1. Chen ripped his pants at the beginning of the performance. 2.Baekhyun's device on his chest fell and he didn't show it to us at the end of the solo. 3.Kai's chain was broken so everyone was red but his was green. 4. Camera work is so shitty. 5.They had a 2-day Tokyo Dome Concert at Wed-Thursday and came to MAMA 6 hours before the openning which is Friday morning. 6. No rehearsal. AND STILL THIS PERFORMANCE IS LEGENDARY!!! AND YOU SOME SH*T SAYING SOME UGLY COMMENTS BEHIND YOUR KEYBORD WHILE THEY ARE WORKING THEIR ASSES OFF! IT'S TOO EASY TO WRITE DOWN A HATE COMMENT UNDER A VIDEO, RIGHT? DON'T PISS ME OFF. ENOUGH...
@@anitha5578 I wrote in order of age because they were crowded. In order not to forget anyone. But my native language is not English and I forgot the spelling of the word professional. I was going to look back, but I forgot. I always support Him. Thank you very much for telling this wrong.
Oh I became a fan this year while listening to BTS...but once I listened their songs I cudnt go back...and thank god I never went bck!!!! So proud to stan them😎 100% talent 100% hardwork
내 최애 무대 tramsformer.. 장이씽 김종대로 이어지는 부분이 진짜 좋고 저 목에 한 불빛의 의도는 모르겠지만.. 멤버들 9명 다 비주얼이 미친ㄷㄷ 무대가 쪼금 위험해보이긴 하지만 무튼 그냥 애들이 찢은 무대라고 생각함..우리 9명 보고싶다ㅜㅜ 특히 최애라서도 있지만 장이씽이 제일 앞에 서서 춤 출때 진짜 ㄹㅈㄷ 장이씽 김카이 메댄인게 걍 말이 안됨 김카이랑 장이씽이 춤선이 되게 다른게 둘 다 미치도록 잘춰서 너무 좋음
Other Idols may break EXO’s records, but EXO made history on multiple occasions and have been the first Group to do many things. And you can’t change that.
@@potatochimcakes8428 Look, I’m happy for the success and joy BTS is giving and is receiving. And obviously you do too. So, why give all of what you are into badmouthing other groups? If you truly believe and comprehend that BTS is the best in your eyes, then why come here to try and convince us they are as a means of validation? If you know for a fact that they are the best? It’s like saying “I love my mom.” and start forcing other children to agree with you when they have their own moms to brag about. Please don’t be greedy about euphoria. Let other people indulge in it too. If you truly love that which you claim you do, then you don’t require the validation of others.
its already 2020 and still can't change the fact that every EXO's performance is legendary. Felt bad for those people who don't know them yet and for those others who won't stan them because what others said "losing their popularity" and excuse me for that, others can go on top but EXO will remain as the group who succeeded even after all the chaos and problems they have face. PERIOD
Facts. Even with SM's poor promotion (if there is any promotion at all) for them, they still stay highly relevant in their field by continuing to slay performances and make amazing albums. It's amazing to think that even though they've gone through so much (losing members and various scandals, and their company tsk.) , they still remain AS ONE. WE ARE ONE, indeed.
They are literally amazing idols. Chen slayed even though his outfit was really uncomfortable. You could clearly see that at 9:47 Chanyeol was struggling to breathe, it is so sad that seeing them like that. They always works so hard, the vocals and raps are soo stable. It's live and EXO killing it y'all
Chanyeo *L* ...Junmy *E* on ......Kyun *G* soo ............S *E* hun Baekhyu *N* ......Jong *D* ae ......Mins *E* ok ...........Yi *X* ing ............J *O* ngin WE ARE *ONE* ! WE ARE *EXO* !
THE FACT THEY DIDN'T EVEN REHERSE FOR THIS PERFORMANCE came straight from japan concert & did this after 3 hrs! More than love this band needs respect!
While people say that exo is not the same anymore, exo-l are quietly watching the old performances and waiting for the return of the kings of K-pop. We are EXO-L We Are One
CHEN: 1:11 Has jacket on 1:17 Realizes that he ripped his pants (cause his body's too bootylicious for the pants) 1:30 Thinks quick and un-button's jacket 1:38 Ties jacket around his waist 1:46 Gets his shit together 3:26 Slays the universe
@@ikudane5423 even if I'm tired, even if there's one fan left I'll go up on stage again - exo in 2014 They keep their promise If there's one fan left, that's me. And if no one is left, I'm dead then
I cant say anything that hasnt been already said but holy shit this is legendary. Chen's quick thinking and professionalism, kai and Sehun's dance break and Lay. Enough said
there is nothing underrated about Lay. Not only is he killing it in China and internationally, so many fans were happy to see him join EXO again in the new comeback.
@@asianworld2451 i beg to disagree, he is not forgotten by their fans and exo-ls are actually very supportive of yixing's solo career, it's just that non-chinese fans get overshadowed by his local supporters. whenever lay releases new songs, exo-ls are often the first ones to stream them nonstop. besides, since most of their og fans are in their 20's - 30's now, it's understandable that they may not be as active as they were during the early eras. 🤷
@@andyjiang9307 so that makes one of you at 17. I do meet a lot of fans in their twenties. I myself am close to thirty now, even though I wasn't following them from the beginning. I've known them since 2016.
WHAT!!! I see... Honestly Mnet and Mama 2019 this year is not boring and I disagree about what people in this comment section was saying that only Exo can hype the crowd? Duuhh? Can't you see how the "other group" rock the stage, making it like their own concert. SERIOUSLY? I'm just being real here. I'm not a kpop listener in my whole life, but I got interested in this (other) kpop group recently and I got hookup because of their lyrics, but before that, I knew EXO at first for more than 2 years, I know their existence because they are really popular! I'm just curious why they are not attending award shows anymore. I agree that the stage and camera setup is a mess up & there is some dirty tactics like that but saying that the show was boring because they are not there? I think its not because of that. For me, it became boring because not all well-known kpop artist was there. That's all. Don't be delusional people! I enjoyed the show and I'm sure I'm not the only one 😉
@@imaextreme Don't take that comment too seriously, it's just a way for fans to praise their idols. I have seen this type of comments under many kpop group videos, it's understandable because all fans think that their idols are the best
@@imaextreme i would Advice u to, Look for *Why Do popular artist Hate MAMA awards?* , there is always a good Reason, u know, MAMA is a Snake, and Shameless Show, No wonder G-Dragon Dissed MAMA so Hard, on Behalf of All Popular Artist.😒
Yona Granger yesss, and the thought that people want to cancel him from exo coz his getting married and has a baby blows my mind. Like seriously their trying to and ruin his career because they think they owe him... Hahahaha his too talented and as fan he will always have me as a fan. He will forever be Chen from exo best vocalists
@JCL0924 oh my god if you don't agree Chen being the best. Don't come in an exo video 'cause you don't expect us to praise other artist 'cause obviously it's an exo and exol territory. Kindly find your brain pls
I knew KPOP before but was never interested in it. But the quarantine brings me to watch Scarlet Heart Ryeo. From there I knew Baekhyun and he is from EXO. At first, I didn't find it interesting, I was like, "oh he is a KPOP artist." Since I am a fan of the Knowing Bros reality show, I found EXO became the guest. I knew Baekhyun before through the drama, I tried to watch it despite not an EXOL yet. It's really impressed me watching Chen sang the song Tears with that insane high note. Since then, I tried to discover about them. The deeper I discovered, the more I like them and open my mind how come I stan this talented group so late. And finally being an EXOL. I tried to discover other KPOP groups too but it's hard to amaze me and make me attached to them. I know there're a lot of KPOP groups that are talented too but EXO is really something I can't even describe why I'm so attached with them especially their humbleness. Despite they are on hiatus now, they are still popular and amazing. If they're not, why I'm becoming an EXOL now even there is no comeback? yes, because of their talents. Edited: this comment was 7 months ago before their latest comeback, DFTF. It was my first experience watching their comeback even my bias Chenie Chenie Chen Chen (the way Chanyeol call Jongdae) is on the military. I hope you are still loyal and support exo and wait for their next comeback.
cameraman literally the entire time: which one is singing????? ok let's just zoom out to be safe, all the way, include the audience too, the singer is bound to be in the frame
HelTra91 it's because exo hadn't practiced this with mama before. As they came back from a tour, so the camera man didn't know who to focus on as it was un-planned
When I say EXO is a talent group, I really mean it. This performance was live but doesn't seem to be much different from recording in the studio! Even when they dance so I really appreciate EXO
I've listened to/watched several K-pop groups before, but EXO is the only one that truly drew me into K-pop. Seriously, EXO's talent is on another level. Personally, I love Chanyeol the most because despite being a rapper, I just discovered how lovely his voice is-which just shows how versatile of an artist he is. Disappointed that I decided to become a fan just last January 2021, but still, I'm proud to say that I'm finally an Exo-L. No regrets.
beatriz bayan not hating, but not really. atleast for me, i went to 2 bts concerts, 4 bigbang, and 3 exo concerts and BB and exo are just on a different level when it comes to performing and presenting a song, BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, NO HATE.
I used to be a big fan since their debut.I stopped stanning kpop idols for a while now but i have to say EXO got it all. Great vocalists, great dancers, gorgeous visuals and more importantly, they work their ass off. No Kpop group ever faced with seperation like EXO, but they still made it. They've become one of the greatest groups ever of Gen3 and i'll fight with whoever disagrees.
@variety addict same thoughts.. usually if theres a member who left in a group the group will eventually lose their momentum *in fame* .. but exo managed to stay strong and continuously attract fans until now..
Our hardworking boys. * They have to perform here coming from Japan * Jongdae's veins popping out from his neck * Chanyeol's eyes closing out of tiredness * Baekhyun's eye liner falling out because of sweat * Kai and Sehun has to do extra solo dances even though Transformer and Monster are already hardcore choreo * Just everyone sweating . I'm proud to be part of Exo's Daesang. We are always here to support Saranghaja!
+nxsrxn yeah our Chinese fanbase is as big big as the Korean. This was in Hong Kong. But exols no matter the country show out for EXO. we are beautiful.
Being 2022 I become EXO-L. I really don't know what I've been waiting for to be a fan of them, they are absolutely spectacular, I've listened to many bands but they sound so good live and their performances... wow
I just want to give mad props to Jongdae for handling his wardrobe malfunction so easily and fluently and got right back into performing. That takes professionalism.
the fact that exo dominated the asian market back in the days having a lot of k.fans, and now they are gaining even more korean and international fandom breaking their own records without promotion. After the military when ot9 reunite, they will probably destroy everything. They are the k-pop kings.
@@potatochimcakes8428 you are in every freaking comment, juat stop, the hell you are doing here if you apparently dislike EXO so much, gosh, so annoying
No one can perform better than EXO. They are real legendary. They are not trying to be legend but legend is trying to be EXO. I'm proud me because of being EXOL . I'll be with them until the end of my life. Thank you EXO, thanks for being EXO. We are one. " Let's Love".
*No one does it like EXO and never will. Each EXO member are a powerful force to be reckoned with. An Empire within themselves. EXO are the “CHOSEN DYNASTY” of this ERA. They will forever ♾ and always be the Emperors 🐧 New Groove.*
I can't believe they didn't sleep in the last 24 hours or more and put such a great show! 2 days tokio dome and now mama. Thank you EXO! it;'s indeed a SACRIFICE!
@@dianayuaprilia6353 wth whats wrong in using jk's pic? she could be a multi trash? DONT TELL PPL WHAT TO DO, even though ur not trying to be mean u sound rude :) (im an army exol igot7?ahgase elf reveluv blink once and many more and having an ONLY exo profile i write in bts and other related stuff too CAS I RESPECT THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE )
it's been a while since I watched EXO performance again.. getting older gives me different priorities but because of recent issues I was reminded of my younger self where I was so busy stanning EXO, I didn't know responibilities before other than studying so I have time to watch them and support them but growing up, I was busy working to pay bills (ugh). Now, as i watch them I remember how great they are. Made me feel goosebumps as I watch them perform. Dang, they are so talented. Dancing, singing, comedic skits 😂 and their visuals oh my they dont disappoint. Even when i was busy, i hear people wanting chen out of the grouo just because he got married and had a baby. They are in the right age, mind you! They deserve to be happy as much as they did for us. They gave us inspiration, didnt they? Now, it's time for them to be happy too. I want to say thank you Jongdae-nim for being strong throughout that unnecessary hate. Thank you for being with EXO. EXO had enough, they deserve only good things. I hope they continue to be humble and good persons. We, eries are your daesang, you don't need physical award. We will always love and support you, EXO. Stay strong! We are one! 😊❤ I missed them that's why I wrote kinda long message here. I missed them so much. Looking forward to seeing them as a whole group with the maknaes after their military training. #EXOis9 EXO LET'S LOVE!
Wow I'm just impressed by Chen's professionalism during their Transformer performance. Like literally 1 minute into their performance you can see that he has discovered a tear in his jeans?, but he just calmly went on with the performance and solved the problem. Honestly I reckon the jacket tied around his waist looked like a really sophisticated cool look anyway so props to Chen!!
Yeah I also thought it looked really cool. And I think he was asked about this in a fansign and he replied that even though he became really nervous and was embarrassed, he still remembered the moves, so he continued with the performance. This boy is super professional lol
Other fandoms say Exols don't appreciate their faves. It's not because we don't want to. It's just really hard to stan other groups when you stan EXO. Their vocals are the best in the industry
Became a fan of Exo last October 2020 during pandemic, they help me to cope my anxiety and gave inspirations during those days thank you EXO for existing.
very begining the show chen's pant ripped and he created a new outfit to himselF DURING THE SHOW while dancing and singing omg he is such a profesional I.STAN.LEGENDS
sweet gay vodka i heard that bigbag will have their comeback but their not performing in korea... because mnet is snake. i just heard I don't know if it's true.
EXO is so professional. They were so tired because they came from a flight and doing concerts for a few nights yet they still manage to slay the stage. I can't imagine how they felt during this time. If it was me, I think I would collapsed because of exhaustion.
I love how EXO makes a story on stage, unlike most artists who just go up and slay. Once a while EXO always does something different, they add a plot to their songs and their performance instead of giving the audience a dance version of their song.
No one can't replace how cool and expensive this performance! This is my favorite EXO's performance until this time. Good job boys. I hope you can perform Transformer and Monster with 9th members again
Nicole ;3 Really? I don't think this was the best performance of Exo. In the other years they slayed! Not saying that they didn't slay this time but the performance was good to see just two-three days after Mama, but that is all. Of course, this is my opinion but personally, I come here only to increase the views since another group is far away with views. But to tell the truth, is not that I come here because I found something special in this performance
Nicole ;3 This performance is out of the world! Very neat and well thought out, even though they do look like they are tired and lack energy. But very professional as always. I still think their performances for mama in 2013 and 2014 is unbeatable. however *since they performed transformer in mama2016, I'm still lowkey praying they do el dorado in mama2017*
so many performances back to back and yet each of them danced every move and sang every line with absolute perfection, not to mention the immaculate stage presence - it's literally insane. The amount of hard work all of them put here and delivered the best results like words are literally not enough to express how godlike every part of this was. exo is out of this world no one *ever* will be on their level
At first I only knew BTS, but when. I started to watch scarlet heart and 100 days my prince where EXO's Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are the main leads , I just started to love them, to the fact I just realized they are kpop idols. Weww, It's not too late to stan them. No regrets! Vocals and visuals. IT'S KILLING ME BABY!!!! I am a proud EXO-L. Other kpop groups may be the popular today, but we cant deny the fact that EXO has indeed the best vocals ....with talented soloists and actors!!
Welcome.. I'm EXO-L Indonesia,, yes BTS awesome too, worldwide, there are also many amazing k pop groups, but I fell in love the first time with kpop boys group is EXO, can't replace it with another one, it's hard, already fell in love with EXO -annisa
suho looks very handsome chen highnote...tell me now its killing me baby wahhhhh the way he hided his ripped pants using his jacket kim jong dae is KING
OMG, welcome! You'll be in a rollercoaster ride. Especially with reading theories regarding in their concept (it gives me headache, srsly). Welcome baby-L💖
My friend is an army too. I totally respect it and told her that I think they are good too. She asked, 'Are you still an Exol?' I answered yes. I was surprised after 1 week she bombarded my inbox with Exo. She said she checked them out and she is obssessed. To make the long story short, she is now an Exol
Same here. Newbie exol here. I'm kinda regretting not knowing exo during their early days. I could have watch one of their concerts. They performed in my country three times. I wasn't into kpop back then. Exo is really the group that got me into kpop. I hope when the pandemic ends and the rest of the members are discharged from the military, I hope I can see them perform live!
Makin yakin gak bakal ada yang bisa gantiin EXO sebagai idol terbaik versi aku, iniii salah satu performance terlegend si, inget bgt dulu di pondok ngumpet" buat nonton ini :,-)
I fell in love with EXO in 2022. I love how each member has their own colour, individuality and craft, yet they are iconic, legendary and powerful as a group. That’s the beauty. Hope I’m not too late! I’m trying to catch up on their past videos and variety shows music performances! They really wow me!
Okay but EXO are simply the best, not even a rival for the other groups since EXO is quite the most perfect Kpop group that has ever existed! Mnet didn't deserve'em So glad they don't go to MAMA's anymore, so mnet can't disrespect them and EXO-L again!
1. Chen ripped his pants at the beginning of the performance.
2.Baekhyun's device on his chest fell and he didn't show it to us at the end of the solo.
3.Kai's chain was broken so everyone was red but his was green.
4. Camera work is so shitty.
5.They had a 2-day Tokyo Dome Concert at Wed-Thursday and came to MAMA 6 hours before the openning which is Friday morning.
6. No rehearsal.
Someone said it yall someone finally said it! Preach
i was about to comment this. even when they're not at their top condition, EXO still slays
rt x100
I think Kai was lying, or he didn't know. Sehun also broke his chain but it didn't turn into green like him.
arriiks yndwptr I meant by broke, it didn't work right. From intro to solo with sehun his chain lights were green but it should be red.
Suho's legendery hair
Xiumin's legendery dance break
Lay's legendery movements
Baek's legendery last dance
Chanyeol's legendery puppy hair
Chen's legendery professionalism
D.o's legendery lips
Kai's legendery skin color
Sehun's legendery 'mega girl'
Yeah they give we in one tonight
U didn't mention Chen
@@anitha5578 wooah ı am soo sorry.
@@anitha5578 I wrote in order of age because they were crowded. In order not to forget anyone. But my native language is not English and I forgot the spelling of the word professional. I was going to look back, but I forgot. I always support Him. Thank you very much for telling this wrong.
@@exoot9390 iokay buddy
Everyone are watching MAMA 2020 but i'm watching EXO old performance.
Who with me?
It's all we have of OT9😭
No one watch Mama 2020 it's boring dude without the kings
same man
I just rewatching all the EXO performances, blessing my ears and eyes
MEEEE. Who watches MAMA 2020 tho 🤣
watching this in 2024 and i’m still amazed. exo is the best!
Kenyataanya bts terbaik 👍💯 legend
Me at April 2024 ❤
X infinito REE INCREÍBLES !!!! 🔥🤩🔥
Me too
Rewatching this in 2020 because EXO performances are legendary
Ghorl trueeeeee
Same ✋💅
_I'm here everyday because of EXO OT9 supremacy!_
*9 visuals*
*9 vocals*
*9 dancers*
*9 rappers*
9 crackheads 😂
@@alientoylucha5575 yes HAHAHA 9 dorks
The fact that Chen’s pants ripped and he wrapped his jacket around his waist without anyone noticing just proves he’s a professional
I never knew 😲
Seriously which part??
1:31 when he starts taking off his coat on the left side
Woww chen
Woah really ?? I DIDN'T notice
Now is 2023 but i'm still seeing EXO's show , really they are the king of kpop and they will be forever a king of kpop
Same 2023
Same here
Same here
Same here too....EXO always amazing !!!
@@OhGabri Yes, I know that, and since the beginning of the day, I have been listening to the song Hear Me Out
When others said EXO is flop but they gain more fans like me. I became Exo-L last month after watching 100 days my prince🤣
Oh I became a fan this year while listening to BTS...but once I listened their songs I cudnt go back...and thank god I never went bck!!!! So proud to stan them😎 100% talent 100% hardwork
me too, I got into kpop this year, actually only exo after watching all their dramas and osts XD
Welcome to the fandom 💖💖💖
Me too, after watch 100days my prince 🥰
Welcome to the fandom! Exol 🤍
We are one - Suho
No one can perform better than EXO.
no one can do that
@@zshooocolate544 yes we are
@@zshooocolate544 uk this is coming from an exol right??? Can you just appreciate thier opinion and if you can't then please let them be
The camera work concept: Let's never film the one who sing.
Didi J honestly that's so true.
Didi J Except for when it came to D.O.
Chanyeol's rapppp ughhhh
내 최애 무대 tramsformer.. 장이씽 김종대로 이어지는 부분이 진짜 좋고 저 목에 한 불빛의 의도는 모르겠지만.. 멤버들 9명 다 비주얼이 미친ㄷㄷ 무대가 쪼금 위험해보이긴 하지만 무튼 그냥 애들이 찢은 무대라고 생각함..우리 9명 보고싶다ㅜㅜ 특히 최애라서도 있지만 장이씽이 제일 앞에 서서 춤 출때 진짜 ㄹㅈㄷ 장이씽 김카이 메댄인게 걍 말이 안됨 김카이랑 장이씽이 춤선이 되게 다른게 둘 다 미치도록 잘춰서 너무 좋음
Other Idols may break EXO’s records, but EXO made history on multiple occasions and have been the first Group to do many things. And you can’t change that.
@@potatochimcakes8428 immature stans like you are the reason why so many people don’t want to Stan K-Pop
EXO had done some first things and other groups have too.
@@potatochimcakes8428 Please let us enjoy our boys and don’t ruin our vibe. Every KPop group is iconic. There, happy?
@@aex9516 lmao sure ^^
@@potatochimcakes8428 Look, I’m happy for the success and joy BTS is giving and is receiving. And obviously you do too. So, why give all of what you are into badmouthing other groups? If you truly believe and comprehend that BTS is the best in your eyes, then why come here to try and convince us they are as a means of validation? If you know for a fact that they are the best? It’s like saying “I love my mom.” and start forcing other children to agree with you when they have their own moms to brag about. Please don’t be greedy about euphoria. Let other people indulge in it too. If you truly love that which you claim you do, then you don’t require the validation of others.
Ok but can we just talk about Lay's vocals in Transformer? Even though the cameraman didn't capture him singing much, his vocals there were immaculate
yes yes yes.. finally someone said it! I hate the cameraman.. Lay is incredible ✨
Same! His vocals here is chef's kiss
Ikr. Lay own transformer
Yes, I agree. but they are really stingy about giving LAY a screen view
Fucking camera, the fancam is so much better
its already 2020 and still can't change the fact that every EXO's performance is legendary. Felt bad for those people who don't know them yet and for those others who won't stan them because what others said "losing their popularity" and excuse me for that, others can go on top but EXO will remain as the group who succeeded even after all the chaos and problems they have face. PERIOD
Facts. Even with SM's poor promotion (if there is any promotion at all) for them, they still stay highly relevant in their field by continuing to slay performances and make amazing albums. It's amazing to think that even though they've gone through so much (losing members and various scandals, and their company tsk.) , they still remain AS ONE. WE ARE ONE, indeed.
and xfans still trolling and comparing them to their faves who are well-promoted.
where is the lie?
They are literally amazing idols. Chen slayed even though his outfit was really uncomfortable. You could clearly see that at 9:47 Chanyeol was struggling to breathe, it is so sad that seeing them like that. They always works so hard, the vocals and raps are soo stable. It's live and EXO killing it y'all
1Lộc Hàm Luhan Trung Quốc 2 ❤ 1:50 Chen Kim Jung Dae
Chanyeo *L*
...Junmy *E* on
......Kyun *G* soo
............S *E* hun
Baekhyu *N*
......Jong *D* ae
......Mins *E* ok
...........Yi *X* ing
............J *O* ngin
So the conclusion is , you can't spell legend without exo.
Elida Acosta 😍😍😍😍😍
Exo Fanchat in MAMA 2016 is Louder than MAMA2015 ? is mean EXO-L is grow up in HONGKONG :)
Elida Acosta I wonder how long it took you to come up with this 😂😂😂
THE FACT THEY DIDN'T EVEN REHERSE FOR THIS PERFORMANCE came straight from japan concert & did this after 3 hrs!
More than love this band needs respect!
Yes, really.
@@exotzensupporters9784 yes
They deserve everything 👑
Like look at Chanyeol on the floor at 9:47 . Jesus christ
Me too 😔
Just wish he had more camera time. Seriously not fair
jajajjaja i also love all of him, voice, dance, visual
While people say that exo is not the same anymore, exo-l are quietly watching the old performances and waiting for the return of the kings of K-pop.
We are EXO-L
We Are One
Lay just looks so *good* dancing in the front with Kai and Sehun besides him. Like it's just perfect.
Damn yes
1:11 Has jacket on
1:17 Realizes that he ripped his pants (cause his body's too bootylicious for the pants)
1:30 Thinks quick and un-button's jacket
1:38 Ties jacket around his waist
1:46 Gets his shit together
3:26 Slays the universe
ah kkaebsong slay chen slaaaay! woooooah! 💪💪💪
ah kkaebsong He's a fucking Genius.
I don't think your username could be anymore perfect for this situation
ah kkaebsong ewdcs
Chen’s professionalism is just top tier and smooth
Yeah, watching him struggling yet he continued his performanced well, professionalism at its best👏👏👏
He always was so professional right from the debut though he trained 3 months at SM
what happen?
@@hiruby5633 chens pants ripped, thats why he tied his jacket around his waist.
@@cristinacanaguran4001❤ Park Chanyeol Hánh Quốc 2 ❤ 2:02 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 3 Do Kyungsoo D.O 4 ❤ 2:35 Oh Sehun Hánh Quốc
2024 anyone??
aku kembali di tahun 2024❤🎉
When you were tired but chose to perform for your fans, that's EXO.
Even if they're tired they still killed it
@@ikudane5423 even if I'm tired, even if there's one fan left I'll go up on stage again
- exo in 2014
They keep their promise
If there's one fan left, that's me. And if no one is left, I'm dead then
Who’s here in July 2022?
Missing EXO right? :(
Me :(
Meee. keep rewatching their performance. Badly miss them :((
I'm in! ❤
"Tell me now it's killing me baby" kills me everytime.
I'm getting goosebumps while listen
Me tooo! This Sehun's verse (2:17) kill me the same way. I can't with these guys.
ikr, Chen's voice is just so godly.
I cant say anything that hasnt been already said but holy shit this is legendary. Chen's quick thinking and professionalism, kai and Sehun's dance break and Lay. Enough said
Lay is so talented!!
there is nothing underrated about Lay. Not only is he killing it in China and internationally, so many fans were happy to see him join EXO again in the new comeback.
@@mx.n.3682 But many exo-l forget about him and don't stream his songs! All the support he gets from chinese fans.
@@asianworld2451 i beg to disagree, he is not forgotten by their fans and exo-ls are actually very supportive of yixing's solo career, it's just that non-chinese fans get overshadowed by his local supporters. whenever lay releases new songs, exo-ls are often the first ones to stream them nonstop. besides, since most of their og fans are in their 20's - 30's now, it's understandable that they may not be as active as they were during the early eras. 🤷
@@imerisnoteris i followed exo since 2 weeks after they debuted in 2012, i'm 17 rn
@@andyjiang9307 so that makes one of you at 17. I do meet a lot of fans in their twenties. I myself am close to thirty now, even though I wasn't following them from the beginning. I've known them since 2016.
Lay was there ..i miss him so much ..im sobbing
LAY iCHA) 😊😂😅😘😍🙄😏🤔
Lay ❤❤❤
iCHA LAY EXO) 😢😭😪👏😊😂😅😍💋💕💞💗🤟🙏🙆♀️👧🔫🙅♀️👁💞💝
T X T B T S 7 1 X
5 😢🙏😊😂👫💏👨👩👧 LAY iCHA EXO
Jongdae’s powerful “Tell me now it’s killing me baby” will never not be iconic
Ah!! I love that!!! His voice is amazing!!!!
아니 진짜 이때 실시간으로 보고 무슨 영화 보는줄 알았음.. 라이브,퍼포먼스 다 압도적으로 잘하고ㅠㅠ 진짜 소름이였지.. 무슨 스타일링을 해도 찰떡같이 다 소화해내고 진짜 대단함 엑소는❤
EXO never needed mama shit
For me
1 exo
Watched mama just coz of them hope they will soon come and break their own records
@@exosujunct4932 agree
We need EXO so much in kpop
Exo and big bang was the artists that can hyped the stage with their audience ...and that's absolutely true.
WHAT!!! I see... Honestly Mnet and Mama 2019 this year is not boring and I disagree about what people in this comment section was saying that only Exo can hype the crowd? Duuhh? Can't you see how the "other group" rock the stage, making it like their own concert. SERIOUSLY?
I'm just being real here. I'm not a kpop listener in my whole life, but I got interested in this (other) kpop group recently and I got hookup because of their lyrics, but before that, I knew EXO at first for more than 2 years, I know their existence because they are really popular! I'm just curious why they are not attending award shows anymore.
I agree that the stage and camera setup is a mess up & there is some dirty tactics like that but saying that the show was boring because they are not there? I think its not because of that. For me, it became boring because not all well-known kpop artist was there. That's all. Don't be delusional people! I enjoyed the show and I'm sure I'm not the only one 😉
@@imaextreme Don't take that comment too seriously, it's just a way for fans to praise their idols. I have seen this type of comments under many kpop group videos, it's understandable because all fans think that their idols are the best
@@s.u.o9731 okay now I understand. I hope every group have fair treatment so that fans will enjoy the show :)
@@imaextreme i would Advice u to, Look for *Why Do popular artist Hate MAMA awards?* , there is always a good Reason, u know, MAMA is a Snake, and Shameless Show, No wonder G-Dragon Dissed MAMA so Hard, on Behalf of All Popular Artist.😒
Kailee Sy why exo didnt attending shows anymore?why dont you try watch the 2017 mama awards?
I swear to god Chen is the only person who can ace that level of live singing!!!
Yona Granger yesss, and the thought that people want to cancel him from exo coz his getting married and has a baby blows my mind. Like seriously their trying to and ruin his career because they think they owe him... Hahahaha his too talented and as fan he will always have me as a fan. He will forever be Chen from exo best vocalists
Yona Granger did they lipsync here?
@@melodyduran3128 nope
@Kaden Lowe dude relax she's just a clown who only knows about BTS
@JCL0924 oh my god if you don't agree Chen being the best. Don't come in an exo video 'cause you don't expect us to praise other artist 'cause obviously it's an exo and exol territory. Kindly find your brain pls
Rewatching this in 2022 because EXO performances are legendary
Jadi kangen EXO mbakk ❤😊
they're the best ever
Rewatching in 2023 🥺
2023 bestie 🙈🙈
@@sanshiathapar6285 omg yesss i watch this again due to exo's anniversary in some daayss
I knew KPOP before but was never interested in it. But the quarantine brings me to watch Scarlet Heart Ryeo. From there I knew Baekhyun and he is from EXO. At first, I didn't find it interesting, I was like, "oh he is a KPOP artist." Since I am a fan of the Knowing Bros reality show, I found EXO became the guest. I knew Baekhyun before through the drama, I tried to watch it despite not an EXOL yet. It's really impressed me watching Chen sang the song Tears with that insane high note. Since then, I tried to discover about them. The deeper I discovered, the more I like them and open my mind how come I stan this talented group so late. And finally being an EXOL. I tried to discover other KPOP groups too but it's hard to amaze me and make me attached to them. I know there're a lot of KPOP groups that are talented too but EXO is really something I can't even describe why I'm so attached with them especially their humbleness. Despite they are on hiatus now, they are still popular and amazing. If they're not, why I'm becoming an EXOL now even there is no comeback? yes, because of their talents.
Edited: this comment was 7 months ago before their latest comeback, DFTF. It was my first experience watching their comeback even my bias Chenie Chenie Chen Chen (the way Chanyeol call Jongdae) is on the military. I hope you are still loyal and support exo and wait for their next comeback.
welcome to the fandom :)
Same ;)
You will like other groups but it will be hard to stan them like how you will stan EXO. Because they are the one of kings,the legend and the STANDARD!
Exo multitalent boygroup..right?
Exo multitalent
No one can beat exo’s vocal line they’re just unbeatable periodt
Yeah and its sad that even their vocals are the best, other groups is becoming more popular than them : (
@@jaredwaynesantiago3811 ikr kpop should be about talent not popularity
@@50594 yeah : (
They like the popular ones than the better ones : (
Its okay. its their lost that they cant hear EXO's great songs and vocals
cameraman literally the entire time: which one is singing????? ok let's just zoom out to be safe, all the way, include the audience too, the singer is bound to be in the frame
Exactly! I was so damn annoyed. I mean I wanted to watch the choreography close up cuz it was lit!
HelTra91 it's because exo hadn't practiced this with mama before. As they came back from a tour, so the camera man didn't know who to focus on as it was un-planned
But it tells you how daebak EXO is to perfectly execute an unplanned act
pamela ong yes! Exactly!
When I say EXO is a talent group, I really mean it. This performance was live but doesn't seem to be much different from recording in the studio! Even when they dance so I really appreciate EXO
EXO is such a major icon in the KPOP field- No one can do it like *EXO*
major agree
same with BTS
@@potatochimcakes8428 the title does not say kpop or bts, it's exclusively EXO, so please. this mention was not necessary thankyou
I've listened to/watched several K-pop groups before, but EXO is the only one that truly drew me into K-pop. Seriously, EXO's talent is on another level. Personally, I love Chanyeol the most because despite being a rapper, I just discovered how lovely his voice is-which just shows how versatile of an artist he is. Disappointed that I decided to become a fan just last January 2021, but still, I'm proud to say that I'm finally an Exo-L. No regrets.
@loeyinfinity don't worry i just became a fan in june 2021 bcoz of the SABOR A MI video in mexico, and there's no turning back❤️❤️❤️
We are one L's
yeah me too!
A long time fan but I still stan only them. They spoiled me for any other group
ure new exol🤗 welcome to the fandom🙏🏻
Okay but Kai's "You can call me monster" is amazing
OMG yes! Plus Kai and Sehuns duet sounds like the soundtrack to a future album track XD
Momo Hirai I swear😂
Momo Hirai oh my god, I thought I was the only one to notice that .
BTS EXO you're not the only one 😂😂
Yeah he doesn't do the high note and it's sooo good
EXO is the only reason why i love kpop and im so proud being an EXO-L. Indeed EXO's live stage performance are on higher level❤️❤️
EXO and BIGBANG. The two groups that can turn award shows into their own concert.
Reiki Hikari of course King and King in past and new generation 😂😂😂
beatriz bayan not hating, but not really.
atleast for me, i went to 2 bts concerts, 4 bigbang, and 3 exo concerts and BB and exo are just on a different level when it comes to performing and presenting a song, BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, NO HATE.
Let me also share my opinion.
Army's are no joke.
and Exo-Ls are SERIOUSLY no joke.
my new religion is jikook do u think HERE we care about your opinion wtf
+my new religion is jikook
YOU must understand, BTS isnt reaching the higher levels yet.
We all agree, except for u.
Look who's crying in the corner. I miss yixing, i miss kyungsoo, i miss xiumin, i miss ot9. I literally miss everything about exo rn.
bruh i miss ot12💀
@@yunho1676 ah yes, that's given. we all miss ot12 :((
Yes, and our leader-nim 😭😭😭😭💔
we all miss them :(((
I used to be a big fan since their debut.I stopped stanning kpop idols for a while now but i have to say EXO got it all. Great vocalists, great dancers, gorgeous visuals and more importantly, they work their ass off. No Kpop group ever faced with seperation like EXO, but they still made it. They've become one of the greatest groups ever of Gen3 and i'll fight with whoever disagrees.
Yvivydaisy SAME!!!
You made me cry. Love you!
Thank you for that ..
@variety addict same thoughts.. usually if theres a member who left in a group the group will eventually lose their momentum *in fame* .. but exo managed to stay strong and continuously attract fans until now..
Me too, I love all these performances!
3:07 perubahan suasananya aku sukaaa banget, akustik nya dapet ditambah suara emas Kyungsoo+Chen 😭😭😭👍🏻🔥👍🏻
But seriously, Transformer's choreo has some amazing visual formations. It's always so fun to watch
rightttt. its soooo fun watching them it so beautiful
Our hardworking boys.
* They have to perform here coming from Japan
* Jongdae's veins popping out from his neck
* Chanyeol's eyes closing out of tiredness
* Baekhyun's eye liner falling out because of sweat
* Kai and Sehun has to do extra solo dances even though Transformer and Monster are already hardcore choreo
* Just everyone sweating
I'm proud to be part of Exo's Daesang. We are always here to support
And D.O still performs even though he has colds/fever *
Lay also work really hard..
@@NiA_Ot9_ yes, he's always working hard, in everything he does
@@fifi8232 yeah..Today is his Birthday.. Happy Lay Day to you..
Chen's pants ripped but the way he handled it👏 peak professionalism !
You can break their records but you can never break their greatness. Legends indeed!
Plus, their top tier visuals.
Yes !!
None has broken all of their records they still hold title for being first in many things
@Lucus Almeiza because of SM they faced many things, If u r not exol then why r u here.
Watching this now and makes me goosebumps. Without EXO, K-POP is nothing.
I miss OT12 😞
okay but these fanchants are no joke.
I love the fanchants in MMA :(
me too. korean exols are the best #imnotkorean
nxsrxn mama was in hong kong so idk im sure most of them weren't korean exo-l's
+nxsrxn yeah our Chinese fanbase is as big big as the Korean. This was in Hong Kong. But exols no matter the country show out for EXO. we are beautiful.
EXACTLY TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me to
yes yess me too
Meee tooo
the long wait is over 😭😭😭
Dont fight the feeling, go buy the album!!
Being 2022 I become EXO-L. I really don't know what I've been waiting for to be a fan of them, they are absolutely spectacular, I've listened to many bands but they sound so good live and their performances... wow
Same with you
I just want to give mad props to Jongdae for handling his wardrobe malfunction so easily and fluently and got right back into performing. That takes professionalism.
I know right 😭💖
Wc part is it? Srry i ddnt notice.
@@jhondelabas9311 It's okay, hun! At around 1:35 you can see him removing his jacket and tying it around his waist.
Holy shit... I didn't notice anything😂😂
His pant is ripped so he take off his jacket and tied in waist such a professional and passionate and fast thinking
the fact that exo dominated the asian market back in the days having a lot of k.fans, and now they are gaining even more korean and international fandom breaking their own records without promotion.
After the military when ot9 reunite, they will probably destroy everything.
They are the k-pop kings.
no they are not the kpop kings. THE KPOP KINGS IS ONLY SEO TAJI & THE BOYS.
@@potatochimcakes8428 better check wikipedia dear.
@@potatochimcakes8428 this kid is really problematic lmao
@@potatochimcakes8428 you are in every freaking comment, juat stop, the hell you are doing here if you apparently dislike EXO so much, gosh, so annoying
No one can perform better than EXO. They are real legendary. They are not trying to be legend but legend is trying to be EXO. I'm proud me because of being EXOL . I'll be with them until the end of my life. Thank you EXO, thanks for being EXO. We are one. " Let's Love".
Forever and always with EXO
That hits really different. Thankx
The best kpop group 4ever exo
Nation pick exo
King of kpop exo
I'm exol here
*No one does it like EXO and never will. Each EXO member are a powerful force to be reckoned with. An Empire within themselves. EXO are the “CHOSEN DYNASTY” of this ERA. They will forever ♾ and always be the Emperors 🐧 New Groove.*
For me this is still the legendary and iconic performance to MaMa show and only EXO who did it...and still watching it 2019 because of EXO
me too,... i still watch this performance till these days and Transformers is definitely one of my fav song by EXO
How is it legendary though
Check out the 2013
@@ThePeludo96 haters gonna hate lol
I can't believe they didn't sleep in the last 24 hours or more and put such a great show!
2 days tokio dome and now mama. Thank you EXO! it;'s indeed a SACRIFICE!
dana2CMDB thank them so much 😰
dana2CMDB oh no :( why they tire them like this
wow really?yesterday I can't get enough sleep and today felt like dying when doing sth outside ald
They are so hardworking!!!
King of Music
King of Vocals
King of live Performances
Trueeee.. legends always a legend....
king of visual🔥
Exo 💖
Don't use jungkook photo btw
@@dianayuaprilia6353 wth whats wrong in using jk's pic? she could be a multi trash? DONT TELL PPL WHAT TO DO, even though ur not trying to be mean u sound rude :) (im an army exol igot7?ahgase elf reveluv blink once and many more and having an ONLY exo profile i write in bts and other related stuff too CAS I RESPECT THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE )
it's been a while since I watched EXO performance again.. getting older gives me different priorities but because of recent issues I was reminded of my younger self where I was so busy stanning EXO, I didn't know responibilities before other than studying so I have time to watch them and support them but growing up, I was busy working to pay bills (ugh). Now, as i watch them I remember how great they are.
Made me feel goosebumps as I watch them perform. Dang, they are so talented. Dancing, singing, comedic skits 😂 and their visuals oh my they dont disappoint.
Even when i was busy, i hear people wanting chen out of the grouo just because he got married and had a baby. They are in the right age, mind you! They deserve to be happy as much as they did for us. They gave us inspiration, didnt they? Now, it's time for them to be happy too. I want to say thank you Jongdae-nim for being strong throughout that unnecessary hate. Thank you for being with EXO. EXO had enough, they deserve only good things.
I hope they continue to be humble and good persons. We, eries are your daesang, you don't need physical award. We will always love and support you, EXO. Stay strong! We are one! 😊❤
I missed them that's why I wrote kinda long message here. I missed them so much. Looking forward to seeing them as a whole group with the maknaes after their military training.
Wow I'm just impressed by Chen's professionalism during their Transformer performance. Like literally 1 minute into their performance you can see that he has discovered a tear in his jeans?, but he just calmly went on with the performance and solved the problem. Honestly I reckon the jacket tied around his waist looked like a really sophisticated cool look anyway so props to Chen!!
Yeah I also thought it looked really cool. And I think he was asked about this in a fansign and he replied that even though he became really nervous and was embarrassed, he still remembered the moves, so he continued with the performance. This boy is super professional lol
lilianlo_ 8
Chen!!! 😍😍❤❤💪💪
no wonder this group is on top. . they're amazing performers... the vocals isn't joking too..highlight of the night..👏👏👏
I agree
Dianna Mahusay Agree.
Dianna Mahusay Agree bc of their vocal I started to stan them
Me too...😘😍😍
Other fandoms say Exols don't appreciate their faves. It's not because we don't want to. It's just really hard to stan other groups when you stan EXO. Their vocals are the best in the industry
I mean, why should I settle for less when I already have EXO.
Totally agree
Agree. I've tried to watch other kpop groups' performance but I found it lame, really. EXO sets my standard too high.
You decided to speak facts today!
Became a fan of Exo last October 2020 during pandemic, they help me to cope my anxiety and gave inspirations during those days thank you EXO for existing.
very begining the show chen's pant ripped and he created a new outfit to himselF DURING THE SHOW while dancing and singing omg he is such a profesional I.STAN.LEGENDS
Bigbang EXO the legend who can hype the crowd
Im exo-l and have seen mama 2015 from bigbang and the crowd was as loud as exo-ls
Exol waiting for big bang's comeback 😭❤️
sweet gay vodka i heard that bigbag will have their comeback but their not performing in korea... because mnet is snake. i just heard I don't know if it's true.
@@iidamnitsrose6095 they will perform at the Coachella
Im SM stan but i think YG artist are the best in hyping the crowd
The best decision I made in my life: To stan EXO forever!
Awesome Lee agree 😂👍
Awesome Lee agree
Awesome Lee agree with you
Awesome Lee me too 😭😭
I can't believe that I was unaware of such a unique concert all this time, it is very commendable. ♡
I can't stop staring at Lay
twwhygee me too 😍😍
mee tooo .. He is soo stunning .. his move .. daebak .. no wonder he is the main dancing from EXO-M ..
Same he's so captivating
shit me too fuck
miss him so much 😢😢😭
EXO is so professional. They were so tired because they came from a flight and doing concerts for a few nights yet they still manage to slay the stage. I can't imagine how they felt during this time. If it was me, I think I would collapsed because of exhaustion.
i will forever think of this performance as the "chen ripped his pants" one. still a legend
Kim Do he perfectly hide and performed well despite that
Wattttrtr i was "why on earth is he being so handsome n protruding forrr???!!"
then i came across this.thankd
when fdksjfa
simmeringoo when where
chen's highnote is a legendary masterpiece
No one can break EXO'S visual and vocal, THEY ARE PERFECT ... And chen is profesional
Hahaha you're funny
@@-Sweet0_0- ikr you're so funny aunty hahaha
@@-Sweet0_0- is it jealous? Bcz your faves didn't hit so high note. Even after 10000 millions years it's never happened
@@-Sweet0_0- just say you love EXO and go 💕💕💕😂😂😂😂.
I love how EXO makes a story on stage, unlike most artists who just go up and slay. Once a while EXO always does something different, they add a plot to their songs and their performance instead of giving the audience a dance version of their song.
Yasss scream this shit
No one can't replace how cool and expensive this performance! This is my favorite EXO's performance until this time. Good job boys. I hope you can perform Transformer and Monster with 9th members again
This were the good old days. I miss EXO performing in award shows like this wherein they make the award shows turn into their concert.
Probably my all time favourite exo performance! They killed it even though Chen had some problems during transformer with his jacket. :3
Nicole ;3 what a boring concept 😖
Nicole ;3 Really? I don't think this was the best performance of Exo. In the other years they slayed! Not saying that they didn't slay this time but the performance was good to see just two-three days after Mama, but that is all. Of course, this is my opinion but personally, I come here only to increase the views since another group is far away with views. But to tell the truth, is not that I come here because I found something special in this performance
that's what we called PROFESIONAL
Nicole ;3
This performance is out of the world! Very neat and well thought out, even though they do look like they are tired and lack energy. But very professional as always.
I still think their performances for mama in 2013 and 2014 is unbeatable. however
*since they performed transformer in mama2016, I'm still lowkey praying they do el dorado in mama2017*
*cant take Sehun seriously w his adorable voice*
Anicia Mariee adorable and manly at the same time. 😁😁
rosiana kawai right. I get so confused
did you guys see his face at about 6:02. He looked so in pain
Overpriced Potato i wonder why?? do you have any clue?
きみ singing and dancing at the same time takes alot of energy, and Sehun gives everything while performing. he's probably out of breath :/
2016 was definitely EXO's year! Let's make 2019 their year too!!
Maybe but bts is also at large btw I support all groups
@@abrarkhot02 We do not care about them..just EXO
@@exoforlife5142 you should respect other groups as well and you know jimin taemin kai are close friends so why cant other fandoms be
so many performances back to back and yet each of them danced every move and sang every line with absolute perfection, not to mention the immaculate stage presence - it's literally insane. The amount of hard work all of them put here and delivered the best results like words are literally not enough to express how godlike every part of this was. exo is out of this world no one *ever* will be on their level
At first I only knew BTS, but when. I started to watch scarlet heart and 100 days my prince where EXO's Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are the main leads , I just started to love them, to the fact I just realized they are kpop idols. Weww, It's not too late to stan them. No regrets! Vocals and visuals. IT'S KILLING ME BABY!!!! I am a proud EXO-L. Other kpop groups may be the popular today, but we cant deny the fact that EXO has indeed the best vocals ....with talented soloists and actors!!
Welcome.. I'm EXO-L Indonesia,, yes BTS awesome too, worldwide, there are also many amazing k pop groups, but I fell in love the first time with kpop boys group is EXO, can't replace it with another one, it's hard, already fell in love with EXO -annisa
@@dadanwardana1490 Yes! I agree my co EXO-L !
This is me 5 months before
Pls say directly you are fan of exo😂😂.😂 only know bts then 100 time exo fan what fucking awesome story 🤣🤣😂😂😂
And that's why armys says bts paved the way!
3:25 chen's line : *Tell me now it's killing me baby* is killing me
yeah his jawline though
Chen is killing me 😅 he looks gorgeous in this 😍
Who Still watching in 2020?🙋🏽♀️
and i will support EXO forever
Love EXO ❤
We are one
April 2020 😍
Imissthem so much
we are one exo
exo & Exo_L Forever😌😍
Me, because I miss them so much
06 May 20
이건 1년에 한번이든 아님 3달에한번이든 꼭 보러와야해 완전체 머냐고
suho looks very handsome
chen highnote...tell me now its killing me baby wahhhhh
the way he hided his ripped pants using his jacket kim jong dae is KING
While others were telling me to watch bts, I ended up here.
I became exol 2 months ago.
I'm so excited for my first EXO come back
OMG, welcome! You'll be in a rollercoaster ride. Especially with reading theories regarding in their concept (it gives me headache, srsly). Welcome baby-L💖
My friend is an army too. I totally respect it and told her that I think they are good too. She asked, 'Are you still an Exol?' I answered yes.
I was surprised after 1 week she bombarded my inbox with Exo. She said she checked them out and she is obssessed.
To make the long story short, she is now an Exol
Same here. Newbie exol here. I'm kinda regretting not knowing exo during their early days. I could have watch one of their concerts. They performed in my country three times. I wasn't into kpop back then. Exo is really the group that got me into kpop. I hope when the pandemic ends and the rest of the members are discharged from the military, I hope I can see them perform live!
People: What is the hardest thing in the world?
Me:Selecting a bias in EXO.
Same here
Same i love everyone equally i can't decide 😅
I know that feeling
So fuckin true😂
Makin yakin gak bakal ada yang bisa gantiin EXO sebagai idol terbaik versi aku, iniii salah satu performance terlegend si, inget bgt dulu di pondok ngumpet" buat nonton ini :,-)
I fell in love with EXO in 2022. I love how each member has their own colour, individuality and craft, yet they are iconic, legendary and powerful as a group. That’s the beauty. Hope I’m not too late! I’m trying to catch up on their past videos and variety shows music performances! They really wow me!
Welcome 🥰
On. I highly recommended you "EXO SHOWTIME" and then "Travel fhe world with EXO.(three seasons, the first is with CBX)". Are Golds
oh my god same, this is only the second or thrid week of discovering them and im obssessed
@@hakuisha thank you 😊
EXO: *performing amazingly*
Camera man: "Wow, what a great time to randomly pan out and film the crowd!"
"Tell me now it's killing me baby" ohmyheart chen, you killing me.
seriously i really love that part.
I actually came here to listen to that part ..😂😂
my fav part
Rewatching this after MAMA 2022 because EXO performances are THE BEST from VOCAL to VISUAL to DANCING.
Chen is a pro, his pants was ripped by accident, he took off his jacket & tied on his waist.
2022 and EXO is still the one who can pull off this kind of live performance from VOCAL to VISUAL to Dancing and many more. So proud. We will wait
1Oh Sehun Hánh Quốc 2 ❤ 5:32 Byun Baek Baekhyun Nguyễn Sỹ Toân 3 ❤ 5:49 Do Kyungsoo D.O
I still don't get it why they're having a music award at EXO's concert?
How disrespectful.
Ikr :/
Oof the sarcasm. I love it💅
Really love your comment!!
Otaku that's really funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Okay but EXO are simply the best, not even a rival for the other groups since EXO is quite the most perfect Kpop group that has ever existed!
Mnet didn't deserve'em
So glad they don't go to MAMA's anymore, so mnet can't disrespect them and EXO-L again!