Best Intake Season to Study in Canada?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @karencusi3965
    @karencusi3965 2 года назад +4

    love watching your vids. you speak very very well and every thought is on point. looking forward to seeing more vids. ❤

  • @ChieMoy1111
    @ChieMoy1111 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for giving us all the truth about living in canada. I was binge watched all of your videos since I’m planning to apply as a student. I was moved by all of your roller coaster emotions specially in your yr 2020. Thank you for giving me those feeling. The fear of knowing the truth and give me all the knowledge that I need. Continue to inspire us and always take care. Hoping to meet you there 🙏😍😍😍

  • @1100AK
    @1100AK 2 года назад +2

    Your English is very good...
    I've been watching your videos for a long time now.
    Much love from Sri Lanka...

  • @jesschee3329
    @jesschee3329 2 года назад +1

    *Love your slogan: "Be kind and be safe"*

  • @DhruvCanada
    @DhruvCanada 2 года назад +5

    *In love with your editing ❤*

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Thank youu 😊🥹🤗

  • @fredobagginsfilms950
    @fredobagginsfilms950 2 года назад +2

    Well It doesn't matter. As long as you're ready emotionally, Psychologically and Socially then any intake will do. Mind set and precision instinct is the key for me as an international student. :)

  • @prabathwanasinghe7458
    @prabathwanasinghe7458 2 года назад +5

    Thank you for the lovely video! Can you do a video regarding 1+1 program? with process for extending study permit and extending student visa?

    • @kabeer1292
      @kabeer1292 2 года назад

      0097450121610. 55450797

  • @gilbertovillarello8931
    @gilbertovillarello8931 2 года назад +3

    I love you!! I love your videos!! 🙈😍

  • @donacarreon
    @donacarreon 2 года назад

    Grateful for your informative videos. We are now on the process of having our medical exam. Hope to see you there in Canada. God bless. Keep safe.

  • @jhonpatrick2940
    @jhonpatrick2940 Год назад

    Hello Ms. Rachel. Thank you for the information, it such a big hint and help me as I am planning to go there asap and apply for student permit in UCW. Thank you!

  • @robbyespejo3566
    @robbyespejo3566 2 года назад +2

    Worst time , winter ! Hirap maka labas, wla kang sasakyan.. learning the transit system is hard in the extreme cold

  • @kathcanapi3338
    @kathcanapi3338 2 года назад +4

    How to apply permanent resident as a baker pastry if international student?

  • @vid5540
    @vid5540 2 года назад +2

    Can you make a video of most beautiful places you visited in Canada?

  • @alainj1
    @alainj1 2 года назад

    This video explained soo much that I came across and didn't understand. Thank you for taking the time to gather this info, keep up the informative work 💯

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      You’re most welcome love! Thank you for taking the time to watch this 🫶😊♥️ means a lot!!

  • @PixieFairiesAndDust
    @PixieFairiesAndDust 2 года назад +2

    Hi ate love your videos. What camera are u using btw?

  • @jeahflaviano5839
    @jeahflaviano5839 2 года назад

    Thank you, Rachel! I’ve been waiting for this video.

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Hi Jeah, hopefully this video was not too long of a wait. Thank you for commenting!

  • @toyotavincecusay5102
    @toyotavincecusay5102 Год назад

    new subscriber here miss rach. thank you for this info, really big help.

  • @jesschee3329
    @jesschee3329 2 года назад

    *Thank you for another great video!*

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for another thoughtful comment 🥹💕

  • @story-time-j6k
    @story-time-j6k 2 года назад +1

    Fall season is the best actually

  • @Jas-wb2he
    @Jas-wb2he 2 года назад

    Hey Rachel! Thank you for this video, it gave a clearer perspective on which intakes are the best for me to take. Also, if you may for a future upload, could you talk about Skilled/NOC 0, A, B work? How/what should we international students do leading to that for our PR goals. Thanks Rachel!

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      That is a very great suggestion thank you so much for this! I’ll definitely add that to my content lineup, thank you Jas 😊💕

  • @JamAndOnly
    @JamAndOnly 2 года назад +9

    Rachelll 😍 I hope you can still remember me 🥺 I’m flying to Canada this Friday as international student ♥️ THANK YOU SA MGA ADVICE 😍🥺

    • @marybonareri9899
      @marybonareri9899 2 года назад +1

      Hello..I'm Mary from Kenya ...I would like to ask you a question can a secure a visa inorder to study in Canada..and how can I find the link.. because most of the advert are scam not real

    • @nikitatrisha1616
      @nikitatrisha1616 2 года назад +1

      @@marybonareri9899 basically you have to be accepted into a school. And you have to prove you can be able to pay for that school. Then you just apply through your nearest Canadian embassy

    • @marybonareri9899
      @marybonareri9899 2 года назад +1

      Thank you for your response

    • @nikitatrisha1616
      @nikitatrisha1616 2 года назад

      @@marybonareri9899 you're welcome. Good luck

    • @nikitatrisha1616
      @nikitatrisha1616 2 года назад

      @@marybonareri9899 also you might need to do a language test.

  • @islamkhan4me
    @islamkhan4me 2 года назад +1

    Please make a video with duolingo accepting colleges

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +2

      Ooooh I’ll add that to my list 😊💕 thank you for your suggestion 😊

  • @blessingomoraka1389
    @blessingomoraka1389 Год назад +1

    Helpful information. What schools would you recommend for an MBA?

  • @PrincessYlaya
    @PrincessYlaya 2 года назад

    Thank you, R 💕🙏🏻🇨🇦

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      You’re most welcome Princess, thank you for your time! 😘💕

  • @happyheart8888
    @happyheart8888 2 года назад

    Aiming for September intake 🙏❤

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Its good that you are starting early in the process. More time to prepare means that you are more likely to get into your preferred intake.

  • @niyahb8
    @niyahb8 2 года назад +1

    Can you please do a video on how to rent a place in canada with no credit history I will have a co signer but they also have no credit history

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      Already gotchu! ☺️видео.html

  • @bossgbini
    @bossgbini 2 года назад

    New Sub. Great content!

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Thank you Boss! 😜💕

  • @fettugelaialonap9376
    @fettugelaialonap9376 5 месяцев назад

    Hello Ms Rachelle logistics and supply chain mgmt May intake is ok?

  • @smwk2017
    @smwk2017 2 года назад +1

    Based on my experience, professors tend to be easier on their students during summer months.

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Oooh thanks for the insight 😜💕 I guess they’re still on vacation mode hahahaha

  • @NerdTrigger
    @NerdTrigger Год назад

    Nice video, I was wondering if there are DLI universities that offer pure online programs. I also heard that IRCC is on strike so application might be delayed at the moment?

  • @dreamreality8367
    @dreamreality8367 2 года назад +1

    U are awesome..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Bwajster
    @Bwajster 2 года назад +1

    By which month should we be done with applying to universities in Canada for the Winter intake (starts in January) ?

  • @nomin-erdenebatbold4145
    @nomin-erdenebatbold4145 2 года назад +1

    I got my 3year study permit but I want to change into 1+1 programs will it affect my permit and study visa ?

    • @solomonharry9699
      @solomonharry9699 2 года назад

      hey how long did it take you get you study permit??

    • @nomin-erdenebatbold4145
      @nomin-erdenebatbold4145 2 года назад

      @@solomonharry9699 it was so fast I think it was because I applied from the us it took 20 days in total
      I applied on July 3rd
      Biometrics letter on July 3rd
      Biometrics appointments were not available until the July 19th
      Got the passport request on the 20th
      Everything was approved on 23rd of July

  • @emmanuelagyei9810
    @emmanuelagyei9810 2 года назад

    Hi Rachel what’s the best thing to do if your supervisory inquiry has not been approved??

  • @mash7224
    @mash7224 2 года назад

    1:55 - 2:02 Definitely subscribing for more 👍

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      YAAAAY 💕🥰

    • @mash7224
      @mash7224 2 года назад

      @@rrdancel more hot abs ofcourse 😊😉 thank you

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      @@mash7224 I can only give hot flabs sorry 🤣

    • @mash7224
      @mash7224 2 года назад +1

      @@rrdancel 😂👍 love how friendly you are😊👍

  • @blessiejoycemadera1726
    @blessiejoycemadera1726 2 года назад

    Hi, my husband finish his study got 1yr experience for his field , clb 6 Eca and why his crs score is low

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Hi Dear, this conversation about your husband’s CRS score may be better on a IG. Please connect with me there and my username is rrdancel.

  • @nikitatrisha1616
    @nikitatrisha1616 2 года назад +1

    Hi Rachel. I am hoping to apply to a university in Canada next year. Can i contact you privately for some advice? I have a few questions. My aim basically is to get a Canadian PR. I am currently working on my bachelor's degree (in my own country, not in Canada) after which i was hoping to apply to Canada for a study permit. Since i will have already attained my bachelor's degree, should i apply to Canada to do my master? Or should i just apply to do a 1 year certificate course and 1 year PGWP and then apply for my express entry and PR? Money is a huge factor here. Since masters degree are very expensive

  • @evangelistcharles
    @evangelistcharles 2 года назад

    Hi, i seen some of your videos that are superb. So can you tell me how to get an Ontario Education Number (OEN) for an international student application ?

  • @alyssashennearbatin434
    @alyssashennearbatin434 2 года назад

    Your videos is so great ❣️❣️and also I was wondering how much will it cost for an international student to study or live in Canada if the place to stay or live is not a problem anymore??

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Gotchu!! Already made a video for that here:видео.html

  • @GDWipeClash
    @GDWipeClash 2 года назад

    Hey! I have been following your channel for some time now.I needed a little help from you.I applied for my Visa processing in Feb 15th in LaSalle College.I didn't finish my A-level but I still found my favourite course Game Art and Design courses (Diploma).I have been waiting for over 7+ months now and I still didn't get any response from IRCC.Only my biometric was done on Feb 15th.No other updates.Can you please provide me help on where to contact or what to do?

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Hi Dear, please reach out to me on IG (username: rrdancel)

  • @LouisInBlue
    @LouisInBlue 2 года назад

    Thank you for these useful information! Besides does anyone know what the closest intake is if i apply in june for programs like computer programming as an international student? I'll get all my document at that time but it looks like all the intake will be errrrr

  • @prolifepinay
    @prolifepinay 2 года назад

    During summer, are you allowed to work more than 20 hours?

    @JAGITAYCRYPTO 2 года назад +1

    Which University are you studying please

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      I went to BCIT for studies in Canada ♥️

  • @monalizaborlasodo3883
    @monalizaborlasodo3883 2 года назад +1

    Hello. Ask ko lng po if student pathway me age limit po ba? Like me I'm in my 50's but I'm out of the country ofw here and planning to apply as a student in Canada, Thank you for your response. Godbless more vlogs

    • @rafaelluisflores9556
      @rafaelluisflores9556 2 года назад

      The schools normally do not have age limits, but it might be an issue with the visa officer. So make sure you have a good statement of purpose when applying for the student visa.

  • @ailoveu100
    @ailoveu100 2 года назад

    Hello Rach,
    I am in canada and just completed my 1 year course in aug.
    My passport expiry is 12 sept 2023.
    As i am taking another year course starting in January should I renew my passport first or apply for extending study permit now?

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      If you can renew it now, that would be better. Instead of asking for an extension later. It’s best to renew first then extension after 😊🙏

    • @ailoveu100
      @ailoveu100 2 года назад

      @@rrdancel thank you!!!

  • @mohammedsiraj4189
    @mohammedsiraj4189 2 года назад

    Kindly tell us if we come CANADA on Sx-1 visa after the 6 month course we can change to work VISA or we can take new courses ?
    We are waiting pl.
    Reply soon pl

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      It really depends on whether you get the work visa or not. I suggest that you speak with an immigration consultant about this.

  • @rowenalomibao173
    @rowenalomibao173 2 года назад

    Hello po. Inquiry lang po. Pwede pa bang mag-apply sa ibang universities / colleges habang waiting sa LOA sa naunang inaplayan? Just to make sure na may makuha pong approval. Tia 😊

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Yes dear, it’s actually encouraged to not put all your eggs in one basket! This way you have more options to choose from 💕😊

  • @vozshmily8546
    @vozshmily8546 2 года назад

    At 5:40 made me a subscriber

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      HAHAHA juicy 🤣

  • @DogesenpaiLoL
    @DogesenpaiLoL 2 года назад

    naurrrrr im a spring girlie 😭😭😭

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Ahhh spring 🌸🌼🌷

  • @waynekest2231
    @waynekest2231 2 года назад

    Do I have a chance applying as an international student with a 1.3 GPA on my high school leaving certificate and a 3.1 GPA with my second year Economics diploma marks? 😂😂

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +1

      Which ones higher rank hahaha 🤪 did it go from good to bad or vice versa hahahah

    • @waynekest2231
      @waynekest2231 2 года назад

      @@rrdancel true. Thanks for that 😂😂

  • @Nishan1968singh
    @Nishan1968singh 2 года назад

    Beautiful beautiful

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Thank you so much 😊💕

  • @pinoyletsplay
    @pinoyletsplay 2 года назад +1

    My question is... how can you not feel cold wearing that outfit... i know your hot but it must be cold in there, right?

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад

      Which outfit and what season? 😅

  • @bretz587
    @bretz587 2 года назад


  • @msladyeagles9121
    @msladyeagles9121 2 года назад +1

    2nd comment

  • @rajupodiyan3147
    @rajupodiyan3147 2 года назад

    No change, still problems 🏫🌈

  • @solitaire8601
    @solitaire8601 2 года назад +1

    Looks like she lost some weight lol

    • @rrdancel
      @rrdancel  2 года назад +2

      Oh I didn’t even notice 😅

    • @solitaire8601
      @solitaire8601 2 года назад

      @@rrdancel well i did lol

  • @nepalikhana405
    @nepalikhana405 2 года назад

    1st comment

    • @obongetim664
      @obongetim664 2 года назад

      Thanks.Please I will like to get in touch with you.Send me your email address or WhatsApp number.