I MET CHRISTIAN BELL. HERE WAS MY EXPERIENCES WITH WHEN SHE"S NOT PUTTING ON A ACT. I got a second job at a hotel front desk clerk. At the same time I was struggling with my Christian faith. It was around Easter time and a this gospel singer by the name Christian bell had arrive at the hotel. But at the time I didn't know who she was cause I don't fallow gospel like that. She was trying to check in a man's room by the name of Oscar Williams (suspicious) but she wasn't on the system as a guest. She had the "You don't know who I am" type of attitude at that moment. I ask her please step aside and she could sit in the lobby to figure out her situation. So I could help other guest. About a hour later a two males by the name of Devante Arbet and Cadaro Brown came in who were Christian bells entourage. They threaten to assault me. Like really im not joking. I called the police to have them remove but they never showed up. I had to write a report and everything for my boss. The next day she called my boss and said I was rude. But luckily my boss stuck up for me. She also knew that's not my character. She said she wanted to get on a three way call. Like I was gonna be afraid to talk in front of my boss. I said sure lets do it. But she folded and said "Ill just call corporate". I never got discipline for that. My boss even said " I knew she was full of BS". After that and another "Christian incident". I wasn't struggling with my faith anymore. Cause I left. I can honestly say I feel free and happy.
I got a second job at a hotel front desk clerk. At the same time I was struggling with my Christian faith. It was around Easter time and a this gospel singer by the name Christian bell had arrive at the hotel. But at the time I didn't know who she was cause I don't fallow gospel like that. She was trying to check in a man's room by the name of Oscar Williams (suspicious) but she wasn't on the system as a guest. She had the "You don't know who I am" type of attitude at that moment. I ask her please step aside and she could sit in the lobby to figure out her situation. So I could help other guest. About a hour later a two males by the name of Devante Arbet and Cadaro Brown came in who were Christian bells entourage. They threaten to assault me. Like really im not joking. I called the police to have them remove but they never showed up. I had to write a report and everything for my boss. The next day she called my boss and said I was rude. But luckily my boss stuck up for me. She also knew that's not my character. She said she wanted to get on a three way call. Like I was gonna be afraid to talk in front of my boss. I said sure lets do it. But she folded and said "Ill just call corporate". I never got discipline for that. My boss even said " I knew she was full of BS". After that and another "Christian incident". I wasn't struggling with my faith anymore. Cause I left. I can honestly say I feel free and happy.