I was thinking that if the way they act were real then he would do that since Stephen is actually a really sweet person in DanPlan and he even says that Hosuh is like another version of him
The ones that I would definitely got right are the math related ones. Any math workings of Form 2 or lower I'm quite a beast at it. Don't judge me 'kay I really like math.
By the way just mentioning to add some much needed context this isn't anything to do with intelligence that doesn't have anything to do with age it's questions that an average 5th grader would get which most of the time are just teachers trying to get them to memerise a subject or occasionally introducing a new subject they might not know.
Hey Christine. I wanted to ask you a question. None of the youtubers I asked did this. So I was wondering of maybe you could. I wanted to ask if maybe you could do a reaction video on the series I'm making. There is a playlist for it. Please I have waiting for someone to do this for a very long time.
@@croco_duck He WANTS to be a teacher but he's not quite there yet. I heard it from one of his discord livestreams (yt: ActuallyStephen) when somebody asked him the question.
danplan:are you smarter than a 5th grader me:um.......im a really big fan ...but i am a th grader has honors for 5 years on my school life for now sooooooooo um...........(stays blank) i cant im just a really big fan T-T
No no no no Anne. Some Americans have no idea where we are on a map. And I mean adults! Canada is the most educated country in the world thank very much!
OMG IM SO EARLY I just wanted to say...I love you your the best person I know I’ve always wanted to say something to you and you see it. And for everyone one else...you are valid, no matter what you are you are important, valid, and your an amazing human being 😊☺️💕❤️love you all
Honestly 4 is the biggest amount of likes I've ever gotten sniff sniff thank u so much but in all seriousness I really do hope I get a shout out I've never gotten a shout out!!!!! so I'm really excited about this cross your fingers and hope for the best Haha!!!!!!🙃🙃🙃🙃btw its 2 hours ago nowwwwww
I'M ACTUALLY FIRST, WOWWIE! Like, 1st view other than AyChristene. If you say I'm not, then you're wrong. And hey, um, Christene? Do you have a DanPlan addiction, like we all do?
Stephen: *HE'S ON MY TEAM, WE WIN!*
90th like, where’s mah money?
Didn’t the original vid come out like today or something?
*How fast did you edit this*
It came out 8 hours ago
@Koneko That One Weird Kid i know
@akuttai yh
I'm in 5th grade, the school system has failed me
*silently pats you on the head*
Im in 8th grade and im not doing so hot
Meh to
I'm in 9the grade and I still don't know all of the questions.I don't even remember this stuff in 5th grade.
6th grade over here its a nightmare
Has anyone else seen the show “Are You Smarter Then A Fifth Grader”
Yes, I loved that show!
H Ø Ñ É Y Same!
Glad I’m not the only one -w-
I saw the show!
Yes of course
When you watch DanPlan
Don't ever take Stephen serious
He never(rarely) serious
Is it just me or is that a gravity falls reference?
I think it’s a reference to the summerween episode specifically because of the candy-collecting thing
Sorry I really loved gravity falls
also love the MHA profile
I love these DanPlan reaction videos, Christene! ❤
I, too, am person
In person
The comment is funny, but then the only response is “I’m person” and I don’t know why but that made me laugh way too hard
@Happy Chill Face still chill
I think she said "if they were in person" (referring to the fact they live so far away from each other and are on a discord call)
I was thinking that if the way they act were real then he would do that since Stephen is actually a really sweet person in DanPlan and he even says that Hosuh is like another version of him
Hey Christine can you watch “By the way, can you become a kpop star”
stephens a teacher and the video is so much funnier when thats taken into context
When dan asked the Quebec question i was like
"Hey i learned that in sixth grade not fifth XD"
I can't believe you legit did algebra for that lmao
OMG I love your videos and you've helped me with depression and anxiety and thank u 😢😢
pls watch “By the way, can you become a kpop star”
Hamilton and DanPlan!? This is great!! Thanks for the videos girl!! ❤💕
I’m in 5th grade. For the facts, we all learn this in 5th grade.
Peace Pangolin Shoot I didn’t learn this in 5th.. or at least I don’t remember a thing 😳
10:16 WHY IS HOSUH "what do you want to do this time" SOUND A BIT SEDUCTIVE
Im from asia and I never learn some of the questions when I was a 5th grader =(
The ones that I would definitely got right are the math related ones. Any math workings of Form 2 or lower I'm quite a beast at it. Don't judge me 'kay I really like math.
aren't you technically cheating because wouldn't normally have paper to work it out or anything
AyChristene: Promotes winter merch
(I was joking, don’t be extra)
I legit just watched this wtf
Did you get any of the answers right?
And I got very few right ;-;
I'm under 18 yrs old buuut
Yes all of them🖤
Okay that math problem is not for kids in fifth grade... it’s like a grade seventh/eighth problem XD
I love Ann’s voice
By the way just mentioning to add some much needed context this isn't anything to do with intelligence that doesn't have anything to do with age it's questions that an average 5th grader would get which most of the time are just teachers trying to get them to memerise a subject or occasionally introducing a new subject they might not know.
Did anyone notice on the holloween question the costume was dipper from gravity falls
I love you videos stay strong gurl!
Wait if I was bad at fifth grade how did I get all the questions right?..
Thank you i had a hard day, you always make me smile Cristene♥️
Canada Has fricking 8 hour of school GLAD I'M HOME SCHOOLED!!!!
your baby at the end is sooooooo cute >0
Danplans video came out *YESTERDAY*
How fast did you edit this ⁰-⁰
Dude I watch your vids all the time💗
No it was "can you survive the purge" but they got it EVEN THO HOSUH GUESSED IT
I am from Hong Kong and even i can't remember when did British rule (or release(?)I forgot) Hong Kong
Here's a History question for all of you in the comments section: Who started World War 2?
Leave a comment if you think you know who.
i did
Hitler (I think)
World War 1
World war 0
@@junebunny2938 someone shot a guy in ausria or i forgot the name in english
Hey Christine. I wanted to ask you a question. None of the youtubers I asked did this. So I was wondering of maybe you could. I wanted to ask if maybe you could do a reaction video on the series I'm making. There is a playlist for it. Please I have waiting for someone to do this for a very long time.
I love your videos they are amazing!!! I also subscribe to you
I’m not smarter than a 5 grader 😂🤣😂😅
Weekdays - 2 candy = 10
Weekends - 3 candy = 6
48 / 16 = 3 weeks
I knew you when you and CoryxKenshin was playing pacify
More Danplan
Good job!
In 5th they showed all four of the elements
Wow that was quick
love your vid UWU
Hey aychristene I wanted to give u a recommendation that will make u laugh it’s called anime house ok thanks bye
I'm pretty sure Stephan is a teacher so...
he's not a teacher yet. currently, he's doing an IT job.
@@TheCanderemy So he's training to be one..? I've just heard about him being a teacher
@@croco_duck He WANTS to be a teacher but he's not quite there yet. I heard it from one of his discord livestreams (yt: ActuallyStephen) when somebody asked him the question.
@@TheCanderemy ah okay
*Of course im Not Smarter Then a 5th Grader, is Because im a 3rd Grader*
Ay christene can you watch childhood crushes pleaseeeeeeeeeeee 😄
danplan:are you smarter than a 5th grader
me:um.......im a really big fan ...but i am a th grader has honors for 5 years on my school life for now sooooooooo um...........(stays blank) i cant im just a really big fan T-T
Wow I'm really late lol
Clean freak by 69michi please
I wonder if this follows copyright laws
Dope cool
No no no no Anne. Some Americans have no idea where we are on a map. And I mean adults! Canada is the most educated country in the world thank very much!
You hould do a reaction video on the lolbit song
OMG IM SO EARLY I just wanted to say...I love you your the best person I know I’ve always wanted to say something to you and you see it. And for everyone one else...you are valid, no matter what you are you are important, valid, and your an amazing human being 😊☺️💕❤️love you all
Awwww yeeessss Reacting to my favorite channel DanPlan ùwú
Not anymore, stephen(i dunno how is he called) left
i love you're vidieos
me who is in 6 grade and never had geography since i live in Philippines:
Wait is Eli older than Anne?
Omg this was posted onley an hour ago WICH MEANS I FINALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO GET A SHOUT OUTTTTTTT I mean maybe 😦😞🙃🙃🙃
Honestly 4 is the biggest amount of likes I've ever gotten sniff sniff thank u so much but in all seriousness I really do hope I get a shout out I've never gotten a shout out!!!!! so I'm really excited about this cross your fingers and hope for the best Haha!!!!!!🙃🙃🙃🙃btw its 2 hours ago nowwwwww
Dan plan Yes!
I hope I am bc where I live 5th grade is elementary and I am in middle school 6-8
Oh shoot, I’m a 5th grader AND btw I love your vids- Anyway, idk if i’m smarter than myself, either-
Wow I randomly see failboat in one of the recommended videos
It wood take 3 weeks
Not to be rude but if they win the money then it’s there’s they get to do whatever they want but ok 👌🏿
I just watched that video
Im in 5th
My name is stephen
It is 1500 hundred... What?
I am a 5th grader
I AM a 5th grader
Aychristene wach steven univers the move
reaction to more lumine
I’m a fifth grader ( T^T )
No I am not I an in grade 4 :-P :-P
#stopcoppa and #saveouryoutube
Im in middle school so i should be
You look like my grandma
Like, 1st view other than AyChristene. If you say I'm not, then you're wrong.
And hey, um, Christene? Do you have a DanPlan addiction, like we all do?
Go to the filter on the top of the comments section, press Newest first and scroll down to your comment. There are some before you!
I watched the video a couple mins ago
I'm a 6th grader UwU
938th person here
P.s. I luv ur vids
h e l l o