I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a 😍Niceshopx😍 and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
TFS! Just got this wallet yesterday and excited to see how well it is holding up! 🙂
I love how honest you are about everything. when someone is carrying a 😍Niceshopx😍 and you pass them on the street no one can tell whether is fake or real one because you cannot do this much analysis on it. what I hate about LV and why I stopped buying them is that many people assume your bag is fake when they pass you on the street. It's very annoying. one time a woman walked up to me and actually asked me if my bag was "real". after spending almost 2K on a bag and being asked that question was so offensive i stopped carrying them. People look more at the person carrying the bag and assume wrongly whether is real or fake. it is extremely annoying
HIDUPZ Help you become a delicate woman