Noam Chomsky - On China

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Noam Chomsky lecture at MIT February 15 2004 full video available at

Комментарии • 113

  • @TheJohnPetras
    @TheJohnPetras 13 лет назад +171

    Chomsky - "Could you do me a favour and email that to me? I'd like to see it because I missed it."
    So many "intellectuals" will never admit to anything like this as they want to appear as if they've read every source ever. Chomsky really is a genuine guy who wants to develop an honest understanding of the situation. :)

    • @TheRandomBiscuit
      @TheRandomBiscuit 4 года назад +10

      i'm just surprised he missed it, man reads everything anyway

  • @_RedWizard
    @_RedWizard 10 лет назад +104

    So many ignorant people commenting on this video with their "football team" politics. Chomsky is an anarchist, not a communist. He doesn't defend the socialist experiments like the USSR or in Cambodia, but he has said numerous times that as an American it's his responsibility to be critical of his country. So many Fox-News-level-lies here.

    • @pramitbanerjee
      @pramitbanerjee 7 лет назад +4

      what did you expect? These people in the comment have grown up learning those terms from television like media. They were never educated to think critically. This is the culture of our times, perpetuated by the invisible media that has taught them how to uptake and decode information. We are long past the age of true rationality. This is the age of images and bite sized superficial thought process, aka the distraction economy. This is the true reason we will never get to a better world, because of a public that simply doesn't care to be informed. Why check for facts when no one cares? The checks that were laid down in the constitution to prevent exploitation of the middle classes and the poor, are simply ineffective when the public does not care. We are amusing ourselves to death.

    • @actfree6897
      @actfree6897 7 лет назад +3

      He's an anarchist communist, bud. That's what anarcho-syndicalism wishes to achieve.

    • @Tomm3HB34r
      @Tomm3HB34r 7 лет назад +1

      ^Communism has nothing to do with it, really. Anarchism and Communism (True sense of Communism, as in Actual Communism Achieved, though both have entirely different strategies to achieve the end goal) are one in the same thing. Don't judge Communism on the tragedies caused by State Capitalism aka "Transitional Socialism".

    • @yliang1688
      @yliang1688 6 лет назад +1

      That is why So "many Fox-News-level-lies here. " Exactly.

    • @shubhamwr
      @shubhamwr 4 года назад +1

      @@actfree6897 anarcho-communism doesn't want to achieve state controlled economy. It just wants to extend anarchism not only to abolishing government, but also to capitalist workplaces. It puts both political and economic power in hands of people

  • @arkdark5554
    @arkdark5554 4 года назад +29

    What a brilliant man.

    • @jaws6307
      @jaws6307 3 года назад +1

      That’s why the corporate media in the United States has black listed him. Here’s a man who can help solve the world’s problems and the US government and big media treat him like an outcast.

    • @arkdark5554
      @arkdark5554 3 года назад

      This is true.
      But nothing surprising there.
      Money, governments, banks military...If you speak the naked truth; they take you as an adversary. And they turn against you.

  • @ductuslupus87
    @ductuslupus87 11 лет назад +18

    I would love to have chomskys' debating skills. He is cool, calm and seems to know what he's talking about.

    • @theonlygoodlookinghabsburg2081
      @theonlygoodlookinghabsburg2081 4 года назад +3

      His debate skills is simple: know what you are talking about very well.
      Look up his debate with Buckley on Vietnam.. it illustrates it very well.

  • @Schnitz13
    @Schnitz13 4 года назад +2

    Skip to 1:30 if you want you actually hear Chomsky speak.

  • @actfree6897
    @actfree6897 7 лет назад +35

    Is Chomsky a prophet? Lol

    • @furkanaltun2116
      @furkanaltun2116 3 года назад

      that is sth that ancient middle east people would have said

  • @snowlotus562
    @snowlotus562 3 года назад +4

    Today Dr Chomsky, surely your views on China's human rights ' by now' must have changed, with China's 100% eradication in extreme poverty all over the big expanse of the country since 2020,,-and Event unprecedented in all human history. (. human rights , not just meaning the right to vote)

  • @gotmilk91
    @gotmilk91 9 лет назад +12

    Basically what Noam is saying about China in this decade+half old video is that rich Americans and rich Chinese rule the extremely exploited cheap labor workforce of China, and that "balances" the "Chinese Exclusion Acts" that the US government had imposed against China (i.e. invite all nations - except China - to participate in the ISS)... BUT, this was more than 15 years ago... a lot of things are very different... but "Chinese Exclusion Acts" still exists... and China will never let the Christian-Judaic dogmatic institution that controls the USA control China LOL ROFL MAO!

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 8 лет назад

      +Bobby Chen
      'Bout right. Now your fun news this week is that Chinese business is all up in arms about cheapo Vietnamese stuff, textiles, that's stuff-type stuff, coming in there and competing with them.

    • @thunderpooch
      @thunderpooch 6 лет назад +1

      Wall St colludes with Chinese government officials to exploit the people of both countries.
      If I had my way, any corporation domiciled in the USA can only have at most 20% of their work force working in another country.
      Multinational corporations are a farce. They exist to gut the American public at large. And the Chinese government officials are willing to make the horrible deals because they don't have to work in the sweatshops.

    • @charlesnwarren
      @charlesnwarren 5 лет назад +1

      @@TheDavidlloydjones Probably right.

    • @charlesnwarren
      @charlesnwarren 5 лет назад

      @@thunderpooch Understood. So Trump's doing the right thing by challenging them with tariffs.

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 5 лет назад

      I don't see why you would think that follows. I'm curious, Charles: which part of the above do you think justifies which action of Trump's? And what do you mean by the word "challenging" there?

  • @MrWilliamlisa
    @MrWilliamlisa 12 лет назад +1

    afortaleza - Chomsky doesn't claim the US is responsible for the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge, nor does he imply it. He does claim that the US was responsible for atrocities in Cambodia before the Khmer Rouge took over. But the main reason why he talks about the US state's perpetuation of violence is because it has been one of the biggest player on that front, and US violence is brushed under the rug in conventional news media.

  • @polymath7
    @polymath7 12 лет назад

    Was that supposed to be a link? It didn't bring up anything. Try again.

  • @Gjeorje
    @Gjeorje 13 лет назад +1

    @MrSalamander7 - Hahaha. - "supershark"-YOU should have been there man, Chomsky would`ve been all like "The west`s corporate infrastructure, blah, blah, blah..." and you could`ve just yelled out "SUPERSHARK!!!" and everybody would`ve got up and started partying, and Van Halen would`ve come on the P.A. and Chomsky would`ve been all "...but, but I don`t understand..." and you would be all- "just rock out grandad, PARTY HEARTY, DUDES!!" It would have been like Animal`re awesome.

  • @CvijaFaQ
    @CvijaFaQ 13 лет назад

    you're not helping by giving it more exposure. If we didn't pay attention on how bad it was, it wouldn't become so popular.

  • @RinchenSherab66
    @RinchenSherab66 13 лет назад +1

    @GyfauX ok, Thank You for explaining me, it is all too complicated for me ;), but I also have heard on CNN about big Saudi Arabia money in USA banks, that -it is incredible amount of money and Arabic investments in USA together with China...

  • @JonathanJWB1
    @JonathanJWB1 12 лет назад

    Nice vid!

  • @hanyuguo
    @hanyuguo 13 лет назад

    @brahmbhattbhavna: You have no idea what you're talking about.

  • @Nazgulinet021
    @Nazgulinet021 13 лет назад

    Please french sub !
    is there any french traduciton of this ?

  • @djkayzeehome
    @djkayzeehome 12 лет назад

    Chomsky always talks about soviet imperialism and criticizes it, look up gore vidal, dig in stuff a little bit, and youll see the russians were the reactionaries to the U.S Imperialism, and according to your logic? we have to be stuck in between picking saudia arabia and united states? really? have you looked up zapatistas? or the uruguayan president, there are tons of countries handling their people MUCH BETTER than the u.s, your argument is that U.S is good because it hasnt been the worst

  • @da5families
    @da5families 12 лет назад

    Sure thing buddy, believe everything you read in the news. Go get an education.

  • @malevolenceXXXensues
    @malevolenceXXXensues 13 лет назад

    @bostrone1777 ignorance is bliss i suppose

  • @MingDynasty700
    @MingDynasty700 12 лет назад +31

    I'm Chinese and what he's said was basically true (at least they conforms to common sense, unlike various conspiracy theories). Places with the most foreign investment in China has the strongest economy AND the most miserable society. Welcome to the new capitalist wonderland.
    It's enlightening to read and listen to Chomsky, and i start to like him, by the way.

  • @philholdcroft424
    @philholdcroft424 3 года назад +6

    One of the wisest man alive

  • @noam3
    @noam3 12 лет назад +6

    The Khmer Rouge, as a U.S. government reports admits, grew out of America's merciless bombing of Cambodia; so we share plenty of responsibility for Pol Pot's killing as well. The alleged Soviet threat was the cover the U.S. routinely used to rationalize its violence. The same pretext was applied when we were supporting dictators in many countries.
    Today, the policies of the U.S. are still unjust and incredibly violent, but now the pretext is the war on terrorism instead of communism.

  • @noam3
    @noam3 12 лет назад +4

    The US has earned its "bad press," by killing hundreds of thousands of people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. More "bad press" was earned during our empire's dirty wars in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. As well as U.S. support for the overthrow of Allende in Chile, which led to the Pinochet regime which killed thousands. The U.S. also supported Suharto in Indonesia, who killed tens of thousands, as well as the invasion of East Timor.
    The list goes on and on. Some don't want to face it.

  • @das81
    @das81 11 лет назад +3

    It was made in 2004!

  • @RinchenSherab66
    @RinchenSherab66 13 лет назад +1

    @GyfauX ok, thank You my Friend from Australia! all the best to all intellectuals and idealists from all over this World!

  • @theRiver_joan
    @theRiver_joan 12 лет назад +3

    the student pulled a rick perry at 0:40

  • @ApocryphalDude
    @ApocryphalDude 4 года назад +1

    Funding ones own rivals

  • @gulbirk
    @gulbirk 12 лет назад

    Something I just dont about most political views and the views of most politicians in modern times is how they look at the earth, and human society. It seems as if even the most welfare based societies only think in terms of their own welfare. What can WE do to get OUR economy going. There is no concern for the fact that a thousand jobs created in OUR nations, might be a thousand jobs lost in another. We are in fact a global society by now, and cant pretend not to be.

  • @catchsomenicebass
    @catchsomenicebass 11 лет назад +1

    Holy crap, the view counter is at exactly 29,000 views.

  • @oldpiq
    @oldpiq 13 лет назад

    @bostrone1777 but out of this 89.000.000, 88.999.999 disliked the video

  • @SamKhandelwal81
    @SamKhandelwal81 11 лет назад

    Look at it this way, there are probably 3,500 people with the intellectual capability to decipher Noam's message and care enough to explore world hegemony. It's our job to make more 'Friday' people aware and present them with an option that is 'and' with their Friday, not Friday or Noam.

  • @comanchio1976
    @comanchio1976 13 лет назад

    @brahmbhattbhavna Did you even watch any of the clip?

  • @Pomme843
    @Pomme843 13 лет назад

    @brahmbhattbhavna Elitist?

  • @bvkronenberg6786
    @bvkronenberg6786 4 года назад

    This is so funny!!!!

  • @polymath7
    @polymath7 12 лет назад +1

    Am I hallucinating, or is that goal post moving? Very well; let us secure it at its new position; a bit to the left and considerably lowered.
    Provide the quotes, and let's see if they will adduce even your now considerably diminished claims.
    I trust you can at least be bothered with the work of a moment to cut and paste them? I'm sure you needn't fear that the veil is thicker and the inference thinner than you would like.

  • @electricmiragemedia
    @electricmiragemedia 11 лет назад +1

    I wonder what Chomsky would say about China currently, assuming he's been watching developments ('regressions" is the most accurate word) over the last 9 years.

  • @mdlindsey
    @mdlindsey 7 лет назад +2

    "Trust me, I know more than Chomsky - all my cubicle workers agree that I'm really sharp!"
    lol ok sweethearts, go back to your accounts-receivable work with the other apes and let the adults discuss the metas,

    • @BuGGyBoBerl
      @BuGGyBoBerl 4 года назад +1

      calm down that arrogance.

  • @TheDavidlloydjones
    @TheDavidlloydjones 8 лет назад +1

    Chomsky misses the wisest words Richard Nixon ever wrote, "We came in peace for all mankind."
    The United States has precisely abjured "ownership of space," exactly contradicting Chomsky's (very unusual) inaccuracy.

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 8 лет назад +1

      Spinner, you're no Einstein. You've missed the point entirely.
      The Nixon quote is the declaration the US financed space effort's astronauts put on the Moon. I.e. he exactly said, "The Moon does not belong to the US." It belongs to all "man"kind. Well done, Richard Nixon!
      Thus Chomsky's "guess," as he modestly puts it, is 180 degrees wrong. In his defense, he only put it out as a guess, he did admit that his reading wasn't up to date.
      It's unusual for him, but this is all pretty shoddy.

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 8 лет назад


      The fact that Nixon told lies elsewhere in no way reduces the power of a statement from the President of the United States that "they came in peace for all mankind." Nixon stated a good and decent doctrine which will hold through the ages.
      As for Chomsky, he hasn't done his homework, admits that he hasn't done his homework, and says a bunch of stuff on autopilot that happens to be factually wrong about the past and present, and legally wrong about the future.

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 8 лет назад

      Flat Spinning Idjit,
      You appear to be unable to read. I specifically refer to Nixon as a part-time liar. My whole supposition that his wisdom about the Moon is surprising rests on the implicit premise that any wisdom at all is odd specifically in him.
      If you want to practice your schoolyard taunts, take them back to your schoolyard. If you want to chat with the grown-ups you must learn to pay attention to what we actually say.

    • @TheDavidlloydjones
      @TheDavidlloydjones 8 лет назад

      "..for all mankind," is not "ex cathedra," but rather putting down a marker that any later single country will find it very difficult to traduce.
      Game, set and match.
      Thank you, silly old troll.

    • @KungaTV
      @KungaTV 8 лет назад +7

      +David Lloyd-Jones Every single war engaged by the US has allegedly been for "peace for all mankind".