Allah Allah by | Karama, Egzon, Bilal & Mahawati
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- A powerful voice shook the stage. The contestants gathered in a song that shows the strength of their voices and their inimitable talent.
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Assalamualaikum wr wb .subhanallah suara egzon Ibrahim sangat bagus suaranya..kami senang menonton nya di RUclips .salam persaudaraan dari kami .
Indonesia .Aceh
Egzon Ibrahimi best voice ❤️😍
Ma Shaa Allah Bilal... The Best voice! 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦❤️❤️❤️❤️
SubhanAllah this is just fantastic- ❤💙🤲
@@cipiripi8585 is going on with VP
Maşallah maşallah
Красавчик Эгзон Ибрагими потрясающий Райский голос , маша Аллаh . МИР ТВОЕМУ ДОМУ ! Джазака Аллаhу Хайран ! С тёплой любовью к Вам Дагестан !❤❤❤
MashAllah, svima cetvoro, da vas dragi Allah sacuva i obraduje na onom svetu.
Лучший из лучших Эгзон Ибрагими. Голос чудесный ! Love Dagestan !❤❤❤
MashAllah Egzon, your voice is so sweet and so strong/powerful.
God blesss you all.
Egzon Ibrahimi the best voice MashaAllah 🇽🇰
Türkçe dinlemek istiyorum
Эгзон Ибрагими самый лучший голос !❤❤❤
MasAllah. Selam from Bosnia and Hercegovina.🇧🇦💪❤️👍
Izvinite Harise, znate li Koje je mjesto nas Billal ostvariho i ko je pobjednik..hvala
@@jasminajasarevic1198 selam. Takmičenje je još u toku. Možeš pratiti na stranici tv network.
وعليكم السلام من الجزائر
Egzoni ibrahimi Mashalla allahu te rut 🇽🇰🇽🇰🇽🇰🇽🇰
MashaAllah Egzon, great voice, best wishes to you all God bless you
Egzon Ibrahimi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
MashAllah Egzon Grat Voice, you are the best here, you are The Winner👏🏼💙
Kur kendoht per Zotin Allahun eshte gjithmone nje bukuri e rralle ju lumte ajo goje jeni te mrekullushem.
Bravo to all 🇧🇦🇦🇱
from Sweden 🇲🇪🇸🇪
Ma Sha Allah Egzon , Alhamdulilah for being Muslim , may Allah guide us always ❤🤲🏻😊( I’m also 🇽🇰🇦🇱)
Bu parçanın bestesi Türklere aittir. Çok eski (145 yıllık) bir kahramanlık marşı'nın bestesi. Yani Osmanlı'nın Mehter marşı dır. İsmi de Plevne Marşı'dır.
Aynen Osman Pasa ya aittir
MashAllah Bilal. We are All proud of you. Best wishes from Bosnians in Scandinavia ♥️ sve najljepse ti zelimo♥️🌹🏵️
Félicitations ! Mon compatriote🇧🇦 Bilal 🇧🇦 svaka cast najbolji si masallah 👍
Egzon Ibrahimi MashaAllah 🥰
Jeni te mrekullueshem tet katert 👏👏👏👏☝️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
MashaAllah, Flow, Do not forget er Srebrenica🧕🇧🇦
Meja also 😢
Egzon ibrahimi👌👏🤲❤️
Egzon is the best masyaAllah 🤲🤲🤲 suksese dhe All-llahu ju bekoftë Amin
Egzon Ibrahimi ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Egzon the best👏👏👏
Karama your voice in this song is INCREDIBLE. It just made my eye full of tear
Iya aku juga, udah cantik, suaranya bagus pokoknya ter Love Love❤❤❤❤
Egzon Ibrahimi❤
Suksese Egzon
Bozji glas nas Bilal ....blago majci i ocu koji te imaju jer su ponosni na svu svoju djecicu . Ja bi svog Dinu tvoje je godiste al kad djete misli da ubode ton reko slusaj kako uce ilahije ...eee onda kaze nema uce svi dobro mama al Bilal je najbolji ne zato sto je nas vec mu je glas takav umiljat...njezan ..pitak u srce zadje i onda vidis koliko je to djete bogom dato . Svaka cast mali pozz iz Slovenije
Ju lumt goja Pershendes djalin qe kendon shqip Te lumt
Bilal the best love from Macedonia.❤
MashaAllah ☀️ ☀️☀️☀️ Love from 🇦🇱 🇽🇰
beautiful voices 🤲
Toliko se tebi divim kako ljepo ucis da ti Allah podari svu sreću ovog i onog svijeta ....Amin🌹 Blago tvojim Roditeljima 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
MashaAllah Egzon Ibrahimi
Egzon Ibrahimi🙌🏻🥰
Egzon the best
wooooow Egzon
Egzon is Simply The best🌟👏🏼
Egzon MashaAllah brother 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
MashaAllah Egzon 🤲
Grande mahawati, voce meravigliosa. Bellissima persona perfino
Asslamualikum my brothers and sisters love from Pakistan🇵🇰
Egzon/ Bilal 🤩👌👌👌👌👌
Thé best bilal 😍
ALLAAAH derken kalbim duracaktı. Çok güzel bir eser.
MashaAllah 💙💙💙 Egzon and Others
Mashallah Bilale nije sto si nas a daleko si bolji od svih
Egzon Ibrahimi Mashallah 🤲🤲👏👏
Mashallah 🇽🇰Egzon
Egzon the best voice !
Bilal je Vodza masllah Sellam za sve veliku braco moja🇧🇦🇧🇦
Egzon is the best voice here strong sweet very loud
Egzon Kosov and Albania its proud with you
Mašallah BİLALE
Allah dzs vas nagradio lijepim rijecima i glasom 🤲🤲🤲
Зинда боши авозад эгзон
Egzon Ibrahimi the best
Egzon Ibrahim best ever voice
From kosovo
Bravo Bilale, samo nastavi tako.Selam iz Atlante.
Masyaallah, suaranya merdu sekali
MashaAllah Egzon
Masha ALLAH Subhan ALLAH best wishes to all Muslims from Italy/ Pakistan
Rabbim ALLAH Diyen dillerimizi ruhumuzu RAHMANIMIZA teslim ediceye kadsr susturmasin..Aaamiiinn.Salamunaleykum..
Egzon Ibrahimi 🇦🇱
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah zazakAllah khairan 🤲🤲
Masa Allahsubhanallah Lailahailalah YA ROB🤲🤲👋👍
Mashallah ❤❤❤🇵🇸🇵🇸🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
As selam aleykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh najljepša vjera na cjelom svjetu Allahu akbar hvala Allahu d.z. Da smo Muslimani elhamdulillah rabbi alemin
I pitam se uvjek da budemo i trebali bi biti Bosna I Sandzak I Kosovo Makedonija jedna država da nam Allah azza wa jall to podari. Amin💚
Egzon Ibrahimi the best one 🙏
Egzon Ibrahimi
Bilal Zukan ma sha Allah 🍀
ماذا عساي أن اقول، الأغنية رائعة بكلماتها و لحنها الآخاذ، و اصوات جميلة جدا جدا، تحس انهم يغنون من قلوبهم فتصل الى قلوبنا و تحس بإحساس عجيب و كأن القلب وجد حبيبه وهو الله، هو جميل سبحانه فعندما تذكره و تسمع نشيدا مثل هذا يرجع هذا الاحساس من جديد و هو لقاء القلب بحبيبه الاول و الأخير....الله سبحانه وتعالى 😥
Egzon ekselent MashAlla urime 🌼🌹👍
Egzon je më i miri vëlla. 🇽🇰
ehh nizamm nizamm te behet zemra mal kur shqiptaret po arabizohen ne stil e kulture eee
Oooo ko je Romun ! Jo do i shkavellizojm sikur ti romun shkavi grek .
A nuk ke shku ne luft me vra kryqtare ortodoks sllavo‐rus ?
Surah Mulk indexed with number 67, number of verses 30
1 Exalted is He, in Whose hand is all dominion, and He has power over all things.
2 He it is Who created death and life, that He might try which of you is best in conduct. He is the Mighty, the Forgiving.
3 He it is Who created the seven heavens in pairs. In the creation of the Merciful you can not see any contrast, so direct your gaze to see if you see any cracks?
4 Then, from time to time, direct your gaze, and your gaze will return to you humbled and helpless.
5 We have adorned the nearest heaven with candles, and We have made them shooters against the devils, to whom We have prepared a painful doom.
6 Hell is the punishment for those who disbelieve in their Lord; what a miserable place he is!
7 When they are thrown into it, they will hear his roar and it will boil.
8 "Out of anger, he is almost torn to pieces. Every time a crowd is thrown at him, the guard asks:" Did not a prophet (warner) come to you?
9 They say: "Yes, a messenger came to us, but we rejected him, and we said, 'Allah did not reveal anything, and you are nothing but a great loss.'
10 And they say, If we had heard and understood, we would not have been among the dwellers of the Fire.
11 So they confess their sins; the dwellers of the Fire are far from mercy.
12 Those who fear their Lord without seeing it, for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
13 But hide yourselves, or speak your word openly; surely He knows what you conceal in your hearts.
14 Do not He Who created create, when He knows that He penetrates the depths of the secrets, He knows the details?
15 He it is Who has made the earth suitable for you, so walk through its parts and enjoy His bounty, for to Him is the future.
16 Have you been assured by Him Who is in the heavens that the earth may not shake you when it shakes?
17 Were you assured of Him Who is in heaven, that He should not send upon you a tempest of stones? Well, you will understand what My punishment is!
18 Even those before them denied, but what was My punishment?
19 Have they not seen the birds above him with open arms, and when the wings are folded, no one holds them in the air except the Almighty. He is the One who sees and knows every thing.
20 Who is your army that can help you but the Merciful? It is true that the disbelievers are found in a great deception.
21 Who is he that feedeth you, if He should withhold His provision from you? Nay, but they persist in arrogance and aversion.
22 Is he who walks with his face to the ground more guided, or he who walks upright on the straight path?
23 Say: He it is Who created you, and endowed you with hearing and sight and mind, but you give thanks a little.
24 Say: "It is He Who created you and multiplied you in the earth, and to Him you will be gathered."
25 And they say: When will this promise be fulfilled, if ye are truthful?
26 Say: "Only Allah knows, and I am only a warner to you."
27 "When they see it (Hell) approaching, the faces of those who disbelieve will be disfigured, and it will be said to them, 'This is what you used to seek.'
28 Say: Tell me, if Allah takes my soul and those with me, or has mercy on us, who will protect the disbelievers from a painful doom?
29 Say: He is the Most Merciful, to whom We have put our trust, and in Him we put our trust, and you will know who the lost one is.
30 Say: Tell me, if your water is lost in the depths, who will bring you above ground (spring) water?
Zazakallahu khair.
Thanks for whole sura Mulk English translation.
Bilal 🇧🇦
love from bangladesh
☝️لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله.
A lot of 💓💗💖 from 🇮🇩
Bravo Egzon!👏👏👏👏
مشاء الله اصوات حساسة مرهفة راقية خاشعة صادقة خارجة من القلب مزيدا من التوفيق والنجاحات
alhamdulillah ..masyaa Alloh
Allah hu Akbar MashAllah 🇧🇦🇵🇰
Allahu Akbar ☝️
Egzon,the best of the best !
Egzon Ibrahimi🇦🇱⭐
God bless them and their wonderful voices (top and sweet)❤❤❤❤❤
SubhanAll llah, All llahu ekber, el Hamdulil lah, La ilare il lAll llah, kini frike All llahun e lartesuar , keto melodi apo kenge me mi me thone nuk ben pjese ne fene e All llahut islame, ka thene I derguari All llahut Muhammedi paqja dhe shpetimi All llahut qofte me te:kush punon ben nje veper qe nuk eshte prej nesh ajo eshte e refuzuar,
MashAllah vella Egzon suksese
masha allah tabarak allah ❤️❤️❤️🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶🇮🇶
MashAllah, very very beautiful. Thanks !
Ayyuee MashAllah 😭😭🇵🇰
Mashallah from Pakistan 🇵🇰 and
MashAllah… Bilal 🇧🇦❤️
I ❤️love this song
Masha Allah ❤❤❤,Alhamdulillah ❤❤❤
Egzon nice voice ❤️❤️
World best beautiful Islamic Star i Love Arabic Nasheed From Bangladesh