I have an early version of this. It works really well. As with any composter, you need the right mix of green material, brown material and kitchen waste. When it's full, it can be hard to turn, but that means you have big load of compost. The height is awesome, as it allows my wheel barrow to fit completely under it. My composter is about 15 years old, so the metal is starting to rust and rot away, but it's taken about 15 years of year round exposure to weather to rust. You might not get a car to last that long. I believe for a few dollars I can replace the sheet metal.
I have an early version of this. It works really well. As with any composter, you need the right mix of green material, brown material and kitchen waste. When it's full, it can be hard to turn, but that means you have big load of compost. The height is awesome, as it allows my wheel barrow to fit completely under it. My composter is about 15 years old, so the metal is starting to rust and rot away, but it's taken about 15 years of year round exposure to weather to rust. You might not get a car to last that long. I believe for a few dollars I can replace the sheet metal.
I found one today during one of my rental "clean outs"...Looking forward to using it..
Great . I liked it.