Poor Tire... UC6 really rubbish tire for that price Secondly don't trust the onboard petrol consumption haha... X70 CBU AWD here... Average around 13L/100km if drive smoothly... Can get 12L/100km if really drive smoothly and slowly... My gang 2WD can get 10.5L/100km... Meter shows around 9.0-9.5L/100km, he is really good in control not to release the beast haha... If drive AWD less rear swing feel...
Is actually not that bad for a SUV, my mum Estima also around this figure if driving around city. So per their mention also do not company a SUV to a sedan… you cannot get the sedan FC as SUV is heavier and bigger…
Thanks for your review, i thought 1.5 turbo 3 cylinder can get lower fc like than civic 1.5 4 cylinder. Btw your fc is 1.8 or 1.5 model. I'm planning to go for ativa
If u are asking about me... Is for CBU... So all is 1.8L... again... Don't compare to sedan... My dealer had the 1.5L Turbo AWD CRV before... Similar cannot get below 10L100km... So SUV is SUV, it is bigger and heavier even compare to the same segment sedan...
期待Perodua Ativa满员上山的视频。谢谢!
提到一年换mounting ,应该是说Almera turbo,如果没猜错,哈哈哈
我驾Mazda2 2012款 引擎虽然是4缸 但是我这款的车Engine Mounting很不耐3-4年就抖动到很严重,换了2年过后又来(重要的是很贵),所以3缸的引擎更加难接受,3缸不是问题 问题的是换Engine Mounting这也是一笔费用
说真的,现在我本身同时拥有Mazda cx3 2.0/proton x70,虽然价位两辆差不多,但是乘坐体验和车脚扎实感,隔音,震动,顺畅,Mazda cx3确实输x70一个阶段
Wallace 每次脚开开😂
Is it still worth buy for year 2023?
sim哥,希望你能试驾type R上云顶😊😊
试一试Nissan Serena 😊
how many luggage can be fit?
See what size... And remove the cover then can stand the luggage... Cos the height is not a lot...
12:07 啥事情?
有机会test ativa 吗?😂
我的C-Seg Sedan 2.0 CVT都要11-12L/100km.... FULL CITY DRIVE
Poor Tire... UC6 really rubbish tire for that price
Secondly don't trust the onboard petrol consumption haha... X70 CBU AWD here... Average around 13L/100km if drive smoothly... Can get 12L/100km if really drive smoothly and slowly... My gang 2WD can get 10.5L/100km... Meter shows around 9.0-9.5L/100km, he is really good in control not to release the beast haha...
If drive AWD less rear swing feel...
Wow very high FC 🤣
Is actually not that bad for a SUV, my mum Estima also around this figure if driving around city. So per their mention also do not company a SUV to a sedan… you cannot get the sedan FC as SUV is heavier and bigger…
Thanks for your review, i thought 1.5 turbo 3 cylinder can get lower fc like than civic 1.5 4 cylinder.
Btw your fc is 1.8 or 1.5 model. I'm planning to go for ativa
If u are asking about me... Is for CBU... So all is 1.8L... again... Don't compare to sedan... My dealer had the 1.5L Turbo AWD CRV before... Similar cannot get below 10L100km... So SUV is SUV, it is bigger and heavier even compare to the same segment sedan...
下一辆test ativa🫣
看到 Proton 这个名字就超级显和反感,不论款式多美,价格多便宜,都绝对不会去考虑,去看一眼,与有錢没錢没关联
那为啥点进去看呢 标题都写了你不喜欢看的 奇怪