Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra vs OnePlus 10 Pro Speed Test!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 217

  • @nickackermanchannel
    @nickackermanchannel  2 года назад +22

    Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra vs OnePlus 10 Pro Speed Test! Let's see which Android beast comes out on top in performance! Share your thoughts, questions, comments, concerns below and enjoy the video 🎥🍿🔥😃

    • @monkeyDluffy-hj2rk
      @monkeyDluffy-hj2rk 2 года назад +1

      Why didn't you turned GOS off?

    • @garthstomer
      @garthstomer 2 года назад

      Any idea how the 10 Pro handles multitasking when games aren involved? Can it hold 4 or 5 non gaming apps open?

    • @rhea3234
      @rhea3234 2 года назад


    • @kavivarman
      @kavivarman 2 года назад

      @@monkeyDluffy-hj2rk he turned it off in his old video(iphone 13 pro max vs s22 ultra)

    • @deepnx
      @deepnx 2 года назад +1

      You let the OP sit idle for a min ... which lets the RAM optimisation kick in ... thus the reload ... you should hv tested the RAM instantly of both phones together.

  • @firewizard842
    @firewizard842 2 года назад +52

    Watching this video doesn't make me feel bad pre-ordering the OnePlus 10 pro

    • @firewizard842
      @firewizard842 2 года назад +1

      @LegendaryFlipFlop61 it is nut that an amazing ultra fast charging

    • @Bigalinbklyn83
      @Bigalinbklyn83 2 года назад +1

      I have an 8 considering an upgrade. I love my 8 though

    • @firewizard842
      @firewizard842 2 года назад +1

      @@Bigalinbklyn83 the 8t is amazing tbh

  • @laylow2095
    @laylow2095 2 года назад +58

    Samsung is actually downloading something in the background. Maybe that's why the loading for internet apps is a little slower. Any of you guys aware?

  • @Hal-kj2mc
    @Hal-kj2mc 2 года назад +13

    I own both. The OnePlus is much smoother than the s22 ultra. I'm finding the animations on.the s22 ultra to be the worst iv ever had on any Samsung phone.
    The OnePlus has really improved in ram management since this video with software updates. But my s22 ultra is absolutely still dreadful as far as transition animations go. Like I said the worst iv ever had on any flagship device.

    • @JollyOldCanuck
      @JollyOldCanuck 2 года назад +1

      I think it's due to OneUI being one of the heaviest android skins available, as bloated as OxygenOS has become it's still lighter than OneUI.

    • @Hal-kj2mc
      @Hal-kj2mc 2 года назад +1

      @Faton Ademi I found the OnePlus to be better on battery.

    • @Tazrian11
      @Tazrian11 2 года назад +1

      What about heating issue on 10 pro? I have the s22 ultra and it gets crazy hot. I'm thinking of getting the oneplus 10t.

    • @Tazrian11
      @Tazrian11 2 года назад

      @Faton Ademi i see. Thanks for the info. Guess I'll switch to oneplus.

    • @Tazrian11
      @Tazrian11 2 года назад

      @Faton Ademi yes my s22 ultra is annoying to use cause I get micro stutters all the time.

  • @henriknielsen1176
    @henriknielsen1176 2 года назад +25

    I've never understood why it's important to know which phone is the fastest. You can only see the difference when you have them next to each other, and mostly on the new phones, the difference doesn't matter.

    • @Artyom_K.
      @Artyom_K. 2 года назад +3

      Because when you pay 1000 bucks and more for the phone it means you want the BEST performance in the whole market. If you don't need that you should not buy a flagship. I'm gonna tell you a secret. You can't see the difference between 400$ and 1000$ when you don't have them next to each other

  • @linkbombchu168
    @linkbombchu168 2 года назад +3

    I think peope are too harsh on Oneplus 10 pro. It charges way faster than samsung, apps are running smoothly. screen is decent. shape is nicer than samsug imo. and it's a few 100 bucks cheaper

  • @cvtechreview
    @cvtechreview 2 года назад +9

    As an S22 Ultra owner. Something just didn't seem right with your S22 Ultra. Even with my weak internet, mine seems to open everything almost instantly. Maybe your S22 Ultra was just having an off day lol.

    • @dinfinity85
      @dinfinity85 2 года назад +5

      You can see that his S22 is actually downloading some updates from the notification bar. IMO S22 is going to get better updates and fixes while OP will only be getting slower updates with more bugs.

    • @harshvardhansinha
      @harshvardhansinha 2 года назад +5

      @@dinfinity85 😂😂😂 being fanboy much.

    • @dinfinity85
      @dinfinity85 2 года назад +1

      @@harshvardhansinha fanboy? OP fan try to justify failing brand. Go and support whatever you like buddy, nobody bother.

    • @dinfinity85
      @dinfinity85 2 года назад

      @@harshvardhansinha hats off for being ignorant fanboy.

    • @dailycatz
      @dailycatz 2 года назад

      @@harshvardhansinha hahahhahahahahahahhaah a Samsungshit fanboy here 🤣🤣🤣

  • @kavandesai9756
    @kavandesai9756 2 года назад +9

    Something was downloading in s22 ultra during this test so it slowed down the internet a bit in the ultra

    • @titos383
      @titos383 2 года назад +2

      Also he is using WiFi with OnePlus while Samsung works on the data which is much slower, rigid

    • @richardjosephr.fesalbon4762
      @richardjosephr.fesalbon4762 2 года назад +2

      They have the same wifi as he said in the beginning of the video ur just jealous because oneplus is faster than samsung

  • @manzariat7523
    @manzariat7523 2 года назад +7

    I heard that the March update caused some performance issues on S22 phones. Would be nice if u do this video again after a better update.

    • @dillonkoch72
      @dillonkoch72 2 года назад +1

      Your right I just had to do an update on my S22 ultra. It's so much better now I just thought it was my service for almost a month but it's because I didn't update to the latest software. My girlfriends had the update and no problems with her S22 ultra.

  • @Rajindersingh-er5pm
    @Rajindersingh-er5pm 2 года назад +18

    Oh man literally just last night i was thinking about the comparison of these devices and the miracle next day you tube automatically suggested me your vedio. .. thank you so much for these comparison . I was confused in these both devices which is better for me.

    • @neologicspasms
      @neologicspasms 2 года назад +2

      This happens to me all the time. I think about something completely random, and within 6 hours, I have it as a recommendation

    • @norseman8656
      @norseman8656 2 года назад +1

      They ruined the OS with the color os merger.. I'm so bummed

  • @kamontaehill681
    @kamontaehill681 2 года назад +6

    The S22 plus performance is better than the Ultra. I have both and the ultra lags just a little bit. The plus is much smoother

    • @suprxmefire9497
      @suprxmefire9497 2 года назад +1

      it is. I used the plus and the ultra yesterday

  • @rss5969
    @rss5969 2 года назад +2

    That is why I keep going back to Oneplus. It is more speedy. I have S21+ and I like the look and ui but I switched back to Oneplus 8 for speed reason.

  • @lostsoykot
    @lostsoykot 2 года назад +11

    Bro when you comparing Samsung has downloading something in the background Look at the 2:18 top left corner of notification bar

  • @mosharafshahid1640
    @mosharafshahid1640 2 года назад +5

    I think there is some problem in the speed test. Because in other speed tests s22 ultra is way faster.

  • @inocencioludi1177
    @inocencioludi1177 2 года назад +6

    Nick 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
    I love this this... I loved to see OnePlus!

  • @saheedbelgore6030
    @saheedbelgore6030 2 года назад +3

    You should have have opened apps at same time when testing for ram management. Am sorry your ram management isn't fair. You opened apps same time, you should do same for the ram also. Time has been added before you did the ram for one plus. Thanks

  • @RaghavVijay
    @RaghavVijay 2 года назад +5

    Awesome content Nick-I love your content!Keep up the quality content!🔥🙂!.I appreciate your time and dedication!.

  • @green9227
    @green9227 2 года назад +2

    Will you upgrade to 4k on all your videos anytime soon because your audience deserves the best quality videos.

  • @Johnnygga
    @Johnnygga 2 года назад +8

    The S22 Ultra looks so choppy and stuttery compared to the 10 Pro

  • @dujangempire
    @dujangempire 2 года назад +1

    want to do a comparison need to make sure nothing is running example s22 ultra is updating something in the notification space above. it makes the internet network or performance a little slow on samsung. make sure before doing the comparison there are no application updates or downloads for better performance.

  • @anischa9402
    @anischa9402 2 года назад

    Always here my friend 😉

  • @DJKennyMan
    @DJKennyMan 2 года назад +2

    Another great informative video sir.

  • @fuadmech
    @fuadmech 2 года назад +2

    Can you please make another battery comparison between S22U and i13PM? After receiving recent updates, my S22U is doing fantastic with battery life. 8 hours SonT+ 10 hours SoffT is easily accessible.
    Waiting for your reply

  • @BerlinGonzalez
    @BerlinGonzalez 2 года назад +1

    I have the S22 Ultra but the beauty of OnePlus is just amazing

  • @jackkelly7884
    @jackkelly7884 2 года назад +3

    Ooh boy the OnePlus 10 pro is really fast but to open apps 😳
    Anyway nice job bro.

  • @vanshmasih9682
    @vanshmasih9682 2 года назад +4

    In india we got 1.5 gb april security patch update in Samsung

    • @zubair21688
      @zubair21688 2 года назад

      Nobody cares about India

  • @Scheme-
    @Scheme- 2 года назад +1

    it looks like the s22 ultra was downloading something in the top left the whole time...

  • @realfilthylemon8954
    @realfilthylemon8954 2 года назад +1

    Why op fingerprint is fatser bcz its optical vs Samsung ultrasonic which is more secure and works with wet and dusty hands, oneplus doesn't

  • @mvsviswas3072
    @mvsviswas3072 2 года назад +1

    I think there is something problem with network on samsung s22 ultra. Pubg loaded much more time than OnePlus 10 pro. Other websites were also opening faster but loading very late. Once check the network on samsung s22 ultra. My s22 ultra opens way faster than this.

  • @OcEliTe3
    @OcEliTe3 2 года назад +1

    Nick can you test s22 exynos vs snapdragon speedtest and battery comparison!?

  • @IMMORTAL_218
    @IMMORTAL_218 2 года назад +1

    Samsung s22 ultra is faster than op10 pro. I have tested myself. Looks like there is some issue with your internet or your review unit. For me S22 ultra works like a beast

  • @piyushjain6336
    @piyushjain6336 2 года назад +1

    maybe performance mode is killing apps in the background for op 10 pro?

  • @joeversus2893
    @joeversus2893 2 года назад +2

    Honestly I want a phone with 21x9 aspect the best cameras on the market with a 5x telephoto at least 48 megapixel cameras with the cleanest hdr range with filters.

  • @roryforrester941
    @roryforrester941 2 года назад +13

    love the animation and the one plus so smooth than Samsung.. hold it Samsung is my bran phone just not by as because I own a s9 plus.. but I'm thinking to use a one plus phone but is not poperler in my country..

  • @Hexbyte965
    @Hexbyte965 2 года назад +3

    Looks like the Samsung was doing some background downloading in the first of your testing from 2:06- 4:24.

  • @AllDay3004
    @AllDay3004 2 года назад +6

    I'm glad you pointed out the jank for the Samsung. I came from a Pixel 6 Pro early because I started to miss the S Pen and the animations are absolutely terrible. Like there is no excuses for a flagship phone to lag and studder as much as S22 Ultra in 2022. And this sudder/lag also effects the camera, especially with motion and night photos. It's very disappointing. Learned my lesson about switching phones early I guess.

    • @ulysses4989
      @ulysses4989 11 месяцев назад

      One UI 5.1 changed them and virtual RAM off fixes this

  • @lou_don_718_NYC_Bk
    @lou_don_718_NYC_Bk 2 года назад +4

    Yo Nick I follow you and Like a lot your work but I feel this video is bias. My S22 ultra doesn't lag or even come close to how slow your 22 Ultra responds. Sup Nick!?!

    • @AllDay3004
      @AllDay3004 2 года назад +2

      My S22 Ultra lags just like his when switching apps. I got the Snapdragon version too.

  • @danielmladenow222
    @danielmladenow222 2 года назад +10

    Genuinely think apple are the only ones who know how to make nice and smooth animations
    idk why but android struggles alot in this department

    • @danielmladenow222
      @danielmladenow222 2 года назад

      @Hal9000 hmm interesting ill have to see for myself cuz im not familiar with pixels

    • @ifrankenstein7455
      @ifrankenstein7455 2 года назад +1

      Iphones have smoother animations and it feels thicker but most androids have faster animations and feels not as viscous as iphones animations

  • @shevanfernando1664
    @shevanfernando1664 2 года назад +5

    its pretty unfair for the 8gb ram oneplus to go against the s22 ultra 12 gb ram version. if you compared the 12gb ram version of oneplus against the s22 ultra 12 gb ram version samsung is probably dead.

  • @pedrobetancourt
    @pedrobetancourt 2 года назад +1

    ❤️ the video. To me OnePlus 10 pro

  • @Gary0557
    @Gary0557 2 года назад +1

    You can remove the animation/motion effect when swiping away from apps in iPhones, not sure about android.

    • @nickackermanchannel
      @nickackermanchannel  2 года назад +4

      Yes you can in developer options but then it looks raw, less smooth. Samsung needs to optimize the phone to feel a little smoother

    • @Gary0557
      @Gary0557 2 года назад

      @@nickackermanchannel I use it Nick, I prefer it.

  • @KEWords
    @KEWords 2 года назад +1

    Most of those tests don't have to do with phone capability, they are web responses. If you did a dry run have to wonder how much caching OnePlus does.

  • @malidan1196
    @malidan1196 2 года назад +2

    The OP fully cached and the Samsungs cache was empty. 🙄
    It's the OP10 Pro if you want superior performance in reloading. 😂😂😂
    Typical OP special primed firmware for speed testing.

  • @rhea3234
    @rhea3234 2 года назад +9

    Samsung Galaxy is pretty much the King when it comes to the display and I love it. And
    the speed test between these two phones is almost identical in my opinion. Not much difference.
    Keep up the amazing work.🌝👏

  • @Xeylo
    @Xeylo 2 года назад +2

    planning on gettting the op10pro 12gb... any clue if the extra 4gb will help or do they need to fix the ram management first?

    • @noblemelton7039
      @noblemelton7039 2 года назад

      I have OP10Pro with 12Gig of RAM and I think it's noticably faster than my friends OP10Pro with the 8Gig. Not insane, but you can tell.

  • @chupapimunano6920
    @chupapimunano6920 2 года назад

    you're disappointed that one plus has to reload apps to get it back to running when literally the phone has lower ram and the reason it loads everything quickly is cuz it closes those app from the background to help it stay in top performance. Since it is a smaller phone per say and you want it to do the same as the s22, you would have to go into the dev settings and have it set that it can have from 10 to any number you want of apps open in the background. Do you even know how to review bro?

  • @frederickpraet4333
    @frederickpraet4333 2 года назад

    Perhaps do comparison of samsung s22 with exynos model instead of snapdragon. The exynos is a huge step back and disappointment. It's not even optimized for majority of apps. Even games can't run on high settings because it simply does not support the "device", which I assume the exynos AMD RDNA 2.

  • @nehalsingh8815
    @nehalsingh8815 2 года назад

    Hey nick i think something wrong with ur galaxy s22 ultra man. U can't compare a adopted ui(oxygen os) from far superior One ui..

  • @adinchandra1797
    @adinchandra1797 2 года назад

    Hey, Man. Thanks for that Advice. Maybe this is new feature on RUclips to prevent "Spamming" maybe

  • @tns21
    @tns21 2 года назад +2

    My iqoo 7, 12gb ram reload everything in 5 secs 🤦
    Now i got myself a galaxy s21 plus.

    • @Aman-xo4yx
      @Aman-xo4yx 2 года назад +3

      Funtouch os , realme ui , miui , poco ui all are trash adware… try to debloat system system

  • @patrickchong8581
    @patrickchong8581 2 года назад +1

    Both are great😍

  • @rick_.Z
    @rick_.Z 2 года назад +7

    I think in Samsung something is downloading maybe that's the reason it's slow loading up?

    • @bmxkings
      @bmxkings 2 года назад +2

      I agree

    • @ieadarshs1218
      @ieadarshs1218 2 года назад +2

      Yes, downloding logo showing some times

  • @zarontavern2002
    @zarontavern2002 2 года назад

    Yes my samsung S22 Ultra has been stuttering and have had battery drain lately as well for some reason? Not sure what's going on

    @ADITYAPATEL0004 2 года назад +1

    OnePlus 10 pro 12gb 256gb is the beast ❤️, better than Samsung 😆

    • @RockyMK100
      @RockyMK100 2 года назад

      Bro the s22 ultra is 128gb and 256gb and 512gb and with 2 rams the 2 rams is 8gb ram and 12gb ram and samsung is better and beast😍 and stronger than oneplus😀

  • @nopewontyou
    @nopewontyou 2 года назад

    What's battery life like compared to one another

  • @BaconFaceMcGee
    @BaconFaceMcGee 2 года назад +2

    I was very impressed with OnePlus until it started reloading apps…

    • @n3o941
      @n3o941 2 года назад

      its not like that anymore, it got updated heavily

    • @ulysses4989
      @ulysses4989 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@n3o941Still the same. The 10T made the pro look amateur

  • @anfalanu7522
    @anfalanu7522 2 года назад +1

    Clearly we can see that anything downloading in the background of s22 ultra. Why r u doing like this? I think u try to say s22 ultra is waste. But s22 ultra is best.

  • @weekendwarrior8179
    @weekendwarrior8179 2 года назад +3

    I always find it funny how Android needs to enable max settings (i.e. performance mode) and takes a hit on an already worse battery then the iPhone which still runs circles around performance.

  • @Aman-xo4yx
    @Aman-xo4yx 2 года назад +2

    Exynos chips and snapdragon new chips made by Samsung ARE ALWAYS WORST. Save your money.

    • @androidoneiu5206
      @androidoneiu5206 2 года назад +1

      First, Exynos chipsets are better, samsung is better than Apple in gaming, and you're biased

  • @lasindumadurapperuma2132
    @lasindumadurapperuma2132 2 года назад

    Nick, We need xiaomi 12 pro review.

  • @CraigDIGz
    @CraigDIGz 2 года назад

    Lol does Nick not realize his galaxy is downloading something in the background?

  • @jasonthomas8169
    @jasonthomas8169 2 года назад +1

    The galaxy had some downloading going on in the background could be the reason why it was slower

  • @AbirSinha
    @AbirSinha 2 года назад +2

    Did you turn extended RAM to the highest option? It comes as default to the lowest RAM settings.

    • @nickackermanchannel
      @nickackermanchannel  2 года назад +2

      Yes I seen that option and changed it the first day

    • @pingu9545
      @pingu9545 2 года назад +1

      @@nickackermanchannel no! it's actually slows performance! that feature is for only when the phone can't run as many things at the same time. a performance video showed the about 10% difference!

    • @pingu9545
      @pingu9545 2 года назад

      mine was just set to 4gb, just put it to its lowest (2gb) and it started up much faster!!

    • @HABO2210
      @HABO2210 2 года назад +1

      @@pingu9545 are you saying that more virtual RAM may also affect battery life?

    • @nehalsingh8815
      @nehalsingh8815 2 года назад

      @@pingu9545 does it perform fast after u put it in 2gb?

  • @jamesluke4902
    @jamesluke4902 2 года назад

    I just trade S22 ultra and back to iPhone 13 pro. As I could not accept the stuttering performance and poor battery life. But I noticed 5g on Android is way better than iPhone not sure why

  • @macrochipped
    @macrochipped 2 года назад +1

    Samsung's flagship performance this year is taking me back to the S7 Samsung Experience days where I felt like I was fighting against the software. One UI 4.1 so far has kind of been a bust.

  • @ankit619
    @ankit619 2 года назад

    turning on the phones you should go to the home screen.

  • @michaelfedorsha8147
    @michaelfedorsha8147 2 года назад

    There is not a single Samsung phone that runs smoother than a OnePlus phone and I'm rocking an S22 plus.

  • @astronaut205
    @astronaut205 2 года назад

    OxygenOS is still working like a charm

  • @raoufbdn8166
    @raoufbdn8166 2 года назад +1

    nice video but 60 fps on 1080 / 720 dont work

  • @diandrecarty4512
    @diandrecarty4512 2 года назад

    Do a battery test Nick bro

  • @JR28.
    @JR28. 2 года назад

    My s21 ultra used to be faster than this but they seem to have become less fluid with more hiccups since the last few software updates.

  • @Wolf-rx5rb
    @Wolf-rx5rb 2 года назад

    Oneplus 10 pro the destroyer of all cellphones

  • @jjanuardi1351
    @jjanuardi1351 2 года назад

    Samsung Galaxy 22 Ultra👍👍👍

  • @josephwilliams9434
    @josephwilliams9434 2 года назад +1

    Samsungs are nice the truth but they still need to catch up whith apple

  • @lwuo.
    @lwuo. 2 года назад

    Include cpu throttle test next timee thanks

  • @kitz927
    @kitz927 2 года назад +1

    I really wanna get the oneplus 10 pro but I use at&t so I wouldn't be able to use 5g at all :(

    • @noblemelton7039
      @noblemelton7039 2 года назад

      5G has never been noticably faster than 4GLTE for me honestly. Between the 3 OnePlus phones I've owned that have been 5G capable I've found myself having to disable 5G sometimes because it's so sensitive and problematic. Food for thought

    • @kitz927
      @kitz927 2 года назад

      @@noblemelton7039 Thank you very much for saying this! I thought it would be a deal breaker as I thought that with 5g cellular I could watch 1080p videos on youtube.

  • @RagnarZizou
    @RagnarZizou 2 года назад

    These gestures domt work very well... Instead use navigation buttons and use gesture for them... Its buttery smooth with them and more fun!

    • @greggski3710
      @greggski3710 2 года назад

      Definitely for Samsung it helps a lot with perceived smoothnes.

    • @RagnarZizou
      @RagnarZizou 2 года назад

      @@greggski3710 Yep I never used this one ever... feels very bad as compared to the button gestures... It works flawlessly!

  • @gold6813
    @gold6813 2 года назад +1

    Got a one plus 6 here. Still real fast but I haven't done the latest update. As I've heard it slows the phone down

  • @markseshu7731
    @markseshu7731 2 года назад

    The samsung is downloading. Maybe thats the reason it is little bit slower than 1plus in appa that use Internet.. But I love 1plus than any other phones

  • @raulgaming1000
    @raulgaming1000 2 года назад

    ive been ditching my 13 pro just to try android after been year to use IOS i decide to buy oneplus and for first few day i found little bit lag stutter here and there ... but after few days i found it even smoother and i kinda like it and it grow on me .. i hoping IOS bring smthing new with there new lineup or else i will stick with this oneplus for a year or so

    • @JollyOldCanuck
      @JollyOldCanuck 2 года назад

      IOS 16 will have some new customization features such as lock screen widgets, but the majority of improvements for the IOS/iPadOS 16 update (e.g. stage manager) are going to be M1 iPad exclusive.

    • @raulgaming1000
      @raulgaming1000 2 года назад

      @@JollyOldCanuck ps: i already sell oneplus due to so many bug and while playing game its freaking hot ... i return it and buy the regular 13 red while waiting for the 14 ... i can assure oneplus still far behind from its predsessor

  • @helghanmerc2765
    @helghanmerc2765 2 года назад

    I don't know why people do these comparisons when every person's experience and apps installed are completely different it's cool but it's super unrealistic in the real world

  • @titos383
    @titos383 2 года назад

    Rigid! there's a running download on the s22 also OnePlus is connected to WiFi while s22 is connected to data which is very slower than the WiFi
    I think you just hate Samsung

  • @ninjago6286
    @ninjago6286 2 года назад

    I think the one plus 10 pro did a very excellent job

  • @thechillguyn862
    @thechillguyn862 2 года назад

    I got to go for the s22 and im a one plus user

  • @josephwilliams9434
    @josephwilliams9434 2 года назад

    Ram is not every thing it’s just part of it the software is the main thing

  • @Erick-er2mv
    @Erick-er2mv 2 года назад

    So sad Oneplus is not available in my country (Indonesia)

    • @Erick-er2mv
      @Erick-er2mv 2 года назад

      @Lisa Sandra Are you worried about your imei could be blocked by the goverment?

  • @norseman8656
    @norseman8656 2 года назад +2

    I so wish OnePlus didn't ruin their OS

  • @datoochkhikidze1948
    @datoochkhikidze1948 2 года назад +1

    samsung faster than oneplus

  • @ghelestanoco7396
    @ghelestanoco7396 2 года назад

    Samsung is more useful u can connect it to the tV screen mirroring watching netflix with audio n video while oneplus only audio. And oneplus is not a girly phone. And also have from problem connecting on facebook not working.

  • @mmorales508
    @mmorales508 2 года назад

    “Ultra” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤗😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Marlon_J
    @Marlon_J 2 года назад

    I have the Tab s8 and it performs closer to the Oueplus. I don't know what was up with that s22 Ultra.

    • @Marlon_J
      @Marlon_J 2 года назад

      I just did 3d mark wildlife and scored 8066 on my Tab s8. It runs One ui 4.1 too, so there is definitely some performance issue with that s22 Ultra, since it got 1000 less.

  • @MrKrueger88
    @MrKrueger88 2 года назад

    The aspect ratio is DIFFERENT on both . Even if they were both 6.8 inch screens , the 20:9 screen ratio of the oneplus means you lose more to cropping for photos and videos . The Samsung is about 19:9 . Making it one of , if not the widest phone in this regard and a far better viewing experience . 👍👍👍

    • @harrydaniel6644
      @harrydaniel6644 2 года назад


    • @MaxusMV
      @MaxusMV 2 года назад

      iPad Pro has even wider and better viewing experience)). For a smartphone a comfortable grip, weight and one hand reachability are also very important. And OnePlus 10 Pro is much more useable in that regard.

    • @ulysses4989
      @ulysses4989 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@MaxusMVThe iPhone is as wide as the Samsung.

  • @worldinwords8179
    @worldinwords8179 2 года назад +1

    no one like iphone this year🤔

  • @dragangrujaa
    @dragangrujaa 2 года назад +2

    samsung is better

  • @istinonn
    @istinonn 2 года назад

    Game buster samsung on -of ?

  • @EternalDark962
    @EternalDark962 2 года назад

    Samsung has no chance against oneplus ez choice op 10 pro ! For better and faster processing speed and most importantantly internet speed and connection stability i had both and definitely dont recommend samsung for its poor poor internet speed it gives you 20% of total bandwidth!

  • @jasonmelo1974
    @jasonmelo1974 2 года назад

    Is obviously something wrong with that Samsung.

  • @devullas277
    @devullas277 2 года назад

    lol a crushing defeat by Oneplus. Oneplus is always the best and it can only be compared to Apple and NOT Samsung coz oneplus is the flagship brand of andriod.

    • @CraigDIGz
      @CraigDIGz 2 года назад

      Right.. The samsung was still doing better in alot of apps despite downloading something in the background

  • @amakwesteve2763
    @amakwesteve2763 2 года назад

    OnePlus 10 isn't that fast. You'll need to return your Samsung.

  • @sinanmamed
    @sinanmamed 2 года назад +4

    🔹 Overall S22 Ultra is a bit better choise