More Than Helmets: An Exclusive Look Inside Ocean Beetle Japan

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @shadowrayray
    @shadowrayray День назад

    Love this, thank you very much!

  • @mafiahenschen8674
    @mafiahenschen8674 21 час назад

    Wow awesome trip and super cool vid!!,, ❤👍👍🥃🥃

  • @clintjamesbruhh
    @clintjamesbruhh День назад

    You have such a great channel with Great value and memories keep up your fun and hard work I love your content and am a fan

  • @J3FP4G3
    @J3FP4G3 21 час назад

    SO. AWESOME!!!

  • @xcronex
    @xcronex 19 часов назад

    this was great! I only know of Beetle Helmets because of Unaffiliated's videos, didn't realize they had this much going on! Looking forward to their product release ...

  • @garyehrhardt3136
    @garyehrhardt3136 День назад

    Great behind the scenes

  • @bullasjuanlorenzo
    @bullasjuanlorenzo День назад

    Impresionante esta empresa y sus artículos. Y ese garaje lleno de😍 joyas de dos ruedas, alucinante. El personal😉 un "10". Saludos from Spain🍻

  • @a_DjVu
    @a_DjVu День назад

    That hardtail kit looks pretty good

  • @konrad_seidel
    @konrad_seidel 2 дня назад

    19:00 Diamonds in the dark. Thank you for sharing!

  • @Junioronomy
    @Junioronomy 2 дня назад +1

    This was like the History of Beetle, only seen Sam in another channel but glad they are doing it big, great video👍

  • @Calvinmob681
    @Calvinmob681 2 дня назад +1

    Damn, the Japanese chopper culture and style is so dope.

  • @netrhyda8761
    @netrhyda8761 2 дня назад

    Very nice, there's some real energy there!!

  • @HeinzKampmann
    @HeinzKampmann 2 дня назад

    Very kindly people. Thanks for the look inside. Best wishes 🤘

  • @Bobbaabuilda
    @Bobbaabuilda 2 дня назад

    This video was amazing! These guys really have something special going on over there as well. 🤙🏻

  • @richiebainbridge2608
    @richiebainbridge2608 2 дня назад

    Incredible insight 🇬🇧

  • @kmeades43
    @kmeades43 2 дня назад

    Wow.... Such an awesome video guys. Epic 🤘🤘

  • @Mark-z5n7r
    @Mark-z5n7r Час назад

    Thank you so much for this amazing video! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?

    @LYDBCK 2 дня назад

    Awesome video with some really good info on a very interesting company, thank you

  • @locoocho2415
    @locoocho2415 День назад

    That's cool, I wonder do they fabricate gas tanks?

  • @alexred09
    @alexred09 День назад

    I so want to get one of those Japan style shovelhead builds, but I can’t find anyone who builds here in the US everyone who builds custom stuff goes more extreme super expensive chopper build like you would see in those annoying TV shows and not that old school vibrate style.

  • @basilwatson1
    @basilwatson1 2 дня назад

    how do you get the new frames through shaken ?

  • @2WheelsGood.01
    @2WheelsGood.01 2 дня назад +1

    Dudes living the dream life. Sweet bikes and Japan. If you all ever need a soft goods (bags, luggage etc) designer/product developer, I'd love to talk.

  • @grantphilpot-g8q
    @grantphilpot-g8q День назад

  • @toddclark332
    @toddclark332 2 дня назад

    Boys got it going on love that there here and there so cool thanks for the video bro have a great ❤️💕🎅hohoho December 🏁 💪🏼

  • @rollinhawk777
    @rollinhawk777 2 дня назад +1

    First comment 💪

  • @marklaramie7393
    @marklaramie7393 2 дня назад

    Damn man, they got some cool shit happening there, felt like a kid in a candy store watchin this...

  • @stevenholt3709
    @stevenholt3709 2 дня назад

    are you still here? I'm near Saitama in Tachikawa. My bro (American) has a powder coating business here. building a neon green and black glide. Vintech Cycles, Musashimuryama. He coats frames too. I need to visit your shop

  • @eloyanzaldua7433
    @eloyanzaldua7433 2 дня назад

    Very nice! Next, to go wife shopping.

  • @EricShingles-p6q
    @EricShingles-p6q 2 дня назад

    Chuck is so heavy on that lathe, Ive used one, that it has to be lifted into place with a hoist

  • @farrellvanderhoef133
    @farrellvanderhoef133 4 часа назад

    Son. How did that make you feel about that white dude insulting the Japanese workers when you were touring that business ?

      @LNSPLTBLVD  3 часа назад

      How did he insult the workers?

  • @gymshoe8862
    @gymshoe8862 2 дня назад

    So they do helmets and 70's style choppers? I thought choppers were dead or dying.

  • @JestesZBoczkiem
    @JestesZBoczkiem 2 дня назад


  • @rickhadfield1097
    @rickhadfield1097 13 часов назад

    Messiest shop and unorganized like crazy

    @BILLYBICUDO 2 дня назад


  • @cliffn7526
    @cliffn7526 2 дня назад +6

    Sorry guys, but I think your country (USA) is gonna screw you over trying to import your product back home.

  • @endangereddangerous8102
    @endangereddangerous8102 2 дня назад +1

    Like like like like like like like like like....... annoying huh