Does this TPLF infighting for power make any sense if the National Election Board is not recognized the general assembly conducted by Debretsion group?
When dictators fight, people always pay the price. Of course, Eritreans are in many ways are similar to Ethiopians. The problem is they want to live like Ethiopians when they set foot in Ethiopia and they like to be treated as such. That isn’t happening. Abiy and his thugs are following the TPLF blueprint, which is harassing Eritreans when they fail to establish good relations with the thugs in Eritrea. There will never be peace in Ethiopia as long as ethnic politics and the disgusting ethnic regions are allowed to continue . No ethnic group, I repeat, no ethnic group wants to see one group dictate others. Sad!
አብሮህ ላለው ለትግራይ ህዝብ ያልራራህ ለኤርትራውያን ልትራራ አትችል እሷማ በደህና ጊዜ ከናንተ ተገላግላለች
የኤርትራ መንግሰት የዘር ፖሎቲካ አደግፈም
ሱደን ያሉ ኢትዬጵያዊ ስደተኛ በካፕ ውስት አይደለም የሚኖሩት እንደፈለጉ በተመቻቸው ከተማ ነበር የሚኖሩት ስለዚህ ኤርትራዊ ኢትዮጵያ ቢኖሩ ምን ችግር አለሁ ሰላማዌ እስከሆኑ ደረስ
"ሠላማዊ እስከሆነ" ድረስ የሚለውን አስምርበት !!!!!
አዲስ አበባ ከተማ ውስጥ ምን ያህል ህገወጥ አካሄድ እየሠፈነ እንደሆነ በቡድን እየተደራጁ የወንጀል እንቅስቀሴ መፈፀሙን በሚኖሩበት አካባቢ የማንአለብኝነት አካሄድ በየጊዜው ማሣየት በመሥፈኑ ህጋዊ መስመር ለማዝያዝ ግድ ማለቱን እግምት ይግባ !
It's the demand of Biltsegna OHODED ❗️
አማኑኤል ስለ ኤርትራና ኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች የተናገርከዉ በጣም ትክክል ነዉ።
አማን ወንዳታ ! የሻገተ አስተሳሰብ መቀየር ግድ ነው
ቆይማ ሰለቀይ በሀር ሸመልሰ አብዲሳ ምን ነበርያለዉ በቀጣይ እሬቻን ቀይበሀር እናከብራለን ሲላቸዉ ኤርትራዌያኖችም ሆነ ፕሬዝዳንት ኢሳያሰ አፍወርቄ ቢያሰደነግጣቸዉ ቢያሰገርማቸዉ የፈለጉትን ቢያስቡሰ ምን ይገርማችሆል
የኛ ነበረች የኛ ነበረች ሸጠዉ የበሉትን የኛ ነበረች እያሉ ጩህት ምንድነዉ ? በፊት ነበረ እንጅ መጥኖ መደቆሰ አሁን ምን ያደርጋል ነገር ጭሮ ማልቀሰ ቀይ በሀር ከፈለክ ሂድና ተዎጋ ይሄ ጀኔሬሽን አይመለከተንም በቃ ዞር በል
Does this TPLF infighting for power make any sense if the National Election Board is not recognized the general assembly conducted by Debretsion group?
The Eritrean Ambassador is right. Abiy is the worst childish prime minister of Ethiopia. 🇪🇹 Fact is Fact.
⚠️ Oromowochu nachew❗️Port isn't not the issue of the rest of Ethiopians‼️
ye Eritreawian wedim ena ehit Sudan egypt somalia nachew not ethiopians ,,
በጣም ወሳኝ አቋም ነው በቀይ ባሕር ላይ ያነሳችሁት እናመሰግናለን በርቱ
ይገርማል!! ይሄ ሁሉ ኢትዮጲያዊ ምሁር ተብሎ ፡ባህር ብጉልበት እናመጣልን ፡እንወረለን፡ እያለ ። ኣደገኛ ኣደገኛ ነገር፡!!! ፡ተው - ተው ይሚለው ሜድያ ወይ ኣክቲቪስት ወይ የሀይማኖት መሪወች ፡ፖለቲከኛ ባለመኖር የሚያሳስብ፡ የሚያሳዝን ፡፡ካለፈው ስህተት ኣለመማር ነው። ... danger the silence of Ethiopian !!!!!!!
The middle journalists' comments were highly insensitive and discriminatory, and his always against the government...came on men 🙄
After the ethpiopin army withdrow from mekele they never see each other not Victoria.
አወያይ ምነው ሙዝዝ ማለት ታበዛለህ የመገናኘት መሥመር ካለህ አባሣደሩን አቅርበህ የሚሉትን በማረጋገጥ ለሙግትህ እውነታ አሣይ ካልሆነ ግን በዚህ ደረጃ የምትሞግትበት አቋም ልትይዝ የሚያስችልህ አካሄድ ጤናማ አካሔድ አይደለም ።
Ante shentam Aan ate be ethiopia interest emiqorequreh kehone ,, eritrea beraswa inerest setemetabat ayamatim yehen new kebt yemiasebelachew,
Ante wusha you don't have rights to talk about Eritrea sovereign land.
አዲሱ የብልፅግና ሚድያ content and information are difference ግን ለምን በEtv መጥታችሁ ኑሮ ያሰለቸዉን ህዝባችንን ብታቦዝኑልን ይሻል ነበር ከፍለን ከምናያችሁ😂😂😂😂😂😂
Afer damehe yasbalahe men abteh tamatale wasfatame
✨️✨️ The Lion of Judha. His majesty, the emperor ✨️✨️
ግርማዊነታቸው መጨረሻቸው ሽንት ቤት ስር ሆነ 😂 ለሰይጣን ቁራጭ ትክክለኛ ቦታ, ተፈሪ የሚሏት ትንሿ ወጠጤ የሗላ ሗላ ትባላለች አጤ እንዳልተባለለት 😂
abet amanuel eritrea wist yebelahaw kideh ahun ethiopiawi mehonihin tiz aleh wey gud
When dictators fight, people always pay the price. Of course, Eritreans are in many ways are similar to Ethiopians. The problem is they want to live like Ethiopians when they set foot in Ethiopia and they like to be treated as such. That isn’t happening. Abiy and his thugs are following the TPLF blueprint, which is harassing Eritreans when they fail to establish good relations with the thugs in Eritrea. There will never be peace in Ethiopia as long as ethnic politics and the disgusting ethnic regions are allowed to continue . No ethnic group, I repeat, no ethnic group wants to see one group dictate others. Sad!
ezih metachu zim belach betkolafesu ERITREA be ethiopia yalat policyiwa 100% teqeyerewal ena zimbelachu btkededu kewere bezelele firee atawetum,
Eshe bahre beleh meta ena enja demo ye abay gedeb lemafres zegeju ney ante aheya
ethiopia setnor eko new be 5 tebetenalech bekerebu yekey bahir seyamerih yekeral ,, wedimeh felig shetam eritreawian ena ethiopiawian besegam bemenfesim angenagnim hod ena jereba nen arat netib,,
" Sid - adeg " Zelan❗️
Ayatehe ena abatehe nafeke nana enasayahalne
amanuel etanchafif yante meri yalew besimiminet weym behayl silale new engi besimiminet kehonema beweyane gizem eyetetekemachihu alneberachihum wey. rasachihu gimel atetubet bilachihu tewachihut. amanuel atakurif yelela sew hasabim akbir
Anta dadab aman men enda tanagera wadi badhasha adametew
1000000000 betigeba gudayachin aydelem shintam hula,,,
ethiopiawian ena eritreawian And honen anawekim seyamerih yeqeral shentam hula,,
Ante demo " Qezenk "
What do you ❓️
Ethiopians' population has reached to
140 million❗️
Unsubscribed due to your anti-Ethiopian stance!
😂😂😂😂😂😂 manim behon manim ahun yale ethiopiawi yehun nege emimeta generetion maninm anferam endezam belachu tasebalachu 😂😂😂😂
Kkkkkkk inanta baminot naw yamtneriu.