This was attempted with Huw Edwards , if you remember. The name was withheld, causing the whole country to speculate, often wrongly, who it was. It should be anon and with normal people it usually is...but with celebs it doesn't work. One of the drawbacks of fame.
I agree but then Saville would never have got caught. Because you only get people to come forward if you publicize it. They should just assume he is innocent but say he is being investigated. For a public figure I think that;s fair
Ava strikes me as a dangerous woman. She'd be the type to take something innocent that someone had said or done and turn it in a way to stab them in the back to get them fired or worse. Avoid avoid avoid.
Miraculous how "4 different women, none of whom apparently knew each other" after many years all decided to share their allegations with journalists at the same time.
The lady in the middle would rather twenty innocent men go to jail than one guilty man go free. I've never been this disgusted by a human being in my entire life.
I don't think this is true at all. She accepted Piers initial statement that blind "belief" isn't required, but respect and dignity. She is also acknowledging the fucked up police system that women who have just been through a life changing trauma do not want to put themselves through. She also acknowledged that naming victims puts them under even more duress and there's a significant financial inequality when one is accusing a celebrity.
As a rape survivor….. I have compassion for the women. But if we aren’t pointing women to report, nothing will change. But there are millions, yes, I said it, millions of women who will accuse a man of rape simply because she is angry or regretful, and it’s simply not fair
Firstly, I am so sorry to hear your story. It truly is a horrific crime. I really respect that you still see things in a balanced way though. As you say, the reality is that some stories will be true, and others not so. That's just the way it is. I absolutley believe that anyone claiming they have been raped or abused should be treated with kindness, dignity and empathy, but just flat our believing everyone by default seems like madness to me. I dated a narcarsist, and until meeting her I had no idea just how manipulative people can be! Fortunatley she never accused me of anything, but she lied about a lot and when I found things out I couldn't believe how easily she had deceived me. I hope you're healing from your terrible ordeal and sending my love to you and your family xXx
I agree with you, my ex fiance was ploting to frame me with raping her after i break up with her because she cheated on me, if i didn't haved evidence about her ploting it with ger friend i would get jail time for atleast 7 years
It's hard to turn immediately into action when you are traumatized or a minor and don't know how to process what happened to you.. hence why accusers often come out later.. and by then they know nothing will be done to bring justice Predators often prey on the young and vulnerable for this reason.. they know they will be easy victims
I hope Ava Santina gets falsely accused of a crime. Maybe then she'll understand the importance of due process and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
The law has presumed innocence until proven guilty. He's not in jail, is he? That concept has nothing to do with whether randomers believe he's guilty or not.
@@Smarterthanyew nobody has said he is. But there is a real willing to believe he is guilty before due process has been followed here. if he's done what he's been accused of he should of course face the consequences, but only after this has been properly investigated and tried in court based on facts. Not just because of a TV show and some accusations. Many people have already made up their minds and his life has been hugely affected so saying it's just what some randomers believe here isn't true. Piers listed at the start already book deal shelved, tour postponed, dropped by management with most likely more to come and lots of abuse as well.
@@25johnlowe there isn't s 'real willingness' to believe he is guilty. There are far more people online commenting that he is innocent than guilty. Organisations are being prudent and pausing their associations with him due to the seriousness and plausibility of the accusations. If he's eventually found innocent, they'll be apologetic and amenable to him it's all plain and sensible and measured. The idea he's being vilified by everyone is bollox, there is a clear split. Spotify haven't removed content, for example. Why are people trying to push the notion he's being vilified by all? THAT is more the agenda. People saying we're stupid to trust the mainstream media unquestioningly, need to consider why they are unquestioningly believing Brand. Its the lack of thinking part that is the problem, not who any individual believes. He had an army of unthinking people backing him up, ironically calling others idiots for blindly trusting the press, rather than what? Blindly trusting him? The self-confessed sex addict who was predatory and inappropriate loudly and publicly and revelled in it, even commenting on how he couldn't believe what he could get away with so long as money was being made out of him?
I bet she's tremendous fun in a relationship too, when you have to sign 'Coitus Permission' forms in triplicate to make sure she doesn't go to the press in ten years time to report a spontaneous consensual encounter as assault because she's bitter about the fact that she's been living alone with her cats ever since you left due to her unbearable personality.
Appeals to populism are the basis of Authoritarian Communism KKKomrade You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
Can we believe Brands own texts?? Because it is something his defenders are ignoring he apologizes profusely and when a woman says he raped her says you are nothing but a lovely person im so sorry. So would you Pierce and anyone call a woman who FALSELY accused you of rape nothing but a lovely person?? WOULD YOU? Later this woman on THAT DAY visited a rape crisis center and herself tested etc. Answer me this ..would YOU call someone who accused YOU of rape a lovely person? Would you apologize to them??
@silverkitty2503 then they need to go to the police not a journalist 10 yrs later. Why would you sit silent and allow this to happen to other women ?? That makes you an accessory to the crime. You stood by and did nothing. Brand deserves his day in court and if found guilty he deserves whatever punishment he gets and damned be the women who allowed him to run free and harm other women. Good looking out for your sisters.
Defending a grown ass man having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old child makes you look as horrible as Brand is. In my country it is called pedophilia.
@@susanelrawi7080 Its perfectly legal to go to a journalist to go public on your rapist law is against it. No it doesn't legally make you an accessory to the crime. Now YOU are doing what you accuse them of which is trial by opinion. It is NOT a crime to not go to the police if you are raped also not a crime to go public and accuse your rapist of rape in public. Answer me THIS would YOU if a woman sent you a text saying you raped me do i need to get tested text back 'im so sorry you are nothing but a lovely person??' make it make sense. The only way you could believe brand is if you are a rapist yourself and have raped women or in YOUR mind had sex with them even after they verbally said no.
yep, she doesn´t know the definition of allegations or doesn´t care. She just wants to convict him so she probably doesn´t care. Seeing the expressions on her face was very comical.
First of all, all of the accusers are anonymous. Second of all, the woman in the recorded interview was a hired actress by the news organization and not the actual source called victim. And last but not least, as a former female police officer in the Atlanta area who responded to several rape reports it saddens me to say that over five years only one complainant turned out to be telling the truth. The remainder of the complainants turned out to be women scorned. That’s just my experience and as a woman it truly saddened me.
A friend of mine was accused of rape, it destroyed his life. He was later proven to be innocent, but that was only proven a few weeks after he committed suicide. so i have a real problem with of announcing these accusations to the world.
Whoever accused your friend should, at the very least, be sitting in jail for a LONG time. Their actions caused this - a life for a life. Damn that person to hell. The trouble is that it wouldn't bring your friend back, but my gosh they should do jail time for what they did, this infuriates me so much. I'm so, so very sorry about your friend. 💔
@@randomnesspersonified It's my understanding that nothing happened to her as the charge was for wasting police time which is classed as a summary offence and they have 6 months to pursue Not from when they discover it to be false but from the time of the original claim. It also turns out that she wasn't charged for perverting the course of justice because although my friend was arrested but not remanded into custody it did not meet the criteria. I may be wrong but I believe that is what happened.
@@Carwyn.Morris It just seems so wrong that she basically, in my humble opinion, got away with murder. Because, but for her, your friend would surely still be here - how can it be right that she walks away with no consequences. I hope she rots in hell, the cow.
She's evil she is a disgusting human being. This is probably another Amber Heard scenario. In my opinion, humanity is disgusting in 2023, and a meteorite is needed to cleanse us from this filth. Brand is obviously innocent, but a lot in the world now can not handle a little fun, sad world
her takes are so whack every single interview. idk why they give her so much airtime. imo she represents the closed minded, blinded by their own agenda delusional population.
and you see nothing wrong with his behavior and what he said? are you aware that Daniel Sloss confirmed his recurrent behavior ? or that he lost all of his jobs because of his behavior ?
omg, Ava said "why would you come on the program to defend someone you don't really know?" ... While she is defending someone whose name she doesn't even know because the accuser is anonymous.
Did they forget about jonny depp being accused of horrendous acts , later proven innocent and at the same time amber walking out of this with no remorse and jail time.
I knew a young boy who killed himself due to lies that he raped someone!!....He didn't!!! ....Absolutely disgusting they name the Accused before being found guilty/not guilty!!!
We had a case in our family, girl made accusation had the male arrested but wouldn't sign her police statement or be examined, almost ruined many lives turned out she had a history of making false accusations 😢
Russell tells the truth about big pharma and the powers that be, then these allegations suddenly hit the mainstream media? How many times have we seen this happen in recent years? Russell put his cards on the table for all to see ten years ago about his sex addiction and him needing professional help. These women would have jumped on the bandwagon way back then. This is a hit job plain and simple!
And out of thousands of women who allegedly slept with him, they only found a tiny handful who were prepared to make accusations. I don't know if he's guilty or not, but this all stinks of a deliberate campaign to shut him down, rather than a search for justice. Be interesting to see if any charges are brought or stick, but the damage will already have been done.
Accusers absolutely should not just automatically be believed, Amber Turd is one prime example as to why! I don't even think names of famous people should be released unless actually proven guilty. RB is being punished left n right with zero evidence or charges against him :( Completely unfair!
You're being driven by feelings, not facts here. You're taking a position influenced by your opinion of her, not by the accusations, as provided, in detail, by the accusers in the articles & Dispatches programme.
@@silvergirl2847 that literally only applies to a legal/criminal scenario. A not guilty verdict, is not a verdict of innocence. The jury is driven to determine on the basis of assumption of innocence, until guilt is proven. Innocence is frequently impossible to prove. Innocence assumed until proven guilty has no place within the public realm. You can choose to believe him, or believe them, you hold no power other than to take a side. You cannot criminalise someone, you cannot remove any rights from someone, because you do not wield such power. What you can do, is choose to no longer be friends or a fan of that someone. Nothing wrong with that, people do it all the time.
Ava resorts to insults every time because her arguments are so weak. And she's very happy to talk over other panelists but hates it when it's done to her.
I worked as a teacher at Visitacion Valley Middle School in the early 2010's which was and probably still is the most underprivileged middle school in San Francisco. The school had a meditation program that was developed by our principal at the time who was an incredible person and had recently received the US middle school principal of the year award. Russel came to the school more than once to help promote the very unique meditation program at this school. He was a completely selfless guy that had a huge impact on the kids at this school. He even sat and watched a middle school basketball game on campus. With many slandering him currently I’d just like to say that I walked away from my interactions with him thinking he was a great human.
So if you have irefuteable evidence that a person committed a crime(s) you would still claim they are Innocent right up to the point of saying in court of law 'They have been found guilty' You can't possible say it in advance and just presume innocence no matter what? How if that any different than presuming Guilt with no evidence whatsoever? Al Capone argument of "You've got nothing on me" much?
The scariest part of this debate is Ava Santina putting forward the argument that having people's reputations destroyed, potentially without reason, in order to help girls feel comfortable enough to come forward anonymously with these kinds of criminal accusations that can likely be neither proven or disproven. The possible innocence of the men involved is completely irrelevant to her.
shortsighted too. as such a system, if seen to be effective again and again, would soon be used by every woman with a bone to pick. Eventually accusation-justice would just become a completely devalued currency, and society would just increasingly ignore the innumerable cases. Thats after a brief period of out-doing one another. He has 10 accusers, but nevermind him, my target has 20 so look at mine. I have 40, ignore them both, give me the attention.
It's obvious that he's being attacked. We all knew something was coming because of the truths he speaks. Only media hate him because he makes them look stupid.
I don't really like Russel much cause of many of his opinions and what and who he support. Something like this don't belong in the media but today that's were women put it cause its easier than doing it the right way if it's even true. And coming up with it so late, why now?? And lets jump on the wagon maybe he pays me to be silent?? The whole thing is weired..... But everyone knows how easy it is to break down a man today. And the innocent until proven guilty is gone today for men !! Even if this goes to a trial now hes ruined and they get a slap on the hand. Metoo has taken so many innocent being used to get their own career. I've seen before what sort of revenge that lives in women, social media and the tabloids.. Everything for a story!! The real offenders get away cause of money or because the women is commoners. I swear i don't get how any man can feel safe anymore..
Piers says the conspiracy 'theory' is ludicrous as it unfolds precisely as a coordinated assassination. No thanks. Russell Brand rolled them on the Bill Maher show and they have responded.
I've been a feminist for 50+ years, a recovering alcoholic for 40 years. When drinking, I went through periods of extreme promiscuity and sexual experimentation. I was "date raped". And I am mystified by these claims against Brand being labelled "shocking" or even "serious". When high, I'm not at all surprised someone with Brand's publicly admitted background would be accused of sexual misconduct. But I also feel the women who got themselves in a position to feel sexually overwhelmed or taken advantage of are either very naive or simply dishonest. Men are expected to be aggressive. Did these women think they were having a relationship with him? Why were they in a position to be sexual intimate with him? There's usually a lot of lead up to these kinds of accusations and women need to be responsible for allowing sexual behavior in the first place with someone they barely know. Women need to be stronger and more grown up or even just exhibit common sense. Don't get into a sexual situation with a celebrity who is high. It doesn't take a lot of wisdom to realize that if you don't set your own limits, it's to be expected that men will take advantage of your weakness. It doesn't make them a rapist or justify legal action. I just don't get why people are over reacting to these claims.
I've lost faith in the media, the government, big tech, big pharma, big business, NATO, NASA, Hollywood, Sports Associations, the Church, etc. Is their anyone left we can trust.
If you go to the MEDIA rather than the POLICE, anonymity should not be on the table at all. You want to be anonymous go to the POLICE. You want MEDIA coverage, say who you are.
That's men's ENTIRE argument! We all know is BS when you run to the media, especially when the accused is part of it and talking against the media. I've never been a Russell Brand fan by any stretch at all, but when did "free and independent media" become the abortrator of the legal system. They should absolutely make known who these accusers are if they seek any credibility! I don't even want to go into you tube and his management dropping him! It's absolutely ridiculous at how the left and the progressives have weaponized our institutions and social media platforms against humanity! This makes all women look terrible, I don't know how women keep voting these people it's astounding!
Controversial opinion here. If Russel brand is actually guilty with evidence (DNA, Video camera evidence) fine jail and take his name through the mud like the BBC. However, if it’s not guilty and this is a smear campaign by the BBC or former “lovers” or partners etc. I want those people smeared and sent to jail.
I half agree - but you often need a lot of people to come forward. Let's say the allegations are real - then you get a ton of fans automatically shouting you down. Ultimately the courts will decide the truth of the allegations and I know journalists say they have seen texts from Brand confirming at least some of what they say. Yes they could be still be lying and misrepresenting - so it is true that Brand should be assumed innocent until proven otherwise
It's always a dumb idea cause of random people with pitchforks unless u already have similar wealth and fame anyway, but even then it would be silly, random people can be the most insane of all
not sure about that i met a lady like her last year she need a taxi and friends to take her home i doubt she woke up before 12 pm any day of the week including this lady
Am I the only one who finds Ava’s attitude utterly exasperating. She is so immersed in her feminist miasma that she can’t see the terrible unfairness of the whole situation. Then those “Believe all women “ zealots are surprised when men avoid these toxic females entirely.
You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
She cries about how awful it would've been if the women accusers were named but refuses ti acknowledge how awful this must be for brand and his family from being named and dragged threw mud
Forgetting the fact that he had just started speaking out about the truth of certain things in our society. This is the reason they chose now to bring him down. This is strictly an effort to silence a truther.
He didn't just start speaking the truth, he literally did a show called 'Trews' (True News) a decade ago. The reason they are going after him now is because he is finally getting a lot of traction with the points he makes because people are finally waking up to the massive corruption of the worlds systems.
Defamation is a civil matter, not a criminal one. If they file a police report that is proven to be false, they could be arrested and convicted of filing a false report, a misdemeanor. What they are doing is only criminal if they get the police involved.
It’s more like a complaint than a crime,they all willingly met him and did things with him knowing exactly the type of guy he is. It’s definitely a hit job,funny how the media loved him a during his heyday and now he’s exposing their lies and government lies they’ve dug up a few girls out of a thousand. Kim iverson has a great breakdown of this .
"Why have you come on a programme to defend someone you don't know..." There in lies the problem. It's not the person she's defending, it's the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty,' which is greater than any individual.
i totaly agree . iv been accused myself as she did it for attention and has done it many more times since to other men and although the police know she is lieing they still have to investigate the men but nothing has ever happened to her for lieing not even a telling off
I was accused by an ex girlfriend of beating her. No evidence, no witnesses, nothing. Just did it to cover her tracks for cheating on me.Massive liar and fantasist. She now works as a judge...
If a man ever slept with Ava they should be looking over their shoulder for their entire lives. She could accuse you of anything. Terrifying woman absolutely terrifying
She labelled Serena Williams "uncontrolled" when she became frustrated during a tennis match but she thinks it's OK to scream in Esther's face at the top of her voice during a debate. Pot/kettle.
It is scary to think that some people would like us to return to the way justice was ordained in the Middle Ages, where you could be branded a heretic with no evidence required.
As a 35 yr old woman, Ava is not someone i would wanna be friends with. She can be very cruel when it comes to judging others esp men based on no proof. Shes dangerously full of hatred against men.
Sadly this has become a mental virus amongst young western girls and it’s causing them worst harm than men. They have to live with their unfounded hate in their bodies which destroys them like poison
I agree i have seen enough of her in debates to know i really really dont like her. She is not balanced in any of her views. She appears to be all for women at one point but then on the other she agrees that men can be in womens spaces. I find her spiteful and vile
fair point, but when it comes to women's allegations of assault and rape from men, the percent of false reports (from FBI statistics in the US) is around 2-5%. that's false reports. meaning...that about 95% of women who accuse a man of rape or sexual assault, are RIGHT. i'm not saying brand is a rapist...yet. but the odds are not in his favor.
@porter9494that is the point.... innocent until proven guilty is how everyone should think or you are an idiot to jump to a conclusion when you know next to nothing...
Russell is a comedian and an actor. I've seen over the years of his career with his looks and flirtatious nature, people have kind of created a "Brand" for his public character as being a very flirtatious Casanova, which he plays up when ever the camera is on and does well. As any performer would. I have no doubt he's different when the camera's are off. Personaly I think the sad thing is, with all this crap that we can't say or do anything without the fear being shot down or persecuted, it's no wonder most men are nervous to even say or do anything. A very sad world we live in.
@@missmandy2049 Trump had to pay 5 million for sexual assault and defamation. He's already found guilty. Trump claimed he didn't know her at all, but there were pictures.
I'm very impressed by the lady in blue remaining objective and logical despite her own personal experience of rape. Strong woman. The lady in the middle is ridiculous.
Like with Epstein? pretending your opinion is the goalpost is Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* _"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."_ George Orwell, 1984 _"Deny, Deflect, Disinform"_ Roger Stone
@@Uncanny_MountainFalse equivalent. He was tried and charged and found guilty. At this point Russel hasn't been through due process. How do you know the allegations are true without due process and elimination or verification of the evidence?
they dont go to the police because if they go to court, they dont have evidence and will be charged back with false accusation. while accusing on social media is easy no evidence needed, just believe all women and get the accused deplatform, without any need to investigate, guilty until proven otherwise
Ava is infuriatingly stupid and stubborn. She never understands what the issue is about and her emotions always come first. She is a Narcissistic brainwashed plonker
You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
I was working in my pub, and one of the regulars asked me what I thought of this whole situation as a woman. And I just said "I don't think his name should have ever been put in the media without an actual conviction." If it was taken to police and ignored, which does happen, then I would kinda understand. But there wasn't a report filed either back then when it allegedly happened or before the media was alerted about it. It's a slippery slope to have someone's name announced to the public for a crime as serious as rape without any sort of evidence or court filing.
I rarely agree with Mr Morgan but I agree with him 100% here! The public, main stream media seem to be all one sided! How can you believe the women 100% and not Russell Brand? How can you say he’s automatically guilty! It’s ridiculous!! The woman in the middle is EXACTLY what’s wrong with this world!!
She's the one who thinks it's OK for trans women ( ie men using woman face) to use women's bathrooms isn't she. Bonkers . Disregard everything she says after this for me 😂
It's all emotional thinking. The default position is to be neutral and therefore to reject the women's assertions. That however doesn't imply you think their assertions are false, merely that you reject their positive claims until they meet their burden of proof. In terms of that, that would be decided in court where evidence is cross examined and the facts scrutinised. The automatic claim acceptance of any side in this is problematic. Too many people are willing to throw out due process, presumption of innocence and other legal principles in favour of medieval mob justice.
The same thing happened to Alex Salmond, Scotland's former First Minister! He was fitted up on 13 charges, including 2 of attempted rape. They were ALL thrown out, and the two women bringing the most serious charges were found to have committed perjury, yet ALL the women still to this day retain their anonymity. Even after he was cleared, his successor at the head of the Scottish government continued to call his reputation into question, when she was the one who had orchestrated the whole thing in the first place!
Having a media campaign and television show supporting your claims before going to the police should land them in trouble. A right to a fair trial goes out the window.
That's the truth. Someone today on a channel I view said something that gave me pause for thought. The MSM is struggling to get viewers and clicks online that affects the money coming from ads. A story like this brings people to view the MSM channels and buy papers which increased their revenue. Many people now get their news and opinions from other sources because they no longer trust the MSM, and they don't like this. Avid Gardner was the source of this and she put out a video because she's angry that many content providers are being shut down and says she'll probably be next in line . She's also angry that these women are anonymous but who they accuse isn't, I saw also a video debunking the texts that were meant go be about an apology for R when in fact it was about not wearing protection, that umbrella guy is the source. I have to separate the name because RUclips will delete my comment
I was held at knifepoint in an attempted r@pe. I managed to escape but was severely traumatised. Speaking to a detective, he told me that if they caught my attacker, and brought him to trial, his solicitor would attempt to tear my reputation apart. He needed to know that I would go ahead with the case. I had to think about that, but said I wanted to go to trial. He told me that many victims fear being in court with their abusers, in case their families or friends seek revenge. I had no skeletons in my cupboard, but I still had misgivings at times. It is really hard being a victim.
Kevin Spacy has lost his entire life, his money, his career and his friends - he has been cleared of all wrong doing in both USA and the UK - Not one single mainstream media source has mentioned this, yet they all judged him when the accusations happened @@looking4things669
Ah, she's a journalist. That explains her self-absorbed righteousness. In a 'profession' where Narcissism seems to be part of the job description, she certainly stands out.
My biggest concern about this trial by media is that those who interviewed Brand's alleged victims had an agenda. How much did the questioning lead the women to say what the newspaper and TV channel wanted them to say?
Ava is a pure narcissist, you can literally read her like a book. She's the type to falsely accuse so no wonder she's so passionately not listening to anybody else
@@wilco148 Or found her boring or said something tha triggered her. These types of people dont even have to know someone personally. They decide to hate simply by feeling insulted by something he said or did.
Well said Piers. And what about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? The exact same situation. Everyone cancelled Johnny based on media court, not actual facts.
tbh i know he had a bad past so anything is possible, but we all have pasts some rougher than others, he could of done it but if you don’t have the evidence to convict the murderer he’ll walk, if you don’t have the evidence for rape you’ll walk, i’ve been assaulted numerous times and have never done anything, it happens
@@HGCUPCAKESI don't even need to watch it. He doesn't have access to the evidence - phone texts etc.. Why would he even bother No one knows at the moment.
@georginabryan4772 Doesn't have to be 3 Brand supporters per se. But if you think he did it, offer some logical reasons for that belief, his addiction past etc. Can't really take someone seriously that just believes all women, regardless of the situation .
@@iancoughlan5One of the panel was not there to support RB, as she didn't know him, but she said it was wrong to accuse him without any evidence. But the one with the big mouth on the panel was having none of it, and had him guilty without any evidence.
"Follow the money" How much have they been paid for their story? If the women reported it to the Police first there would be zero monies made until it ran through the justice process.
How can any of these supposed victims take on a mega rich celeb in a court of law, they would have been far too scared….it went on back then and it is still going on today, mega money is power, end of.
@@Georgie-G58 All prosecution costs are covered by the State, it literally costs the accuser no money at all. In the UK the accused must pay for their own defence and do not get reimbursed even if found not guilty.
Consider the psychological damage these allegations have on Russell Brand as a vulnerable, recovered drug addict. If these allegations are false, then let us hope Russell does not relapse and become a fatal victim of public journalism and that which social media promulgates
hopefully his children will help him. He must be going through hell and they're going to drag this out to make sure most people will go against him. He's got too many rich & powerful peoples back up !!
If he's innocent,why the need for a super injunction in the first place? Why send texts for inappropriate behaviour where the victim had to emphasize no means no to someone who's innocent? I was a massive fan of Brand,but there's enough there to believe not only has he been deviant,he also knew it was coming hence the injunction plus the massive leap to alt right politics,as they will always believe conspiracy over facts.
If this was my daughter, my sister or myself, I'd have gone straight to hospital/doctor while I was on the phone with the police. The last thing I would think of, (if at all) at that time would be to go to the media in any way shape or form. I don't believe these accusers. Not at all
I wonder how many normal men have had horrible accusations made about them that were actually untruthful and have been inprisoned and then had their life ruined and God knows what horrible atrocities happened to them while inprisoned. We cannot as a society blindly believe either side without a thorough investigation, and their needs to be just as severe consequences such as inprisonment and for that person to have to be put on a list so that all their neighbors know what type of horrible person they are if anyone legally found lying about something like this.
Appeals to populism are the basis of Authoritarian Communism KKKomrade You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
Esther is so brilliant. You articulated my thoughts perfectly Esther. Many women have falsely accused men of rape. Let Brand be charged and go through a trial instead of court of public opinion.
I doubt VERY much that the women will even file charges. Same thing happened to a famous German rock singer this summer. Shill media and useless leftist politicians stoned him. But all charges were dropped because for some odd reasons the women only talked to the media but did not bother to file charges. Guess why.
I just find it funny one minute nobody has an issue with him yet as soon as he comes out and says something some people don't like then suddenly they go after him, what stopped these females from going to the police when it happened instead of waiting years and then saying something.
Brand casts doubt on the narrative - to 6 million people - they can’t tolerate that - so here we are . Ava hasn’t even got her facts straight about the accusations - dangerous and despicable.
If Ava can sit there and say the mainstream media hasn’t judged and found Brand guilty, then there is no point trying to have a sensible discussion with her.
That woman Ava is scary! She operates on pure emotion and sanctimony. Women like her cause lynchings and people being burned at the stake and blood feuds. Despite the severity of the accusations there needs to be calm and due process. What Ava proposes would facilitate lying.
Yep, when i see mob justice and self righteousness like that i always think of 1600s justice, mobs lynching and tearing accused people apart mindlessly. I see Ava in the crowd hurling rocks and fruit.
I think we should have a law that any "victim" must first go to the police before going to newspapers and if they want to speak to these papers first then they must also keep the person they are alleging to doing raping anonymous too. Going to newspapers to allege something series like this shows there is probably a sinister thing going on.
It's even more dangerous than that! It's trying to circumnavigate the legal process and the cornerstone of the justice system which is "innocent until proven guilty". She is a dangerous idiot.
This investigation took 4 years FOUR YEARS. how many people did they contact until they got a hit? How many years did it take to get the first hit? I saw a video of a person who had been contacted, she showed the messages from the journalist. When they called the woman and she relayed that her experience was positive the journalist said they wouldn't need her, it wasn't the narrative they were going for. They have gone looking for people who would accuse him. It's a big hit piece. I am really struggling with believing any of the accusers.
And yet the “fake victims” fail to realize that the very fact we are talking about this… should tell them by default they’ve already failed in the “agenda”
People apparently are over eager to believe the best in people, if they think Russel Brand is an innocuous and decent person, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary made public since the 1990s.
Anyone who in bad faith try’s to ruin you in court or your life should be publicly listed on their record. False accusations and lied to the public. And for people like ceos and governmental people should step down, resign, or apologize to him and everyone in public, and pay him for sabotaging his life & career and wasting everyone’s time. It’s to common and treated like the norm.
@@sarahharris2729to me it seems agenda against him and I duskike the guy I can't stand is high pitch voice but I will only believe once he is charged by the court but till then you should not presume that he is guilty.
What's more interesting is that its been years and we still don't have the Epstein list and the media is silent.
If the name Clinton is ever involved, nothing ever comes of it. No matter how much evidence there is.
I wanted to say the same....
same duckers going after him are the ones on that list actually
That because the list include royals and elitist nonces , and murderers.
The fact that this has all been handled through the media and not the police tells me everything I need to know.
good point, fact is brand is innocent until proven innocent period
Except 1% of rapistsare convicted in a court of law. He allegedly threatened to sue the girl in America who he allegedly sexually assaulted.
@@patrickgodin5778you meant innocent till proven guilty
@@emtaylor597you can't sue anyone and win without proof. Defeats the argument
One of them did go to the police the same day
This happened with Depp. When it turned out to be Amber Heard, all the accusers and Celebs, just vanished. No apologies....nothing.
Russell is one creepy dude. Innocent until proven guilty. Johnny Depp was one cool dude who was found totally innocent.
“Your opinion sucks on this”. Wow, what an intelligent and articulate young lady.
Willingly indoctrinated and brainwashed, or - possibly - disingenuous, all in the name of building a career.
Journalists are not judges , they have an agenda .
Yes, Me too movement and Women's rights over men's rights.
So do judges.
@@juliestanfield8433 In a blue pill bubble, you.
And Ava has an agenda to be the dumbest broad in existence
@aboutthemetal8783 So well said, thank you so much
Yes Ava, the key word is *allegation* God forbid this fanatical woman ever sits on a jury.
God forbid she ever speaks into my ears again surely, what a racket she makes!
Pure spite and fantasy as well, she's versed in nonsensology.
yep, she has him hanged already
It’s fair the women remain anonymous, but the accused should remain anonymous until proven guilty in a court of law. Simple.
They have been saying this for years and because the false accusers love playing with the victim card, they don't change it.
This was attempted with Huw Edwards , if you remember. The name was withheld, causing the whole country to speculate, often wrongly, who it was.
It should be anon and with normal people it usually is...but with celebs it doesn't work. One of the drawbacks of fame.
False accusations ruin many mens lives and the liars pay no price and in fact are rewarded for it. $$ Shameful
I agree but then Saville would never have got caught. Because you only get people to come forward if you publicize it. They should just assume he is innocent but say he is being investigated. For a public figure I think that;s fair
Ava strikes me as a dangerous woman. She'd be the type to take something innocent that someone had said or done and turn it in a way to stab them in the back to get them fired or worse. Avoid avoid avoid.
She’s a totally toxic thing! Why oh why is she on tv ?
Calling Ava a journalist is like calling fred west a nanny
I thought she was a racoon in the bins!
Bet she’s jealous that Russell never gave her a second look!
She is just an angry, post-wall misandrist.
Miraculous how "4 different women, none of whom apparently knew each other" after many years all decided to share their allegations with journalists at the same time.
I never really believed in miracles until these allegations started. Unbelievable!
yep its absurd. They searched for them obviously.
Well said....
Its not about Russell's politics' nah course not.
It couldn't be a targeted media attack because he's not going along whith the "narrative"
The lady in the middle would rather twenty innocent men go to jail than one guilty man go free. I've never been this disgusted by a human being in my entire life.
So you think Biden is great?
shes disgusting 🤢
100% she’s not bothered at all!
I don't think this is true at all. She accepted Piers initial statement that blind "belief" isn't required, but respect and dignity. She is also acknowledging the fucked up police system that women who have just been through a life changing trauma do not want to put themselves through. She also acknowledged that naming victims puts them under even more duress and there's a significant financial inequality when one is accusing a celebrity.
She is absolutely vile and clueless and dangerous. She should keep her mouth shut and educate herself. 🤦🏾♀️
As a rape survivor….. I have compassion for the women. But if we aren’t pointing women to report, nothing will change.
But there are millions, yes, I said it, millions of women who will accuse a man of rape simply because she is angry or regretful, and it’s simply not fair
Firstly, I am so sorry to hear your story. It truly is a horrific crime. I really respect that you still see things in a balanced way though. As you say, the reality is that some stories will be true, and others not so. That's just the way it is. I absolutley believe that anyone claiming they have been raped or abused should be treated with kindness, dignity and empathy, but just flat our believing everyone by default seems like madness to me. I dated a narcarsist, and until meeting her I had no idea just how manipulative people can be! Fortunatley she never accused me of anything, but she lied about a lot and when I found things out I couldn't believe how easily she had deceived me. I hope you're healing from your terrible ordeal and sending my love to you and your family xXx
I agree with you, my ex fiance was ploting to frame me with raping her after i break up with her because she cheated on me, if i didn't haved evidence about her ploting it with ger friend i would get jail time for atleast 7 years
"Not fair" is a bit light use of wording, but yeah
It's hard to turn immediately into action when you are traumatized or a minor and don't know how to process what happened to you.. hence why accusers often come out later.. and by then they know nothing will be done to bring justice
Predators often prey on the young and vulnerable for this reason.. they know they will be easy victims
Ppl are saying to report but it's not as simple as that..
I hope Ava Santina gets falsely accused of a crime. Maybe then she'll understand the importance of due process and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.
Yep pretty sure most would rather be raped than be falsy accused of something like this but white girl double standards rule society.
she's one of "them" so it wouldn't matter. she could rape toddlers and it wouldn't even make the news.
The law has presumed innocence until proven guilty. He's not in jail, is he? That concept has nothing to do with whether randomers believe he's guilty or not.
@@Smarterthanyew nobody has said he is. But there is a real willing to believe he is guilty before due process has been followed here. if he's done what he's been accused of he should of course face the consequences, but only after this has been properly investigated and tried in court based on facts.
Not just because of a TV show and some accusations. Many people have already made up their minds and his life has been hugely affected so saying it's just what some randomers believe here isn't true. Piers listed at the start already book deal shelved, tour postponed, dropped by management with most likely more to come and lots of abuse as well.
@@25johnlowe there isn't s 'real willingness' to believe he is guilty. There are far more people online commenting that he is innocent than guilty. Organisations are being prudent and pausing their associations with him due to the seriousness and plausibility of the accusations. If he's eventually found innocent, they'll be apologetic and amenable to him it's all plain and sensible and measured. The idea he's being vilified by everyone is bollox, there is a clear split. Spotify haven't removed content, for example. Why are people trying to push the notion he's being vilified by all? THAT is more the agenda.
People saying we're stupid to trust the mainstream media unquestioningly, need to consider why they are unquestioningly believing Brand. Its the lack of thinking part that is the problem, not who any individual believes. He had an army of unthinking people backing him up, ironically calling others idiots for blindly trusting the press, rather than what? Blindly trusting him? The self-confessed sex addict who was predatory and inappropriate loudly and publicly and revelled in it, even commenting on how he couldn't believe what he could get away with so long as money was being made out of him?
I think we have enough evidence here to accuse Ava of idiocy.
Call her a racist and she will be caught at her own game
Then it's decided. She must be an idiot cause someone accused her of being one. Q.E.D.
Great comment!
I bet she's tremendous fun in a relationship too, when you have to sign 'Coitus Permission' forms in triplicate to make sure she doesn't go to the press in ten years time to report a spontaneous consensual encounter as assault because she's bitter about the fact that she's been living alone with her cats ever since you left due to her unbearable personality.
She probably thinks most men are Beasts!
Ava is irrational. You cannot reason with her. Innocent until proven guilty is not a concept she understands
It’s called ignorance in its purest form
someone needs to tell her that not all men are rapists
one or two are not 😄
Unless it's a woman
Ava is dangerous and pure evil
Yes and am sure she would change her view rather quickly if she herself was accused all she is is a Hypocritical clown
Well played to the 2 women who actually have talked sense throughout, Ava you need to have a word with yourself
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Appeals to populism are the basis of Authoritarian Communism KKKomrade
You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls
It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
George Orwell
Exactly. I'm glad those women have spoken up about Brand.
Could this Ava be a misandrist by chance?
Russell Brand is inocent until proven guilty by a court of law not by the media.
Can we believe Brands own texts?? Because it is something his defenders are ignoring he apologizes profusely and when a woman says he raped her says you are nothing but a lovely person im so sorry. So would you Pierce and anyone call a woman who FALSELY accused you of rape nothing but a lovely person?? WOULD YOU? Later this woman on THAT DAY visited a rape crisis center and herself tested etc. Answer me this ..would YOU call someone who accused YOU of rape a lovely person? Would you apologize to them??
@silverkitty2503 then they need to go to the police not a journalist 10 yrs later. Why would you sit silent and allow this to happen to other women ?? That makes you an accessory to the crime. You stood by and did nothing. Brand deserves his day in court and if found guilty he deserves whatever punishment he gets and damned be the women who allowed him to run free and harm other women. Good looking out for your sisters.
Defending a grown ass man having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old child makes you look as horrible as Brand is. In my country it is called pedophilia.
@@susanelrawi7080 Its perfectly legal to go to a journalist to go public on your rapist law is against it. No it doesn't legally make you an accessory to the crime. Now YOU are doing what you accuse them of which is trial by opinion. It is NOT a crime to not go to the police if you are raped also not a crime to go public and accuse your rapist of rape in public. Answer me THIS would YOU if a woman sent you a text saying you raped me do i need to get tested text back 'im so sorry you are nothing but a lovely person??' make it make sense. The only way you could believe brand is if you are a rapist yourself and have raped women or in YOUR mind had sex with them even after they verbally said no.
And even then just because he's found guilty in a court of law does not mean he is guilty
The blonde has already convicted him!! Utter joke, doesn’t even acknowledge women could possibly be vindictive and false accusers
Well she thinks men can be and women and children can be animals ,that just shows you her deluded mentality
yep, she doesn´t know the definition of allegations or doesn´t care. She just wants to convict him so she probably doesn´t care.
Seeing the expressions on her face was very comical.
spot on
And she is very likley the type who would herself.
She's a man hater, we can see why she can't get along with a man or most other women
First of all, all of the accusers are anonymous. Second of all, the woman in the recorded interview was a hired actress by the news organization and not the actual source called victim. And last but not least, as a former female police officer in the Atlanta area who responded to several rape reports it saddens me to say that over five years only one complainant turned out to be telling the truth. The remainder of the complainants turned out to be women scorned. That’s just my experience and as a woman it truly saddened me.
A friend of mine was accused of rape, it destroyed his life. He was later proven to be innocent, but that was only proven a few weeks after he committed suicide.
so i have a real problem with of announcing these accusations to the world.
Sad to hear of your friend. It's a scary world.
Whoever accused your friend should, at the very least, be sitting in jail for a LONG time. Their actions caused this - a life for a life. Damn that person to hell. The trouble is that it wouldn't bring your friend back, but my gosh they should do jail time for what they did, this infuriates me so much. I'm so, so very sorry about your friend. 💔
Sorry for your loss
@@randomnesspersonified It's my understanding that nothing happened to her as the charge was for wasting police time which is classed as a summary offence and they have 6 months to pursue Not from when they discover it to be false but from the time of the original claim. It also turns out that she wasn't charged for perverting the course of justice because although my friend was arrested but not remanded into custody it did not meet the criteria. I may be wrong but I believe that is what happened.
@@Carwyn.Morris It just seems so wrong that she basically, in my humble opinion, got away with murder. Because, but for her, your friend would surely still be here - how can it be right that she walks away with no consequences. I hope she rots in hell, the cow.
Ava is an example of why people shouldn't be judged by media, people like her, are triggered with their own agenda and has already convicted Russell
She's evil she is a disgusting human being. This is probably another Amber Heard scenario. In my opinion, humanity is disgusting in 2023, and a meteorite is needed to cleanse us from this filth. Brand is obviously innocent, but a lot in the world now can not handle a little fun, sad world
her takes are so whack every single interview. idk why they give her so much airtime. imo she represents the closed minded, blinded by their own agenda delusional population.
And you know what? Back in Russell’s wild days, you can bet she would’ve lined up to be wooed by him.
Absolutely 100% !!@@EyeGodZA
and you see nothing wrong with his behavior and what he said? are you aware that Daniel Sloss confirmed his recurrent behavior ? or that he lost all of his jobs because of his behavior ?
omg, Ava said "why would you come on the program to defend someone you don't really know?" ... While she is defending someone whose name she doesn't even know because the accuser is anonymous.
Exactly, she irkred my damn nerve in this interview!
Ava Santina believes all men are potential rapists.
Friend of James O Brien, nuff said. 🤡
I see.
Also y is she on the show attacking someone she doesn't know at all! 😂
Did they forget about jonny depp being accused of horrendous acts , later proven innocent and at the same time amber walking out of this with no remorse and jail time.
I knew a young boy who killed himself due to lies that he raped someone!!....He didn't!!! ....Absolutely disgusting they name the Accused before being found guilty/not guilty!!!
poor boy... it happens a lot if the tuth be known
We had a case in our family, girl made accusation had the male arrested but wouldn't sign her police statement or be examined, almost ruined many lives turned out she had a history of making false accusations 😢
Russell tells the truth about big pharma and the powers that be, then these allegations suddenly hit the mainstream media? How many times have we seen this happen in recent years? Russell put his cards on the table for all to see ten years ago about his sex addiction and him needing professional help. These women would have jumped on the bandwagon way back then. This is a hit job plain and simple!
It's a bit suspicious that it was the press that actually went looking for the story. They approached the women, the women didn't go to them...
And out of thousands of women who allegedly slept with him, they only found a tiny handful who were prepared to make accusations. I don't know if he's guilty or not, but this all stinks of a deliberate campaign to shut him down, rather than a search for justice. Be interesting to see if any charges are brought or stick, but the damage will already have been done.
And did you notice that the two women who made the accusations both work in the mainstream media.
Your past will catch up to you no matter how much you change
Or they did
Have we forgot about Andrew Tate already? Turns out he done nothing wrong and was targeted by the media
Sure that’s why he’s in jail 😂
I really wonder what person would feel the need to support Tate, it’s actually sad.
Accusers absolutely should not just automatically be believed, Amber Turd is one prime example as to why!
I don't even think names of famous people should be released unless actually proven guilty. RB is being punished left n right with zero evidence or charges against him :( Completely unfair!
These allegations supposedly happened between 2002 and 2006, but they conveniently waited until now to report? Kind of suspicious. 🤔
Tbh haven't seen any punishment - lot of discussion though, which is important.
@@skyblue-7 He's been dropped by his agent, had his RUclips channel demonitised, tour cancelled, partners, businesses, charities have disowned him.
Ava is what's wrong with people today. Criminal matters don't get judged on feelings, they get judged on facts.
Humans are feeling creatures. Facts are for scientists.
You're being driven by feelings, not facts here. You're taking a position influenced by your opinion of her, not by the accusations, as provided, in detail, by the accusers in the articles & Dispatches programme.
@@symmo1969exactly accusations not confirmed crimes .regardless innocent until proven guilty.
@@silvergirl2847 that literally only applies to a legal/criminal scenario.
A not guilty verdict, is not a verdict of innocence.
The jury is driven to determine on the basis of assumption of innocence, until guilt is proven.
Innocence is frequently impossible to prove.
Innocence assumed until proven guilty has no place within the public realm.
You can choose to believe him, or believe them, you hold no power other than to take a side. You cannot criminalise someone, you cannot remove any rights from someone, because you do not wield such power.
What you can do, is choose to no longer be friends or a fan of that someone. Nothing wrong with that, people do it all the time.
@@symmo1969 and a guilty verdict doesn't mean the person is guilty
Ava resorts to insults every time because her arguments are so weak. And she's very happy to talk over other panelists but hates it when it's done to her.
A major lefty trait!
It sickens me that something so pretty can be so toxic.....
She is just a very vile thing.
@@bluenose7984She is so far up her own arse she is blinded. Allegations
I hope he sues her for everything she owns
@@ArnoldSwarezShe's also a horrible person. I personally don't know her but I'm a woman so you should believe everything I say.
I worked as a teacher at Visitacion Valley Middle School in the early 2010's which was and probably still is the most underprivileged middle school in San Francisco. The school had a meditation program that was developed by our principal at the time who was an incredible person and had recently received the US middle school principal of the year award. Russel came to the school more than once to help promote the very unique meditation program at this school. He was a completely selfless guy that had a huge impact on the kids at this school. He even sat and watched a middle school basketball game on campus. With many slandering him currently I’d just like to say that I walked away from my interactions with him thinking he was a great human.
Innocent until PROVEN guilty .
let the police do their investigation...
Innocent UNLESS proven guilty. There is a difference. One implies guilt just hasn't been found yet.
Presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. You missed out the word "presumed".
So if you have irefuteable evidence that a person committed a crime(s) you would still claim they are Innocent right up to the point of saying in court of law 'They have been found guilty'
You can't possible say it in advance and just presume innocence no matter what? How if that any different than presuming Guilt with no evidence whatsoever?
Al Capone argument of "You've got nothing on me" much?
He's not even in court so I don't know what you're talking about. An accusation has been made, he has denied it. More details are to come I am sure.
The scariest part of this debate is Ava Santina putting forward the argument that having people's reputations destroyed, potentially without reason, in order to help girls feel comfortable enough to come forward anonymously with these kinds of criminal accusations that can likely be neither proven or disproven. The possible innocence of the men involved is completely irrelevant to her.
shortsighted too.
as such a system, if seen to be effective again and again, would soon be used by every woman with a bone to pick.
Eventually accusation-justice would just become a completely devalued currency, and society would just increasingly ignore the innumerable cases.
Thats after a brief period of out-doing one another.
He has 10 accusers, but nevermind him, my target has 20 so look at mine.
I have 40, ignore them both, give me the attention.
@paulsimin-gv6jjwhy would she do that?
Well said. While everyone else on the panel unanimously agree that these women making the accusations need to be ''listened to and taken seriously''
It's obvious that he's being attacked.
We all knew something was coming because of the truths he speaks.
Only media hate him because he makes them look stupid.
I don't really like Russel much cause of many of his opinions and what and who he support. Something like this don't belong in the media but today that's were women put it cause its easier than doing it the right way if it's even true.
And coming up with it so late, why now?? And lets jump on the wagon maybe he pays me to be silent??
The whole thing is weired.....
But everyone knows how easy it is to break down a man today. And the innocent until proven guilty is gone today for men !! Even if this goes to a trial now hes ruined and they get a slap on the hand.
Metoo has taken so many innocent being used to get their own career. I've seen before what sort of revenge that lives in women, social media and the tabloids.. Everything for a story!!
The real offenders get away cause of money or because the women is commoners. I swear i don't get how any man can feel safe anymore..
Well said!!
Absolutely 💯%
Piers says the conspiracy 'theory' is ludicrous as it unfolds precisely as a coordinated assassination. No thanks. Russell Brand rolled them on the Bill Maher show and they have responded.
Same thing with Andrew Tate and Elon Musk it's all they do speaking the truth
I've been a feminist for 50+ years, a recovering alcoholic for 40 years. When drinking, I went through periods of extreme promiscuity and sexual experimentation. I was "date raped". And I am mystified by these claims against Brand being labelled "shocking" or even "serious". When high, I'm not at all surprised someone with Brand's publicly admitted background would be accused of sexual misconduct. But I also feel the women who got themselves in a position to feel sexually overwhelmed or taken advantage of are either very naive or simply dishonest. Men are expected to be aggressive. Did these women think they were having a relationship with him? Why were they in a position to be sexual intimate with him? There's usually a lot of lead up to these kinds of accusations and women need to be responsible for allowing sexual behavior in the first place with someone they barely know. Women need to be stronger and more grown up or even just exhibit common sense. Don't get into a sexual situation with a celebrity who is high. It doesn't take a lot of wisdom to realize that if you don't set your own limits, it's to be expected that men will take advantage of your weakness. It doesn't make them a rapist or justify legal action. I just don't get why people are over reacting to these claims.
I've lost all faith in mainstream journalists after the covid pandemic reporting
It took you that long! 😳🤣
perhaps because of the lies you were told to get the jib?@@skygazer6898
I've lost faith in the media, the government, big tech, big pharma, big business, NATO, NASA, Hollywood, Sports Associations, the Church, etc. Is their anyone left we can trust.
@skygazer6898 I guess you should have got vaccinated then!
@@wkadalie we can trust each other and fight back.
If you go to the MEDIA rather than the POLICE, anonymity should not be on the table at all. You want to be anonymous go to the POLICE. You want MEDIA coverage, say who you are.
That's men's ENTIRE argument! We all know is BS when you run to the media, especially when the accused is part of it and talking against the media. I've never been a Russell Brand fan by any stretch at all, but when did "free and independent media" become the abortrator of the legal system. They should absolutely make known who these accusers are if they seek any credibility!
I don't even want to go into you tube and his management dropping him! It's absolutely ridiculous at how the left and the progressives have weaponized our institutions and social media platforms against humanity! This makes all women look terrible, I don't know how women keep voting these people it's astounding!
Controversial opinion here.
If Russel brand is actually guilty with evidence (DNA, Video camera evidence) fine jail and take his name through the mud like the BBC.
However, if it’s not guilty and this is a smear campaign by the BBC or former “lovers” or partners etc. I want those people smeared and sent to jail.
I half agree - but you often need a lot of people to come forward. Let's say the allegations are real - then you get a ton of fans automatically shouting you down. Ultimately the courts will decide the truth of the allegations and I know journalists say they have seen texts from Brand confirming at least some of what they say. Yes they could be still be lying and misrepresenting - so it is true that Brand should be assumed innocent until proven otherwise
It's always a dumb idea cause of random people with pitchforks unless u already have similar wealth and fame anyway, but even then it would be silly, random people can be the most insane of all
The scariest part of all this is that people like Ava exist - and they could end up on a jury!
God help any man with women like this
@@bossman1905One in four women have been raped or sexually assaulted. So god help women.... period.
not sure about that i met a lady like her last year she need a taxi and friends to take her home i doubt she woke up before 12 pm any day of the week including this lady
@@bossman1905 even Atheists are like, "pray for me".
its annoying that she is so fucking hot tho, id listen to her talk for a bit of action XD
The demons have learned they can destroy a person from accusations alone.
Ava is ridiculous. Already made up her mind about Russell's guilt. Irresponsible reporting.
Just like you made up your mind about Brand
i edge to him being innocent but there has to be a police investigation
shes always against men and always belives the accusers thank god shes not a judge or police and just a lousy journalist
She hates men
@@Georgie-G58when channel 4 are warping the truth & the evidence, people generally tend to smell a rat....
Journalism has become a personal weapon against whomever you disagree with.
It's always been a weapon against the human race
Yes i agree !
Lol "become" you’ve never heard of a guy called Rupert Murdoch uh?
more weirdos drinking Russell's paranoia kool aid
Is that why you all sound like astroturfing bots defending a member of the deep state?
Am I the only one who finds Ava’s attitude utterly exasperating. She is so immersed in her feminist miasma that she can’t see the terrible unfairness of the whole situation. Then those “Believe all women “ zealots are surprised when men avoid these toxic females entirely.
You are not alone.
You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls
It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
Totally agree !!...she's so annoying !!
She cries about how awful it would've been if the women accusers were named but refuses ti acknowledge how awful this must be for brand and his family from being named and dragged threw mud
@@Daniel-qe9wb thats because as far as she is concerned, any negative outcomes for men simply do not matter.
Being shouted over isn't a conversation, it's bullying.
Exactly. 3 against 1 in a hand-picked line-up, isn't a discussion.
“Your opinion sucks” doesn’t make for a very intellectual debate either though. Ava came into this conversation with her mind already made up
Forgetting the fact that he had just started speaking out about the truth of certain things in our society. This is the reason they chose now to bring him down. This is strictly an effort to silence a truther.
He didn't just start speaking the truth, he literally did a show called 'Trews' (True News) a decade ago. The reason they are going after him now is because he is finally getting a lot of traction with the points he makes because people are finally waking up to the massive corruption of the worlds systems.
Truth my arse, he is an idiotic conspiracy theorist🤡
The fact the culture Secretary has written to social media companies to get him demonatised reinforces the believe this is a plot to shut him down.
If these allegations are proven to be false, these women should get a maximum jail sentence.
And the media who talked them into it. And the corrupt governments that bribed the media to do it.
Defamation is a civil matter, not a criminal one. If they file a police report that is proven to be false, they could be arrested and convicted of filing a false report, a misdemeanor. What they are doing is only criminal if they get the police involved.
then if the allegations are proven to be true he should get a maximum jail sentence
It’s more like a complaint than a crime,they all willingly met him and did things with him knowing exactly the type of guy he is. It’s definitely a hit job,funny how the media loved him a during his heyday and now he’s exposing their lies and government lies they’ve dug up a few girls out of a thousand. Kim iverson has a great breakdown of this .
I enjoyed watching Ava squirm when Esther implied that journalists are only in it for the story. Brilliant.
Sounds like Brand when he's raping minors
In my opinion both Esther and Ava were ridiculous, they both made incredibly dumb statements.
@@renoirrandy7241 so waman then
@@josmith1815 lol, nah. The 3rd lady was somewhat ok
@renoirrandy7241 the bar is typically low for them again
"Why have you come on a programme to defend someone you don't know..."
There in lies the problem.
It's not the person she's defending, it's the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty,' which is greater than any individual.
There should be a 5 year prison sentence for false accusers.
They should actually get the exact sentence that is appropriate for the crimes they accuse someone of.
@@Stribbo55 Exactly!!!!
i totaly agree . iv been accused myself as she did it for attention and has done it many more times since to other men and although the police know she is lieing they still have to investigate the men but nothing has ever happened to her for lieing not even a telling off
@@gumpysee3644or more appropriately life in prison.
I was accused by an ex girlfriend of beating her. No evidence, no witnesses, nothing. Just did it to cover her tracks for cheating on me.Massive liar and fantasist. She now works as a judge...
If a man ever slept with Ava they should be looking over their shoulder for their entire lives. She could accuse you of anything. Terrifying woman absolutely terrifying
Absolutely agree what a scary woman
she said she enjoys terrifying men !!
Nah she only sleeps with soy boys that would never do anything to get her attention like that. Bet she’s ended it with all of them
Good thing for her now is no bloke would go anywhere near
She labelled Serena Williams "uncontrolled" when she became frustrated during a tennis match but she thinks it's OK to scream in Esther's face at the top of her voice during a debate. Pot/kettle.
So if a woman accuses Ava of raping her, we should all believe the women? Because we should believe all women? Like Ava said?
Even better. A TRANS WOMAN 😂
Yea, ridiculous.
MeToo was silent when Tara Reade made her allegations
I just just believe all famous people with the gift of the gab and loads of followers on youtube
@@mstirlz I do you one better, a non binary trans woman with a female penis aka she-nis
Why didn't the alleged victims report the matter to the police? We do not need (or want) trial by media.
It is scary to think that some people would like us to return to the way justice was ordained in the Middle Ages, where you could be branded a heretic with no evidence required.
Yeah that woman in the middle's thinking is, "Does he have a penis? Yes? Then he is guilty."
That's exactly what's happening today. Well said.
This is going to get soooo reversed on them its going to be Hillarious.
a lot of people like to think they are mentally superior to those in the past, but that is a fallacy if you cannot think rationally or reason
He must of found something that really got on there nerves now i gotta go watch his recent videos.
As a 35 yr old woman, Ava is not someone i would wanna be friends with. She can be very cruel when it comes to judging others esp men based on no proof. Shes dangerously full of hatred against men.
Sadly this has become a mental virus amongst young western girls and it’s causing them worst harm than men. They have to live with their unfounded hate in their bodies which destroys them like poison
You learnt all that by watching this video? I'm impressed.
I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with her, she'd probably drive me mad
I agree i have seen enough of her in debates to know i really really dont like her. She is not balanced in any of her views. She appears to be all for women at one point but then on the other she agrees that men can be in womens spaces. I find her spiteful and vile
Russel called her ugly
This is outrageous he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
"he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
fair point, but when it comes to women's allegations of assault and rape from men, the percent of false reports (from FBI statistics in the US) is around 2-5%. that's false reports. meaning...that about 95% of women who accuse a man of rape or sexual assault, are RIGHT. i'm not saying brand is a rapist...yet. but the odds are not in his favor.
Ended my subscription!
Won't be paying YT a penny if they're going to stop paying people based on accusations.
@porter9494that is the point.... innocent until proven guilty is how everyone should think or you are an idiot to jump to a conclusion when you know next to nothing...
I hope the blonde in the middle believes Tara Reade too.
Russell is a comedian and an actor. I've seen over the years of his career with his looks and flirtatious nature, people have kind of created a "Brand" for his public character as being a very flirtatious Casanova, which he plays up when ever the camera is on and does well. As any performer would. I have no doubt he's different when the camera's are off. Personaly I think the sad thing is, with all this crap that we can't say or do anything without the fear being shot down or persecuted, it's no wonder most men are nervous to even say or do anything. A very sad world we live in.
I'm not a Brand fan but don't you think it a little odd they have taken 20 odd years to come forward?
Just like Trump & Kavanaugh.
Epstein, R.Kelly, Harvey Weinstein and Michael Jackson to name a few.
@@missmandy2049 Trump had to pay 5 million for sexual assault and defamation. He's already found guilty.
Trump claimed he didn't know her at all, but there were pictures.
Or have the press got an agenda against him
@@Joey-ct8bm wasn't micheal jackson proven innocent?
As soon as he went against the establishment he was suddenly a monster!! we need to stand up against this madness!!
Reminds me of Trump
I said the same thing!😊😊
I'm very impressed by the lady in blue remaining objective and logical despite her own personal experience of rape. Strong woman. The lady in the middle is ridiculous.
The fact that she was and that her lymbic system is not triggered by her subconscious speaks volumes ..
You're ridiculous. The woman in the middle presented an important POV
@@AnitaKrajnc and what was that?
The woman in the middle is 90% of fools on internet who never do their own research and spew anything msm tells them, ultimate dumbass
@@AnitaKrajncbullshit, she’s a contrarian just for the sake of it, & probably only on the show because of her good looks.
Ava has comiited financial fraud. Now, she must prove her innocence, according to her logic
Allegations as serious as this should be reported to the police and only the police, going to the media just mixes it in with all the other BS
Like with Epstein?
pretending your opinion is the goalpost is Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
_"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."_
George Orwell, 1984
_"Deny, Deflect, Disinform"_
Roger Stone
Some of them were reported to police in 2003 and the police done NOTHING
Yeah but the metoo movement became about political weaponising of the media. Not facts.
@@Uncanny_MountainFalse equivalent. He was tried and charged and found guilty. At this point Russel hasn't been through due process. How do you know the allegations are true without due process and elimination or verification of the evidence?
they dont go to the police because if they go to court, they dont have evidence and will be charged back with false accusation. while accusing on social media is easy no evidence needed, just believe all women and get the accused deplatform, without any need to investigate, guilty until proven otherwise
Esther Krakue is always very impressive talks a lot of sense
Shes incredible..❤
gift of the gab- could talk your right ear off and that would just be about what she ate for breakfast
Esther is such a sensibly minded person. Ava never fails to be a complete idiot.
Russell must be guilty. Because all blondes are dumb. Right?
Ava is infuriatingly stupid and stubborn. She never understands what the issue is about and her emotions always come first. She is a Narcissistic brainwashed plonker
You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls
It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
Totally agree !!
She must be related to Tessa Dunlop.
I was working in my pub, and one of the regulars asked me what I thought of this whole situation as a woman. And I just said "I don't think his name should have ever been put in the media without an actual conviction." If it was taken to police and ignored, which does happen, then I would kinda understand. But there wasn't a report filed either back then when it allegedly happened or before the media was alerted about it. It's a slippery slope to have someone's name announced to the public for a crime as serious as rape without any sort of evidence or court filing.
“Your opinion on this sucks” nice debating skills there Ava as usual.
Presumption of innocence is everyone’s right.
She probably sucks badly.. hence the bitterness towards men.
His egregious comments about rape have suspended this premise.
Why are you spaming this comment section with the same post repeatedly? Are you a hired shill?@porter9494
Judge jury and hanging by media and people like no clue Ava 🙄
Then moments later she is corrected about the one rape allegation versus the four she had thought.
How the hell can anyone accuse anyone of something this massive anonymously
It's easy when the only intent is to smear
Victims of serious crime automatically have and get the right to anonymity unless they wave that right.
The funny thing is the police won't accept an anonymous accusation.
The media will, apparently.
@@jacobsampsonis7782 And you know the only intent to smear is how?
Not sure you’ve thought that through…..🙄
I rarely agree with Mr Morgan but I agree with him 100% here! The public, main stream media seem to be all one sided! How can you believe the women 100% and not Russell Brand? How can you say he’s automatically guilty! It’s ridiculous!! The woman in the middle is EXACTLY what’s wrong with this world!!
And you should be on television bravo bravo
She's the one who thinks it's OK for trans women ( ie men using woman face) to use women's bathrooms isn't she. Bonkers . Disregard everything she says after this for me 😂
The girl in the middle is completely absurd.
Sorry your opinion sucks on this, what a comment.
It's all emotional thinking. The default position is to be neutral and therefore to reject the women's assertions. That however doesn't imply you think their assertions are false, merely that you reject their positive claims until they meet their burden of proof. In terms of that, that would be decided in court where evidence is cross examined and the facts scrutinised.
The automatic claim acceptance of any side in this is problematic. Too many people are willing to throw out due process, presumption of innocence and other legal principles in favour of medieval mob justice.
The same thing happened to Alex Salmond, Scotland's former First Minister! He was fitted up on 13 charges, including 2 of attempted rape. They were ALL thrown out, and the two women bringing the most serious charges were found to have committed perjury, yet ALL the women still to this day retain their anonymity. Even after he was cleared, his successor at the head of the Scottish government continued to call his reputation into question, when she was the one who had orchestrated the whole thing in the first place!
Having a media campaign and television show supporting your claims before going to the police should land them in trouble. A right to a fair trial goes out the window.
That's the truth. Someone today on a channel I view said something that gave me pause for thought. The MSM is struggling to get viewers and clicks online that affects the money coming from ads. A story like this brings people to view the MSM channels and buy papers which increased their revenue. Many people now get their news and opinions from other sources because they no longer trust the MSM, and they don't like this. Avid Gardner was the source of this and she put out a video because she's angry that many content providers are being shut down and says she'll probably be next in line . She's also angry that these women are anonymous but who they accuse isn't,
I saw also a video debunking the texts that were meant go be about an apology for R when in fact it was about not wearing protection, that umbrella guy is the source. I have to separate the name because RUclips will delete my comment
There are many victims who are ignored by the police and the media forces them to take the victims seriously. It's still happening to me.
I was held at knifepoint in an attempted r@pe. I managed to escape but was severely traumatised. Speaking to a detective, he told me that if they caught my attacker, and brought him to trial, his solicitor would attempt to tear my reputation apart. He needed to know that I would go ahead with the case. I had to think about that, but said I wanted to go to trial. He told me that many victims fear being in court with their abusers, in case their families or friends seek revenge. I had no skeletons in my cupboard, but I still had misgivings at times. It is really hard being a victim.
He will get a trial. Hopefully soon. Then we can get the full story of his sick behaviour in a court of law when journalists can report everything.
Kevin Spacy has lost his entire life, his money, his career and his friends - he has been cleared of all wrong doing in both USA and the UK - Not one single mainstream media source has mentioned this, yet they all judged him when the accusations happened
Esther was 100% on point here. "Journalists" like Ava are a huge problem with the way we receive news nowadays
Agreed. She was very objective was she?
Ah, she's a journalist. That explains her self-absorbed righteousness. In a 'profession' where Narcissism seems to be part of the job description, she certainly stands out.
Piers was also right. It was forensic journalism by Ronan Farrow which brought down Harvey Weinstein.
I think Russel brand was having a better time than ester 😢😢
@@janewilkin1984wtf does that inane remark mean?
I hope Ava NEVER sits on a jury
My biggest concern about this trial by media is that those who interviewed Brand's alleged victims had an agenda. How much did the questioning lead the women to say what the newspaper and TV channel wanted them to say?
Ava is a pure narcissist, you can literally read her like a book. She's the type to falsely accuse so no wonder she's so passionately not listening to anybody else
I suspect she is jealous because Brand may have turned her down in the past
@@wilco148 Or found her boring or said something tha triggered her. These types of people dont even have to know someone personally. They decide to hate simply by feeling insulted by something he said or did.
You just want to open get pages and stick in your bookmark
She's been burnt by lots of guys you can tell, she's embarrassing
Ava seems like the type no matter what evidence comes out proving he is innocent she will still say he is guilty. This woman is part of the problem.
Well said Piers. And what about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard? The exact same situation. Everyone cancelled Johnny based on media court, not actual facts.
This is bullshit. Are you comparing Johnny to Russel? Total bullshit…
Ava really showed her ‘unconscious bias’ towards Esther in this video.
Thats what it looked like to me.
Because Esther makes excellent points and Ava makes it up as she goes a long.
I 100% agree with Esther on what she said its innocent till proved guilty
Looks like you been doing your toolbox talks Jimmy lol
It was hardly unconscious. It was right out there😅
Any man who has a 'relationship' with a 16 year old is guilty.
Shocking to see this being debated without any proof. Witch hunt springs to mind.
Look up @That Umbrella Guy he’s covering the case and has some Awesome videos showing it’s BS!
Nope, not 'witch hunt' - DISTRACTION!
tbh i know he had a bad past so anything is possible, but we all have pasts some rougher than others, he could of done it but if you don’t have the evidence to convict the murderer he’ll walk, if you don’t have the evidence for rape you’ll walk, i’ve been assaulted numerous times and have never done anything, it happens
@@HGCUPCAKESI don't even need to watch it. He doesn't have access to the evidence - phone texts etc.. Why would he even bother No one knows at the moment.
The timing is very suspicious, at best. 🤔
Piers needs to stop bringing Ava on. Automatically believe every woman. Has history shown her nothing.
@@goldennuggets7358 Did you (edited) in errors?
Why should Piers have 3 Brand supporters on, that would be boring. 🫨
@georginabryan4772 Doesn't have to be 3 Brand supporters per se. But if you think he did it, offer some logical reasons for that belief, his addiction past etc. Can't really take someone seriously that just believes all women, regardless of the situation .
@@iancoughlan5One of the panel was not there to support RB, as she didn't know him, but she said it was wrong to accuse him without any evidence.
But the one with the big mouth on the panel was having none of it, and had him guilty without any evidence.
@@Georgie-G58There were no brand supporters on that platform.
"Follow the money" How much have they been paid for their story? If the women reported it to the Police first there would be zero monies made until it ran through the justice process.
How can any of these supposed victims take on a mega rich celeb in a court of law, they would have been far too scared….it went on back then and it is still going on today, mega money is power, end of.
@@Georgie-G58so are accussations, they ruin peoples lives for ever guilty or not
@@Georgie-G58 That`s why you let the police decide, not the media.
All prosecution costs are covered by the State, it literally costs the accuser no money at all. In the UK the accused must pay for their own defence and do not get reimbursed even if found not guilty.
Thanks for this conversation guys and the headache I'm going to have to nurse for the rest of the afternoon.
Consider the psychological damage these allegations have on Russell Brand as a vulnerable, recovered drug addict. If these allegations are false, then let us hope Russell does not relapse and become a fatal victim of public journalism and that which social media promulgates
He will sue sue sue the bollocks off them with any luck.
hopefully his children will help him. He must be going through hell and they're going to drag this out to make sure most people will go against him. He's got too many rich & powerful peoples back up !!
And the damage this does to his wife and children, all of these years later when he's clean and sober.
I thobk he should disappear faster, he's totally obnoxious as a man. Just like Andrew Tate..
If he's innocent,why the need for a super injunction in the first place? Why send texts for inappropriate behaviour where the victim had to emphasize no means no to someone who's innocent? I was a massive fan of Brand,but there's enough there to believe not only has he been deviant,he also knew it was coming hence the injunction plus the massive leap to alt right politics,as they will always believe conspiracy over facts.
If this was my daughter, my sister or myself, I'd have gone straight to hospital/doctor while I was on the phone with the police. The last thing I would think of, (if at all) at that time would be to go to the media in any way shape or form. I don't believe these accusers. Not at all
I'd be surprised if he didn't do it from the way he behaved in the past but he's definitely changed
Probably the media went to these persons after getting info from gov. They clearly want him silent.
I wonder how many normal men have had horrible accusations made about them that were actually untruthful and have been inprisoned and then had their life ruined and God knows what horrible atrocities happened to them while inprisoned. We cannot as a society blindly believe either side without a thorough investigation, and their needs to be just as severe consequences such as inprisonment and for that person to have to be put on a list so that all their neighbors know what type of horrible person they are if anyone legally found lying about something like this.
As women's rights increase its men's that are reduced
Winning a debate by saying, "Your opinion sucks" is not a thinking or educated person's response.
Well she is a feminist. It's natural to any freeloader..
Totally agree.
I have a feeling that Piers hand-picked the dumbest woke "Journalist."
Poor girl, she's pathetic, throwing tantrums.
It's embarrassing.
Ghastly person.
Ava has never failed to disappoint everybody
Appeals to populism are the basis of Authoritarian Communism KKKomrade
You're merely pretending your feelings are the goalposts, which is what Russel did when he raped those girls
It's called Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked so many times the victim doubts their own answers.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some necessary condition which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
This is all right wing propaganda, without exception
Esther is so brilliant. You articulated my thoughts perfectly Esther. Many women have falsely accused men of rape. Let Brand be charged and go through a trial instead of court of public opinion.
I doubt VERY much that the women will even file charges.
Same thing happened to a famous German rock singer this summer. Shill media and useless leftist politicians stoned him. But all charges were dropped because for some odd reasons the women only talked to the media but did not bother to file charges. Guess why.
I just find it funny one minute nobody has an issue with him yet as soon as he comes out and says something some people don't like then suddenly they go after him, what stopped these females from going to the police when it happened instead of waiting years and then saying something.
Brand casts doubt on the narrative - to 6 million people - they can’t tolerate that - so here we are .
Ava hasn’t even got her facts straight about the accusations - dangerous and despicable.
Ding ding
video only has 1.5million views - not 6million
His utube channel has 6.6 million subscribers.
@@matthewsalmon8194 6+ million subs on Brand's channel
He is uncovering the truth and they using this to censure him on social media, the same BS as Trump.
If Ava can sit there and say the mainstream media hasn’t judged and found Brand guilty, then there is no point trying to have a sensible discussion with her.
Yeah enit literally stopped his RUclips from being monetised and it’s all over BBC news lol!
Was she the idiot in the middle?
@@Karma1st good why should he profit from the very media organisations he is slagging off.
@@renceworld Ever heard of free speech hmm
@@renceworld btw why shouldn't he profit when RUclips and others are still benefitting from his channel
That woman Ava is scary! She operates on pure emotion and sanctimony. Women like her cause lynchings and people being burned at the stake and blood feuds. Despite the severity of the accusations there needs to be calm and due process. What Ava proposes would facilitate lying.
Exactly why she should not be in the position she is in. She and every woman like her are a danger to every man out there.
Yep, when i see mob justice and self righteousness like that i always think of 1600s justice, mobs lynching and tearing accused people apart mindlessly. I see Ava in the crowd hurling rocks and fruit.
Are watermelons still lynched in the US?
I think we should have a law that any "victim" must first go to the police before going to newspapers and if they want to speak to these papers first then they must also keep the person they are alleging to doing raping anonymous too. Going to newspapers to allege something series like this shows there is probably a sinister thing going on.
Ava's opinion is like allowing playground gossip into the legal process 😵
It's even more dangerous than that! It's trying to circumnavigate the legal process and the cornerstone of the justice system which is "innocent until proven guilty".
She is a dangerous idiot.
This investigation took 4 years FOUR YEARS. how many people did they contact until they got a hit? How many years did it take to get the first hit? I saw a video of a person who had been contacted, she showed the messages from the journalist. When they called the woman and she relayed that her experience was positive the journalist said they wouldn't need her, it wasn't the narrative they were going for. They have gone looking for people who would accuse him. It's a big hit piece. I am really struggling with believing any of the accusers.
Wow! Thanks for posting this! It's not journalism then, it's a smear campaign 😢
And yet the “fake victims” fail to realize that the very fact we are talking about this… should tell them by default they’ve already failed in the “agenda”
Ive seen that video too
Let's face it. People are always ready to believe the worst about someone. Especially if it's someone they don't like to begin with.
but biden is guilty though 100%
I liked Russel. Wanna actually listen to the doco? It's horrifying
@@adr1annn129paid actors and photo shopped texts horrify you???🤪
@@AnnaKey. - Yeeah, those photo-shopped texts(and they are) aren't a good look for the accusers.
People apparently are over eager to believe the best in people, if they think Russel Brand is an innocuous and decent person, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary made public since the 1990s.
Nice to see that two of the women can actually think logically, where the third one is only emotionally thinking.
Ava doesn't get it. It's the principle. Only a court of law should decide these cases. The media is intent of sensation, not facts.
Ava is a commie, do not be surprised. Feurer Avadolf strikes again.
Ava is a typical example of why you should never trust a journalist to be impartial.
She should not be on any panel! This is the person who said all men and boys should be frightened of women!! She’s toxic
If Russell's proven innocent, the accusers should go to jail.
I know right! Once they stick that label on someone, it's almost impossible to get off. So not fair...
Can he sue for defamation ? Can’t imagine he’ll get much but at least teach these liars a lesson.
And if he isn't?
Anyone who in bad faith try’s to ruin you in court or your life should be publicly listed on their record. False accusations and lied to the public. And for people like ceos and governmental people should step down, resign, or apologize to him and everyone in public, and pay him for sabotaging his life & career and wasting everyone’s time.
It’s to common and treated like the norm.
No one is proven innocent , they ARE innocent until proven guilty, I believe that is the whole point of the video, he has been assumed guilty .
They consented to sex, they were of consentual age.
Now they are joining the "me too" mob. And they want money.
You are supported, Russell.
I wonder if Ava would stand by these principles if her father or brother were falsely accused
Good point!
falsely? you are joking right?
Exactly what i was thinking
She would. She'd sell anyone out for 15min of fame.
@@sarahharris2729to me it seems agenda against him and I duskike the guy I can't stand is high pitch voice but I will only believe once he is charged by the court but till then you should not presume that he is guilty.