When Will Atheists Get Elected? David Silverman American Atheists Interview

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 116

  • @kick08ful
    @kick08ful 13 лет назад

    I LOVE this Silverman guy. He is a true hero of humanity and the great ancient minds like Socratise, Plato, Capernicus, Galileo etc etc would adore him.

  • @1RadicalOne
    @1RadicalOne 13 лет назад

    I have a story that "one-ups" that. Back when I was in university, I was working on a computer simulation of aerodynamics of some part (whose identity now eludes me), and when the person next to me somehow found out that I was not a fundamentalist like them, they responded by pulling the plug on my computer, "accidentally" spilling a drink all over the keyboard and myself, and telling me that if they were in charge I would be in jail.

  • @asse080
    @asse080 13 лет назад

    love how he mentioned nonstampcollector

  • @forrestpowell12
    @forrestpowell12 11 лет назад

    Ironically there was an advertisement for the rapture on this video.

  • @flake452
    @flake452 13 лет назад

    In the UK we had an Atheist primeminister after churchill, our deputy PM is an Atheist and the leader of the opposition is an atheist too.

  • @alphacause
    @alphacause 13 лет назад

    It was only 47 years ago that the Civil Rights Act was passed, and now we have a President who is half black in the White House. No one would have thought in 1964 that this was possible. So it is not such a far stretch to say that an atheistic candidate, say within the next 25 years, could win the Presidency. Ann Gillard, the current Prime Minister of Australia, is an atheist, so there is an example of an atheist leading a free democracy.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @DiscoRByrno belief: 1. An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. 2. Something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction.
    Theists twist our words all the time, but I don't play their game. I use dictionary definitions, not theistic jargon. It's time theists learn to do the same, or at least be called on it when they don't. I've been making my point longer than many of those with whom I argue have been alive. Trust me, I hold my own.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 13 лет назад

    David Silverman is cool.

  • @NickmickRs
    @NickmickRs 13 лет назад

    Atheists or people that aren't even religious won't be elected unless people start being open minded and less selfish to their own religion. It's quite sad that people actually think just because they're muslim, atheist, agnostic, jewish, etc. they won't do as good of a job as a christian president. We have a long ways to go.

  • @DabbyDom
    @DabbyDom 13 лет назад

    Im not an Atheists Im a free thinker.

  • @alphacause
    @alphacause 13 лет назад

    @XepicmeauX Sorry. I stand corrected. The name of the Australian Prime Minister is Julia Gillard. Thank you for the correction.

  • @1RadicalOne
    @1RadicalOne 13 лет назад

    Of course not, but they can be and are often good sources of information.

  • @fatkat444
    @fatkat444 13 лет назад

    @patrickcorliss Woah what's with the attitude? I was just adding to your comment...sharing a little info perhaps you might've not known. I wasn't aware Bob Hawke was, and now I know thanks to your comment, so thankyou.

  • @An2oine
    @An2oine 12 лет назад

    It is lack of "existence" not the same as belief.

  • @1RadicalOne
    @1RadicalOne 13 лет назад

    I suspect what he is trying to say is that there is no semi-unified set of beliefs among atheists like there often are among theists, for example.
    That would make the reference to TAE make more sense, as Matt Dillahunty (one of the major hosts and president of the ACA) often has discussions and sometimes rants on that topic.

  • @ELK1989612
    @ELK1989612 11 лет назад

    i think we must be able to create a organization with a leader without being called hypocrites. i don't understand why people think it's a rule for atheists to operate alone.

  • @Whitneypyant
    @Whitneypyant 11 лет назад

    He also seems that forget that the Star of David and Jewish prayer shawl was also included in the 9/11 museum.

  • @1RadicalOne
    @1RadicalOne 13 лет назад

    Well, to these people, the idea of a genocide in the name of their god is, if not overtly superior, at least acceptable.

  • @halflifeproductionz
    @halflifeproductionz 13 лет назад

    this guy is a champ! australia got a atheist prime minister!! woohoo!!!!

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @drummerkid1993 I don't like the word "lack" because it has multiple meanings, one of which is "deficient," which means "Lacking an essential quality or element."
    Perhaps "believe in no gods" wasn't the best choice of words, if only because of the controversy it caused. However, I say again, I will not change the way I express myself because some theist might twist my words, or because another atheist gets their panties in a wad. My point was that atheists believe in no gods. That is true.

  • @mrwalnuthero
    @mrwalnuthero 12 лет назад


  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @DiscoRByrno Atheists can and do have beliefs. A belief is something accepted as true. I believe that all gods are fictional characters, therefore, I believe in none of them, i.e. accept none as true. I don't reject beliefs, I reject baseless claims about the existence of gods. You don't like the way I phrased it, so you tell me I'm wrong. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion.
    I have no idea what watching TAE has to do with this.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @BigMikeMcBastard I really don't give a crap if it's a "loaded" word, or if theists assume things, or if Sam Harris doesn't like it. The word "atheist" has worked for me for over 40 years, so maybe it's because I'm old, or maybe it's because I refuse to allow others to set my agenda, but I'm going to continue to call myself an "atheist," and say that I "know" all gods are fictional characters unless and until evidence to the contrary is produced. I will not water down my atheism.

  • @ELK1989612
    @ELK1989612 11 лет назад

    I am aware of that clip. It seems David likes to take shots at religion when he feels like it, and it might just be a bit hypocritical when though over, seeing as he tells "us" not to act like a big part of religious people that take shots at atheism. I wouldn't call David a supremist, but he does maybe step over the line a few times. But we all make mistakes, and I think he looks like a nice guy. You do have a point though. Somebody should pick up these issues with him in a discussion.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @BigMikeMcBastard I prefer to point out that neither atheism nor theism is a religion. Theists make the connection between theism and religion, but it's not necessarily there. One can believe in a god or gods and not adhere to any religion.
    The word "atheist" does tell you something about someone: they don't believe that any gods are real. The only reason we need a word to express that is because religion is so pervasive that most people take it for granted that everyone believes in a god.

  • @ELK1989612
    @ELK1989612 11 лет назад

    if we want an atheist as president we pretty much need to run with jesse ventura. it's still a 1 in million chance he'll win though; i don't think an independent candidate who also runs a hit tv-show about conspiracy theories will be accepted among the two party system.

  • @Lobos222
    @Lobos222 13 лет назад

    You can be religious and secular at the same time. Its not that uncommon.
    I think there needs to be more focus on secularism. There may be good secular candidates that happens to be religious, which might even be a pro in regards to gathering vote.
    I have met loads of people that believe in a God, but that think law/gov should be based on man because man has free will and that God, in their view, wont really interfere regardless.

  • @sourpatchBALLS
    @sourpatchBALLS 13 лет назад

    tide goes out tide goes in?

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @DiscoRByrno To say that atheists "don't believe in god" is wrong because you used the singular form of the word "god." It's not like there's only one god that humans believe in. There are thousands of gods, and not a shred of evidence for any of them. That's why I said "Atheists believe in no gods (plural)." Atheists don't "LACK the belief in god" any more than we LACK belief in the Bogeyman or invisible garden faeries. We simply reject baseless claims that gods, or the Bogeyman, exist.

  • @TheXstrat
    @TheXstrat 13 лет назад

    @BEARARMZ googled it, answer didnt make much sense. said he supported christian values and liked the use of christian images as propaganda, but didnt designate his faith as christian, so idk.

  • @drummerkid1993
    @drummerkid1993 13 лет назад

    @YY4Me133 Atheists don't 'believe in no god'. Atheism is the 'lack of belief in god'. Subtle but important difference. Your definition is more Gnostic Atheist.

  • @FancyKerbloops
    @FancyKerbloops 13 лет назад

    @alphacause I was about to post the same thing XD Well said.

  • @Sudomania
    @Sudomania 13 лет назад

    In addition the very fact that you would suggest that atheism lead directly to something soviet russia is deeply disturbing. Even if those people died on account of their beliefs. (religious, some were killed for being enemies of the state and many who were Cossacks, but thats non related to religion) you have to take into account that millions upon millions were kind for the base idea of "my beliefs are right, yours are wrong". I could name at least 50 such events off the top of my head.

  • @NickyPrit6
    @NickyPrit6 12 лет назад

    Maybe, if there was one. :) Despite your hate slur against David Silverman, I and your God still think that you are a good person.

  • @alphacause
    @alphacause 13 лет назад

    Atheism, is not a religion, because the world only defines what a person DOES NOT believe. A religion, or a complete worldview of any kind, can only call itself a religion or worldview by not only defining what it does not believe, but specifically defining what it does believe. Atheism is merely the lack of belief in God, and that lack of belief can come about due to a plethora of causes and rationales. Atheism is as much of religion as being transparent is a color.

  • @DougWIngate
    @DougWIngate 11 лет назад

    You used the word atheist 4 times in that comment, there's your problem

  • @mikkwik
    @mikkwik 12 лет назад

    Non-Theist sounds better. Most religious equate Atheist with Evil for some reason.

  • @northoforacle
    @northoforacle 12 лет назад

    Sometimes I wish I was Jewish; they make great atheists.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @HybridD91 I never said anything about disbelief, so I think you're just pulling my chain now.
    I'm tired of all this hoopla over nothing but semantics. At this point all I'll be doing is repeating myself, so I'm done with this particular subject.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @BigMikeMcBastard Okay, now I'm confused. Do you have a problem with the word "atheist," or don't you?

  • @fatkat444
    @fatkat444 13 лет назад

    @patrickcorliss Oh here I was thinking you were a capricious and mean-spirited commenter, when all along you were a well-researched and humorous commenter. Were you fond of my background? It's a little inside joke.
    Agreed. On Q&A one night the coalition education minister stated he'd like to see the bible and creationism taught in public schools. As long as they have people like that guiding their party, they should never be allowed power.

  • @drummerkid1993
    @drummerkid1993 13 лет назад

    @YY4Me133 I still don't accept your definition. Atheism is not a belief position. It's the rejection of a belief, or lack of belief. Your definition refers to positive atheism.

  • @maconsumner
    @maconsumner 13 лет назад

    @bunkmasterflex That’s not true, I am a constitutionalist and a Libertarian. My belief system includes personal freedom that is paired with personal responsibility for one’s self. Anarchists are like many other movements, have huge contradiction. You can call things conservative or Liberal, R or D, it doesn’t matter, they are both in the business of controlling the lives of others. I want gov to collect taxes for constitutionally mandated items, then leave me alone.

  • @maconsumner
    @maconsumner 13 лет назад

    Atheism is a portion of the progressive agenda and is in sharp contrast to the values of the majority of Americans just like many of the topics the progressives harp on. If an atheist understood the constitution and how to govern vice rule then I would see the question as moot. There are more important things to focus on besides religion or lack thereof. Eliminating the progressive agenda would be a far better focus than giving another branch of it a place at the table.

  • @vechorik
    @vechorik 13 лет назад

    What candidate doesn't participate in the, "Who is the best Christian contest?"
    Christian, Ron Paul!
    Want safety in America, protect Israel, wipe out Muslims?

  • @traviskoss15
    @traviskoss15 12 лет назад

    Communism is an economic system. Not governmental system. Not a religion.

  • @fatkat444
    @fatkat444 13 лет назад

    @patrickcorliss Our current PM is as well.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @drummerkid1993 Atheism is a belief. I gave a dictionary definition of belief. You seem to be hung up on the word "belief," and I don't know why. I believe that gods, leprechauns, and invisible garden faeries are fictional characters, i.e. I accept as true that they're fictional, made up, not real. Call it "positive atheism" if that makes you feel better. I don't use such labels.
    I don't reject "beliefs." I reject unfounded claims.

  • @TheAmazingamerica
    @TheAmazingamerica 13 лет назад

    @dEViN1887 Most Jews are atheists. They don't want to follow all those 613 commandments so they just pick out the good parts. One tribe studies Torah, one tribe is the political arm, etc. See humanist Jews or atheist Jews, wiki.

  • @StevenTheWonderPony
    @StevenTheWonderPony 12 лет назад

    It depends on the form of communism, really. China is communist, yet is the most capitalist government on earth.
    Then there's 'true' communism, which is as Marx's original idea in which everyone lives in perfect equality and balance.
    Then there's normal communism which is a small group with total control enforcing 'equality'. You should read Ayn Rand, she's great for this stuff.

  • @Scanini
    @Scanini 13 лет назад

    @cjshadow0 They are not mutually exclusive.
    Gnostism lends itself to knowledge and Theism to belief.
    Im an Agnostic Atheist, I do not know and do not believe a god exists.
    I would say you are an Agnostic Theist, you do not know but you believe there is.

  • @Urudrim
    @Urudrim 11 лет назад

    these guys don't seem to know what atheism is. it's simply describes a person with a lack of belief in a deity. nothing more, nothing less.

  • @Tanfeliz
    @Tanfeliz 13 лет назад

    At 8:50 - David Silverman is OK, but he's no Louis.

  • @fatkat444
    @fatkat444 13 лет назад

    @music073 Look up Deism. You could probably relate to that a lot.

  • @XepicmeauX
    @XepicmeauX 13 лет назад

    @alphacause *Julia Gillard :)

  • @enemy2k10
    @enemy2k10 13 лет назад

    @kazooga1234 Oh sorry, I misunderstood.

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    @1RadicalOne Yeah, but they're the ones with superior morals, eh?

  • @YY4Me133
    @YY4Me133 13 лет назад

    Atheism is no more a religion than theism is. Both are simply positions with respect to the nonexistence/existence of a god or gods. Atheists believe in no gods. Theists believe in at least one god. That's it. Religion is an entirely separate issue.
    If liking matzah brei makes one jewish, there are an awful lot of people who are jewish but don't know it.

  • @Waldo909
    @Waldo909 13 лет назад

    i dont feel like I'm part of a relegion you know i dont feel like i am a jew muslim or christian but i believe that there is a god what am i? and are there more people like me :)

  • @XepicmeauX
    @XepicmeauX 13 лет назад

    @AndroidPhantom Not all atheists are like him, im one myself and i found him annoying and bit arrongant, i go to a methodist school myself and dont really care what personal faith people hold, its just that though personal, i actually think the idea of a higher being or consciousness kinda interesting, it just has no place in deciding our government or our values, it is a personal self discovery nothing more, because nothing is provable, im a secularist above all

  • @ELK1989612
    @ELK1989612 11 лет назад

    Well, I ain't any different on the way of where I live. I live in Norway, and there people hardly give a shit about what one believes; I also have some friends that are religious, but never speak of it other than wearing some symbols. Still, I don't think Silverman is a "Godfather" of atheists. If he is as smart as he wants us atheists to be, then "we" will understand when things get too far. Besides, being called "the pope of atheism" is a big political stunt, one he can't afford.

  • @Sudomania
    @Sudomania 13 лет назад

    @happosai27 im pretty sure that didn't have to do anything religion, in fact communism encourages atheism

  • @TheAmazingamerica
    @TheAmazingamerica 13 лет назад

    @davethehostage They should just call themselves Bolsheviks.

  • @perfectplayingplaids
    @perfectplayingplaids 12 лет назад

    that was low

  • @dsjanc
    @dsjanc 13 лет назад

    probably within 10 yrs or 12 yrs

  • @enemy2k10
    @enemy2k10 13 лет назад

    @kazooga1234 Stop spamming, you've spammed like 7 comments in a row!

  • @Jarrod0067
    @Jarrod0067 12 лет назад

    :'D It's funny cos it's true

  • @ittdust
    @ittdust 11 лет назад

    Jesse Ventura 2016

    • @MegaMiir
      @MegaMiir 6 лет назад

      How did that go?

  • @duffy76543
    @duffy76543 12 лет назад

    No political atheist? Can u say Abe Lincoln????

  • @anyrock22
    @anyrock22 12 лет назад

    hahahaha, indeed.

  • @An2oine
    @An2oine 12 лет назад

    He is "kosher".

  • @maconsumner
    @maconsumner 13 лет назад

    @bunkmasterflex There is nothing wrong with “people wanting what they want”, you should just never do it at the expense of another person. That is in a nutshell the agenda of the progressive/liberal movement. Lots of rights, but no responsibility to provide for your own needs. Less profanity and more content will make what you are trying to say clear my friend.

  • @TheAwesome45
    @TheAwesome45 11 лет назад

    Communism isn't a religion.