Jared Diamond

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 64

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli Год назад +1

    This is timeless and great. Works very well for 2023 -- some 15 years later.

  • @kraigthorne
    @kraigthorne 10 лет назад +3

    The more I hear Jared Diamond the more brilliant I think he is.

  • @The55Bill55
    @The55Bill55 14 лет назад +1

    Yes, the comb over was very well done. And also very under control as I did not see one hair move during the entire presentation. Also the suit looked sharp, possibly could have been a "designer" model. Good Job Mr. Diamond!

  • @ivoshkin
    @ivoshkin 13 лет назад +1

    that was a very good speech and now I agree that his book about the collapses is great...

  • @DiehardDukefan28
    @DiehardDukefan28 8 лет назад +1

    Bruh that Amish beard had me like whoa! Glad to see someone who left the order is making a name for himself! Keep up the good work Jebediah!

  • @star666moon
    @star666moon 15 лет назад +1

    Love his books! He is amazing!

  • @mflesock
    @mflesock 15 лет назад

    Jared Diamond is a true genius, and the best part is that he is my professor right now at UCLA.

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli Год назад

    This is a gem.

  • @craigholman1161
    @craigholman1161 8 лет назад +1

    Really interesting presentation. Thought provoking. I would suggest that Chevron/Texaco has not always been the good steward of the environment. Ask Ecuador.

  • @Mickeycuatropatas
    @Mickeycuatropatas 13 лет назад

    Diamond's book Collapse needs a sequel to provide solutions and ideas that we can currently embrace. For example, many salt-tolerant plants can be cultivated that grow in saline soils or even be irrigated with sea water. This would part of the solution in Australia and other parts of the world facing soil salinization. Another solution is to have more scientists enter politics instead of as consultants so better choices can be made instead of by most politicians who have a legal background.

  • @highjenks3d
    @highjenks3d 6 лет назад

    Look most everyone in this string don't have his broad spectrum background being able to see things from all the different viewpoints is a gift, he will definitely never be accused of having tunnel vision can we all agree on that?

  • @ytertyu
    @ytertyu 15 лет назад

    I've read couple of his books . very entertaining and thought provoking .. as this is the first time hear him talking his accent sounds to me strange for an american .

  • @Andraste77
    @Andraste77 16 лет назад +1

    Read it, absorb it, love it. You'll be thrilled later!

    @GDANBR 16 лет назад

    We need more people like him.

  • @s0673451
    @s0673451 13 лет назад

    i tell you, uctelevision is probably the best youtube content provider on the net.

  • @joshvigh
    @joshvigh 12 лет назад

    Jared Diamond is the man

  • @dallyvision
    @dallyvision 16 лет назад +1

    This is a great talk! thanks for the video...
    Diamond is IMO one of the greatest thinkers of our time.
    Its time we take his ideas seriously and act on it...

  • @AristocratJonathan
    @AristocratJonathan 15 лет назад

    I'm very grateful that you were able to obtain and post the video of this lecture. But it would be easier to identify it in a search if the title were more specific, e.g., "Jared Diamond - Lecture on his book Collapse'" instead of merely "Jared Diamond" I mean that only as a gentle suggestion.

  • @steadman1969
    @steadman1969 13 лет назад

    @Thephyguy Again you are attributing to religion what people have done... people in general use and miss use power. You can see this in religion, politics, science and the local bridge club. Religion, politics, science and bridge clubs in themselves are not good or bad, in fact there foundational principles are often very good. So I suggest that no matter what organisation you get rid the only true way to protect our society is to denounce any abuse of power by the individuals who commit it.

  • @yorandemaiter6192
    @yorandemaiter6192 6 лет назад

    i need it for an school presentation

  • @Thephyguy
    @Thephyguy 13 лет назад


    It is true that all people can be those ways. It's also painfully obvious that all scientists aren't responsible for what they create with their findings.
    But it isn't true that the world 'needs' religion and science. And right now there are many more reasonable grounds and arguments to favour one more than the other. Also, the only reason that religion started those things was because religion was in control, claiming society as it's own, even things in it that weren't.

  • @yorandemaiter6192
    @yorandemaiter6192 6 лет назад

    can i find the text of this video

  • @basmelano
    @basmelano 16 лет назад

    U r great

  • @kapachangos
    @kapachangos 12 лет назад

    well... rain preciptation on Haiti is much lower than at the Dominican Rep.. there is a mountain range dividing both countries..

  • @Giovannisenzaterra
    @Giovannisenzaterra 15 лет назад

    what about Cavalli Sforza

  • @hellolin324
    @hellolin324 6 лет назад

    The modern day equivalent of the Easter island statues are the new Iphones you got every year

  • @igotalottastuff
    @igotalottastuff 15 лет назад

    Really? Most people are introduced to him by reading "Guns, Germs, and Steel". You should really look into that one.

  • @awesome220
    @awesome220 13 лет назад

    @Timobrien01 Hey, I found out he is from Boston, but it is still not your 'typical' Boston accent. I love it, though.

  • @niriop
    @niriop 13 лет назад

    A good lecture, if a few personal quibbles. I think Diamond is too soft on multinational corporations; its obvious that the ones he mentions are the only few to take action against ecological destruction; the rest have fostered a strong cognitive dissonance. I also think there's a lack of discussion of the economic and cognitive anthropology of social collapse, although he does hint at it.

  • @504Resident
    @504Resident 12 лет назад

    There were civilizations that fell well before Europeans started imperialism. I think Europeans did control the fall of some peoples, but certainly they are not the only ones to cause the fall of an area.

  • @saltyshoes7851
    @saltyshoes7851 11 лет назад

    what about overconsumption?

  • @awesome220
    @awesome220 13 лет назад

    what accent do he have?

  • @IndexFossil1
    @IndexFossil1 13 лет назад

    @mycatisromeo Or worse, they think since ''Jesus is coming soon'' they needn't bother worrying about the environment at all. Some of these people hold positions in government!

  • @pugilist102
    @pugilist102 14 лет назад

    It appears BP should've hired Jared Diamond as a consultant, could've saved them billions.....and the Gulf of Mexico.

  • @FunnyDigestion
    @FunnyDigestion 16 лет назад

    20:50-- major burn!

  • @drawnsequence
    @drawnsequence 12 лет назад

    @s0673451 it really disappoints me he's using this as a place to advertise Tokugawa Japan- around the every minute mark after 20 minutes he says Tokugawa around 10 times.

  • @parkt6792
    @parkt6792 13 лет назад

    @AgreementAOS you need a 'special account', whatever that means..

  • @Thephyguy
    @Thephyguy 13 лет назад

    @steadman1969 No. I am attributing things to religion that are inherent in it. Namely it's oft lame use of logic or reason. Mostly its commitment to nonlearning and nonchange. Religion really is an organization to stop evolution or at least drastically slow it down on so many levels. There are better ways to go about a life than religion. It's in the quality of the organizations. Organizations are qualityless blobs to be filled. They come with their own potentials and dead ends built in.

  • @s0673451
    @s0673451 13 лет назад

    it really disappoints me he's using this as a place to advertise chevron- around the 36minute mark he says 'chevron' about 20 times.

  • @jdStarlight
    @jdStarlight 13 лет назад

    @mycatisromeo You're generalizing and being ignorant, yourself. I'm what people consider religious, but I care about the environment, and I do what I can to keep it as healthy as possible. Generalizing and placing blame on others are probably the two worst things you can do.

  • @Sumannatur
    @Sumannatur 14 лет назад

    I hate so much when people make this comment space their personal battlefield...

  • @rawburnt
    @rawburnt 16 лет назад

    Care to elaborate... Or do you just shoot down other people's theories because it makes you look smarter with a brooding cynical coolness?

  • @eugeniobb
    @eugeniobb 15 лет назад

    read his book guns germs and steel befor you spit out your silly comments

  • @eugeniobb
    @eugeniobb 15 лет назад

    i watched it, u keep repeating the same dull concept over and over again... got bored before the end, sorry.

  • @goodfoot1971
    @goodfoot1971 14 лет назад

    Midnight: Your conclusion is SO grossly oversimplified. And our attempt to mask your racist behind "pretend-intellect" is offensive. For years, the Haitians were under a financial yoke of France and the United States was backing the French assertion that Haiti owed France money for the simple desire of being free! Hmm imagine if the English would've gotten the French to back that kind of assertion when WE got our independence? Either way, Haiti's start was difficult and nobody's made it easier.

  • @rawburnt
    @rawburnt 16 лет назад

    Seems to me that YOU need to use the dictionary. You switch between mypotic and myoptic... or is it actually spelled: myopic?... and thanks for the thumbs down, I so deserved the gratuitous nod. Keep up the good work sparky!

  • @eugeniobb
    @eugeniobb 15 лет назад

    if u read it twice and did not get it... then i agree, u wasted your time and money. try something else...

  • @mindfullmenscoach
    @mindfullmenscoach 13 лет назад

    @mycatisromeo ..i just wanted my bimmer...

  • @wazabi34
    @wazabi34 15 лет назад


  • @dosomething3
    @dosomething3 11 лет назад +1

    Terrible lecture. Prof diamond did not reveal THE cause of our conundrum. Indeed, Diamond called an "idiot", anyone who would suggest that there is A cause. Well, I am convinced that there is A cause. And that cause is very simply overpopulation. The rest of the discussion was futile. As wars, religion, ignorance, environment are just side effects.

    • @highjenks3d
      @highjenks3d 6 лет назад

      Assaf Wodeslavsky you could fit the entire population in the world in the state of New Jersey the overpopulation theory is based on a capitalists society during an age of technologies that are eliminating the human workforce, example 40acres and a mule in 1875 sustained a farm family of 4 to 6 today 15,000acres and a GPS guided tractor sustain the same number today 4 to 6 societies that collapse usually last no longer than 250 to 300 years there are 7 cycles that the collapsed societies all share but the best example to compare to the decline of western civilization is the Roman Empire for one we know more about their fate, we are seeing a note for note cover song comparison to Them

    • @highjenks3d
      @highjenks3d 6 лет назад

      Assaf Wodeslavsky there has only been one society that has collapsed due to a single cause and that is debatable, the dinosaur society it collapses due to cosmic natural causes! Lol but overpopulation won't be the single cause, the rabbits and the coyotes theory when the rabbit numbers rise the coyote families do well all the pups love grow up and have litters of their own their numbers climb meanwhile rabbit populations decrease too many coyotes bad for the rabbit families but the rabbits hasn't gone extinct has it the roles reverse the coyotes with not enough rabbit to feed themselves numbers plummet until the roles reverse again, this is the only flaw I see in diamonds theory Mother nature will always find a way frogs and alagators can change sexes if need be, my point life cannot be contained and societies rise and fall but this process has been going on for who knows how long everything that is a carbon based lifeform even on a meta physical level rise fall repeat or we wouldn't still be here the only differences in the society's that have been going on for 1000s of years are many multiple factors but most are from breaking the rules of mother nature everything moderation gluttony.and greed will collapse this society

  • @PenguinWalrus0
    @PenguinWalrus0 15 лет назад

    Wierd accent.....