Looking at your hive is making me physically hurt. You have multiple of one bee. That hurts... that hurts a lot... ik the whole meta at the moment is a fill your hive with gifted spicy bees and then put on demon mask but I prefer to keep one of every bee and this video knowing you have 3 looker bees physically hurts.
You rlly should save up gingerbread bears
Omg you added me in roblox OMGGGGGGGGGGGG HI PINKIE PIE
what's you're user? :D
@@athenaaloria7171 my user is unicornreallywolfie
Looking at your hive is making me physically hurt. You have multiple of one bee. That hurts... that hurts a lot... ik the whole meta at the moment is a fill your hive with gifted spicy bees and then put on demon mask but I prefer to keep one of every bee and this video knowing you have 3 looker bees physically hurts.
I'm sorry! Don't worry I transformed it to other types of bees :>