Why doesn't the temperature control button show a temperature. It's completely random and I can never tell where it is because thee is no indicator on it. it's not intuitive or easy to figure out. Where is it set? Where do I prefer it for heating, for cooling? these things appearantly aren't part of the design. Heck I can't even get the heat to go on unless I'm pressing the auto button, but that doesn't change the temperature setting which is permanently set to 74º. Holding down the auto button to get heat while driving is a problem.
Why doesn't the temperature control button show a temperature. It's completely random and I can never tell where it is because thee is no indicator on it. it's not intuitive or easy to figure out. Where is it set? Where do I prefer it for heating, for cooling? these things appearantly aren't part of the design. Heck I can't even get the heat to go on unless I'm pressing the auto button, but that doesn't change the temperature setting which is permanently set to 74º. Holding down the auto button to get heat while driving is a problem.
How to reset the air conditioning