So, I killed mr bubbles and went to little sis and went to talk to her, and I pressed x to talk, and x is also used to reload, and I was using a tediore shotgun. I threw it at her, and now I can’t get a little evie. *_sigh_*
@@themultiversalassociationo9746 5 month difference from his post and mine but It's still useful information they do respawn his assumption that he can't get it may be others. And wouldn't you be late as well? My reply was 2 months ago.
I love the magic grenades from Dragon's Keep DLC. I love DnD and love that they added the most popular spells as grenades in the DnD parody campaign while being as similar to their origins as they could. I also love that the class mods are named after actual DnD classes (except the Necromancer, which is a school of magic) and that the variable prefixes are alignments from DnD.
The shotgun Thre dog a reference to fallout 3 a radio show host a quote that he says is "because one dog isn't enough and two is too low its three dog"
VinylicPumaGaming I kinda hope they either use Borderlands 1 way of generating uniques, or make the weapons somewhat modular, i.e., swapping a sight or accessory for a different one without changing the grip, barrel, magazine, and body of the weapon.
i dont i want them to take there time i want a good game not a new tps not a remaster of bl1 A NEW GOOOD GAME take there time bl2 was what 7 years to make f it lets give um time if it gives us the same amount of time its worth
I've found that it's actually pretty easy to get multiple Excalibastards. Have a character who has not pulled the weapon out of the stone enter Stanton's Liver then have a second character grab the weapon (which will be equal to the level of the one who pulled it). Then just leave and repeat.
@@troublemack9876 I swear to god. I was 11 when it happened. The varkid was flying stupidly high up where the threshers first spawn. I killed him and he dropped a Longbow, so I grabbed it and it was level 21. I promise you it's true, I'm not the type of person to make up fake stuff. If you don't believe me, that's just you but I'm dead serious it happened.
@@kolynchiasson6432 its nearly impossible without mods because it along with the blockhead can only drop and i will say again, ONLY drop from a Mob type enemy named ‘Badass Creeper’ in the Caustic Caverns in the Minecraft easter egg.
@@necro5430 Bro I'm telling you, the adult varkid was really really high up where the threshers spawn, I killed it, and a longbow came flying down, I'm not bsing to get likes, I remember this, you could even ask my brother and he could confirm it happened, and I was playing on the ps3
Favorite easter egg in general for a borderlands game has to be the discord box in concordia in the pre sequel, shout out to our fallen vault hunter brother isaiah
My favourite Easter egg weapon from The Presequel is the E-Gun. I used it to take down most of the bosses in the later game (including Zarpadon, the Guardian of the Vault, and others.) This excludes the Dahl fighter jet, though. I kept it throughout the entire base game.
I was just making my way through the game on a new character and a Loot Midget popped out of a chest. He dropped a Gunerang! lol I was kinda surprised, wasn't expecting a weapon like that.
The sheriff in Sanctuary with his side quest where you have to point out the right killer. It all starts with the name of the quest, reference to the theme song of CSI: Miami, and the sheriff ending with one of those legendary puns. Because the killer used a sniper rifle he knew that was a long shot........
Something I love about spadroon Athena is that you can use her shield to close the distance between you and your opponents and therefore use it like a sword
I got the Bone Shredder off of that one swords for hands orc in Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep... Literally right where you were when you were talking about it
U can obtain the excalibastard multiple times, there is a glitch that was never patched where u play local multiplayer (split screen) and make sure you make the second account have access to Stanton’s liver and let them be host and then u go into there game and head straight for the excalibastard, and grab it and then leave the game (note the second account needs to not have claimed the excalibastard already). Then just rinse and repeat. I once farmed bulk versions of them and then traded them online with other people and got so much cool gear
top 5 or top 10 weapons you can get early on in borderlands the pre sequel. the one you made for borderlands 2 helped a lot and I just got the handsome collection so one for the pre sequel would be amazing!
I noticed that you are using the splitter unofficial community patch mod when you were showing the blockhead on krieg. I actually really like that mod and that mod is the only reason I would use an etech shotgun. If im wrong, plz tell me.
Wait, mr. Bubbles is in this game, oh wow, thats cool^^ I thought, the anchor-men were bioshock references, but a real mr bubbles, nice^^ (I love biishock btw ;P)
I know your content is mainly loot but do you think you could do a video on the easter egg of tiny tina combining the badonkadonks with her bunnies. all you have to do is use zeroes little invisibility ability when she says she needs her privacy.
I hope Gearbox puts the infinite loot cave referencing Destiny plus if you do the same thing like the game you get one legendary gun but only one per playthough.
Longbow... i absolutely fucking love that minecraft sniper even tho it doesnt function as a "real sniper" (atleast how I use it) . I use it as a mid-range hunting rifle. I just love it.
if you use Jack's capstone to add maliwan elemental damage to another weapon with the E-gun, does it then transfer 25% non-elemental additional damage?
I do love the Unkempt Harold, but my favorite Easter egg weapon would be Law and Order, they are a great combo and I just love the reference and how you get them. My most favorite Easter Egg would be the Minecraft Easter Egg.
Was there a patch that fixed respawning for excalibastard? He said it doesn’t respawn but every time I leave and come back it’s there at my current character level
One thing that I find rather strange is that Magnificent Six doesn't apply to the E-Gun, which is non-elemental. Maybe lasers just aren't meant to be non-elemental and that's what the system goes by?
i'm not a serious borderlands player so i don't know exactly, but why is having scopes/more zoom better? if anything i prefer no scopes so that i can see where i'm shooting...
You probably already know this by now (assuming you care) but it's called the sand hawk. You can get it in the DLC that has captain Scarlet in it (can't remember the name of it right now 😅)
I'm 5 years late to make this comment (a normal occurrence) but the fact that the Blockhead fires fireballs and SPECIFICALLY fireballs makes me think that this is either a reference to the fireballs that Ghasts shoot from their mouths or it's a reference to fire charges as those explode on contact when it hits a mob.
I have a question tho, since I'm a very casual bordelands player as in I've never EVER farmed a boss for a specific unique weapon, if I farm the boss for a weapon on normal mode will the weapon scale around my level or be useless depending on boss level
So, I killed mr bubbles and went to little sis and went to talk to her, and I pressed x to talk, and x is also used to reload, and I was using a tediore shotgun. I threw it at her, and now I can’t get a little evie.
They respawn you can retry 😂
@@FarikoWishless I think you are kinda late
@@themultiversalassociationo9746 5 month difference from his post and mine but It's still useful information they do respawn his assumption that he can't get it may be others. And wouldn't you be late as well? My reply was 2 months ago.
If he was on an unpatched version of the game then bosses don't respawn nor do most enemies
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah lol you idi0t
The reason Toby’s bright spadroon has short range is. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A LIGHT SABER
Holy shit I never thought of that. That makes the gun so much cooler to me now
You mean a Lazer sword
@Baylor Gerardo lol these Bots tho Are getting weird
I love the magic grenades from Dragon's Keep DLC. I love DnD and love that they added the most popular spells as grenades in the DnD parody campaign while being as similar to their origins as they could. I also love that the class mods are named after actual DnD classes (except the Necromancer, which is a school of magic) and that the variable prefixes are alignments from DnD.
honorable mention goes to Roland with the phrase: "I use to be a vault hunter like you, until i formed the Crimson Raiders"
"Hey buddy, it's me, Roland. Let's kill Handsome Jack and then we'll all go out for miwkshaiks..."
Nick b one of the women in the badass crater bar from the torgue dlc says a varient of the quote too
I used to be an adventurer like you until I took an arrow in the knee.
Nick b I always told my friends that this was a skyrim reference but they didn’t believe me lol
Found a chick in sanctuary that said "I used to be a vault hunter like you, then I took a bullet to the knee, hehehe."
The name of the quest "Won't get fooled again" is also the song by the Who that is featured in the CSI series.
6:18 it's also a reference to one of their names specifically egon
The shotgun Thre dog a reference to fallout 3 a radio show host a quote that he says is "because one dog isn't enough and two is too low its three dog"
It's text also says that
I know
Three Dog is the radio host's name.
The fact that a lot of these aren’t perfect versions means that he farmed these guns not using gibbed for this vid or had previously gotten them
How come when i get these guns i sell them and then find out they were easter egg weapons?
They obviously weren't very good at the time.
top ten maps to farm/farming routes e.g. the dust for the lyuda slagga hammer buster etc
I’m pretty damn sure that E-Tech snipers are references to Halo beam rifles
Nananananananana RACKMANN!
My favorite is probably the little evie. I just love that pistol!
crazy that you uploaded this, because I was actually playing 2 today trying to level up a gunzerker to match my assassin
E-Gun is best Laser. it holds up from the point you get it to end game and nothing has resistance to it.
I want Borderlands 3........NOW!!!
Me too. Kinda curious to see what it's going to look like.
VinylicPumaGaming I kinda hope they either use Borderlands 1 way of generating uniques, or make the weapons somewhat modular, i.e., swapping a sight or accessory for a different one without changing the grip, barrel, magazine, and body of the weapon.
VinylicPumaGaming all I want is a way to change parts at endgame. Like some kind of currency like seraph crystals but something different
i dont i want them to take there time i want a good game not a new tps not a remaster of bl1 A NEW GOOOD GAME take there time bl2 was what 7 years to make f it lets give um time if it gives us the same amount of time its worth
Herzi I've given up on even remotely waiting for it......
Best one for me is the unkempt Harold and that Dirty Harry reference lmao too funny 😂
I've found that it's actually pretty easy to get multiple Excalibastards. Have a character who has not pulled the weapon out of the stone enter Stanton's Liver then have a second character grab the weapon (which will be equal to the level of the one who pulled it). Then just leave and repeat.
I once got a lvl 21 longbow from an adult varkid that was really high up in caustic caverns. It was my first legendary.
No you didn’t. Not without mods
@@troublemack9876 I swear to god. I was 11 when it happened. The varkid was flying stupidly high up where the threshers first spawn. I killed him and he dropped a Longbow, so I grabbed it and it was level 21. I promise you it's true, I'm not the type of person to make up fake stuff. If you don't believe me, that's just you but I'm dead serious it happened.
@@kolynchiasson6432 its nearly impossible without mods because it along with the blockhead can only drop and i will say again, ONLY drop from a Mob type enemy named ‘Badass Creeper’ in the Caustic Caverns in the Minecraft easter egg.
@@necro5430 Bro I'm telling you, the adult varkid was really really high up where the threshers spawn, I killed it, and a longbow came flying down, I'm not bsing to get likes, I remember this, you could even ask my brother and he could confirm it happened, and I was playing on the ps3
My favorite easter egg weapon is definitely the Longbow. But if it counts for anything, I do enjoy Kaneda's laser, too.
Favorite easter egg in general for a borderlands game has to be the discord box in concordia in the pre sequel, shout out to our fallen vault hunter brother isaiah
My favourite Easter egg weapon from The Presequel is the E-Gun. I used it to take down most of the bosses in the later game (including Zarpadon, the Guardian of the Vault, and others.) This excludes the Dahl fighter jet, though. I kept it throughout the entire base game.
Little supplement: You can also get the Law from Nisha if you kill her in the showdown.
hAR3Mking420 He is such an overrated character.
LMecha21 Not really... The only skill tree I thought would be even GOOD was the BoomTrap skill tree.
He can't Gunzerk like Salvador but he can FUCKING MONEY SHOT
cause we are his minion and Minions stick together
We're minions, and minions never say Claptrap is overrated
my favorite EasterEggs are the Dark Souls refference and the Skyrim quote. the Batman EasterEggs got me laughing when I first seen them
I was just making my way through the game on a new character and a Loot Midget popped out of a chest. He dropped a Gunerang! lol I was kinda surprised, wasn't expecting a weapon like that.
The sheriff in Sanctuary with his side quest where you have to point out the right killer. It all starts with the name of the quest, reference to the theme song of CSI: Miami, and the sheriff ending with one of those legendary puns. Because the killer used a sniper rifle he knew that was a long shot........
The reason the Spadroon has the low range is due to the fact it’s most likely meant to be based off a lightsaber.
Love these count downs
Great videos. Learned many things about borderlands this way.
The Order reminds me of a Hidden Blade with that spike design
I loved the ZF-1 in the Pre Sequel. That gun is a lot of fun!
I love that movie. I remember the head in the box. I was young but i loved old movies man
Something I love about spadroon Athena is that you can use her shield to close the distance between you and your opponents and therefore use it like a sword
He spells ICUP at 2:55 xD
Confluxx tbh are you 8?
Thomas Tuazon It's funny whatever age you are, and if you're calling other people 8, you're probably 8 yourself honestly.
Your awesome Vinylic keep up the good work
nice video VinylicPuma :)
I got the Bone Shredder off of that one swords for hands orc in Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep... Literally right where you were when you were talking about it
Just remember, the Block Head fires Minecraft Fire Textures at the enemy.
2:55 he said it! he did it!
7:45 Never did I think I'd hear the term "Badass Creeper" 😂
Luke Boettcher
I really feel that he badass creeper should have been a charger creeper and not an oversized crepper
@@highadmiraljt5853 Yeah, either that or actually call it a charged creeper 😂
Vinylic i found after i found out yoteslayer passed i was obbsessed with his videos
If you see how yoteslaya died,u will see he was kind of a dumbass
I love you and your videos!
Great to hear, more BLands, Fallout and more on the way.
VinylicPumaGaming do you think you can do a best and worst element in borderlands 2
Like weapons of a certain element? Did that a couple months back.
VinylicPumaGaming oh I didn't know that
U can obtain the excalibastard multiple times, there is a glitch that was never patched where u play local multiplayer (split screen) and make sure you make the second account have access to Stanton’s liver and let them be host and then u go into there game and head straight for the excalibastard, and grab it and then leave the game (note the second account needs to not have claimed the excalibastard already). Then just rinse and repeat. I once farmed bulk versions of them and then traded them online with other people and got so much cool gear
Love the little evie
top 5 or top 10 weapons you can get early on in borderlands the pre sequel. the one you made for borderlands 2 helped a lot and I just got the handsome collection so one for the pre sequel would be amazing!
armyman412 you get tons of good weapon early on, in the psq, no point for a guide
MrPronGogh93 yeah I guess
Hey man, I love your vids and wanted to say hey
Rak man is bat man gunerang is his baterang lol
You mean Baterang
The fifth element gun in the present sequel is my favorite just because that's my all time favorite movie
They should have made a reference to Gwyneth Paltrow in Borderlands 3 called “Gwen’s goop”
don't forget, hyperion unique shotgun Heart Breaker's red text is a reference to the ink spot's song I don't want to set the world on fire.
The Unkempt Harold is a reference/Easter egg to the Dirty Harry movie starring Clint Eastwood.
8:16 was that the retcher? Why would you do that to yourself?
greenthunder1000 nah it's the omen
Awesome video
My favorite Easter egg is the Minecraft Easter egg and the wepons are ok and the mairo Easter egg in borderlands pre-sequel sounds cool
I noticed that you are using the splitter unofficial community patch mod when you were showing the blockhead on krieg. I actually really like that mod and that mod is the only reason I would use an etech shotgun. If im wrong, plz tell me.
5:57 did you mean Little Evie glitch?
first video i've seen by you and i'm under 1k, guess i should sub
fuck yeah
love your vids
What about the deliverance from pumba and timone
I have a question... The player can combinate weapons effects? For example combinate the effect of the morning star and little evie effect?
The fun thing about the Meat Grinder is that you don't have to get the actual weapon if you want the fun projectile pattern.
Hey can you do more Pre-Sequel character weapon guides? I'm currently doing a Wilhelm run and need some ideas.
Wait, mr. Bubbles is in this game, oh wow, thats cool^^
I thought, the anchor-men were bioshock references, but a real mr bubbles, nice^^
(I love biishock btw ;P)
I got a gunerang first try, and I found Rakkman by chance while exploring the fridge and had no idea who he was.
I know your content is mainly loot but do you think you could do a video on the easter egg of tiny tina combining the badonkadonks with her bunnies. all you have to do is use zeroes little invisibility ability when she says she needs her privacy.
I use Axton what is a better shotgun the Blockhead or the Fire Fire Jolly Roger?
I hope Gearbox puts the infinite loot cave referencing Destiny plus if you do the same thing like the game you get one legendary gun but only one per playthough.
Okay, so for the guns that are obtained from drops like the blockhead shotgun, can I obtain more than 1?
Longbow... i absolutely fucking love that minecraft sniper even tho it doesnt function as a "real sniper" (atleast how I use it) . I use it as a mid-range hunting rifle. I just love it.
if you use Jack's capstone to add maliwan elemental damage to another weapon with the E-gun, does it then transfer 25% non-elemental additional damage?
I do love the Unkempt Harold, but my favorite Easter egg weapon would be Law and Order, they are a great combo and I just love the reference and how you get them. My most favorite Easter Egg would be the Minecraft Easter Egg.
johnston ramsey yeah, i had a friend show me that the other week after i killed the warrior, it was great
I bet it was.
Was there a patch that fixed respawning for excalibastard? He said it doesn’t respawn but every time I leave and come back it’s there at my current character level
What grenade is he using at 9:45 and how do I get it?
NRT Stealth the magic missile, you can farm either ultimate badass sorcerers or the handsome sorcerer in Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep
The E-Gun is a fantastic weapon for laser-based Wilhelm builds. One might say....busting makes him feel good.
I just noticed something. E-gun = EGON. 😁
The blockhead is awesome
One thing that I find rather strange is that Magnificent Six doesn't apply to the E-Gun, which is non-elemental. Maybe lasers just aren't meant to be non-elemental and that's what the system goes by?
i'm not a serious borderlands player so i don't know exactly, but why is having scopes/more zoom better?
if anything i prefer no scopes so that i can see where i'm shooting...
The excalibastard is weird in that its usable at all levels due to the garunteed freezing effects and its scaling melee damage.
my fave Easter egg hunt of me the long bow
You forgot to mention having the excalibastard allows vehicles to freeze stuff on crit.
I didn't know about half of those weapons :o
puma what's that bird patterned matching gun you usually use?
You probably already know this by now (assuming you care) but it's called the sand hawk. You can get it in the DLC that has captain Scarlet in it (can't remember the name of it right now 😅)
I'm 5 years late to make this comment (a normal occurrence) but the fact that the Blockhead fires fireballs and SPECIFICALLY fireballs makes me think that this is either a reference to the fireballs that Ghasts shoot from their mouths or it's a reference to fire charges as those explode on contact when it hits a mob.
The name Gunerang can also be a reference to Ty the Tasmanian Tiger but that may be a stretch
2:54 spell ICUP
you are the best ytuber 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😗
You can only pull the excalibastard once per profile not once per character meaning Once you pull it it's gone for all other subsequent characters
That's not how that works. Wait hold on...
Even though the e-gun is non elemental, it deal 170% damage to flesh enemies, and deals 200% in Uvhm
for Borderlands 2 my favorite Easter egg is the chopper and in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel it's the excalibastard
What is the slag grenade that he almost always uses?
Tracey Barger the magic
Tracey Barger magic missile i think, haven't played tiny tinas dragon keep in a long time
I have a question tho, since I'm a very casual bordelands player as in I've never EVER farmed a boss for a specific unique weapon, if I farm the boss for a weapon on normal mode will the weapon scale around my level or be useless depending on boss level
It will be uselles
why do u always Go for hyperion grip in your shotguns?
My favourite scopeless sniper rifle is the Singing Bird
My fav is longbow, but only cos it looks cool
The 'bright spadroon' has almost melee range because it is supposed to be mimicking a lightsaber.
What gernade are you using in this vid
nice vid
i hate this 360p youtube glitch! but nice video...liked ;).