How to paint Sanguinary Guard Blood Angels | Warhammer 40k | wh40k | Buypainted

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 193

  • @ImitableChaor
    @ImitableChaor 12 лет назад

    Wow, I have always asked myself, how to paint the golden armor. After seeing this , I immediately tried out and it worked like a charm! Easy and efficient. I tip my hat to you, sir!

  • @fanbks
    @fanbks 12 лет назад +1

    You are quite the accomplished artist. I congratulate you I rarely see models painted to such an outstanding level.

  • @texastony1946
    @texastony1946 13 лет назад

    I look foward to your videos. This is absolutely georgeous work. Love
    the way you do metallics. Keep the videos coming please.

  • @Terminus764
    @Terminus764 12 лет назад

    nicely done and I truly enjoy watching your talent slowly show during your vids BRAVO !!!!!!!

  • @gothan182
    @gothan182 12 лет назад

    That was amazing, I'm currently painting these up for my brother's birthday present, and your little tips and tricks have helped big time!

  • @fastereddiexx1
    @fastereddiexx1 13 лет назад

    Amazing works buypainted, thank you for taking time to post your videos. I am learning a lot from you my friend. Cheers!

  • @Soulcaresser
    @Soulcaresser 13 лет назад

    @Buypainted I watch them all!!! Unbelievable what you can do with an airbrush!

  • @Allurian
    @Allurian 13 лет назад

    Hello Spim - I watched many of your polish videos before I found your english channel, your minis are fantastic, you have many techniques of professional modelling - Keep up the good work sir

  • @TheSeasonman1
    @TheSeasonman1 13 лет назад

    Amazing paintwork as always from you . Loooking forward to seeing motre from your list especially swamp bases . All the best

  • @42DontPanic
    @42DontPanic 13 лет назад

    Again one of the best videotuts i ever saw, your talent is beyond words can say my friend!

    @GERDHEHE 11 лет назад +1

    I love watching your videos. They are so relaxing, not to mention inspiring!

  • @ToughLoveGamer
    @ToughLoveGamer 12 лет назад

    Wow, watching this was truly inspiring. You are a fantastic painter, and I learned a lot from this, particularly how to paint gold!

  • @ArppaX
    @ArppaX 12 лет назад +1

    You have the best painting tutorials in youtube!

  • @sauceonthat
    @sauceonthat 12 лет назад +1

    WOW I could never paint as detailed as that! I'm so jealous

  • @Clidefride007
    @Clidefride007 13 лет назад

    Wow, your videos are awesome. I loved your basing guide and will probably use it for my space marines! Keep up the good work.

  • @chikunejowdo
    @chikunejowdo 13 лет назад

    thank you very much for these vids, your skill is both appreciated and admired. and i am learning so much from you..... thanks so much

  • @tsconn23
    @tsconn23 8 лет назад

    Wow, you are the first person I've seen painting the pieces before assembly. I just started painting minis, and it seems to me like this approach makes the most sense. But no other painters do demos that way.

  • @Valcurion
    @Valcurion 8 лет назад +1

    those are some incredible painting skills man.

  • @1embee
    @1embee 3 года назад

    Was going for straight gold,but the copper base coat gives a really deep glow.The blue wash on the wings beats any other ive seen.Very helpfull video.

  • @Fronken89
    @Fronken89 13 лет назад

    Getting some of these next month, and this video showed alot of neat tricks i'll use, thanks for the inspiration :)

  • @crocdave3817
    @crocdave3817 11 лет назад

    once again, those models are truly amazing.
    thank you very much.

  • @SirChickenMacNugget
    @SirChickenMacNugget 12 лет назад

    I got these paints after watching your fantastic video :)
    All your videos are really amazing, and I'm also planning on preshading and doing the chipped paint/rust technique :)

  • @the_usual_suspect
    @the_usual_suspect 13 лет назад

    That was amazing. I literally watched through the whole video seeing every step you took to do this. I feel as if I could paint my own. But then I remembered, I don't play Blood Angels.

  • @Firespyer
    @Firespyer 13 лет назад

    lvl of detail is unreal. your awesome

  • @Burlokk
    @Burlokk 13 лет назад

    @Buypainted That explains everything, when i opened the pot after buying it, all the pigments were in the bottom of the pot as one big blog. After lots of stirring and shaking it looked somewhat reasonable, but still nowhere near as rich as the gold I've seen in your videos. I just thought the splitting of solvent and pigment was 'normal'. Thanks for the info!

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Soulcaresser2 No. Vallejo Liquid Gold series provide very smooth surface and can be washed without varnish

  • @rabk294
    @rabk294 13 лет назад

    I like how you used the tape attached to the cardboard to hold the shoulder pads :)

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Shiznaft1 I set pressure between 20 and 40 PSI. It depends of effect I want to acheive and paint

  • @SkageXL5
    @SkageXL5 12 лет назад

    I am *CONSTANTLY* Amazed by you sir!

  • @Generalsplatton
    @Generalsplatton 13 лет назад

    Just stunning work sir, a really display quality unit!

  • @chrisfiegle9275
    @chrisfiegle9275 9 лет назад

    What a great job you do in these videos! Keep up the good work!
    I just recently started the warhammer hobby, and someday i hope to be as great as you.

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Burlokk There may be two reasons - You may get to thick paint - add Isopropyl alcohol. The second option is worse - you may have old paint. Unfortunately the Liquid Gold paints are suitable for use only 4-6 months after first opening and about 1 year from date of production. Then pigment gathers into the "flakes" and you may throw away your paint. This process is unreversable and there is no way to turn back the paint to previous consistency

  • @iconsam
    @iconsam 13 лет назад

    Simply amazing. I would love to see a tutorial on how you do your faces.

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Soulcaresser2 Maybe in a future. I'm working on sepulchral stalkers, and more Grey Knights. I'll make the tutorial about painting casket and Dark Eldar new releases. I have also done : Mephiston, Swamp bases, Imperial Fists Scouts, Grey Knight Librarian.

  • @commissarkai1791
    @commissarkai1791 8 лет назад

    Amazing!!!! This has really helped me with painting my sanguinary guard, thanks!

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @beefofwill This is Copper from Vallejo Liquid Gold range. In the movie there are subtitles with names of every paint I used.

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Soulcaresser2 and of course - thank you very much for nice comment. I'm happy you enjoy my vids :)

  • @GreyDeathOne
    @GreyDeathOne 13 лет назад

    Beautiful just beautiful! !!!

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Papaken0 exactly!

  • @homelessjoe
    @homelessjoe 10 лет назад

    They came out great!

  • @regentcid4348
    @regentcid4348 10 лет назад +1

    It pains me to look at my attempts after watching tutorials. Great video. I need to get a compressor and practice up the airbrush.

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @nanktank on the grey primer colors look better than on the black one

  • @vette114
    @vette114 13 лет назад

    These are without a doubt some of the best painting tutorial videos I have come across. I have watched several of them multiple times just to pick up on stuff. Again fantastic videos. I am getting into airbrushing, do you have any videos planned or any articles on your website that show your airbrush setup?

  • @ReclusiarchLP
    @ReclusiarchLP 12 лет назад

    That gold is amazing. Buying Vallejo metallic paints now!

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @shepharda74 You may use Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol)

  • @Soulcaresser
    @Soulcaresser 13 лет назад

    @Buypainted I am looking forward towards al those vids! How big is the nozzle from you're airbrush. As it seems you can do VERY fine work with it!

  • @Soulcaresser
    @Soulcaresser 13 лет назад

    @Buypainted Excellent thanks fore the advise. You are going to do a vid about the tomb guard also?

  • @T3mpano
    @T3mpano 13 лет назад

    Perfect tutorial...and I dont use that word much! Extreme detail, good labeling...thanks a lot for putting the effort! As for the models...were you in a hurry? The loin cloth looks a bit flat and the banner...I think the centre of the panel needs a focus point, maybe an extreme highlight on the hood. Great great video...thanks!

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @ZombiesRCoolPainting For all who ask - I made 2 yrs ago the movie where I presented stuff I use. Sorry - there is only Polish version but tools are shown /watch?v=K2Q_dZW6tW8

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @T3mpano I was not in hurry. I just don't like high contrast paintjob. I preffer more realistic effect. Please notice that in no one tutorial I used extreme highlightnig on the edges and so on.

  • @bobbysimpson5540
    @bobbysimpson5540 12 лет назад

    WOW! You are amazing and so inspiring. Thank You!

  • @mindslayer22
    @mindslayer22 13 лет назад

    Amazing paintjobs!

  • @cichfishy
    @cichfishy 13 лет назад

    Those are beautiful. Would hate to game with them and freak out if someone damaged one!

  • @mam2087
    @mam2087 13 лет назад

    Totally awesome! But could you have posted this vid a week ago when I started mine? Mine came out pretty good, but not as nice as those. I used a burnt umber for the base coat. I can see using the copper really makes that gold pop. Nice job.

  • @Dean-Trower
    @Dean-Trower 13 лет назад

    Great work as always, an inspiration.

  • @streetgangtm
    @streetgangtm 13 лет назад

    Holy fuck those alcohol based vallejo paints look amazing.

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @mixerelfmagae00 Yes, I am. tutorial will be released soon :)

  • @karihlynsson
    @karihlynsson 12 лет назад

    awesome music and paintjob!

  • @Burlokk
    @Burlokk 13 лет назад

    Awesome vid once again!
    After seeing how your golds turn out i bought a pot of Vallejo Liquid Gold, however i'm having some difficulty with it. It doesn't really want to flow, could this be because of the leftover amount of water in my brush? Or for some other reason?

  • @MiniCreativeArtPainting
    @MiniCreativeArtPainting 13 лет назад

    This is great! Super, keep up the good work.

  • @The_Rat_Catcher
    @The_Rat_Catcher 13 лет назад

    If you could every find the spare time in your schedule, could you try your hand at painting Imperial Guard Vostroyan Firstborn? There are my favorite type of guard, and are pretty unique, but im at a loss on where to start, painting wise.

  • @odinswolf1969
    @odinswolf1969 12 лет назад

    does the vallejo liquid gold leave a gloss finish? I see you use the sepia wash and it looks like it behaves as a pin wash on the armour?

  • @juanangel86
    @juanangel86 13 лет назад

    Amazing job man, Thanks to you I have become so much better at this. One question though, I notice you didn't snip the models from the frame, last time I did that when I snip them off after painting I had that left over non painted area. How do you take them off and minimize the area that is not painted to what do you do when snip them off.

  • @ryanfletcher6342
    @ryanfletcher6342 4 месяца назад

    I really wish I knew what this background song is because I absolutely love that aswell as the painting

  • @TheRunesmythe
    @TheRunesmythe 9 лет назад +3

    Does anyone know the name of the track on this video? I'd really like to find it.

    • @oOBlueBubbleOo
      @oOBlueBubbleOo 5 лет назад

      I do as well - pls let me know, if you find out the name of this song.

  • @Soulcaresser
    @Soulcaresser 13 лет назад

    Excellent work again! Question, Before the sepia wash was done did you use first a coat of gloss varnish over the whole model?

  • @Shiznaft1
    @Shiznaft1 13 лет назад

    Very well done. I like the airbrush technique. What is the PSI setting that you use? It looks pretty light to maintain such fine control of the paint and airflow. Thanks for posting.

  • @janolesinski3543
    @janolesinski3543 12 лет назад +1

    Hey, what song is that in the background? I'd be really grateful if anyone could tell me. Really nice minis by the way.

  • @Skullcam117
    @Skullcam117 11 лет назад +4

    What type of paint brushes does he use

    • @Aleglost
      @Aleglost 10 лет назад

      Airbrush - not sure
      Brush - probably a really nice kolinsky sable and a good synthetic toray for liquid gold.
      All around 2/0, 1/0, 00, small sizes.

  • @rsfletcher07
    @rsfletcher07 12 лет назад +1

    hello, first love your videos, but im just wondering on where u get ur music from, i would really like to know, thanks again and keep up the good work man

  • @viperxeon
    @viperxeon 13 лет назад

    Amazing, but how do you thin Citadel paints? What kind of tinner do you use?

  • @andrewcritchley3023
    @andrewcritchley3023 8 лет назад +1

    What glue did you use not the super glue is it glue cerment?

    • @TheRunesmythe
      @TheRunesmythe 7 лет назад

      Revell Contact Professional; its a type of plastic cement that forms a good bond (most do) but also works through layers of paint which is an added bonus.

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Papaken0 This is oridinary brass wire I've bought in DIY store

  • @TheToga46
    @TheToga46 13 лет назад

    Fantastic work!

  • @shadowsicksix
    @shadowsicksix 12 лет назад

    What pressure (psi) do you use when airbrushing?
    Fantastic job as always.

  • @Ardieru
    @Ardieru 11 лет назад +1

    Can you tell us which music track did you chose for this video? (Sorry for my english, im spanish >

  • @emmabrooks4877
    @emmabrooks4877 12 лет назад

    I think your stuff is so freakin awesome. Can I ask you to paint kaldor draigo grey knights supreme grand master with an airbrush as I would like to know how before I paint mine.

  • @ZombiesRCoolPainting
    @ZombiesRCoolPainting 13 лет назад

    Great tutorial really Useful just a quick question what airbrush do You use ? thanks

  • @farnesio10
    @farnesio10 13 лет назад

    Excellent stuff, as always ¡. Love the way you painted the standard .
    Could I ask how did you painted the bases before pigments?

  • @nanktank
    @nanktank 13 лет назад

    Beautiful models, why do you use a dark grey primer?

  • @rsfletcher07
    @rsfletcher07 12 лет назад +1

    where do u find the music for your videos, really would like to know, thanks!

  • @danlynch3885
    @danlynch3885 13 лет назад +1

    Wow these are amazing! one random question, what music do you use? really compliments the video

  • @CrommVardek
    @CrommVardek 13 лет назад

    Your work is ... Awesome.
    Ans very interresting. Thanks ;)

  • @shepharda74
    @shepharda74 13 лет назад

    Amazing work as always!! Stunning!
    What do you use to thin the liquid gold range btw?

  • @historypunk1952
    @historypunk1952 5 лет назад

    The app you made the music in is notable very interesting

  • @angusmcnicholl
    @angusmcnicholl 13 лет назад

    Can I ask about your airbrushing of GW paints, what do you cut the paint with to get the right consistancy?

  • @s1lenth0m0cid3
    @s1lenth0m0cid3 13 лет назад +1

    music name???it pumps me up for painting!!

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @farnesio10 I'll show quick tutorial very very soon

  • @avenger038
    @avenger038 12 лет назад

    omg, my jaw dropped when i saw this video!! class!!!!

  • @dezertir10
    @dezertir10 13 лет назад +1

    Great job!!! What is the music name???

  • @hollandianova
    @hollandianova 13 лет назад

    Absolutely fantastic work. What more is there to say?

  • @GTManiac5
    @GTManiac5 13 лет назад

    Good work, Mortimer. What will be next?

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Headcrabb :) thank you! You may help me to acheive this telling your friends about them od posting links on the local forums :)

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @angusmcnicholl I add Vallejo thinner :)

  • @NegativeNumbers427
    @NegativeNumbers427 12 лет назад

    This is some amazing stuff.
    Please paint all my Dark Angels! :P

  • @bharangi
    @bharangi 2 года назад

    Amazing work! What is the name of the tool that are u use for painting?

  • @Buypainted
    @Buypainted  13 лет назад

    @Alagard07 yes, I did

  • @jamieoliver1976
    @jamieoliver1976 12 лет назад

    Im having real difficulty thinning my GW paints for airbrushing. They seem to be the right consistancy but when i spray them they are very thin please can you do a short video on thinning GW paints.

  • @Cabilis66
    @Cabilis66 13 лет назад

    Really great work, I am inspired to start painting my Blood Angels army now. I would like to know what type of pigments you use though, is it vallejo? Also the gold finish was exceptional, very very well done.

  • @vyzetta
    @vyzetta 12 лет назад

    do you have to water down the paints before putting them in the airbrush.. and if so how much? thnx!