Oh way to go to switching your credit cards! Receiving the same benefits but with a $0 annual fee is amazing! Thank you for the tip on not closing credit cards because I never knew that. I thought we were allowed to close it without it affecting our score even if it’s a $0 balance. Good to know! Thank you Katie❤
Yay for the Friday cash stuffing. A nice surprise 😊 my next order from you is gonna be huge lol, you just make stuff that’s exactly my style. 😂 can’t wait!!
I get excited for you every time you stuff your Future Mommy envelope. I look forward to the day where I hear or read a pregnancy announcement for you. ❤
Ahhhh day early for cash stuffing! Are you releasing the A5 planner set up video tomorrow or Sunday? 😅😅😅 I’m excited for that video too!!! And so nice of Missy to send you Xmas money! Let me send you some little extra too❤❤❤ thank you for all you do, your creativity and being so kind & sweet to everyone! Ok let me watch now with my cup of tea😅❤
@@KrystalsKash right!!!! We’re almost there!!! I might end up splitting half to start my Roth Ira! Not sure what I’ll do yet hehe, and yes I found more yesterday!!!🥹🥹⭐️⭐️
Oh way to go to switching your credit cards! Receiving the same benefits but with a $0 annual fee is amazing! Thank you for the tip on not closing credit cards because I never knew that. I thought we were allowed to close it without it affecting our score even if it’s a $0 balance. Good to know! Thank you Katie❤
Yay for the Friday cash stuffing. A nice surprise 😊 my next order from you is gonna be huge lol, you just make stuff that’s exactly my style. 😂 can’t wait!!
Great stuffing!!Here watching with my ☕
So obsessed with your nails 😍 I wish I could grow mine out but I keep breaking them 🤣
I get excited for you every time you stuff your Future Mommy envelope. I look forward to the day where I hear or read a pregnancy announcement for you. ❤
You are so welcome Katie❤❤❤❤
Great cash stuffing Katie❤❤❤❤
Woot! Woot!!! A Fancy Dollar Day!!!
@@roosterfetcher7973 hi hi hi there Cara❤️❤️❤️
Ahhhh day early for cash stuffing! Are you releasing the A5 planner set up video tomorrow or Sunday? 😅😅😅 I’m excited for that video too!!! And so nice of Missy to send you Xmas money! Let me send you some little extra too❤❤❤ thank you for all you do, your creativity and being so kind & sweet to everyone! Ok let me watch now with my cup of tea😅❤
Sabbby thank you for always commenting! I will be releasing the A5 planner on Sunday🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹
Your ⭐️ notes are growing 😊
@@Budgetingmydebts yes it is, thank you for tuning in Yency!🎄🎄
@@YudianaBudgets hi Yudiana!🤍
Gonna be up to 14k in personal savings soon 😍
And yay to more 🌟 notes!
@@KrystalsKash right!!!! We’re almost there!!! I might end up splitting half to start my Roth Ira! Not sure what I’ll do yet hehe, and yes I found more yesterday!!!🥹🥹⭐️⭐️
Does your boyfriend budget like you? Does he like it? My husband won't even entertain the idea. Oh well! 😮
Hey Katie. I hope you’re doing great today and let’s get to stuffing cash together 🤍🤍🤍
Can’t wait for 🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧🎉🎉🎉🎉
Can’t wait to give them out! I have some super cute red envelopes for snake year of 2025🧧🥰❤️