the power chenle holds... really enjoyed this whole performance of him, the energy is overflowing and you can really see how much he enjoyed this stage. i hope they could finally perform next week!! and also congrats on 1st win chenle and dreamies
he looks extremely good in this simple shirt and pants fit. i couldn't help but smile from start to finish. he is so charismatic on stage. so glad that he is enjoying this repack comeback
*get well soon uri CHENLE♡ we will wait for the promotions to get extended so that you can showcase more of your talent for this era, beatbox this is really your era love you*
Lele may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is undeniably one of K-pop's most talented idols. From visuals to dancing skills to vocals, everything is on point! I hope he receives what he deserves. Our forever babies, Lele and Jisung. 💚
Our superstar Chenle why are you so cute?! So happy to see you back on stage, fully recovered & slaying it! Can't wait for more stages so get well really really soon!
나의 회색 아기 고양이….. 러러야 사랑해❤️❤️ 너가 최고다!!!!!
천러가 타이틀곡 중에 비트박스가 최애인 만큼 미소가 끊이질 않아서 고양이 그 자체야 너무 귀여워🫶🏻 러러야 1위 너무 축하해🍀
Chenle is so cutee.. his voice is angel, handsome anti aegyo but still the cutest ever 🥰🥰🥰
the power chenle holds... really enjoyed this whole performance of him, the energy is overflowing and you can really see how much he enjoyed this stage. i hope they could finally perform next week!! and also congrats on 1st win chenle and dreamies
He is so attractive and passionate on stage! This outfit suits him so much! His dance, his smile, his vocals, everything of him is so perfect!!
웃으면서 춤추는 천러 보니까 나도 행복해진다
종천러야.. 너무 예쁘구 잘해 오랜만에 음방에서 추는 춤이었는데 진짜진짜.. 빡시게 추는 거 보구 .... 울컥햇더 우리 천러 최고야 천재양 사랑행
chenle undeniably shined in this era. he's glowing!
회색머리 너무잘어울린다ㅠㅠ러러왕자님 귀엽고멋있고대체못하는게뭐야ㅠㅠ러러왕자님이무대찢었다..
천러야 너무 멋있고 귀엽다!!! 1위 축하해!!! 🥳🎉
우유처럼 새하얗고 엄청 스타일이 좋아.. 🫠💘
빨리 천러가 건강하게 웃는 모습이 보고싶어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
우리 천러 너무 행복해 보이네🥰 드림에 누구보다 진심이라 너무 고마워 아프지 말고 건강만 해 회색아기고냥아!!!😘
The hairstyle and the shirt... I might die because he looks so good.
천러 머리색 정말 맘에 들어요 정말 멋있어요 최고예요 춤도 잘 추고 멋있고 목소리도 너무 예쁘고 듣기 편하고 솜처럼 부드러워요.
Jinjja jonna good…🥹💚
He rly enjoyed this performance. It's so sad we need to stop promotion show
아아아ㅏㅏ 종천러 존나 사랑해ㅏㅏㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
네가 웃는게 넘 좋아..천러야ㅠㅜ
개 귀엽다 정말
크 천러는 붐 때부터 느꼈지만 와이드핏에 웃도리 넣어입기 너무 잘어울린다
I like chenle dance with black short t-shirt!!!
Chenle's performance is always on another level! ✨
우리 천러… 힘들고 아프고 코로나 걸린날이였나? 전 날인가? 쨋던 컨디션 안좋은데도 이렇게 밝고 예쁘게 무대 마춰줘서 그저 고마울 따름… 짱천러 수고 많았어!!!!!!!!! 빨리 낫어서 더 뛰어놀자구!!
Chenle is so cute in this I'm gonna cry
Chenle is so freaking pretty I might cry for real.
he looks extremely good in this simple shirt and pants fit. i couldn't help but smile from start to finish. he is so charismatic on stage. so glad that he is enjoying this repack comeback
아니 시작할 때 넘 귀여운 거 아님 ?? 이 아가 왜케 천사같이 웃고 있어? 아 개귀여워 미친 ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 넘 귀여워서 심장아픔
우리 천러 짱 잘하고 짱귀여웡
Chenle today is super cute and full of energy. He really did a great job ❤🐬
갠적으로 3:02 꿈꿔왔던 순간이~ 이 부분이 천러가 젤 요정같음 🧚♂️
우리 하리보 행복해보여…💚
와아 진짜 귀여운데?
chenle's smile at the beginning. he really his son, mark lee.
천러야 1위 너무 축하해!!🎉 무대도 너무 잘봤어!!💗
러냥냥 너무 잘 해😾🤍
애낑아 너무 예쁘다 일등 너무 축하하고 울애기 안아프게 해주세요 ㅜㅜ💚💚
첸레가 왔어요 웃는거 너무 귀여워요❤️😍❤️
bayii kuu💖💖💖
He looks so happy and It makes me happy, too. Especially when he heard the cheers from fans 🥺
I fall for chenle's charm this era. He is so gorgeous
Chenle enjoyed this performance so much, he looks so happy performing beatbox precious lele 🥺
아유 울 아기냥이 춤추는게 이렇게나 이쁜데 다치지말구 ㅠㅠ
I love how his hair was bouncing like a puppy at the end😊 it was soooooo cute
chenle is THE ACE
자랑스러운 우리 왕머리 고양이...
방실방실 웃는게 너무 예쁘구나 🥺🥺
왜 뚝딱이가 없죠...?
다 개 잘추네
Lele's smile is his biggest charm ❤
Speedy recovery ayankkkkkkkkkkk🤗🤗🤗🤗
진짜 상큼해.... 천러 ㅜㅜㅜ
Chenleee 💚💚💚
chenle is so cuteeee 🥰🥰🥰
*get well soon uri CHENLE♡ we will wait for the promotions to get extended so that you can showcase more of your talent for this era, beatbox this is really your era love you*
Chenleeeee 🔥🔥🔥
귀여워💚 살랑살랑 행복해보여
who said Chenle is not good in dancing, he is good!
Smiley Chenle😍
사랑해 천라 아~
Chenle... 🤩🥰💚💚
천러 진짜 귀엽다,,,귀여웍!!!!!
3:00 너무 귀여,,,,귀 여 웍!!!!!!!
Chenle belong to the stage,he is really attractive on the stage
Chenle on that black shirt and white pants hits totally different!!!!!
He is enjoying the stage
Sepanjang menonton videonya aku gk berhenti senyum 🥰🥰💚🐬
귀엽다 붕방냥이,,
Baby Lele so cute... his vocal top tier
이번 안무 좋아아하는 포인트가 한두가지가 아님ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 천러한테 너무 찰떡이야!!!!!!!!
how can a person be this cute and hot at the same time, WHAT IN A CHEAT CODE
so cute and so cool chenle
Chenle's smile is so beautiful!!! i keep on repeating his fancams now >
진짜 행복하게 추는 천러를 보면 나두 행복♡♡
chenle please take care of yourself more 🥺
his smile shows how much he enjoys this performance
ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠ너무기여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠ기특해 사랑해💚💚
Falling in love with him all over again 🤍
baby so cute here! thanks for ur hardwork! we love you! 😍😍
Chenle looks really enjoyed in this performance, LOVE YOU CHENLE
Lele may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is undeniably one of K-pop's most talented idols. From visuals to dancing skills to vocals, everything is on point! I hope he receives what he deserves. Our forever babies, Lele and Jisung. 💚
하…어느 순간도 빠짐없이 넘 귀엽다 천러야..ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
He looks rich even with simplest clothes 😀, great voice and amazing dancing chenle 👏👏👏
Selalu terngiang-ngiang part chenle and jisung,
~ Pop like soda ~ 😍😍😍
행복해보이는 천러💚
LOOK AT HIM GO. I'm so proud of this man
Chenle Best boy
the greatest chenle the goat
천러둥이 너무예뻐잉 🥺❤️
omg chenle slay😍😍😍
Chenle kok keren banget sihhhh😭😭😭😭💚
he's so cute
good job chenle yah 💚💚
Chenle is so charming and hansome 😍
Our superstar Chenle why are you so cute?! So happy to see you back on stage, fully recovered & slaying it! Can't wait for more stages so get well really really soon!