Never regret You only have one life to live .have less spend less Always plan ahead . Learn how to live life with less .i live here 46 years Waiting for the day i don't have to work . Will take at 65 . But retire at 62 . And travel the world 🌎 living off my passive income .
Hi how are you doing today in your state ❤❤❤❤from me rom in California thanks you so much for telling me I can't wait to long anyway good by Thacker your self happy new year to your family ❤❤❤❤
I born 11-10-1957 got social security retirement from Jun 2024 but continue working now got 67 years i don't know working after full retirement age social security earning limit or not can you explain for me please thank you so much thank you a gen
@@sokbau8912 Base on my understanding and my co-workers, after the full retirement, you can work as much as you can, no limit but you have to pay tax as you usually do before the retirement. Hopefully, it’s helpful.
My wife and I retired at 62 and half, feeling fantastic, enjoying travels around the world, and spending times with grandkids.
@@chanphoieng1650 Wow, that’s amazing! I wish I can do that too 🥰
Thank you for sharing 👍
Thank you!
Thanks for all the information about retirement. I am 63 years old right now
Just 3 or 4 more years, should wait for the full retirement age, and you will get the full benefit. Wish you healthy!👍
Thank you for sharing this video
@@sunsarykeo3195 Thank you 🙏
Great info and thank you so much!😍
Thank you and glad you enjoy it!
Never regret
You only have one life to live .have less spend less
Always plan ahead .
Learn how to live life with less .i live here 46 years
Waiting for the day i don't have to work .
Will take at 65 .
But retire at 62 . And travel the world 🌎 living off my passive income .
For me 62 and collect long term better.
Hi how are you doing today in your state ❤❤❤❤from me rom in California thanks you so much for telling me I can't wait to long anyway good by Thacker your self happy new year to your family ❤❤❤❤
Hello Rom, I'm doing good, thank you! Hope you are doing well!
Hi can you help to show for tax for SSA retirement continue to work in February new roll by trump plans thankyou
៦២ខ្ងុំនឹងដាក់ពាក្យសុំភ្លាម ព្រោះជីវិតមិនទៀង what ever I can get I take it I serve my time I don’t want to delay because life is unpredictable .
@@schhay2609 ខ្ញុំក៏គម្រោង៦២ដែរ🥰
Thank you!
I born 11-10-1957 got social security retirement from Jun 2024 but continue working now got 67 years i don't know working after full retirement age social security earning limit or not can you explain for me please thank you so much thank you a gen
@@sokbau8912 Base on my understanding and my co-workers, after the full retirement, you can work as much as you can, no limit but you have to pay tax as you usually do before the retirement. Hopefully, it’s helpful.
@@saradykim3970 គួរអោយស្តាយណាស់ ជីវិតមើលមិនឃើញទេ🙏
គេផ្ញើសេចក្ដីជូនដំណឹងរៀងរាល់ឆ្នាំហើយបញ្ជាក់ ប្រាប់ថាបើយើងចូលនិវត្ត្
អាយុ62 បានប៉ុន្មាន អាយុ67និងទទួលបានប៉ុន្មានមិនមែនមិនដឹងទេ
@@soukhon2377 តាមខ្ញុំយល់គឺមិនយកចិត្តទុកដាក់មែនហើយ។
បើសុខភាពល្អបន្តធ្វើទៀតទៅ តែបើសុខភាពមិនល្អ ទៅមិនរួចទេ
@@lorisy7482 សំខាន់គឺសុខភាព
Facilement 62 ans juste retourner pour un emploi et continuer à payer les impôts à tous les ans et prendre le retraite à l'âge 70 ans etc....
My mom and dad pas away they not even 62 yet my mom 54 my dad 57 both of them work all there’s life
I want to wait 2 more years
Just 2 more years, please wait for it. Full benefit and especially the Medicare or insurance.
បកស្រាយអោយខ្លីបន្តិចហើយ ឆាប់ចប់ មានអត្តនយ័
លុយពេញ តែជីវិតថ្លៃជាងលុយ.
តើអ្នកដែលចូលនិវត្តន័មុនពេលកំណត់ ប្រសិនបើយើងនៅធ្វើការពេញម៉ោង តើរដ្ធកាត់តាក់ម៉េច? អគុណច្រើប្អូន
តាមខ្ញុំដឹង គេមានកំណត់គឺមិនអោយលើសពីប្រហែល $2x,xxx.00 តែបើលើសគេនឹងកាត់ពាក់កណ្តាល។ បើរកបាន $2 គេកាត់យក $1.
បើនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ទោះជារឺត្រែតហើយ ក៏នៅតែរកស៊ីក្រៅបានដែរ មិនចាំតែរស់ដោយប្រាក់រឺត្រែតនោះទេ
@@xiengvantha3834 ត្រូវហើយ បើអាចមានកំលាំងនិងសមត្ថភាពរកស៊ីបាន។
I'm having friends she lives in Seattle she is waiting for 67years she is dead on 66
😳 that's so sad!
i’m take 63 years old
@@dcchai That’s great 👍 How is your life now 👍
ខ្ញុំអាយុជិត ៧០ ឆ្នាំហើយ មិនទាន់ហ៊ានចូរនិវឌ្ឍតទេ ព្រោះមិនដឹងថាបានលុយប៉ុន្មានទេព្រោះខ្ញុំការបាន លុយតិច
លោកពូអាចទៅជួបគេ ដើម្បីសួរគេបាន ហើយគេនឹងប្រាប់យើងទាំងអស់។ ប៉ុន្តែគេតែងតែផ្ញើក្រដាស់ប្រាប់យើងជារើយៗថាយើងនឹងបានលុយប៉ុន្មានក្នុង១ខែពេលចូលនិវត្តន៍។
ចូលនិវត្តន៌ទៅចាំយក ចុះបើយើងគ្រប់គ្នា
អរគុណច្រើន នេះជាយោបល់ល្អសំរាប់ការពិចារណា!🙏
តើសំបុត្រពេទ្យ គេនៅតែcover ដូចកាលយើងនៅធ្វើការទេ ?
Thank you!
នៅដ្រុកនេះគេចូលនិ ត្តន៍ហើយនៅធ្វើការបាមួៀតតើ! គេអត់កាត់ប្រាក់ខែចូលនិវយ្ន៍គាត់ផងហ្នឹង!
ប្ពូនសួរមួយ បេីបងបានលុយ អាត្រែតហេីយ តេីអាចចុះឡេីងស្រុកខ្មែរម្តងៗបានរយះប៉ុន្មានខែ? សូមជួយរកពត៌មាននោះផង🙏ប្អូន❤
នៅទីណាក៏បាន នៅរហួតក៏បានអោយតែសញ្ជាតិអាមេរិច