You forgot to add the antenna back into the group for the timers to pick up once you placed the blast door antenna... you got distracted by looking at the data files. CF vibe P.O.P. #1
Thanks for spotting that Bradford, I'm getting back into recording today and was going to recheck those timers. I looked before the outtro and they were running, but didn't look any further than that.
Glad you posted this. Cool to see the process for creating enemy spawns.
Think adding a little extra to each Camp, nothing fancy eg. chests , bed , broken Drone.
Watched and 👍 Liked
P.s.😃the Body
So that's how it's done very educational thank you for posting this video
Thanks for all of your videos. Can you detail the file path to the 'data' file holding the pirate base data as I cannot locate it
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineers\Content\Data\PirateAntennas.sbc
You forgot to add the antenna back into the group for the timers to pick up once you placed the blast door antenna... you got distracted by looking at the data files.
CF vibe P.O.P. #1
Thanks for spotting that Bradford, I'm getting back into recording today and was going to recheck those timers. I looked before the outtro and they were running, but didn't look any further than that.
I was able to just recreate the group and the timers were relinked fine, easy pezy