In the "Urusei Yatsura" series, Ran is directly inspired by the concept of a "gaki" from Japanese Buddhism, which refers to the spirits of envious and greedy people who are punished with an insatiable hunger for the life force of humans; this is reflected in Ran's character as she has the ability to drain people's youth and vitality through kisses, essentially acting like a "vampire" with a gaki-like nature
In the "Urusei Yatsura" series, Ran is directly inspired by the concept of a "gaki" from Japanese Buddhism, which refers to the spirits of envious and greedy people who are punished with an insatiable hunger for the life force of humans; this is reflected in Ran's character as she has the ability to drain people's youth and vitality through kisses, essentially acting like a "vampire" with a gaki-like nature
Describes her perfectly!
I really love this anime. Great reaction video. 🎉