I got all of his abilities but the 3 alternatives feel alot weaker and I can't really find a use for them or to how to combo then like steady aim and back flip work together
Yeah I think his primary abilities are just better honestly, would love to see sniper balanced in the patch thats coming out soon, hopefully to make his alt skills more of a sidegrade then just a downgrade
I don't want to play any other way than sniper + glass atm. The one shot kill fantasy is too satisfying to give up.
That was also a godly first stage
yeah true lol
The crowbars alone is almost a won run on sniper
The stacking of crowbars on Sniper is just not fair.
I got all of his abilities but the 3 alternatives feel alot weaker and I can't really find a use for them or to how to combo then like steady aim and back flip work together
Yeah I think his primary abilities are just better honestly, would love to see sniper balanced in the patch thats coming out soon, hopefully to make his alt skills more of a sidegrade then just a downgrade
Letting you thread moves into other moves makes him feel so much less vulnerable😁😁
sadly you cant do it with the alt utility though :(
and steady aim is wayyyyy stronger than quickscope because of the backflip tech