Why are landlords influencing the Renters Reform Bill? | Pubcast #26 clip

  • Опубликовано: 28 окт 2023
  • Before the Commons debated the second reading of Michael Gove's Renters Reform Bill, we dove into why it's taken so long for the government to put any checks on greedy landlords fleecing people of their hard earned wages.
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Комментарии • 312

  • @captainfrandad1138
    @captainfrandad1138 7 месяцев назад +73

    It staggers me that anyone would think, even for a millisecond, that the Tory party would do anything to enhance renters’ rights over the interests of landlords. Their back benches are stuffed with landlord MPs and Rishi’s only purpose as PM is to protect the financial interests of the already wealthy.

    • @br0wnkrak3n70
      @br0wnkrak3n70 7 месяцев назад

      Agree, selling off brown sites to house building companies and then building on green sites themselves. On top of that allowing those houses to be built on floodplains even though insurance can't insure any house after 2009 when the FloodRe scheme was introduced to cover houses prior to that

    • @keirmitchell5560
      @keirmitchell5560 7 месяцев назад

      So it only works one way. Should not cost landlords money to evict tenants with sufficient notice.

    • @DrJams
      @DrJams 3 месяца назад

      Don't rent, get a mortgage

  • @ianhouston4424
    @ianhouston4424 7 месяцев назад +48

    Voters in England should note that, when the SNP became the government in Holyrood, one of its first acts was to ban the sale of council houses, retaining rental housing stock for the national good.

    • @scottbuggy5634
      @scottbuggy5634 7 месяцев назад +9

      They also have rent freeze during the cost of living and have improved renters' rights as well as doubling the Council tax for long-term empty home. I already have a mortgage, but this is a step in the right direction for society they have secured my vote come GE

    • @overandout2991
      @overandout2991 7 месяцев назад

      And they have outlawed leasehold which greatly improves the housing market for first time buyers.

    • @mytimetravellingdog
      @mytimetravellingdog 7 месяцев назад +1

      They also half assed a lot of the renter's rights legislation and watered it down to stuff that is better but the absolute bare minimum and not good enough and are vaguely pro-landlord.
      Haven't reformed planning in scotland and overseen a massive increase in the housing crisis in scotland. They also haven't built council housing.
      It's one of the prime examples of the SNP in practice for all the talk of being progressive being in reality a more european centrist often centre-right party in terms of most policy, it's just one that is more practical minded, more akin to the european centre right of germany for example and using baically 15 years of the tories starting really right wing and moving further to the right and dragging the overton window with them giving the SNP breathing space to not be anything like as progressive as they claim. And not doing a fraction of what is in their powers to resolve the housing crisis.

    • @SOak145
      @SOak145 6 месяцев назад

      @@mytimetravellingdog The SNP are essentially a Centrist party. Not Centre-Right.

  • @outofideas42
    @outofideas42 7 месяцев назад +47

    Landlords are necessary for housing as scalpers are necessary for festival tickets.
    Houses are for living in

    • @cosmosnomad
      @cosmosnomad 7 месяцев назад +2

      Unfortunately this analogy doesn't work. People need to save for years to afford a home and still have somewhere to live while they do that. The alternatives are living with family or social housing

    • @jsrodman
      @jsrodman 7 месяцев назад +5

      @@cosmosnomad And social housing is a bad idea because?

    • @cosmosnomad
      @cosmosnomad 7 месяцев назад

      @@jsrodman Tell me where I said it was a bad idea. Don't put words in my mouth. I said those were the alternatives. And in case you hadn't realised, we haven't built much social housing for the past 30+ years. Housing takes a long time to address. This will probably take a decade plus to fix, if Governments pull their thumbs out of their arses

    • @arcadealchemist
      @arcadealchemist 7 месяцев назад +5

      houses shouldn't be owned to rent and profit period
      one property per person laws maybe and also prevent NON british citziens aquiring properties for financial profit
      too many empty propertys on highstreets let alone residents because some game of monopoly is going on in our country preventing economic growth by squeezing some buisnsesses and not others.

    • @janetmalcolm6191
      @janetmalcolm6191 7 месяцев назад

      Yes but there should be alternatives to private. People should be able to have a roof and working people need security of a roof over their head. Not just been paying privately for 10 years now you have to just leave! No security there to be had if you have a family and unfair to children. Often you can't stay in the same area where you might have a network of help.

  • @bernmahan1162
    @bernmahan1162 7 месяцев назад +15

    Landlords can be ruthlessly greedy bastards. In the late 80's I was homeless and along with my pregnant wife got put up by the local authority in a seaside hotel in Cromer. Yeah, sounds like luxury. It was a one person room with two beds crammed in, no way to get to the sink and no windows at all! The landlord/hotelier was charging the Council £97 a NIGHT for this. He was so rude to us that I complained and he sent the police in in the middle of the night to evict us from the room. Then the Council said we were "intentionally homeless"!

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад +1

      home ownership grew under thatcher

    • @naziphone7260
      @naziphone7260 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@coopsnz1course it did because of the buy to let sell off. The direct consequence is those same houses being let out for way higher rents and combined with lack of new house building means home ownership is falling. The Tories are great at short termism

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      government & taxes were less then why more owned homes @@naziphone7260

  • @Wraithing
    @Wraithing 7 месяцев назад +15

    An oft forgotten thing now is, when home is your own it feels different. It becomes natural to feel invested in and more proud of your bit of the street - picking up litter and helping neighbours. It's not always the case (there are always gits), but the secure home is a good basis for a healthy community; and the converse is more often the case too. Being blocked from home security (whether that comes from property ownership or another system) should be thought of as a crime against the health of society.

  • @therealrobertbirchall
    @therealrobertbirchall 7 месяцев назад +23

    It's no use fidding around with a broken system, using tax payers money to subsidise deposits on vastly overpriced properties is not the answer. We need at least 500,000 More council houses.

    • @evelbsstudio
      @evelbsstudio 7 месяцев назад +2

      Broken, I would call it corrupt and all about the tax they get, that's why the courts usually side with the tax payers not the individual

    • @arcadealchemist
      @arcadealchemist 7 месяцев назад

      And the NHS and school system aren't also?

    • @therealrobertbirchall
      @therealrobertbirchall 7 месяцев назад

      @arcadealchemist The NHS and school system are not for-profit organisations, or at least they are supposed to be. Using taxes to subsidise deposits on wayyyy overpriced properties is nothing short of tory corruption designed to profit property developers, not the people as a whole.

    • @janetmalcolm6191
      @janetmalcolm6191 7 месяцев назад

      They managed to build after the WW2. Build up housing even with the state of the country was in then but can't do it now? So ridiculous after all this time! This country just regressing in lots of ways.

    • @davidbates3057
      @davidbates3057 7 месяцев назад

      I would agree, but the way to get that is through massive reform and policy designed to incentivize or force the reselling of multiple property owners back into the market.
      Too much of the housing crisis is distracted with debates on building more, which, even ignoring the issue of NIMBY's and the fact that the facilities/infrastructure in many cases doesn't exist to support such things, ultimately makes little difference if 90% of those new builds are instantly snapped up by millionaires/billionaires looking to turn their excess cash into physical assets. Until we actually agree that having a place to live should be a human right and tax on rental profits and owning multiple properties is raised through the roof to the point where it's not worth having them unless you're actually using the buildings for various reasons across the year, the problem is just going to remain stagnant.
      The biggest con landlords have pulled is this idea that without them renting homes out people wouldn't have places to live or wouldn't maintain the buildings. When in fact, the existence of mass property landlords is the very reason many don't have places to live and it's been historically proven that getting the majority of landlords to shill out for property upkeep is like trying to milk blood from a stone.

  • @teamkinetixmedia
    @teamkinetixmedia 7 месяцев назад +8

    Buy To Let mortgages should never have been allowed.
    Having a tenant pay off your mortgage, giving you an asset to profit from is morally abhorrent.

  • @ade5691
    @ade5691 7 месяцев назад +18

    Landlord are the same at Scalpers.
    That's what people need to fundamentally understand before we can solve any of the problems going forward.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      government & union leaders arent???

    • @ade5691
      @ade5691 7 месяцев назад

      @@coopsnz1 then we elect those that do. They work for us. They must not forget that.

    • @jodders619
      @jodders619 7 месяцев назад

      @@coopsnz1 I pay my union subs and get a service from that. Unions help people to be better off, that can never be said of a private landlord. Landlords who were awarding themselves inflation busting rent rises and helping perpetuate a cost of living crisis.

  • @binofwords473
    @binofwords473 7 месяцев назад +11

    As one person said most MPs are landlords, that is why everytime a bill is raised to regulate landlords it fails.
    And this bollocks put out by the government that section 21 evictions could not be abolished because the courts have to change.
    No the reason is some MPs moaned about it

    • @buchanfoulsham6314
      @buchanfoulsham6314 7 месяцев назад +2

      I can't understand how that could be seen as anything other than a giant conflict of interest.

    • @buchanfoulsham6314
      @buchanfoulsham6314 7 месяцев назад

      They're not even proper MPs. They're not representing their constituents. They're just private interest lobbyists rinsing a country for every pound they can.

    • @user-xu5vl5th9n
      @user-xu5vl5th9n 7 месяцев назад

      There are dozens of laws regulating landlords and more regulations being added all the time. It is just that key anti-landlord measures to play to the gallery have backfired on tenants. Rather than face the fact that it is not landlords or the tax system that is the main problem, the pressure groups just double down.
      Obviously if section 21 is to be abolished then the already over-loaded courts will need to be beefed up. Section 21 is a black and white formality, proving anti-social behaviour or any other ground can be more complicated. It is the same reason we have no fault divorces: the courts don't want to have to deal with the sordid details of "he said, she said".

  • @jackpola1242
    @jackpola1242 7 месяцев назад +4

    30+ years living and working in London for both me and my wife. No savings whatsoever after all this time and our landlord just bought their 17th property. Glad she’s doing so well sat on her arse in the countryside whilst we pay for her luxury lifestyle

    • @jackpola1242
      @jackpola1242 7 месяцев назад +1

      And consistently on time rental payments don’t contribute towards our eligibility for a mortgage is a joke. I’ve contributed to keeping 16 mortgages going for a while now, let me pay my own

  • @evelbsstudio
    @evelbsstudio 7 месяцев назад +9

    My rent is going up again in January, that a total increase of £100 in 12 months.
    If you complain about a badly in need of repair they will kick you out saying that the house needs to be vacated while it's made livable but that do no repairs and get someone else in, they have been doing this forever.

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 7 месяцев назад

      When I started renting I paid £650 in 2009 now I'm paying £1115 and I've seen properties on right move the same for £1400-1600 now. Are landlord has no plans to increase the rent the property is owned outright anyway. He says the agents keep pushing him to raise the rent but he knows we can't really afford it already. We talk to him all the time he knows exactly what I earn and how much bills and food are now.

  • @The8224sm
    @The8224sm 7 месяцев назад +8

    Many MPs in both chambers own at least one, and probably more than one may, be a factor.

  • @davidlloyd3116
    @davidlloyd3116 7 месяцев назад +3

    Few people know this, but the Tory government introduced a bill that states that if you buy 7 or more properties in the UK, you don’t have to pay stamp duty on ANY of the properties. It was buried in the chancellor’s statement, and no-one seems to have picked up on this!

    • @bishboshs
      @bishboshs 7 месяцев назад

      Can you cite this?

  • @chris-terrell-liveactive
    @chris-terrell-liveactive 7 месяцев назад +26

    Very good summary at the beginning. As an older person who became priced out of the housing market when the hyperinflation started around '99-2000, it's doubly frustrating to see the parallel shortage of available building plots for taking the self-build route (all those I've seen are priced on a par with a house), so private lets are my only option for the foreseeable future. We need a big push for council housing that remains publicly owned. It could be done.

    • @TheUnluckyGama
      @TheUnluckyGama 7 месяцев назад +4

      Right to buy was a great thing for work class people, but for every house sold they needed to make sure to build another. Instead they pocketed the money and laughed as property prices rose

    • @evelbsstudio
      @evelbsstudio 7 месяцев назад +4

      I remember that increase, I was looking at buying a house when I was 18 it was about £16,000 and within a year the price raised to £50,000 and to £80,000 withing a couple of years.
      Wish I bought it when I had chance.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      middle class you mean , there no working class

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      because it cost more to build homes blame goverrnment @@evelbsstudio

    • @TheUnluckyGama
      @TheUnluckyGama 7 месяцев назад +3

      ​@coopsnz1 I'd argue there is no middle class, you either work to live and hence are working class or you can live from assets/inheritance and are wealth class

  • @evelbsstudio
    @evelbsstudio 7 месяцев назад +10

    They shouldnt of sold off all the council houses to people that live in them, this is when all the social housing crisis started.

    • @dfaulkner9602
      @dfaulkner9602 7 месяцев назад

      Great point and the Government failed to build more new homes to replace the ones they sold through 'right to buy'.

    • @BONK_2000
      @BONK_2000 7 месяцев назад +1

      Thatcher defrauded 2 generations of potential home owners in order to get quick votes by selling off social housing.

  • @Cheebasonic
    @Cheebasonic 7 месяцев назад +6

    Not so long ago there was a large part of rental market which was people who definitely saw it as a sort or medium term / interim need - over a few years - who would then be able to save in the meantime to get a deposit and then buy. But today the rental cost is so high, combined with the massive rises in property prices , that renters end up in a spiral with not being able to save up for a deposit

  • @markwelch317
    @markwelch317 7 месяцев назад +20

    You shouldn't be allowed to own a second property you don't live in unless you have bought it outright. No mortgage for someone else renting to pay for you.

    • @obscureinception8302
      @obscureinception8302 7 месяцев назад +2

      All that would do would be to make second properties exclusively for people who already have far more money than is currently needed, stopping middle class people from potentially buying property as an investment.
      What I'd say would be reasonable is for caps to be put on how much rent can be charged. If prospective landlords couldn't necessarily recoup the entire monthly cost of a mortgage PLUS extra o top, they would have to give more consideration to whether or not it was something they were willing to take on.
      A mortgage is an investment into the equity in a property. Rent should ONLY be expected to cover the other costs of maintaining a rental property plus a reasonable profit, the return from the mortgage payments is the increase in the value of the property over time.

    • @PostingCringeOnMain
      @PostingCringeOnMain 7 месяцев назад

      I agree but I don't think it goes far enough on it's own as there are 101 shady ways landlords could still hold property outside of personally taking on a second mortgage. Between shell companies and keeping things in trust, there are still a bunch of ways they could leverage debt to purchase property. But absolutely agree, no second home mortgages and no buy to let mortgages on starter homes. Honestly, I'd consider just banning buy to let mortgages outright as well. They don't feel very in keeping with existing fair competition / anti monopoly legislation as it is and I think banks can create other, more equitable financial products that benefit tenants and landlords - say for instance any house price increases that occour during a tenancy must be split with the tenant. So if you get a BTL mortgage and the house goes up in price by £15,000 over 2 years of a tenancy, the tenent gets to keep half of it and the payout must facilitated by the bank as part of the mortgage arrangement.

    • @thintomify
      @thintomify 7 месяцев назад +2

      Do you think this will lower rents? There would be less choice, therefore higher rents as fewer people could be landlords.

    • @mytimetravellingdog
      @mytimetravellingdog 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@obscureinception8302 middle class people buying second properties as a speculative investment is a massive massive part of the problem dude. It's a big part of what has caused the housing crisis (after planning stopping enough houses being built and the sell off and lack of council housing)
      As if you own a property you have large amounts to leverage against a loan. You can get a cheaper loan than just normal people buying a house and you can get it easier than people looking to buy a house. It's even easier if it's a cash purchase.
      There are other flaws and complications but if you restricted to outright cash purchases the number of houses being bought by landlords not owner occupiers would drastically drop.

    • @obscureinception8302
      @obscureinception8302 7 месяцев назад

      Presumably you understand that there is no simple answer to this issue?
      Restricting the purchase of second homes would solve nothing. What it would do is make it far easier for people who are rich enough to buy second properties for cash to increase the wealth gap between them and those who are 'middle class', without benefitting the poorest in society (it would be more likely to instead drive up rental prices for those who need to rent).
      What is needed is legislation to limit rents that can be charged, making it less attractive for ANYONE to 'invest' in second properties while keeping renting affordable.
      Renting out properties would still be a viable business option, but the people paying the rent would not necessarily be covering the owners mortgage, all their costs of managing the property AND some additional profit. Paying a mortgage on a property that you hope will rise in value is an investment it should NOT be considered a cost of running a rental business that the tenant can cover.

  • @rustynail1194
    @rustynail1194 7 месяцев назад +2

    Me and the Mrs rented for years before we were lucky to "buy" a house. We've basically swapped being fucked by landlords to be being fucked by the bank. Only thing is as we chip away at what we owe it will eventually be less. Good luck to all trying to buy, you have my deepest sympathy.

  • @markrichley4075
    @markrichley4075 7 месяцев назад +2

    A previous landlord of mine used to knock on the door to say hello and show me pictures of his most recent cruise with his wife. He’d boast about the prices he paid for the luxury. He genuinely thought I liked him. He charged me a full month of rent for repairs for a few scratches on the floor after 8 years of living there.

  • @symetryrtemys2101
    @symetryrtemys2101 7 месяцев назад +12

    The private ownership of land, and the speculation on property value consequent thereon is the root cause of many of the evils in the UK economy.

    • @Daisy-tl2lh
      @Daisy-tl2lh 7 месяцев назад

      tell that to 905% of MP's and all of the aristocracy ... and if by magic all private land fell into public hands would it be any better? when in the blink of an eye said land would be sold off by politicians and back into the hands of private ownership and the Corporations

    • @mytimetravellingdog
      @mytimetravellingdog 7 месяцев назад +1

      and that sort of speculation is only possible the planning system which allows this to happen by restricting almost all necessary building.
      Really we should have planning reform and a land value tax.

  • @iainhamilton6773
    @iainhamilton6773 7 месяцев назад +2

    Councils need to protect tenants. I am a landlord and I fix all problems asap, I don't do visits. It is their home as long as the rent is paid. I also acknowledge that if you charge some of the rents that are being charged then people will never be able to save up for a deposit.
    Scotland is building council houses and my local council had a criteria to be able to move in. Stopping landlords buying them and you had to have family in the local area or previous lived in the local area.
    Yet another problem modern Britain faces thanks to Thatcher.

  • @aidanwatson3499
    @aidanwatson3499 7 месяцев назад +2

    As a landlord of a house in one place, whilst being a tenant myself elsewhere because that's how my work is (I move around a lot), I see both sides. What we need is functioning legislation that encourages and supports good landlords and penalises and deters bad ones. Currently the changes in legislation don't work for anyone and the only people who can afford to be landlords are the bad ones who charge abusive rates. Also, legislation changes recently have made it harder and harder to be a small landlord and so unless you are making some money from it, it's not worth the hassle so you are better off selling up. Houses are being gobbled up by large professional landlords who are only interested in the profits they can make.
    Rent controls, realistic housing standards (arbitrarily forcing all houses to be C energy rated when that is largely unachievable for much of this country's housing stock is not a good idea), minimum tenancy agreements, fair taxation for those accumulating ever increasing portfolios of houses just by owning them, are all things I agree with. Good and compassionate landlords would agree with this. The problem is that there are fewer and fewer of those left.

  • @melaniehodgson4093
    @melaniehodgson4093 7 месяцев назад +8

    Please, it is not just young people stuck in the housing trap, anyone who is stuck this way should be eligible for help. I’m not saying that young people today aren’t doing it tough, they are, but we shouldn’t discriminate on age.

    • @corbanb5
      @corbanb5 7 месяцев назад +3

      as an older renter I am actually frowned on by some landlords. There are a lot of older single people who seem to have been forgotten.

  • @weeksy79
    @weeksy79 7 месяцев назад +3

    I think it’s worth running these kinda clips past an expert before publishing, as a few of the figures and scheme details are either outdated or incorrect. General message is obviously spot on, but as someone massively affected by this, it’s important to be exact in just how fucked we are.

  • @br0wnkrak3n70
    @br0wnkrak3n70 7 месяцев назад +2

    Its true, my dad has been foghting it for years as a housing solicitor. First for a County law centre funded, then for Shelter and now back to a gov't funded independant one. The workload has stacked up now that landlords have started going back to giving out section 21s since the ban was lifted after the covid outbreak died down

  • @PhantomRaspberryBlower
    @PhantomRaspberryBlower 7 месяцев назад +1

    How many members of parliament actually rent their home? How many are landlords?
    We have a real problem with a lack of representation amongst the people who make the laws on a subject that has a massive impact on the lives of so many in our society.
    Few politicians really appreciate the magnitude of the seething anger of a whole generation (or two) of people who are forced to pay most of their income on rent.

  • @gonzoraoul
    @gonzoraoul 7 месяцев назад +5

    Why would e.g. Jacob Rees Mogg vote for a bill that takes power and money from landlords and hands it to others though? By definition they will not do that. It's exhausting.

    • @Ma55ey
      @Ma55ey 7 месяцев назад

      You can tell that everyone in government is either a landlord or a multi property owner.. all the rules and legislation is skewed to protect there assets.. the fact that home buyers need to do there own surveys and not the other way round proves that..

  • @robcunliffe3252
    @robcunliffe3252 7 месяцев назад +1

    For me the biggest issue is the availability of a good quality rental property. As soon as anything comes up around me it’s snapped up. I can get time away from work to view properties and when I book something for a weekend sometimes 2 or 3 weeks in advance. By the time the viewing comes round it’s already let. Price is also a major stumbling block rents of 7,8,9 hundred pounds per month for a poor quality property in a poor area.

  • @callumtindal9856
    @callumtindal9856 7 месяцев назад +1

    I got evicted 2 weeks ago with 2 months notice because our landlord wants to turn the house into a holiday home, so on Christmas Day we will have to move out and my landlord will have to spend the day cleaning up smashed eggs under the carpets

  • @Indiekid-1976
    @Indiekid-1976 7 месяцев назад +1

    My half-brother became a landlord whilst still living at home as a hardship student. My mother pretended to be a single parent and took our stepfather off the electoral register during the year she applied for funding for my brother to go to university. She also neglected to tell the student finance people about the several hundred thousand pounds he had in trust until he turned 21. So, a year into his degree he used the student funding, extra help and all the grants and loans he could get, to pay the deposit on a house for him, and one for our mum, he got a self guaranteed mortgage (no longer available) he, paid a lower rate than a standard buy to let let mortgage and his tenants have no security if things go wrong, he just asks them to pass on any mail. I then found out this year, that on top of stealing from the poorest in society to pay for his degree and buy him and his mum another house each, he didn’t even write the work for his degree, or even his A-levels!
    I have reported him to the police but they aren’t interested this kind of fraud!

    • @sieratzky
      @sieratzky 7 месяцев назад +1

      Fok, new ken loach movie right there.

    • @Indiekid-1976
      @Indiekid-1976 7 месяцев назад

      He worked for the police and he is now head of UK for Chorus Intel who provide mobile phone data retrieval tools to most police forces in the UK, , ironically a lot of their work centres around financial fraud!
      He is called Scott Orton and he features in the clip above. He stole from the very poorest in society and has faced no justice whatsoever.

  • @dylanmckeith5500
    @dylanmckeith5500 7 месяцев назад +1

    There needs to be more voices like yours on subjects like this. Very interesting point about a few generations tome benefiting from the inheritance. People get so triggered on topics like landlords (usually when they are one) that it gets shy’d away from. The likely hood is something is going to have to give. Same as right now it’s working people being told to stop asking for a fair pay rise being told to give. It’s such a tangled mess your never going to keep everyone on side just to make more affordable housing for people to live in😫😫😫

  • @stuartrankin4851
    @stuartrankin4851 7 месяцев назад +1

    Totally agree with both of you on this.

  • @TheSageOne-df1uv
    @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад +1

    What most people don’t think about is what will happen to tenants if you make life more and more difficult for landlords. They’ll sell up and invest their money elsewhere. The supply of properties for rent will shrink, and prices will rise.
    It’s simple economics.
    The Govt is realising this at the last minute and backtracking on their proposed legislation that would have seen a massive sell off by landlords.
    What’s needed is a huge increase in social housing.
    Increase supply and rents will fall.
    That’s simple economics too.
    I wonder if the Govt will see that one anytime soon?

    • @robcunliffe3252
      @robcunliffe3252 7 месяцев назад

      But if investors are not buying then the demand to buy would drop and so the price would follow. So more people would be likely to be in a better position to buy their own property.

    • @TheSageOne-df1uv
      @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад

      @@robcunliffe3252 True, but if all that happens is that landlord’s demand is replaced by owner occupier’s demand then prices will bounce back up again.
      The losers will still be those who need to rent being faced by a reduced supply and therefore higher rents.

  • @Gareth.W
    @Gareth.W 7 месяцев назад +9

    The UK should (but obviously won't under the Tories) follow the example of the French government and introduce government-backed interest-free loans. The French scheme, called prêt à taux zéro or PTZ for short, covers up to 50% of the purchase price and any renovation costs. It's not perfect but it's miles ahead of what the UK govt is proposing.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      in france less than 60% own homes , uk 70%

    • @Gareth.W
      @Gareth.W 7 месяцев назад

      @@coopsnz1 It's closer to 64% in France versus 63% in UK, according to Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_home_ownership_rate?wprov=sfla1)

    • @BumbleyBoo
      @BumbleyBoo 7 месяцев назад

      It's just another black hole for the tax payer though. Because paying an interest free loan back (unless adjusted for inflation) would mean the government loses money.
      I like the idea though.

    • @Gareth.W
      @Gareth.W 7 месяцев назад

      Yes, I agree. Presumably they've done the calculations and determined that the benefits outweigh the costs. I've not researched this but I don't get the impression that existing homeowners, who don't benefit from this scheme, or those who don't qualify for PTZ begrudge those who do. It seems to be happily accepted.

    • @TheSageOne-df1uv
      @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад

      And who pays for the interest free loan? Oh yes, the taxpayer of course.
      That’ll be popular come the next election.

  • @janetmalcolm6191
    @janetmalcolm6191 7 месяцев назад +1

    It has purposely been kept like this. Tories don't believe in social housing (much needed) whilst making sure wages are kept low and people can't afford private housing. A mess of their making. Plus building nothing major to talk about and cannot keep on track to the things they suggest.
    Now things were not good years ago but have become a dire situation now.

  • @itsPenguinBoy
    @itsPenguinBoy 7 месяцев назад +1

    I think you also need to restrict and remove the profit motive of big landlords to pay above whatever the government or any bank would lend you, for any house... That needs to be rent caps and housing stability.
    I much preferred renting until it led to me being kicked out, in service of gentrification.

  • @marclupton2159
    @marclupton2159 7 месяцев назад +1

    Rents are high because cost of onwership is high. The lower the cost of ownership (i.e house prices) the lower the cost of rent. Since interest rates for btl are at least 5.5%, landlords will need at least these returns to pay the bank back and get the mortgage in the first place. If rents are lower then they wont get approved for a mortgage and then there will be less homes to rent

    • @TheSageOne-df1uv
      @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад

      Very true, but also rents are high because thousands of landlords are selling up as they are constantly hammered and pilloried , thereby reducing the supply of properties, which pushes rents higher and higher.

  • @Lee_303
    @Lee_303 7 месяцев назад +2

    They're influencing the Tories, before they get kicked out themselves.

  • @jonnymunro7224
    @jonnymunro7224 7 месяцев назад +1

    Lifetime ISA can be used on any home less than 450,000 not just new builds! The maximum bonus is also 32,000 not 10,000 (but can only put in 4000 a year).
    Love this channel but please make sure you give the right info since it is very useful to get on the property ladder. Please correct the video if possible?

  • @edwardscrase6136
    @edwardscrase6136 7 месяцев назад +2

    When you watch landlords talk about no fault evictions they always talk about using it to get rid of people who havent paid rent. If there is no mechanism outside of courts to evict a non paying rent I can kinda see how they want it to stay. If true not sure why they just don't have a section to allow removal of non paying renters.

    • @TheSageOne-df1uv
      @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад

      Very true. Why would a landlord throw out a decent tenant who pays the rent and doesn’t cause a nuisance to neighbours?

  • @misscaricature
    @misscaricature 7 месяцев назад

    Help to buy isas are no longer open. If you already have one you can save into it for a while, but most people are now on Lifetime Isas which imo are an improvement as they have a limit of £4,000 a year and can also be used as a pension option. Just to clarify some stuff they were talking about.

  • @DaveB432
    @DaveB432 Месяц назад

    Hopefully all the landlords selling off their houses will help the situation.

  • @jasongpereira
    @jasongpereira 7 месяцев назад +1

    In London the houses need to be under 400k and outside london 200k

  • @grahampeters7297
    @grahampeters7297 7 месяцев назад

    Housing Associations need investigating. Basically Tories in government handing them a free hand through housing benefit, while the management , (Other Tories) skim, no sorry, drink most of the bottle, the idea of improving their social housing with better heating and windows, makes them guffaw while they down bottles of fizz costing by thousands.

  • @jamesbarran-scott437
    @jamesbarran-scott437 7 месяцев назад +1

    House prices are ridiculous in the south east…. The problem is no one living there seems to believe £160k buys you a 3 bed house in a nice area in Birmingham…

  • @xrayfish2020
    @xrayfish2020 7 месяцев назад +7

    General National Rent strike? Anyone😊

  • @ajsuk0
    @ajsuk0 7 месяцев назад

    Just been served a S21 and we’re bottom of the list as both self employed, or immediately told no because we have two cats. Anything we do get to see, so do 100 other people. Probably homeless come new year. Happy 2024.

  • @neilg6675
    @neilg6675 7 месяцев назад

    Over 80 mps are landlords, they use their positions to make sure their wallets are topped up

  • @ronsoninmyjohnson9357
    @ronsoninmyjohnson9357 7 месяцев назад +1

    Winston Churchill on landlords 1909. "Roads are made, streets are made, services are improved, electric light turns night into day, water is brought from reservoirs a hundred miles off in the mountains - all the while the landlord sits still. Every one of those improvements is affected by the labor and cost of other people and the taxpayers. To not one of these improvements does the land monopolist contribute, and yet, by every one of them the value of his land is enhanced. He renders no service to the community, he contributes nothing to the general welfare, he contributes nothing to the process from which his own enrichment is derived…The unearned increment on the land is reaped by the land monopolist in exact proportion, not to the service, but to the disservice done."

    • @DJWESG1
      @DJWESG1 7 месяцев назад

      Sound a bit marxy that..

    • @ronsoninmyjohnson9357
      @ronsoninmyjohnson9357 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@DJWESG1 I welcome comrade Churchill to the cause

  • @samgrainger1554
    @samgrainger1554 7 месяцев назад +2

    The "help to buy scheme" is acutally a "Reward after buying" since the +25% cannot be used to go towards your deposit. Thus you have to have enough money to buy a house without the scheme which makes it just a reward for having the money already.

    @XiFLASHPOINTZiX 7 месяцев назад

    Correction: there are two help to buy ISAs. One LISA, and the help to buy ISA. The HTB ISA is a joke imo. The LISA is actually pretty good and can be used on any property

  • @jezlawrence720
    @jezlawrence720 7 месяцев назад +1

    I think if you are renting you ought to be building up a tax credit you can cash in when you go to buy a house.
    I.e. if you have to rent, you should be being helped to build a deposit.
    Nb - if we just had house values back at a sane level of 3x salary, and a decent stock of social housing then i wouldn't be having these crazy ideas.

  • @PsychotriaV
    @PsychotriaV 7 месяцев назад

    5:30 I just want to add a bit more nuance to the understanding of the process of mortgage affordability. It's not just about can you maintain the current payments, but also if interest rates rise and the payments go up can you still afford it. There's also the risk of negative equity that banks want to avoid, they don't want to be in a position where they might repossess a property that's worth less than the outstanding loan amount, this risk is a factor in deposit amounts.
    I'm not trying to defend the system, just give some more detail on how it works.

  • @criztofe
    @criztofe 7 месяцев назад +1

    Use a light in between you guys and the green screen to stop the green hair glow, they are called hair lights.

  • @VerushkaMusic
    @VerushkaMusic 7 месяцев назад

    Please interview someone about land value taxation

    • @TheSageOne-df1uv
      @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад

      The Labour Govt in 1976 introduced Development Land Tax in England. Guess what happened? Builders couldn’t build because landowners wouldn’t sell, the number of new homes dropped through the floor, and house prices shot up.
      The moral; don’t tinker with a free market without thinking of all the consequences.

  • @jsrodman
    @jsrodman 7 месяцев назад

    Hahah, the flexibility of "f***king". I read it as "Landlords have been tenants for years" with a bit of emphasis. Took me a while to realize it meant "Landlords have been exploiting tenants". Which, well, obviously.

  • @stephenconway2468
    @stephenconway2468 7 месяцев назад +1

    The issue is not simple and as such both sides need to represented. If the renting lark is or become uneconomical then the housing stock volume and quality drops. If those who do have property to let try and squeeze too hard they will get tenants ready to move at a moment's notice and who will not be great tenants. I have had the luck to be able to rent out places over the years, the trick is never overcharge, avoid increases even when the costs have gone higher and be as fair as you can. It makes sense because you don't lose tenants and lose a month's rent when tenants change. Of course you need a good tenant. I have found most people are very reasonable. Touch wood, I have had any real problems.
    That said, housing in the UK is poor. Houses are small and not as well built as they should be. Too many people run houses and don't give a damn. Too many tenants are horrific and just push potential landlords out of the market. There needs to be a way for people to get on that property ladder. Once a person or family can get there they tend to be better for the community as it is their community. I was walking around Hounslow a few years ago and the houses were just cramped and squeezed on top of each other. However, it seemed that people were involved and owned them. So even though the houses were not great, the place was okay.
    So should landlord be represented? Yes of course. Should they have too many say in the matter? Nope. The exact same is true for tenants.

    • @Mankster23
      @Mankster23 7 месяцев назад

      You're lying. The houses won't disappear if Landlords make less profit

    • @stephenconway2468
      @stephenconway2468 7 месяцев назад

      @@Mankster23 I never said that they would disappear. When a landlord cannot afford to fix his/her property the places become unhealthy or unsafe...or just vacant.

  • @user-zl7vu6kp9h
    @user-zl7vu6kp9h 7 месяцев назад +1

    I’ve been homeless for 13years suffering from ptsd. Landlords are terrible in this country. They dictate peoples lives. Even those who have serious mental health but pay their rent. Now I can’t trust them and have been living in a van.

  • @Easternlodown
    @Easternlodown 7 месяцев назад

    Also don’t forget that help to buy ISAs only eligible on properties worth up to 250k outside of London or 450k in London so anywhere in the Home Counties it’s basically useless.

  • @chrishughes3405
    @chrishughes3405 7 месяцев назад

    I hadn't realised help to buy has to be on new build. New builds are typically utter shit with our construction standards. I got fucked by no fault eviction. Work full time in a job for barely above living wage despite fact if I mess up people can die, just me and my autistic daughter couldn't afford anything in home city so moved further out and still short by 300 a month for bills, nevermind the dentist appointment I need but can't afford or the doctors appointments I can't get. If I get ill or my car breaks I am fucked.

  • @markbenjamin1703
    @markbenjamin1703 2 месяца назад

    -Ban Buy to Let Mortgages
    -Extend RtB to Private Rentals
    -Ban the renting out of single family homes
    -Ban Foreign born nationals from owning residential property for their first 50yrs in the UK
    -Property Value Tax:
    1st-2nd Properties 0%
    3rd Property 50%
    4th Property 100%
    5th Property 150%
    6th Property 200%
    7th Property 250%
    And so forth...
    -Scrap Leaseholds
    -Ban renting of any property built post-1997

  • @richardbergson1047
    @richardbergson1047 7 месяцев назад

    The idea that an unregulated or even a partly regulated market would lead to everyone being able to afford somewhere to live (never mind near somewhere you are actually working) is ludicrous and can only be a delusion of those who have more than enough money to buy what they want. It is simply unacceptable to ignore any level of homelessness and treat this as a necessary evil or, worse still, as self inflicted. Let's take housing out of the capital system, make it universally available and then see who decides to inflict homelessness on themselves. Businesses might even get the right person for the job rather than just the person who can afford to live nearby or commute. Win -Win!

  • @lee9650
    @lee9650 7 месяцев назад +1

    London average salary of 38k 😂😂 who on earth earns that? Averages are so misleading.

  • @Ma55ey
    @Ma55ey 7 месяцев назад

    The hard thing is that historically housing was provided for by Mill owners and landlords, noy central or local government.. imagine if amazon built small towns to house workers in there huge factories like the Quakers did in the industrial revolution...

    • @mytimetravellingdog
      @mytimetravellingdog 7 месяцев назад

      no it wasn't.
      Those were from a very specific period of the industrial revolution and fairly unusual and the quaker attitudes even more so. Most housing was not built or provided by employers and when it was it was often not on the best of terms.

    • @Ma55ey
      @Ma55ey 7 месяцев назад

      @@mytimetravellingdog what do you mean no it wasnt? victorian back to back houses were built by factory owners and more rural homes were built by land owners.. pre the industrial revolution working people used to build their own single room houses... it wasn't until the 1890's that the government introduced legislation to house the working classes.. yes the Quakers built nicer homes and towns for thier workers.. but they were still built by factory owners to house factory workers. So historically for hundreds of years, central government had nothing to do with providing houses for people. And the unusual period is the hundred years that it has been..

  • @LeornianCyng
    @LeornianCyng 7 месяцев назад

    A home is a basic right not a luxury. It’s time we have a National Housing Service and end the private rental sector for good. We need to introduce a law to say you must be a British citizen for three years before you are able to buy a property unless you are someone claiming asylum. Finally we need to renovate any property that’s been left unattended and start ending homelessness and move people away from council estate / tower blocks.

  • @Christinebanks11
    @Christinebanks11 7 месяцев назад

    In my country , the usa rent CAN be witheld if landlords DO NOT make repairs.

  • @oneshotjas3025
    @oneshotjas3025 7 месяцев назад

    Why are landlords influencing the reform bill? Because they have the power to. We need a socialist government who represent the working classes and legislate to protect those without the means to influence government. Keep up the good work guys. ❤

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      Tories & labor are socalist government . You mean communism government green in power

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      Socialism never presented middle class just lower class

  • @cosmosnomad
    @cosmosnomad 7 месяцев назад

    I'll make one note, which may make sense at times like now, there are other things mortgage providers need to check other than being able to reliably pay a set amount. A deposit is needed when property prices go down (and owners get negative equity). This obviously doesn't happen that often. Every 15 to 20 years, I think. How do you make that work though? Lets say we have 100% mortgages, and they have existed, then if people want to buy at times like this, they'll need a deposit, which people who need 100% mortgages will be totally unprepared for.
    Another important element of this is interest rates. I suppose judging by what you're saying, you accept that you'd need to pay higher interest on a 100% mortgage

    • @obscureinception8302
      @obscureinception8302 7 месяцев назад

      Having government backed mortgages would negate these problems.
      It won't happen though because it would reduce the potential for the richest in society to easily take from those who have less.

    • @mytimetravellingdog
      @mytimetravellingdog 7 месяцев назад

      you know you pay a mortgage off as you pay it right? 100% mortgages aren't great.
      Let people and banks take it on the chin if the market falls. Which frankly they wouldn't need to do if they lent in a more sensible way.
      Also negative equity isn't actually that bad, it's just terrible in this country because we don't do whole term fixed rates which is absurd. Give a 25 year fixed rate as is standard in many other countries like america and literally the only thing you really need to think about is can this person keep up this payment for 25 years?
      It wouldn't matter if your house wasn't worth as much.

    • @obscureinception8302
      @obscureinception8302 7 месяцев назад

      No one sensible would want a 100% mortgage if they had any realistic way of buying a home without this.
      100% mortgages would be for people who would otherwise not be able to get the mortgage that they require to buy even a low cost property - people who would instead be forced to pay just as much in rent as they would have to pay as mortgage repayments (with their rent paying off someone else's mortgage).

  • @tauIrrydah
    @tauIrrydah 7 месяцев назад

    Remember when you could rent a bench spot to sleep on a night in London where you were held up by a rope? Queen Victoria remembers...

  • @redhouseclose
    @redhouseclose 7 месяцев назад +2

    I'm obviously the only landlord in the country who provides a 3 bed- semi on a small development with extensive views reaching 14 miles across a semi rural landscape to a single guy on £27000 p.a. for £650 pcm. My previous tenants were on considerably more.
    When my new mortgage deal increased by £237 per month I increased the rent by £50.
    Within the last 9 months I have replaced a boiler.not like for like at 2K. but a combi boiler, for £4K along with other minor repairs i.e. £110 for new door handles.£60 for leaking toilet in a bathroom I totally replaced in 2018. New carpets throughout in 2020.Along with letting costs.insurance.safety certificates etc profit was £144 FOR THE YEAR!!! The new mortgage equates near enough to the new boiler.
    I,like 75% of landlords, own 1 property and my total income in retirement is less than £30K.
    If I sell and invest the equity after the mortgage is paid off I will make more money at 5-6% now available than continuing to be a landlord,the only business that is taxed on total revenue RATHER THAN PROFIT. I won't do that because I will make a very happy tenant HOMELESS.
    Since I have owned the house (2012) it has only increased in value by £45K approx and now probably dwindling.
    Guess what, I'm not unique, there are THOUSANDS of landlords like me who are in the significant majority and provide a much needed SERVICE at a reasonable cost to the client.
    I don't expect you to reply but I'll still get vitriol from your target audience,of which I am one, on other issues.

    • @llblumire
      @llblumire 7 месяцев назад +1

      You made an investment and are losing money. It can happen on all investments. You have no right to profit.

    • @redhouseclose
      @redhouseclose 7 месяцев назад

      So you never spend money at a business that makes a profit- like shoes, make-up,food,clothes,heating,petrol,holidays.When did you comment on them?

    • @maxpowers6791
      @maxpowers6791 7 месяцев назад

      Landlords hide behind the "It's a valuable service" and "I'm spending my money on repairs" defence ad naseum. The facts are simple, there is a housing stock shortage and Landlords are coming in to make easy income. Yes the goverment needs to build more houses, curb inflation, then focus on regulating Landlords, but where is the humanity? Why reduce the housing stock by exploiting someone else? Keeping them trapped in a renting cycle so that they pay for your tacky holiday to Benidorm.

  • @royloveday4350
    @royloveday4350 7 месяцев назад

    Why buy 1 house when you could buy 10 then rent 9 and live in 1. That is a rock solid business proposal that any idiot could undertake and anyone with money to lend shouldn't need to think about twice. I have a reliable track record and a GCSE in maths so any sensible bank ought be throwing money at me. Why is such a proposal considered lunacy? Because it would collapse the narrative.

  • @thintomify
    @thintomify 7 месяцев назад

    Council tax + Income tax + mortgage (x25 years) = Gain

  • @jezlawrence720
    @jezlawrence720 7 месяцев назад

    I got v lucky and got my house when it was only 35k. Its worth about 100k now.
    ...thats actually not enough to sell and then trade up, even though ive now paid that mortgage off 22 yrs later. Because the houses that were worth 50k i.e. next rung of the alleged ladder up, are now 300k so id need a 200k mortgage with only 15 years of working life left. And the rung after that? Houses that were worth 70k? Add another 1-200k on. The higher up you go, the bigger the jump between rungs has got. My salary has probably doubled since i was 25. But house prices have easily quadrupled.
    Im not claiming im unfortunate oh woe is me. Im clearly extremely fortunwte and its purely about an accident of timing of my birth in the late 70s, nothing ive cleverly done myself.
    Im pointing out that its so bad that the whole thing is now basically gridlocked on the first 1-3 rungs. You can move around or down, but not up, and if youre not on the ladder at all ypu need rocket boots just to get your hands on the first rung.
    I.e. its very very bad, and its actually spreading upwards. This is what functioning wealth distribution does not look like.
    Whats sad is that the tripling of house prices occurred between 2001 and 2006. Slap bang in the middle of new labour. Its got worse since then, but not by as much, proportionately - theyve probably "only" doubled since 2007/8 ish. Tories have failed to fix what labour encouraged, based on what the tories started with right to buy.
    We have got to stop voting for the two status quo parties!

  • @brianlauria
    @brianlauria 7 месяцев назад


    • @maxpowers6791
      @maxpowers6791 7 месяцев назад

      You're wrong. Labour WILL build, they are being sensible by not promising nonsense that cant be delivered. Unlike Tories.

  • @nunyabidness3075
    @nunyabidness3075 7 месяцев назад

    It’s mostly the transfer from the young to the old. Try getting a proper wage job when your my age, infant. You can get experience, but how does someone like me lose it? Seriously, I was told I knew too much and no one would hire me.
    If you had actually lived on the planet for more than two minutes, you’d realize the competition for GOOD tenants is actually very competitive. If you want to deal with slobs and deadbeats, it’s much easier. I sold my rental property. Wasn’t worth it.
    At any rate. Population is falling, yet there’s not enough homes. I suppose that’s landlords not government.

  • @Qlair2632
    @Qlair2632 7 месяцев назад +6

    If the hatred on landlords continues the problem will only get worse. If landlords leave and no one steps in to replace the service the provided, life will only get worse for tenants. A free and profitable market is the only way to have high standards - not through punitive tax and regulation

    • @jodders619
      @jodders619 7 месяцев назад +1

      Or just build social housing so people can escape the banditry of private andlords

  • @adodgygeeza
    @adodgygeeza 7 месяцев назад

    Can't believe for a second that you are advocating stamp duty rises. It's a massive tax on moving home and down sizing. Both things that help the housing crisis. A land value tax would make much more sense. That and building more homes and having more of them built in transit orientated development

  • @charlespirate1
    @charlespirate1 7 месяцев назад

    Extend right to buy to private rentals.

    • @TheSageOne-df1uv
      @TheSageOne-df1uv 7 месяцев назад

      Good idea, that’ll reduce the supply of rental properties to zero.

  • @coopsnz1
    @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

    if my business debt goes up becasuse of government greed you pay more a consumer

  • @nrmleigh
    @nrmleigh 7 месяцев назад

    Landlords are well represented in Parliament because I think 75% of them are landlords.

  • @justjackman
    @justjackman 7 месяцев назад

    The only solution is to build a lot more houses

  • @morganevans4121
    @morganevans4121 7 месяцев назад

    I believe only UK residents should be allowed to own residential property in the UK and then only 1 per adult. No corporate landlords and only not-for-profit housing associations being allowed to own multiple properties for social housing.

    • @anonomous8719
      @anonomous8719 7 месяцев назад +1

      Policy of envy - if you can afford a second home buy one.

    • @morganevans4121
      @morganevans4121 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@anonomous8719 Policy of Equity - Nobody needs a second home especially when they is a shortage.

    • @stephenconway2468
      @stephenconway2468 7 месяцев назад

      To a degree, I support your idea. There will always be the retiree to Spain case.

    • @jonathanhurst980
      @jonathanhurst980 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@anonomous8719 policy of stupidity why have empty homes 75% of the year whilst there are homeless people! Also second 'holiday' homes have killed local economies in cornwall
      If your rich enough to afford a second home you cab afford a hotel

    • @stephenconway2468
      @stephenconway2468 7 месяцев назад

      @@morganevans4121 No one needs a second home, but when people should have a pension. A lot of people are outside the normal pension schemes and have investments to fund their old age. Houses (bricks and mortar) were always what people considered to be good investments. Then we have so many where the parents have passed on and the child has a place. Do they sell?

  • @Nexus804
    @Nexus804 7 месяцев назад

    Why would you punish people for their house increasing in value? W
    No one should want a 100% loan. They were stupid when our parents did them and they are stupid now. Gov backed or otherwise. When the market dips, be values fall and rates go up, your a prisoner because you owe money to sell and you can't afford your payments.
    The answer here is not access to borrowing. We need to tone down access to borrowing. The idea that paying your rent should qualify you for a loan is shortsighted. The reason for the income assessment requirement to borrow money on property is because of the 2008 crash.
    When you default on your rent for whatever reason there is no real implication beyond eviction. If you default on your mortgage the bank repossesses your home, you have no access to any retail lending again for years, because no one will go near you.
    The only way this is solved is with huge scale building of affordable housing with expansion of state owned council housing while reducing the private rental sector which is the main driver is huge price inflation.
    We need more homes worth less money. Borrowing more is not a solution, and gov loans aren't a solution either. In the end, the rich guy still gets all his cash, where the poor guy gets all the debt

  • @chrisshaw5709
    @chrisshaw5709 7 месяцев назад

    Why have you stopped talking about XL Bullys?
    When I was a kid I had a recurring nightmare where a giant bulldog type dog chased me through an outdoor maze of maize. I couldn’t escape, this happened night after night for years.
    It’s only now that I realise the dog was in fact an XL Bully.
    It has been years since I had this dream but it haunts me still, much the same as I’m sure it haunts many other innocent children with the same dreamworld experiences.
    If we’re not safe in our dreams, where are we safe?? This needs to stop.

  • @darkforest4891
    @darkforest4891 7 месяцев назад

    Yay, we only have to outlive our parents. Let's hope our generations life expectancy doesn't get dramatically worse for mysterious reasons.

  • @user-zo6mh8gn3f
    @user-zo6mh8gn3f 7 месяцев назад

    The majority of landlords vote tory, that's why

  • @allergy5634
    @allergy5634 7 месяцев назад

    Got some angry landlords in the comments

  • @rhysholdaway
    @rhysholdaway 7 месяцев назад +7

    I'm a landlord and I actually agree with this. Properties I rent are largely to those on housing benefits. It's a function I provide that's just making up for the lack of council housing.

    • @stephenconway2468
      @stephenconway2468 7 месяцев назад +1

      I agree. That is where you end up being a privatized social service and not just a landlord.

    • @chrishughes3405
      @chrishughes3405 7 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for having empathy and not being greedy. Wishing you good fortunes and success. That is not sarcasm in case it looks that way, I am given hope hearing your words.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      more people will lose there homes under socialism

  • @arcadealchemist
    @arcadealchemist 7 месяцев назад

    landlord is just another term for Slave keeper.
    because they Make profits from your labour and it's been only recently that changes have been made
    how many years do you think people have gotten away with poor retnal and huge prices because of migrant floods along with avoiding taxes and not paying moragages or scamming etc.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      The government the problem they steal 50% from landlord

  • @colinhowarth
    @colinhowarth 7 месяцев назад

    gove has plans for him, he wants a cut from all landlords, sorry tories

  • @mango4ttwo635
    @mango4ttwo635 7 месяцев назад


  • @zog317
    @zog317 7 месяцев назад

    The housing crisis will drag on for decades. There will be no notable increase in social housing builds - the bond markets will veto it.
    Fiddling with planning like Labour proposes will fail miserably - if a few tweaks on regulation could solve the problem the Tories would have done it.
    If you can't stand the state of housing in the UK you should emigrate because it wont get better until the population crashes for some reason.

  • @lesmarsden2058
    @lesmarsden2058 7 месяцев назад

    The phrase ‘affordable housing’ is designed to mislead. A new build property deemed ‘affordable’ is merely a bit less expensive than other houses on the estate. It is still only affordable to a small minority of people. The term should be scrapped.

  • @EggBastion
    @EggBastion 7 месяцев назад

    _"...way too ambitious even for a Labour government..."_
    what, like _anything at all?_

  • @kquat7899
    @kquat7899 7 месяцев назад

    Landlords are tories.

  • @Daisy-tl2lh
    @Daisy-tl2lh 7 месяцев назад

    why are renters influnceing the Renters Reform Bill you may ask!!

  • @Stuboy
    @Stuboy 7 месяцев назад

    If you want to understand any ideology learn who profits from it

  • @Durzel
    @Durzel 7 месяцев назад

    The problem is that the system is so rotten that a big house price crash, necessary as it is, would cripple people who aren’t landlords as well, so it “can’t” happen.
    The argument that landlords provide a necessary service for people who can’t get the credit to buy a house themselves is predicated on the logic that houses should cost 15-20x someone’s income. If house prices were reasonable, in line with salaries, then more people could buy them.

    • @coopsnz1
      @coopsnz1 7 месяцев назад

      if taxes were less more people would own moron

  • @jpofgwynedd3878
    @jpofgwynedd3878 7 месяцев назад +2

    One ridiculous thing I've heard about and seen is people getting mortgages to buy houses for rent... so the tenant then pays that mortgage... THAT, I think, is MADNESS. In theory, I don't have a problem with people getting a mortgage for a place to live in themselves or having the ready money to buy outright - or even to buy a place outright to rent out.
    What I very much have a problem with is the language which has been used for the last 50 years on this subject.
    I own my own home.
    It consists of my clothes and personal possessions and my furniture.
    I keep that home in a flat that I rent.
    There is SUCH a difference between what a HOME is and what a HOUSE (flat/apartment/bungalow, etc) is.
    Even YOU fell into that tiny linguistic trap at around the 8 minute mark - "...at the average age that someone can own a home..." YOU MEAN MORTGAGE A HOUSE (ETC). So long as you have belongings, THEY form what your home is. I honestly believe we need to rephrase the conversation to take it into a different perspective: in short, stop conflating/confusing 'home' with 'house'.
    I'd like the whole 'housing market' to be so that I have a choice: shall I mortgage to 'buy' a building or shall I rent a place?
    Alas, I'm either one of the clearest thinkers on the planet or howling at the moon; I know it ain't gonna happen.

    • @powderandpaint14
      @powderandpaint14 7 месяцев назад

      That's a very common thing, hence the buy to let mortgages.

    • @Dphunks
      @Dphunks 7 месяцев назад +1

      If you think the rent money is enough to pay the mortgage, what's then stopping the renter's to buy a house?

    • @powderandpaint14
      @powderandpaint14 7 месяцев назад

      @@Dphunks saving for the massive deposit.

    • @DJWESG1
      @DJWESG1 7 месяцев назад

      Can be defined as debt servitude

    • @DJWESG1
      @DJWESG1 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@Fananabelgica our credit system is used to disempower some ppl and empower others.

  • @davidroseitg
    @davidroseitg 7 месяцев назад

    Blaming landlords for the lack of wage inflation that results in lack of home ownership seems crazy. I agree with capital housing. I also think people should be come small landlords easily to provide stock, there should just be incentive to sell to Tennant's that increase over time.