【Mario Party Superstars】Friends Or Foe ​

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 226

  • @brokenspacebar9628
    @brokenspacebar9628 Год назад +442

    3:40 start for fellow vod watchers

  • @rickxhoshinji
    @rickxhoshinji Год назад +238

    Friendships were tested today.

    • @andyjo7838
      @andyjo7838 Год назад +3

      Hololive SHIPS are too strong to end that easily.

  • @Bronsons
    @Bronsons Год назад +78

    I like that Kronii has reached raid boss levels in her branch-mates hearts. They feel if they don't do all-vs-one then she'll win. Even with that being the case, Kronii still wins 90% of the time. I especially like this because she always makes an effort before, during and after every game she plays.

  • @tiettrongkhoi7353
    @tiettrongkhoi7353 Год назад +217

    49:45 and 1:07:20 . Kronii's max luck 😆

    • @MichaelVincentGChua
      @MichaelVincentGChua Год назад +20


    • @HentaiSpirit
      @HentaiSpirit Год назад

      this bimbo...

    • @BigPaja
      @BigPaja Год назад +3

      But what I don't understand is why she did not get the promised coins. Why did Bowser refuse to put his money where his mouth was?

    • @nktyronshi9245
      @nktyronshi9245 Год назад +2

      ​@@BigPaja Nobody expected the max luck so Bowser is not prepared for that

  • @ShadowAkatora
    @ShadowAkatora Год назад +73

    Council collabs are a blessing

    • @BOBurdizzo-ex8ie
      @BOBurdizzo-ex8ie Год назад +2

      It’s a shame that mumei said there not doing it anymore 😢
      Or are they 😐

  • @coffeeinhandproductions3238
    @coffeeinhandproductions3238 Год назад +20

    Awesome seeing all of Council together again. Really had the feeling the win would be between either Fauna, and Kronii because of reasons. Mumei did really good with most of the minigames, and props to Bea for hanging on despite technical difficulties, and having her first star stolen almost in the beginning. Also Fauna and Kronii vibing in perfect sync was fun to see.

  • @anchoviezzz_ez8255
    @anchoviezzz_ez8255 Год назад +264

    Man Moom really needs to be given a star for beating the most minigames.
    She literally moomed all over the place

    • @pcalix17
      @pcalix17 Год назад +20

      She initiated Mooming time and everything. Why didn't she earn a star?

    • @SteelShroom256
      @SteelShroom256 Год назад +2

      moom zoom

    • @sinfulshadow
      @sinfulshadow Год назад +4

      If they chose classic bonus stars pretty sure Mumei would have won

    • @TheDantte97
      @TheDantte97 Год назад +1

      She's Donkey Kong

  • @MortalInkling
    @MortalInkling Год назад +32

    For those of you who might see this, Starts at 3:41

  • @patome
    @patome Год назад +44

    1:42:38 Synchronized reaction.

  • @TonyBomboozled
    @TonyBomboozled Год назад +56

    Kronii's laughs during these collabs are half amused and half "I'm gonna get my ass beat when this stream is over".

  • @hiroshiki9514
    @hiroshiki9514 3 месяца назад +1

    19:55 It Bae 43:10 Fauna punished 50:05 Kronii steal 55:12 Fauna punished 2 57:10 Revenge 58:33 Fauna steal 1:00:17 Gaming 1:03:25 DK dumpy 1:05:34 Towl 1:07:26 Bowser dip 1:15:48 Bae gaming 1:41:25 Fauna punished 3 1:42:36 Bae... 1:49:39 Fauna poke 1:59:51 Tee tee 2:00:34 Bae... 2:06:30 DK 2:09:36 Fauna oof oof 2:19:25 Tee tee 2

  • @JGBluebox
    @JGBluebox Год назад +26

    There is drama, joy, thrills, and action in the Council collab.
    So many funny and carzy moments in this stream, but if I had to pick one, it would be "chance time."
    I still don't know how she did that.
    Luigi time, DK!, Not Yoshi moments, and Bae at the end was so fun. This is an awesome stream
    Great work, everyone. All of you.
    And thank you. Always
    See you all later. Take care

  • @AgentofShield11
    @AgentofShield11 Год назад +5

    Tech issues and lag aside, council never fails to put a smile on our faces! Nothing like Mario party to bring friends closer together in harmony! Thanks for hosting this collab Kronii! Council 4ever!
    Kronii so generous, she gave all the other girls equal time in the salt cam, what a generous warden
    50:17 Kronii sends Bae’s mental into the shadow realm

  • @xxvimilia
    @xxvimilia Год назад +52

    Spoilers for vod watchers
    Fauna almost throwing gave me a heart attack.

  • @TonyBomboozled
    @TonyBomboozled Год назад +29

    [3:40] 🎵Kroniichiwa🎶
    [7:16] Yep.
    [9:30, 1:00:17, 2:06:37, 2:13:01] DK Rap
    [10:10] Begin!
    [15:25] Council still wants revenge on Kronii (& fun with stickers)
    [17:17] Animal cameo
    [19:48, 1:20:30] whatabae has disconnected
    [21:07] The Moom is CAFFEINATED.
    [23:46] Who is Birdo married to?
    [34:37] Bless you, Bae! Also, the lag worsens.
    [36:10, 1:04:53] Squeak!
    [45:56] Bae and Fauna's cute greeting
    [48:15] _Mumei's Double Dice Roll_
    [49:44] _Kronii's Chance Time_
    [52:19, 1:37:56] Bae's signature catchphrase returns
    [57:00] Pay up, Kronii!
    [1:03:25] "You may smack it. Once."
    [1:07:11] Bowser Space backfired!
    [1:21:07] Yoshi's voice actor
    [1:21:46] Enjoy blessed Moom noises while Bae reconnects.
    [1:27:31] :D
    [1:32:28] Bae is back!
    [1:41:11] _Kronii forgives Fauna_
    [1:59:50] Fauna and Kronii vibe.
    [2:01:24] It's Luigi Time!
    [2:08:24] _Least brain-damaged preYdator moment_
    [2:16:16] Kronii can't navigate a menu.
    [2:19:22] _Peace and mald_
    [2:26:57] "Oh hi Mark."
    [2:28:18] Kroyasumi~.
    *[Fauna Wishing She Was Yoshi]*
    [5:36, 8:06, 11:53, 20:20, 28:12, 29:56, 31:01, 33:08, 39:03, 40:03, 46:02, 49:22, 50:48-51:04, 58:30, 1:06:06, 1:14:22, 1:15:16, 1:16:48, 1:35:04-1:35:40, 1:36:59, 1:52:39, 2:09:33, 2:11:22]
    *[Star Get!]*
    [44:11, 56:00, 58:22, 1:06:06, 1:42:57, 1:52:39, 1:53:33]
    [12:20] Trace Race
    [17:44] Cast Aways
    [25:11] Cheep Cheep Chase
    [31:11] Rockin' Raceway
    [39:25] Tidal Toss [×2 Coins]
    [46:00] _Squared Away (time for revenge)_
    [51:30] Booksquirm
    [59:00] _Tug O' War_
    [1:08:00] Look Away
    [1:13:42] Bowser Minigame: Pit Boss
    [1:17:35] Quicksand Cache [×2 Coins]
    [1:35:06] Item Minigame: Aim the shuttle
    [1:36:42] Picking Panic
    [1:42:17] Item Minigame: Jump to a barrel (Mr Judge predicts the outcome)
    [1:54:16] Item Minigame: Focus!
    [1:55:07] Piranha's Pursuit
    [2:00:19] Item Minigame: Pop a balloon!
    [2:03:40] Bumper Balls
    [2:10:24] Rapid River Race
    [2:13:13] Results!
    [2:14:00] WINNER!

  • @Doujikiri
    @Doujikiri Год назад +9

    i think all the lag made the mario party so much better... the banter ist so good i just love their dynamic. thanks for the awsome stream!

  • @Secret_Takodachi
    @Secret_Takodachi Год назад +8

    13:36 This is some peak Nintendo Switch gameplay right here! 🤣 That collective "Oh NOOO!" At the 2 frames per second gameplay sums up all my feelings on the Switch as a piece of hardware.

    @OTAMOB Год назад +16

    1:42:41 I like that their heads moved to the same direction at the exact same time 😂

  • @MichaelVincentGChua
    @MichaelVincentGChua Год назад +27


    • @Usagi1992
      @Usagi1992 Месяц назад

      She's _NAWT_ a PIGroach! LOLOFL

  • @TheNoobilator
    @TheNoobilator Год назад +14

    It always makes me so happy to see you girls all enjoying eachother's company and having fun together \o/ It is also so lovely to hear Moom's voice again after her silent break ^_^ Thanks so much for the stream all of you, and Kronii for hosting 🤎💚❤💙

  • @platinumtempest3665
    @platinumtempest3665 Год назад +7

    Everyone did so good, but poor Bae lol. Who knew Moomers would put up such a strong performance in minigames and the board? Though the Kroshi may have lost, it was a close battle! Really enjoyed the stream, even with the lag, and I'm glad Bae got to play all the way through!

  • @BigPaja
    @BigPaja Год назад +17

    Fauna deserved it because of how much bullying she endured during the Uno stream.
    Chaos reigned through the immense lag.
    Kronii's Chance Time was probably the best moment of the whole stream.
    Moomster was moomin' pretty hard but eventually couldn't transform it into anything substantial.

    • @dairoleon2682
      @dairoleon2682 Год назад

      The Moominator was destroying lives in the minigames. Unfortunately, there wasn't a bonus for amount of them won.

  • @WickedKnightAlbel
    @WickedKnightAlbel Год назад +34

    This stream had everything: Kronii bullying, Moomers going Towl mode, Bae cheering her A.I. self on, Fauna huffing copium the whole time about not being Yoshi, Kronii getting all the EXP in the end and the drafting session of the first of many Council feature films

  • @mocha_alpaca
    @mocha_alpaca Год назад +5

    2:06:45 “D K donkey kong!” i am donkey kong” lol
    2:01:24 this is truly “it’s luigi time!”
    thank youu council 💙❤️🤎💚
    so many surprising moments, but it’s just as expected? lol XD
    blessed noises and screams today
    you all are winners wink wink 🙏sweep well🙏
    oh and thank you for members gift, kronies are such chads and generous

  • @Tuan6969
    @Tuan6969 Год назад +4

    Mumei: You make me sick Bae
    Bae *shock, turn over to Mumei*

  • @SeanR794
    @SeanR794 7 месяцев назад

    Almost a year and this is still one of the funniest mario party streams i’ve ever seen

  • @RiqCrow
    @RiqCrow Год назад +22

    full council collab, with Sana always being in our hearts and thoughts ❤

  • @Lord_Plasma_3
    @Lord_Plasma_3 Год назад +4

    7:30 RIP to the VA for Ducky, Judith Barsi. At age 10, she (along with her mother) was murdered by her father when he committed double murder-suicide.

    • @babyshiori
      @babyshiori 3 месяца назад

      what kind of father would ever do that to his family? 😞 wait.. Scott Peterson & Chris watts..

  • @yodawgzgaming4416
    @yodawgzgaming4416 Год назад +4

    Forget Bowser, Australian internet is the most unstoppable of supervillains

  • @SomberPine
    @SomberPine Год назад +57

    Bae unlocking Mario Party's hidden Dante Must Die difficulty by slowing down time with her Australian genjutsu somehow made this into one of the most intense rounds of Mario Party of all time, what an absolute experience

  • @seththeawesome3366
    @seththeawesome3366 Год назад +18

    Madness/10. Sasuga council, great stream

  • @kaje_zu
    @kaje_zu Год назад +6

    caught up with the vod! It's so much fun when you guys are just vibin with each other. Thank you for the stream, council! 'Twas fun!

  • @igloo_igloo
    @igloo_igloo Год назад +3

    This game always gets salty and toxic very quick, and it's always entertaining to see. Thanks for the fun collab

  • @tori_19
    @tori_19 Год назад +2

    I love this whole stream but I loved the last part after the game was over when they were just bantering. I would love if they all did a council podcast!!

  • @HyperOperation
    @HyperOperation Год назад +63

    My favourite part of this stream was when Luigi said "It's Luigi time" and then Luigi'd all over others and win.

  • @ikr9358
    @ikr9358 Год назад +5

    Checking the details, if Fauna hadn't landed on the second Tree Event Space, Mumei would have won because then she and Fauna would have gotten Bonus Stars and Mumei had more coins.

  • @killercart
    @killercart Год назад +10

    So this collab is really really great with the lag, revenge, and the shenanigans. Chance Time moment was funny. Congrats to Fauna for winning. Thanks for the collab, Kronii.

  • @jaredvilla4642
    @jaredvilla4642 Год назад +13

    Kronii is the queen of luck in Mario Party

  • @茜-z3z
    @茜-z3z Год назад +9


  • @corndawgz
    @corndawgz Год назад +2

    Kronii - Baller
    Mumei - Salty # 1
    Fauna - Salty # 2
    Bae - Victim

  • @samster101229
    @samster101229 Год назад +8

    Kornii picking Yoshi had already begun the salty feelings for the council members, and memories of the UNO collab

  • @Zaidxxxx
    @Zaidxxxx Год назад +18

    Maybe one day the switch will have good internet connection.
    Thanks for the stream Kronii.

    • @Uldihaa
      @Uldihaa Год назад +6

      It wasn't the Switch, it was Bae's internet, or rather it's Australia's international internet connectivity. The same thing happened during Pekora's Mario Maker tournament.

    • @milesedgeworth132
      @milesedgeworth132 Год назад +4

      ​​​@@Uldihaa Mario Maker is also on the Switch. Bae never had this level of lag on Minecraft, Phasmaphobia, or Overcooked.

    • @Uldihaa
      @Uldihaa Год назад +1

      @@milesedgeworth132 Yes she did. It just wasn't as obvious because of the netcode used in those games. Why do you think she blames "the ping" so much? It's not just an inside joke.

    • @milesedgeworth132
      @milesedgeworth132 Год назад +1

      ​​​@@Uldihaa So I'm right. It's not as bad because those games actually have decent netcode. It doesn't kick her out a hundred times and prevent her from joining back in.
      Also, blaming the ping is always a joke regardless of the actual connection strength. I don't think it means anything.

    • @Uldihaa
      @Uldihaa Год назад +2

      @@milesedgeworth132 No, you are wrong. If the problem is the Switch, then every multi-player game she played on it would lag. It doesn't. She didn't have this problem during the Mariokart tournaments, or when she played Splatoon.
      Now, could the problem be specific games on the Switch? Yes. In which case that makes it no diffferent than any other gaming platform. It is the Switch itself? No.

  • @RequiemMasses
    @RequiemMasses Год назад +6

    Im here for Fauna and gotta say THATS MY OSHI SHE PICKED BEST BOI LUIGIIIIIII 🎉🎉

  • @DylanIGuess
    @DylanIGuess Год назад +1

    5:37 Bae's scream lol

  • @drakevoidwalker
    @drakevoidwalker Год назад

    Shoutout to Fidesius at 29:47 😂 your amazing _Donkey Mei Cry_ joke did not go unnoticed

  • @Flugmorph
    @Flugmorph Год назад +5

    it was luigi time

  • @Jamoose2k1
    @Jamoose2k1 Год назад +13

    I liked the part when Luigi went "its Luigi time!"

  • @FinalDisnerd
    @FinalDisnerd Год назад +5

    I'm sure Bae was frustrated that the internet was doing, you know, this. But MAN was this a fun stream. My sides hurt from laughing at this one.

  • @JustChiaki
    @JustChiaki Год назад +3

    Well, we can now say that that was a certified Fauna SWEEP! It was very close though, wasn't sure if Kronii or Fauna would take it.
    Great stream! Mario Party already lends itself to great moments, and combined with the usual Council shenanigans, it's a recipe for greatness!

  • @BenJaiK
    @BenJaiK Год назад +5

    Never stop believing in Luigi Time.

  • @Adreeyell
    @Adreeyell Год назад +1

    Does anyone know what song Fauna is singing at 1:09:49? It sounds familiar but I can’t remember the name.

  • @drewhaven
    @drewhaven Год назад +1

    i love fun. and this was so much fun.

  • @CountShaman
    @CountShaman Год назад +7

    While I'm usually on Kronii's side when it come sto Luigi, she made a big mistake letting Fauna pick him. Queen of Skill + King of Skill's main spells power unscaled

  • @hugobrown4198
    @hugobrown4198 Год назад +1

    Been missing the council collabs shame I missed the stream but let’s catch up with the vod

  • @trapperscout2046
    @trapperscout2046 Год назад +1

    Woody Woods is such a great piece soundtrack.

  • @ShirakoriMio
    @ShirakoriMio Год назад

    Oh my goodness, I can't believe they got to be on the Bald Podcast!

  • @Hekatonchejr_I
    @Hekatonchejr_I Год назад

    Thanks for the collab

  • @gamerguy425
    @gamerguy425 Год назад +5

    Thanks for the Steam Council!!! Glad Mother nature got her revenge on time lol!

  • @LonesomeDevil
    @LonesomeDevil Год назад +1

    If there's anything I've learned from this stream is that Moom is Donkey Kong. And nobody knows who Yoshi is.

  • @teamhunter730
    @teamhunter730 Год назад

    47:00 Kronii: “For you, the day Ouro Kronii graced your Uno stream was the most important stream of your life but for me, it was just Uno.”

  • @severussnape2917
    @severussnape2917 Год назад +4

    Council party superstars!

  • @hantakorys
    @hantakorys Год назад +2

    There are 2 constants every single council collab, the hilarious banter and Kronii somehow always winning in the end lmao

  • @TSSxEmber
    @TSSxEmber Год назад

    Did anyone hear someone else voice at 1:22:00 saying 2 to mumei when she said 1

  • @Akahito_San
    @Akahito_San Год назад +3

    Twas fun, Fauna sweep in the end. Even tho she's kinda tank at the start Bae in eternal lag train Mooms "I'm donkey kong"
    Thanks for the collab stream Kronii!

  • @ChocoLatteDX
    @ChocoLatteDX Год назад +9

    Despite the scuff and lag, this was a very fun collab! Thanks for the stream, Council!

  • @Hollow_Tim
    @Hollow_Tim Год назад

    My favorite part was when Fauna thought she was Yoshi literally 100+ times

  • @bloominghaze8093
    @bloominghaze8093 Год назад +12

    It's really great to see Council come together for semi-regular Council-Collabs again. All things aside, Chaos won this game even - if the Chaos was not Bae.
    Not much that can be done about the connection not playing along nicely so don't worry about it, it's still been a blast!

  • @nightstar2197
    @nightstar2197 Год назад +2

    Im gonna be a massive nerd and argue that Kronii is actually the youngest.
    In many creation myths, Chaos is usually the first thing to be. Then Order comes around and makes Space, Space makes Nature, Nature makes Civilization, and Civilization makes Time.
    Time is an artificial concept, a social construct created by mankind to aid them in making sense of the world around them. To entities residing on the "higher planes" (stemming from things that come *before time*) Time usually has no meaning.
    Of course, ignoring time isnt always a good thing. It is the folly of many an immortal to disregard the creations of man. It is unfortunate for those who cannot understand the concept of time, to be denied the vision of her beauty and perfection 💙.
    "Time crumbles things. Everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time." ~Aristotle

    • @loganbritton6737
      @loganbritton6737 Год назад

      Time is not an artificial concept. The measurement of time is. A higher dimensional being wouldn't not perceive time, they would have a hyper perception of it.

    • @BioMatic2
      @BioMatic2 Год назад

      I heavily disagree with Time being an artificial concept, if time didnt existed before humanity defined it then humanity wouldnt have been able to evolve to the point of being able to be aware of time.

  • @Flappy_Boi
    @Flappy_Boi Год назад +2

    The seeds of scorn sown today will no doubt, in time, bear delicious fruits😈🔥 - Also Mumei didn't cough today. Her voice break might have done it🥳🦉

  • @kaylensanders1799
    @kaylensanders1799 Год назад +4

    Great stream! Also, Fauna gets double revenge by having Kronii play Outlast Trials. U need to get revenge by having her play horror games, guys.

  • @hazeclimate6233
    @hazeclimate6233 Год назад +3

    Fauna set the world greatest upset...

  • @peskyboar8652
    @peskyboar8652 Год назад +5

    It must be a record.....The Moom went into Towl mode just 10 minutes into the stream

  • @Slashser
    @Slashser Год назад +1

    Man, I can't wait for them to play the Dokapon remake

    • @ikr9358
      @ikr9358 Год назад

      Is one coming out?

    • @Slashser
      @Slashser Год назад

      @@ikr9358 Yep, it's called Dokapon Kingdom Connect, I know it'll be on switch but I think it'll be on most platforms too

  • @vietphan9997
    @vietphan9997 Год назад +1

    This stream is wild! And so much fun

  • @PewterCityGymLeaderBrock
    @PewterCityGymLeaderBrock Год назад +8

    I felt so bad for Bae with how the game was lagging, but at the same time Mumei was absolutely cracking me up with her comments saying things like they only wanted to restart because she was winning or that they just wanted to take away her win from her lmao. The way she talks to the other girls in collabs is something you can only do with people you are truly friends with lol, it's always like some friendly smack talking kinda vibes.

  • @SouruTama
    @SouruTama Год назад +4

    Don't worry about the lag, it was still a fun stream with a lots of hilarious moments haha

  • @KingCrazzi
    @KingCrazzi Год назад +12

    Congrats to Fauna on the win, the match was fun to watch even with the lag. Next year maybe do more rounds, 15 is kinda short.

  • @derekc2425
    @derekc2425 Год назад +1

    At least she didn't manage to get away with it again (barely)

  • @zehellyerfeg1502
    @zehellyerfeg1502 Год назад +5

    Nice lag buff Bae. Mommin Noises 1:22:34

  • @BioMatic2
    @BioMatic2 Год назад +1

    i was expecting a continuation of the bloodbath that was Uno and i was not dissapointed.

  • @Godouuu
    @Godouuu Год назад +1

    Common quotes from this stream:
    "I thought I was Yoshi"
    "It's Luigi time!"
    Thanks for the Council collab!They seem to end with everyone losing a bit of sanity and Kronii still somehow winning though
    Still FAUNA SWEEP though

    • @ikr9358
      @ikr9358 Год назад

      How could you forget "I am Donkey Kong"

  • @KnifePIay
    @KnifePIay Год назад

    I wonder if they all are connected via Ethernet rather than WiFi. Nintendo online sadly pretty much requires an Ethernet connection.

  • @jannafreudenberg1878
    @jannafreudenberg1878 Год назад

    didnt Kronii play one year ago Mario Party , is it because of her new design

  • @robtheimpure
    @robtheimpure Год назад +2

    what happens when Luigi Time ends? Luigi Time begins.
    thanks again for the stream y'all! these full Council collabs have been so much fun

  • @Kipa12312
    @Kipa12312 Год назад +1

    That game of Tug of War was intense! This whole game was pretty much the Mario Party form of Council with how much scuffed, cursed chaos it had.
    I just hope you're friendships survived

  • @Dracobyte
    @Dracobyte 5 месяцев назад

    Hahahaha nice stream!

  • @Doki722
    @Doki722 Месяц назад

    31:00 kroni luck for sure lol

  • @Symbiotian
    @Symbiotian Год назад

    1:03:25 humpy dumpy

  • @藤原妹紅-t4x
    @藤原妹紅-t4x 11 месяцев назад


  • @Uldihaa
    @Uldihaa Год назад +2

    "Mumei topped" is a thing Kronii said with her own mouth. I expect that to become a meme.

  • @screamingOctahedron
    @screamingOctahedron Год назад +7

    what a stream. my face hurts.
    luigi time forever

  • @313_6_2_E
    @313_6_2_E Год назад


  • @anakin148
    @anakin148 Год назад

    Mumei could have won so easily if she hadn't stayed looping and looping and actually went to the dark forest once

  • @CaptFalcone
    @CaptFalcone Год назад

    Fun steam.

  • @ejune98
    @ejune98 Год назад +2

    sassy mumei funnyyy

  • @zk9506
    @zk9506 Год назад +9

    Man I missed the result. heard Fauna won, congrats. Imma listen to Fauna Sweep for 1 hour lol

  • @Screwsy
    @Screwsy Год назад +3

    "We're not friends anymore." - Mumei summarizing Mario Party as a concept in 4 words.

  • @mrjudge3722
    @mrjudge3722 Год назад +1

    1:42:38 Bae lmao

  • @enchantedporkloin2658
    @enchantedporkloin2658 Месяц назад +1

    If there joining off bae, then that explains the lag, Australia internet sucks ,trust I would know 😂

  • @darksora763
    @darksora763 Год назад +26

    Congratulations to the winner! It is unfortunate that the results were spoiled in the comments before I was able to watch.

    • @KzintiCV
      @KzintiCV Год назад +1

      For real. I’ve noticed this community insists on spoiling things instantly because screw anyone who was unable to watch the stream live.