 2 года назад +2

    Nu doar erezia Kiprianista ci și Serghianista care era definita în revista tradiția ortodoxa nu sa mai rezolvat eu personal ma rog acasă dar cred ca și peste 100 de ani în felul acesta tot acasă cum a zis Sf. Patriarh Tihon.

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад

      Sa dea Dumnezeu sa nu aveti dreptate!!!

  • @sabinasoare2236
    @sabinasoare2236 2 года назад +2

    Nu ați răbdat până la infinit!

    • @just4uamnda
      @just4uamnda  2 года назад +1

      Cine sunteti dumneavoastra sa decideti daca s-a rabdat sau nu pana la infinit?
      Nu sunt indeajuns toate acestea incalcate?