@waasn1-s4u yes very key and it depends if you've been teaching a long time they won't care too much but if you're new then they'll want a degree in the subject you're teaching
@@waasn1-s4u stepping schools do exist, changing over is not that bad but it does mean leaving the country for a few weeks and coming back which is common because most people go back in the summer anyway
Remember to read reviews and try to speak to people who have been to the school or know of the school too! Some schools unfortunately have extremely challenging kids and management/HR which can make your job a LOT more tiring. Like my school. Love the staff and some kids. But MAJOR behaviour issues unfortunately and not much support to deal with it. Other than that great video!
Looking forward to the podcast and hearing more about experiences with getting a job in other fields (tech or oil&gas) in the region!
That's awesome got some amazing guests lined up ☺️
@@sidxtofficial Jzk for your efforts, this will be very informative!
Very informative video. Thank you.
Jzk, any questions that you still have or something I didn't explain enough?
Some people have mentioned "stepping"schools. How easy is it to move from one school to another?
Also I have heard degrees are key to getting jobs there. Experience comes second. How closely do the degrees need to match the subject you teach?
@waasn1-s4u yes very key and it depends if you've been teaching a long time they won't care too much but if you're new then they'll want a degree in the subject you're teaching
@@waasn1-s4u stepping schools do exist, changing over is not that bad but it does mean leaving the country for a few weeks and coming back which is common because most people go back in the summer anyway
Remember to read reviews and try to speak to people who have been to the school or know of the school too! Some schools unfortunately have extremely challenging kids and management/HR which can make your job a LOT more tiring. Like my school. Love the staff and some kids. But MAJOR behaviour issues unfortunately and not much support to deal with it. Other than that great video!
Yes very important, I always say to message someone working at the school via linkedin for a neutral review
Some schools have 6 month probation.
I believe for senior positions they do, most schools for just teachers have a 3 month probation
The group of 3 schools my friend has gone to have 6 month probation for standard teaching positions