How beautifully done! My son secretly subscribed your chanel. Since last Sat he made the request, he's been waiting for your upload. Last night, when I got home, he was very exciting to tell me that 'buddy uploaded rainbow'! After watching your video, he got out his violin and started to practice. What a great encourage to a 5 yr old kid!!! Thank you so very much!! Look forward to more of your work~
Thank you so much for this wonderful way of teaching. I love the pace and the showing of finger placement
and the way you play. I will watch again!
How beautifully done! My son secretly subscribed your chanel. Since last Sat he made the request, he's been waiting for your upload. Last night, when I got home, he was very exciting to tell me that 'buddy uploaded rainbow'! After watching your video, he got out his violin and started to practice. What a great encourage to a 5 yr old kid!!! Thank you so very much!! Look forward to more of your work~
I'm really glad that he enjoyed it! Thank you for your support! 😊
Wonderful!! 👌
Very Good Bravo :)