
  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @GhostfirePodcasts
    @GhostfirePodcasts  5 месяцев назад

    Express your style and support the Eldritch Lorecast with INTO THE AM: intotheam.com/GhostfireGaming
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  • @connorkennedy1794
    @connorkennedy1794 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love wherever Dael calls back to her academics. Dreams are really fascinating as a fantasy trope and as a real event. I've wanted to run a dream-world campaign for years, and one day, I will. I like Ben's dream/inception orb + integrating player input into dungeon generation ideas.

  • @f.a.santiago1053
    @f.a.santiago1053 5 месяцев назад +4

    My friends and I roll a communal batch of stats (4d6, drop lowest, reroll 1s), then keep that for ANY character entering that adventure/campaign. It's really cool because we ALL have the same base, but out chosen character options and how we decide to distribute the scores really matters.
    I really like this method.

  • @hackthedungeon
    @hackthedungeon 5 месяцев назад +11

    our method for stats is to have each player roll 1 array of 6 numbers, each player can use any array that anyone rolled. This way if someone only needs one high stat, they can take the array that got a high stat, and if someone needs several good rolls, they can take he array that has several good rolls but maybe not a "great" single roll. Point by makes everyone equal in their options, which is good. This method also gives everyone the option of being equal, but also a better range of options to chose from.

  • @R2D_YT
    @R2D_YT 5 месяцев назад +14

    Can we have jazz transitions every episode!

  • @BramLastname
    @BramLastname 5 месяцев назад +1

    I changed the rolling for stats rules where we rolled 4 stats, then we looked at whether the stats were too high, too low or too mid, and then added an 8 and/or 16.
    We had some guidelines, but choose whatever works for your table.
    Also we roll characters publicly durring session 0,
    To avoid the infinite rerolling.

  • @paulfrancis7972
    @paulfrancis7972 5 месяцев назад +5

    We use to carry 6 copies of all the d&d core rule books and since they announced the new addition we now keep 2 copies. Before the OGL we ordered 20+ of all the additional books now we order 6. We are ordering more Pathfinder books now.

  • @kurtoogle4576
    @kurtoogle4576 4 месяца назад +2

    The Dungeon Dudes' Monsters of Drakkenheim Kickstarter just finished! Congratulations to the Dudes, and to Ghostfire! With $1,065,710 USD and 8000+ backers, you'll have lots of work to do! We eagerly await your creations!

  • @JonathanMcKinnell
    @JonathanMcKinnell 5 месяцев назад +4

    I ran "Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" this week, was pretty fun. My players only got half way through they were still behaving like modern 5E players and being really risk adverse and questioning everything.
    I hope they had fun. They got 11 Points!

  • @richardmarriott-smith9517
    @richardmarriott-smith9517 5 месяцев назад +4

    You guys are hilarious. I love watching this show. Loads of info, thoughtful discussion with a pinch of insanity thrown in. I learn and laugh in equal measure. Thank you all.

    • @GhostfirePodcasts
      @GhostfirePodcasts  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for tuning in! Appreciate you taking the time to comment such kind words. 😊

  • @direden
    @direden 5 месяцев назад +3

    I love the integrity of this podcast. I appreciate the clarity and thoroughness you give to news data... AND I really appreciate the honesty of "but we'll still use the (dramatic thumbnails)"

  • @jacobrodgers7743
    @jacobrodgers7743 5 месяцев назад +4

    I've switched to the 5e Nexus on Demiplane for my 5e needs, so more stuff coming to DnD Beyond won't affect me at all.
    It will take A LOT to convince me that WotC/Hasbro deserves my attention.

  • @bradprutzman4460
    @bradprutzman4460 5 месяцев назад +1

    I just want to echo James' comment about appreciation the way Ben contextualized the 30 percent decrease in sales of 5e in hobby stores. Statistics can say whatever you want them to say if you don't carefully look at the sources and the context. Thank you!!

  • @MarxMayhem
    @MarxMayhem 5 месяцев назад +3

    The whole tangent about D&D Rules Refresh and etc reminds me of the Pokemon dilemma. One of the criticisms of Pokemon is that the games change very little from each Generation, and since Gen 8 we have seen newer mechanics get shuffled around. Despite that, Pokemon has remained a competitive brand. I wonder if DND can pull the same thing off. Perhaps a topic for a future podcast?

  • @A1fAnERD
    @A1fAnERD 2 месяца назад

    I could see that dream thing working where the dreamer dictates the rooms, but I think you'd have to have the group go into the dream at the end of a session, then you and the dreamer figure out the details of the dream before the next session so prepping for it is possible. Which I am definitely going to try now. Thanks for the idea!

  • @garion046
    @garion046 5 месяцев назад +1

    For stat generation: We roll 4d6 drop lowest for 5 stats, then the 6th is calculated so that the sum of all stats is 73/74 for every PC after racial bonuses. (Start again if last stat is not between 6-18). Keeps the fun and swing of rolling, but tends to give balanced results like point buy.
    In case ppl are worried about variant human and custom lineage getting further ahead with this method: PCs also get a 1st level feat, but those races don't because they already have one. They are still perhaps the strongest, but it's not worse than current 5e balance.

  • @jackdubois1512
    @jackdubois1512 5 месяцев назад +2

    I ran a session once where we had only half the party so i did a dream sequence where the party fought a purple worm with the face of one pcs father and one of the pcs was playing as a character that had previously died. When i described them all coming to from a shared halucination the were like "what does it mean!?!?"

  • @BeauNDarrows
    @BeauNDarrows 5 месяцев назад +4

    Swinging babbadahs make my heart happy!

  • @imayb1
    @imayb1 5 месяцев назад +3

    Nice use of Shakespeare! I always enjoy this podcast. Thanks!

    • @GhostfirePodcasts
      @GhostfirePodcasts  5 месяцев назад +2

      I only wish I could have remembered more of it! 😄 Thanks for listening.

  • @angelalewis3645
    @angelalewis3645 5 месяцев назад +1

    I love so many things about this episode. Thanks, y’all!

  • @harrisonclayton1016
    @harrisonclayton1016 5 месяцев назад

    In my games we generate stats using cards. You take 18 cards and separate then into 6 piles which make your base stats. I like this because it feels like there is some variety in there but the stats total is the same for everyone so nobody feels under or overpowered. Also you can choose which cards you put in so you can limit the power of the party. Personally I also agree with Ben that I don't like having the players starting with super high stats so this gives you some control over that too.

  • @odhinnfist
    @odhinnfist 5 месяцев назад +3

    I like point buy for stat equality. It kind of sucks to roll stats and have one player with super good stats and others with garbage stats.

  • @garion046
    @garion046 5 месяцев назад +1

    DnD Beyond on Kickstarter / other 5e publishers on DnD Beyond:
    Mixed reviews. It's nice as Ben says the monsters from Kobold Press can be in your Beyond game. But there's two problems. First, WoTC gets to choose who is on their platform, which tends to give bigger publishers more exposure than small, widening that gap and reducing competition and visibility of cool ideas. Second, you don't own books on Beyond, only lease them. So if you choose to run something elsewhere or drop your sub, you lose your books.
    For these reasons I prefer to buy my non-WoTC books direct from the publisher, and get pdfs or hard copies. That way I'm not bound to a single company's whims, especially one who I can't trust to make good decisions for the industry.

  • @philmitchell12
    @philmitchell12 5 месяцев назад +2

    Stars Without Number method for stats is best* - firstly it reduces the impact of the stat bonus. An 8-13 is no modifier. 14-17 is +1; 18 is +2. 5-7 is -1 and -2 under that. You roll 3d6 in order and then can change any one attribute to 14.
    In my experience, this works for characters who are supposed to be regular folks with something small that is special about them - so not super heroes. You get the fun of random discovery and the control of that one 14 to assign.
    *Best is not a thing ever, anywhere. :P

    • @Naren25
      @Naren25 5 месяцев назад

      Also has 2d6 for skill checks, which is nice.

    • @Naren25
      @Naren25 5 месяцев назад

      I do however, prefer 3d6 down the line. With no choice over your stats it feels more like you are discovering your character rather than theoryrafting them

  • @johncox8835
    @johncox8835 5 месяцев назад +1

    36:30 I also appreciate the nuance. And got hooked by the click bait picture.

  • @harryravenkiller8580
    @harryravenkiller8580 5 месяцев назад +3

    Yay Dael is back!!

  • @deaconsanddragons
    @deaconsanddragons 5 месяцев назад +2

    If I'm looking at this from a DM perspective, a player really only needs the PHB. If they are really want options, they add XGtE and TCoE. There wasn't any real "need" books that came out last year and all the books that came out are "DM focused" and are really designed to market to specific audiences.
    In other words, the 30% is probably partly due to the "niche" topics (like Bigsbys) for a specific group of players that are the minority of players.

  • @Teschmacher
    @Teschmacher 5 месяцев назад +1

    With the integration (and sales opportunities) of third party creations, I am so interested to see if Ryoko's will agree to be sold on DDB. That kickstarter made such a statement coming on the heels of the OGL scandal, and Will was one of the biggest critics of WotC & Hasbro's actions.

    • @danrimo826
      @danrimo826 5 месяцев назад

      I find it weird that people don't talk about Ryoko more. That Kickstarter was HUGE

    • @digitaljanus
      @digitaljanus 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@danrimo826 How have they been for updates? Maybe it's too early in their development?MCDM and Kobold Press have been pretty good with the information drip since funding and Shadowdark was funding a print run so that's been out for months and people still talk about it. I'm curious about Tanares, which raised $2 million 3 years ago and I've heard nothing since.

  • @joelwest6507
    @joelwest6507 5 месяцев назад

    I'm with Dael: I basically never look up rules, except for spell descriptions and specific subclass features.

  • @edwardklein1610
    @edwardklein1610 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you!

  • @OleIngvarStene
    @OleIngvarStene 5 месяцев назад +1

    I got that exact same shirt, Ben! It's great

  • @w4iph
    @w4iph 5 месяцев назад

    Your opening question is what you have a rule lawyers in your pocket for. If you run games for forever DMs, you can always ask them what the rule is, and then do what you want regardless of what they say, because they do the same thing

  • @danielkozlowski1485
    @danielkozlowski1485 5 месяцев назад +1

    My stat rolling method has a bit of steps, but for me it’s worked great. Everyone rolls 4d6 drop lowest for all stats. I then take down everyone’s starting rolls, sum them up and then average across players. If someone is above average, say by 3, I tell them lower their numbers by 3 in whatever way they prefer. Ends up with everyone having even stats, but different types of spreads. Some people spread their numbers out, some will keep really high stats and everything else low. And it gives me something to do while people are picking class/race and other starting options.

    • @laughingpanda4395
      @laughingpanda4395 5 месяцев назад +1

      Sounds like standard array with extra steps. 🤷‍♂️

    • @danielkozlowski1485
      @danielkozlowski1485 5 месяцев назад

      @@laughingpanda4395 yeah kinda. In my experience the math of this usually ends up with slightly higher stats than standard array. So slightly stronger PCs, plus it allows for more extreme values than standard arrays and gives you the experience of rolling as well.

  • @Coxsterify
    @Coxsterify 5 месяцев назад +1

    For stats, I actually like characters with stronger stats, since it means more often we have characters taking the RP feats instead of just rushing to 20. If they have a 20 at level 1, then at level 4, maybe they take Actor, or Athlete, or Magic Initiate on a Barbarian or whatever. Plus, they are already strong, so giving them a bunch of common magic items that are just for fun, still helps them feel fun.
    Balancing isn't that big of a deal either, so long as you are willing to modify a stat block or two

  • @DVDMaster2009
    @DVDMaster2009 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have players roll six sets of 4d6 drop one in order. Make a 6x6 grid. Players can take any row, column or diagonal read forwards or backwards.

  • @RecklessFables
    @RecklessFables 5 месяцев назад +2

    Yay, a core crew episode!

  • @Cassapphic
    @Cassapphic 5 месяцев назад +2

    Book prices in specialist game stores tend to be kinda high and more than I'd want to pay for a wotc product especially, if I buy something in those shops, it'll probably be a tcg product or something for a different ttrpg where I'm not paying as much of a premium.

  • @ikaemos
    @ikaemos 5 месяцев назад

    As someone who's running a campaign inspired by Drakkenheim, but has come up with an _entirely_ too convoluted mythology, I've had to run dream sequences like it's clearance day at the dream-sequence shop. Campaigns that occur in a single space (like a city) are _really hard!_ Learn from my mistakes - don't make the central plot pivot around events that didn't happen there, or that happened thousands of years ago. An abandoned city will make it hard to convey that information without a lot of visions, dream visitors and "let's Inception the villain"-scenarios.

  • @BryanCmpbll
    @BryanCmpbll 5 месяцев назад

    The bingo method of stat generation is pretty fun!

  • @digitaljanus
    @digitaljanus 5 месяцев назад +1

    Is it unusual for D&D sales to drop the year before a new edition releases? I know they're saying full compatibility with 5e yadda-yadda but that doesn't mean consumers have fully accepted that. Plus the printing error on the Book of Many Things cards probably killed a bunch of Q4 physical sales or delayed them to 2024.

    • @Mr_GoR_
      @Mr_GoR_ 5 месяцев назад +1

      Not unusual. The consumers are aware that the current iteration of the game is coming to an end. They are going to be reluctant to purchase content for a system right as that system is being phased out. Despite WotC's insistence that it's the same game, you can't dispute that there will be discrepancies between the 2014 version and the 202X version. However similar it may be, it will also be different, and people just don't want to spend money on a system that is no longer supported by the developers. Plus all the other missteps the company has made to anger the community in the past year...

  • @manikzag
    @manikzag 5 месяцев назад

    When 1/2 the people know music you enjoy, probs going to enjoy the conversation hey.

  • @westonepstein
    @westonepstein 5 месяцев назад +1

    Restarting with episode one will not work well with a podcast. I love finding a new podcast that's been running for a while so I can dive into their back catalogue. Comic books are a little more intimidating because you have to pay for them and you can't binge them while cleaning your house.

  • @hackthedungeon
    @hackthedungeon 5 месяцев назад +2

    I don't like point by for exactly the reason you like it. I don't want my players to say "I want to add new abilities and flavor to my character, but the better choice is a boring +2 to my prime stat"

    • @BramLastname
      @BramLastname 5 месяцев назад

      It's a good baseline to compare characters against,
      But as an actual generation method I don't like it.

  • @weswtf
    @weswtf 5 месяцев назад +1

    as the player who rolled the lowest stats at my table it sucks.

  • @optionsgoat9432
    @optionsgoat9432 5 месяцев назад +1

    D&D current direction is so unpredictable. Lots of folks are looking at fun alternatives like Blades in the Dark, or Dungeon Crawl Classics. I'm ruthlessly stealing all the Drakkenheim stuff for my home DCC campaign.

  • @facelessone86
    @facelessone86 5 месяцев назад +6

    I can't believe people are just blindly walking into a walled garden. Wow look how nice WOTC is being now! WOW! Very naive...

    • @digitaljanus
      @digitaljanus 5 месяцев назад +4

      As long as they're not being locked into exclusivity arrangements (doesn't seem to be the case yet) I support TTRPG devs exploring any revenue streams they have to.

    • @angelalewis3645
      @angelalewis3645 5 месяцев назад

      I agree with both of you completely. Ha!

    • @RecklessFables
      @RecklessFables 5 месяцев назад +3

      Walled gardens are the only gardens most people see anymore. Heck, GW2 released on Steam after ten years and got a big bump in players. Soany authors are Kindle-exclusive. All phone apps.

    • @garion046
      @garion046 5 месяцев назад

      ​@digitaljanus definitely can't blame publishers/developers taking up WoTC on their offers.
      From a consumer standpoint though, it's pretty meh. The only real benefit is Ben's point about integrating non-WoTC stuff into your Beyond game. Which for some is a big benefit. But if you ever want to unsubscribe to Beyond, or WoTC restructures there platform, or just run a game live with digital, you're kinds stuffed and have to buy it again.
      If WoTC provided PDFs with their purchases, even for extra money, I'd be pretty stoked with this. But they are unlikely to ever do that.

  • @connorkennedy1794
    @connorkennedy1794 5 месяцев назад

    I love toads, but I'm so glad we don't have the cane toad problem Australia does.

  • @roninanwar
    @roninanwar 5 месяцев назад +1

    I know they say it but it really true. This is the best Tabletop podcast out there. Ben is so good about giving a very grounded perspective on the news of table top games and Shawn is so great at giving long term perspectives. Also Dale is hilarious! Anyway, keep doing what you are doing.

    • @GhostfirePodcasts
      @GhostfirePodcasts  5 месяцев назад

      Thanks so much for the kind words and tuning in! Glad you’re enjoying the show.

  • @CloakerDM
    @CloakerDM 5 месяцев назад +1

    Standard Array is terrible as it creates a world where all PC classes are carbon copies statistically. Point Buy essentially is the same just with a cap on high stats. Roll 4d6 assign wherever you want is easy mode, and 3d6 down the line is brutal. A modernized version of TSR's 1990 edition of Boot Hill Method 3, however, would provide an incredible combo of diversity in stats while still giving players some agency. Have fun researching it... Cheers, you guys are great!

  • @DavidSmith-jj7ll
    @DavidSmith-jj7ll 5 месяцев назад

    Favorite Jazz is complicated because Jazz has such a long history and has changed so much over time.
    Dixieland/trad/etc is hard because there are so many great artists, so I just go with best names, which is a tie between Bix Beiderbeck or Miff Mole and the Molers.
    Big Band hard to beat Glenn Miller.
    Bebop era, Miles Davis and Coltrane are amazing.
    Cool Jazz, Stan Getz and his samba stuff, honorable mention to Dave Brubeck because Time Out and Time Further Out are magnum opi of making time signatures cool.
    Fusion - dude listen to Herbie Hancock's album Head Hunters. Early fusion bringing in funk and Afromusicology and Oh My Gawd the Moog buzz you feel deep into your bones. Will not burble nicely in the background of your D&D game tho

  • @HugoGlz56
    @HugoGlz56 5 месяцев назад

    I use roll 20 to run games IRL, because I like to use a lot of minions, its easy to keep track of HP and roll die.

  • @tylerreed2409
    @tylerreed2409 5 месяцев назад

    Point buy capping at 15 would be more palatable if feats didn't compete with ASIs

  • @philipmeade7789
    @philipmeade7789 5 месяцев назад

    I like rolled stats for my PCs and my players, but I am ruthless in both cases. You roll what you roll! I played a character for a couple years with poor stats. It was an interesting challenge. Not for everyone though!

  • @howirunit2033
    @howirunit2033 5 месяцев назад

    Stat Draft is the best character creation method. I’d point you to the copy of my zine that details this method, but it is unfortunately sold out/out of print.

  • @shallendor
    @shallendor 5 месяцев назад

    One gives out "loony points" on some Twitch channels he watches for puns! He calls them left overs from Whose Line! and worth just as much!
    I had one DM that had us roll stats 3 times, but if you rolled 3 of the same number, then that would be the highest any stat could be!
    I had 1 GM that had us roll 6 rows and choose a number from from each row!

  • @Inuruk
    @Inuruk 5 месяцев назад

    Dream sequences and visions should operate at around 2 Cuils.

  • @russellparker5043
    @russellparker5043 5 месяцев назад

    Have not heard anyone gushing about D&D Beyond in a long time…

  • @AruthaSilverthorn
    @AruthaSilverthorn 5 месяцев назад

    For dreams I’ve got direct connections to my Feywild and Shadowfel, which are ran with full Soft Magic and Gritty Realism rules respectfully. Then depends on the goal, do they keep scars or items or just knowledge?

  • @VinStJohn
    @VinStJohn 5 месяцев назад

    You do not need a subscription to access any of the free adventures they've released on DDB, including Tsojcanth

  • @jeffrossi1642
    @jeffrossi1642 5 месяцев назад

    Ability Scores should be set it and forget it. I hate this mini game we're expected to play choosing between ASIs and Feats. Access to feats in 5e is already plenty limited by class level without asking you to sacrifice your ability scores to get them.
    I like a higher standard array: 18, 15, 15, 12, 10, 8. That way, assuming a +2, +1 from your ancestry, if you plan to go single class you can start a +5 in your primary and a +3 in 1 secondary, or if you plan to multiclass you start with a +4 primary ability and 2 secondaries at +3

  • @westonepstein
    @westonepstein 5 месяцев назад +1

    I think babada babada is actually triplets rather than eight notes. I'm not trying to um actually you James, just trying to share my love of triplets in music and the unique way they cause one to stand up and take notice without quite noticing what it is,.

    • @angelalewis3645
      @angelalewis3645 5 месяцев назад

      “The unique way they cause one to stand up and take notice without quite realizing what it is” - YES!

  • @schemage2210
    @schemage2210 5 месяцев назад

    whether you believe that D&D sales are down 30% or not, this coming year is going to be terrible for WotC. If only because they don't have the success of Baldurs Gate 3 to prop up their balance sheet.

  • @MarxMayhem
    @MarxMayhem 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @RevocerGM
    @RevocerGM 5 месяцев назад +1

    14:05 - I don't know, squirrels can be ars*h*les

  • @blurootz
    @blurootz 5 месяцев назад +2

    First, their products have been lacking in quality content. Second, the number of actual plays of their settings has decreased drastically. Third, they still haven't apologized and clearly stated their intentions for the future. Instead, they are trying to move forward as if everyone will just return without a care in the world.

    • @RyanZibell
      @RyanZibell 5 месяцев назад

      If you listened to what Shawn said, this happens whenever you introduce a new version but haven't released said new version yet. Interest in the old decreases. And it's only counting LGS and the like, not amazon or wotc direct etc.

    • @blurootz
      @blurootz 5 месяцев назад

      @RyanZibell I know, and it's very true. However, 30% is a bit high this early before the release of a new edition. Chances are that the overall sales will drop even further until the first Book of the "updated" 5e comes out.

  • @NickMunch
    @NickMunch 5 месяцев назад

    I like letting my players roll until they're happy with their stats. So far, no one at my table has abused the system. I think it's because they all understand that low rolls can be just as fun to RP as high rolls.

  • @R2D_YT
    @R2D_YT 5 месяцев назад

    Eldritch lore cast season 2?

  • @randomyoutubecommenterr
    @randomyoutubecommenterr 5 месяцев назад

    Rolling for stats is fun for players but it throws any hope of balancing dnd out the window.

    • @Naren25
      @Naren25 5 месяцев назад

      That's a good thing. Balance is a myth - reject balance in all it's forms

  • @Coxsterify
    @Coxsterify 5 месяцев назад

    Ben skipping those "r"s on tartar sauce a bit too much and it was on his shirt, I know what you are really saying

  • @badmojo0777
    @badmojo0777 5 месяцев назад

    so roll for stats? for more ereme vatiety in the numbers? and then motivate player sot push those stats back ??? all i hea ris POINT BUY rules. Its balanced, its fair and the poeple that insist on rolling jsut want to gamble for higher stats... its not about random

  • @PichulRixth
    @PichulRixth 5 месяцев назад

    Will Grimhollow make it to DDB?

    • @zTom_
      @zTom_ 5 месяцев назад +1

      Wasn't it one of the first 2-3 (non-Critical Role) third party content to be launched in it a couple of months back? 🤔
      Alongside the Drakenheim campaign & one other I think

    • @PichulRixth
      @PichulRixth 5 месяцев назад

      @@zTom_part of it. The lairs for maps. Will they compete the player and monster parts of the game? Who knows.

  • @tonysladky8925
    @tonysladky8925 5 месяцев назад

    Is "lifestyle gamers" the new "legacy media"?
    James is altering the acronym. Pray they don't alter it further.
    I'm a little bummed. I was going to watch the stream live for the first time since Daylight Savings Time... Began? Ended?... since Daylight Savings Time did whatever it did that meant you previously went live while I was still at work, but my internet was on the fritz on Monday evening. Better luck to me next week...

  • @laughingpanda4395
    @laughingpanda4395 5 месяцев назад +1

    Standard array. Makes leveling more meaningful. Done.
    People are so fickle. When a company gives you what you want and your reply is "too little too late" Thats just being childish. Really immature. I dont suppose anyone with that mentality has ever made a mistake. Flawless judgement huh?

  • @johncox8835
    @johncox8835 5 месяцев назад

    Wizards never wanted to bury 3rd party creators. They just wanted Paizo to quit stealing their systems. But thanks to the overreaction of fans, wizards is not going to put as much into design as they once did (hence the massive layoffs) and are going to be making money off 3rd party publishers going forward.

  • @thetruth3611
    @thetruth3611 5 месяцев назад +1

    Get woke go broke.

    • @danrimo826
      @danrimo826 5 месяцев назад +2

      What is the opposite of this? Go fascist for the cash (ist)? Work for The Man, get paid? There has to be a cute phrase for "catering only to the cultural majority is cheaper, safer, and can be more financially viable"

    • @thetruth3611
      @thetruth3611 5 месяцев назад

      @@danrimo826 liberals are the true fascists.