  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @carahamelie
    @carahamelie 2 года назад +12

    For me (9) it’s…. “Okay, dark eclectic, that’s the vibe I’m going with…. Dark eclectic……. Oooo look at this cute farmhouse clock!! Maybe I should go that direction instead?…. No stay focused”

  • @aniacool314
    @aniacool314 2 года назад +6

    Great job, Michelle! I’m a 1, and you nailed most of the sketch. One thing I would NEVER do…buy a planner with only 6 months left in it, let alone for 8 bucks. In fact, I get irritated when I see overpriced clearance planners! ;)
    P.S. Say hi to Leeann, and tell her we miss her! Have a wonderful week!

  • @bridgetbanerjea7588
    @bridgetbanerjea7588 2 года назад +3

    I'm a type 9, "Chai tea and meander" is how I do most of life, which I never realized until this video 🤣🤣🤣 also I always touch all the fabrics to see how soft they are

  • @leahcompston3840
    @leahcompston3840 2 года назад +1

    Well done. I'm a 1w2 who frequently shops with my mom (a 2w1) and we have those conversations about containers. "That is super cute, but how on earth would you clean it?" (And yes, I have a gift closet - or rather section of a closet - which I learned from my mom. :)
    But I agree with the other commenter who said they'd never purchase a planner with only 6 months left. Trust me, I have a date written in my planner for when to buy next year's planner.

  • @yulnikita
    @yulnikita 2 года назад +1

    Yep, got the six!! I still go to all shops by my last address. I am not ready to make the transition! 😂😂

  • @allieyates557
    @allieyates557 2 года назад +1

    I'm a 9w1 and was dying laughing at the accuracy!

  • @jackies1729
    @jackies1729 2 года назад +2

    OMG!!!!!! This might be my favorite video of yours ever!!!!! I'm a 9 and i have so many things to share:
    - i have thought the exact thing about the instrumental Gospel music! Literally!
    - i used to work at Hobby Lobby ages ago, and agree that they never have enough people at the registers....
    - i have that blue heart wall hanging that the #2 selected 💙
    - i have a theory about people's personalities and the hobbies they are drawn to.... Knitters are the most chill....
    - i love to walk around that store aimlessly! Which is very rare for me! And, yes, i prefer it over the other arts/ crafts stores
    Love it! 😁 Thanks!

  • @kamilaapetauer
    @kamilaapetauer 2 года назад +3

    These hobby stores, they are a perfect getaway 😅 (9) but when I actually have to get something it is so hard, SO MANY OPTIONS! 🤯 😅

  • @banningbrewd2142
    @banningbrewd2142 2 года назад +1

    Enneagram 9 here - my 13 year old was cracking up at me because I dozed off twice as I was watching this 😬😂🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @carliecooper5189
    @carliecooper5189 2 года назад

    6 was very on point for me! It’s why I can’t shop alone. 🤣

  • @AChickandaDuck
    @AChickandaDuck 2 года назад +1

    Me, a 5, literally telling my sister about an article I read about Hobby Lobby on our last visit there 🤣

  • @ItsKimOlson
    @ItsKimOlson 2 года назад

    The 8 intro is SO REAL, at any store! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    I'm such a wing 7!

  • @Talkingdaisy-no6nu
    @Talkingdaisy-no6nu 2 года назад +1

    Haha as a 4, I feel called out 😂

  • @catherinetorgerson5111
    @catherinetorgerson5111 2 года назад

    Challenge accepted! YUP! Exact plan. Perimeter of the store. In and out in pre-determined time window Follow and execute my exhaustively long do-do list. Mission complete. (8!!!)🌺

  • @Marjorie_Fisher
    @Marjorie_Fisher 2 года назад

    I too will often wander around Hobby Lobby aimlessly. I go in for two or three items and come out with a dozen. Not sure if it’s my favourite craft store as other stores offer teacher discounts.

  • @tucky3191
    @tucky3191 2 года назад +1

    Type 9 is spot on and literally all things I’ve thought before

  • @layneseed3651
    @layneseed3651 2 года назад +1

    You nailed the six!!! I feel like I’m the only person that can spend three hours in Hobby Lobby and walk it not spending anything.

  • @amberlancaster7055
    @amberlancaster7055 2 года назад

    Haha I’m a discount Mather 🤣🤣🤣 I’m an 8 but in hobby lobby I’m a mix of 4,7 & 9 based on your portrayal 🤣

  • @the_real_littlepinkhousefly
    @the_real_littlepinkhousefly 2 года назад +1

    Yes, as a Six I would definitely be doing my research before buying anything very expensive (like a Cricut machine). In my scrapbooking days I would have used my birthday money on the more expensive one (because More Expensive = More Things I Can Do and then I can swing to a Wing 7 and not actually ever use those features); and then I'd go blow the equivalent amount of my husband's hard-earned money (because SAHM) on a crap ton of totally random scrapbooking stuff I hadn't planned to buy.
    When I gave up scrapbooking (burned out, thank you ADHD), I had an entire small room's worth of stuff I'd never used. Oh, and the Stampin' UP! stamps that filled a whole wall. Couldn't unload it at garage sales, on the local FB swap sites ... ended up donating most of it. My husband was manly enough not to weep, but I know he was thinking, "We could have bought such a nice car with all that money..."

  • @PegR38
    @PegR38 2 года назад

    I'm not the most flamboyant part of 7. However, the idea of buying things, with great plans in mind, only to have them gathering dust in the corner - that one hit home!

  • @mjl3753
    @mjl3753 2 года назад

    8 here. Not just at Hobby lobby at any store challenge accepted to get in and out as fast as I can and I aim to beat every time.
    Edited to add; and yes it's always the cashiers to kill my time because there's never enough or there's too much of a line at the self checkout.

  • @kristinb5073
    @kristinb5073 2 года назад

    So solid:
    -The coffee tub with the enneagram 1 killed me because I swear my 1 husband has been *outraged/horrified* in a store saying that exact same line. Several times.
    -My 2 mother has said the same line about her gift closet. On the regular.
    -I feel like 4's would be ashamed that they like such a commercial store?
    Also, a thought that you can throw away if you don't like from a fellow 8: the intro since going solo seems to be super long and gives away the punchlines.

    • @anival9576
      @anival9576 2 года назад +1

      Four here. Have to admit... wouldn't go to Hobby Lobby if my 7 mom didn't drag me there.

  • @jasmin1773
    @jasmin1773 2 года назад +1

    The first thing I thought was also: I. hate the name: "hobby lobby" and I'm a 4 😂

  • @mryan4719
    @mryan4719 Год назад

    If I had a nickel for every time I called my bestie for a consult while shopping alone... #6problems

  • @AlliCrumley
    @AlliCrumley 2 года назад

    I watch this and think, maybe I am a 6. Then you get to 9 and and I say, oh, there I am.

  • @ItsKimOlson
    @ItsKimOlson 2 года назад

    "Hoarders" would be a good store.
    You just cut off 5. 🤣

  • @rowland1023
    @rowland1023 2 года назад

    Your Hobby Lobby has a card section! I guess ours is too small to have one.

    • @OHsopositive
      @OHsopositive 2 года назад

      Oooh. That’s too bad. They have some of the best cards!

  • @pjmackall
    @pjmackall 2 года назад +1

    When you are a 4 ,and have never been inside of a Hobby Lobby, because that name…plus you know nothing inside of a place called Hobby Lobby could be unique…

  • @classicat87
    @classicat87 2 года назад +1

    As a 6, I feel a little TOO seen 😳

  • @Nessaj449
    @Nessaj449 2 года назад

    This is why people hate shopping with me. #6

  • @HmmNamey
    @HmmNamey 2 года назад

    Omg I’m a 6, this is too accurate 😅😅
    I probably missed it but where’s Leeann?

  • @OHsopositive
    @OHsopositive 2 года назад

    “Hobby Hamlet!” 🤔 Who do we talk to about a name change?

  • @healingandgrowth-infp4677
    @healingandgrowth-infp4677 2 года назад

    Right at the beginning I complained about the stupid name hobby lobby who names a shop that lol…
    P.s And what about hobby chic

  • @michelezintz9522
    @michelezintz9522 2 года назад +1

    I'm a five and definitely lean towards my four wing, EXCEPT when it comes to shopping. I'm afraid I am the six when I want to make a big purchase of any kind. It drives my three sister CRAZY! 🤣 (Five didn't fit me at all this time- not great at math, and really, I guess the stereotypical knowing EVERYTHING doesn't usually vibe with me, but it's still cute).

    • @AChickandaDuck
      @AChickandaDuck 2 года назад

      Same! I’m a 5w4 and I am PARALYZED by indecision when shopping. I think it’s the 5 need to collect all the info, combined with a time constraint and pressure to choose without all the info (since there’s so much information it’s literally not possible to collect it all.)

  • @sophieyyyhh0057
    @sophieyyyhh0057 10 месяцев назад +1

    Whats michelle enegram