Faces Of Africa - Haile Selassie: The Pillar of a Modern Ethiopia, part 1 & 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3 тыс.

  • @nassauguy48
    @nassauguy48 7 лет назад +783

    I am a Greek who loves Ethiopia and Emperor Haile Selassie. Ethiopia became the comforting home of so many Greeks escaping Ottoman Turkish rule, and the Emperor took special care to accommodate his Greek subjects. The Ethiopian people have always expressed nothing less than the utmost kindness and warmth toward their Greek neighbors.

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 6 лет назад +16

      are the greeks going to move there, now the economy is so wonderful?

    • @hagosgebru1313
      @hagosgebru1313 6 лет назад +21

      ARSHO IS A MODERN medical laboratory sevice in Addis ababa ,Ethiopia.is is the first private laboratory in the country.it was founed by Geek personnel before a decades of year.Babis is also prominant supermarket in Ethiopia which is still owned by Greek .

    • @siseman5327
      @siseman5327 6 лет назад +32

      I am from Eritrean we i love to Greece orthodox brother's

    • @RR-kb9uz
      @RR-kb9uz 6 лет назад +21

      @@barbiebastille2536 negative barbie

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 6 лет назад +8

      no realistic and truthful, and not believing the crap politicians tell us.....or people who have selective memory.....

  • @ビザンツ
    @ビザンツ 4 года назад +267

    I am japanese so I cant use english so much.
    I think that his education makes African happy.
    So I think he is the greatest emperor in the world.

    • @kobbykoomson8368
      @kobbykoomson8368 4 года назад +1

      hey...are u still in Japan?

    • @Tes-qe1jc
      @Tes-qe1jc 4 года назад


    • @decimustavares6915
      @decimustavares6915 4 года назад +15

      you are right my japonese brother Haile Selassie is the true not just for africans but to all the world i praise HIM the man who wears the crown

    • @ビザンツ
      @ビザンツ 4 года назад +1

      @@Tes-qe1jc 兵庫県に住んでいます

    • @ሞገስማርቆስ-ተ2ገ
      @ሞገስማርቆስ-ተ2ገ 4 года назад

      Exactly bra🇪🇹

  • @valentinechinonso4800
    @valentinechinonso4800 4 года назад +72

    Halie Selassie was my reason of visiting Ethiopian in the year 2019. Vaplax from lagos Nigeria.

    • @TrasherBiner
      @TrasherBiner 3 года назад

      Vaplax sounds like an alien planet from the Galactic Confederation of Planets.

    • @damariowilson2350
      @damariowilson2350 3 года назад

      How was it

  • @SoraAdams
    @SoraAdams 6 лет назад +374

    As a Nigerian, I truly admire the Ethiopian history and cannot wait to visit Ethiopia.

  • @jorgecampos8468
    @jorgecampos8468 5 лет назад +310

    I'm from El salvador I visited Ethiopia I felt in love with culture kindness people I will go back

    • @Ethiopia22
      @Ethiopia22 5 лет назад +5

      I am from Ethiopia ,and I don't know what you are talking about

    • @edensolomon23
      @edensolomon23 4 года назад +18

      @abdulmejid Alamin everyone knows your Somalian by just your name lol

    • @sisayzmalh6448
      @sisayzmalh6448 4 года назад +5

      @@edensolomon23 😂😂😂

    • @ቀጭቀጭ
      @ቀጭቀጭ 4 года назад +7

      @@Ethiopia22 idiot zoomali 🤣🤣🤣

    • @ፅጌናይ
      @ፅጌናይ 4 года назад +3

      you are right . The people especially the Tigray, Oromo and Afar are goodheart people. But one thing you forget is, in his 4w years during his regime, haileslasie 2as fighting to destroy our good values .

  • @AlbertAkogo
    @AlbertAkogo 4 года назад +69

    Great historic documentation and one to be proud of by any African. I'm Nigerian and I look forward to see every contemporary African youth have a sense of pride and responsibility in building Africa to where she truly belongs.

  • @Beatrice.Ndungu
    @Beatrice.Ndungu 3 года назад +47

    To see Ethiopian Airlines as the top African airline would bring immense joy to him if he were alive today. Love from Nairobi Kenya

  • @carlanderson2468
    @carlanderson2468 3 года назад +145

    My DNA test brought me here. As an African American with a 5% of Ethiopian ancestry, this documentary was fascinating, what a great man he was.

    • @HolyRickstar
      @HolyRickstar 3 года назад +19

      Everyone has Ethiopian blood it’s where humanity first began

    • @carlanderson2468
      @carlanderson2468 3 года назад +10

      @@HolyRickstar Humanities DNA test don't go back that far, the test aren't that advanced yet. My dad's grandmother was Ethiopian and it showed in my DNA test.

    • @HolyRickstar
      @HolyRickstar 3 года назад +3

      @@carlanderson2468 it does the first human beings were in Ethiopia , from 3.2 million years ago , the last person we were all related to was alive just 3000 years ago scientific fact.

    • @carlanderson2468
      @carlanderson2468 3 года назад +6

      @@HolyRickstar I already know the history, what I'm telling you is that the test itself don't go back that far otherwise every Asian (people from India, China, and Japan) and European world see African in their test results, they don't. The test only goes back about 200 possibly 300 years. 300 years is only a Great grandparents.

    • @HolyRickstar
      @HolyRickstar 3 года назад +5

      @@carlanderson2468 oh I understand.

  • @mbinacedric3566
    @mbinacedric3566 4 года назад +77

    i'm gabonese and i love Ethiopia! Can't wait to visit the country of the great Haile Selassie! Amesegenalihu

  • @medihabesha1541
    @medihabesha1541 4 года назад +24

    ሀውልቱን አፈረሱት እንዚህ የታሪክ አተላዎች እግዚአብሔር ይፍረዳቸው ባንዳዎች Ja👑💚💛❤️👑thank you CCTV ❤️

  • @famafall8741
    @famafall8741 9 лет назад +358

    It amaze me when people say Ethiopians don't like to be associated with the others part of Africa, but Haile Selassie, fought to keep Africa's dignity a proud African who refused the greedy Europeans taken over his country.

      @REDSEATIGER1 9 лет назад +17

      Fama Fall Right,,,he did his best to safeguard his own empire by sitting around with colonial powers and signed a treaty not to help other African forces who were fighting against colonial powers.

    • @famafall8741
      @famafall8741 9 лет назад +7

      REDSEATIGER1 And why the others African leaders didn't the same as he did?

      @REDSEATIGER1 9 лет назад +2

      Fama Fall You mean before or after the second world war??

      @REDSEATIGER1 9 лет назад +15

      Fama Fall Haile selasie became African when the british government refused to sanction Italy for its invasion of Ethiopia.

    • @famafall8741
      @famafall8741 9 лет назад +15

      I mean all Africans leaders are running behind western policymakers for help if they are turned down they became Africans. Africa is always were they can fall back on if they can not be accepted by those who make our policies, and it still going on in our leaders even today.

  • @ddwalano1566
    @ddwalano1566 4 года назад +41

    I am ethiopia its first time to hear this history about haile silase i am proud of my home contry...

  • @obertdzvimbo2938
    @obertdzvimbo2938 4 года назад +140

    I am from Zimbabwe, I named My beautiful last Daughter born in 2009 'Haile' in honour of the Unconquerable Lion of Judah. I have never forgiven Mengistu for his sordid acts.

    • @ethiopiathelandoforigins8582
      @ethiopiathelandoforigins8582 4 года назад +11

      don't you know that Mengistu is in Zimbabwe, I am from Ethiopia

    • @ashrafmegaly7862
      @ashrafmegaly7862 4 года назад


    • @birhanyemra4695
      @birhanyemra4695 4 года назад +11

      Naming your daughter after him is an honour for Ethiopia too. Bad that Mengistu the dictator is living in Zimbabwe.
      Love from Ethiopia

    • @yehenewyeshiwas2001
      @yehenewyeshiwas2001 4 года назад +1

      @@ethiopiathelandoforigins8582 21q ett esq raw 5qeq

    • @muxyadinbarkad1596
      @muxyadinbarkad1596 4 года назад +2

      How do you feel about centuries old slavery of oromo people in the hands of haile Selassie and his ethnic group? White supremacist have nothing on haile Selassie and his people.

  • @manolomanolo4289
    @manolomanolo4289 4 года назад +61

    Much love from Haiti to etiopia🔥🔥🔥🔥more🔥🔥

  • @ethiopiansinuk5362
    @ethiopiansinuk5362 Год назад +2

    He was great king am so ashamed of our new generations that doesn't know about history and full with hate thank you for sharing our own history we didn't respect

  • @truelove8355
    @truelove8355 7 лет назад +28

    it’s good that you are here to record this picture of me, in my palace garden at Addis Ababa.
    People who see this throughout the world,will realist that even in the 20th with faith courage and a just,David will still beat Goliath.

  • @psalms2327
    @psalms2327 7 лет назад +244

    "I appreciate this available history documentary here on RUclips. There is so much to learn about African History!

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад +2

      It isn't reliable, Haile Selassie is known in Ethiopia as a suppressor and the cause of our slow economy which would lead to this:ruclips.net/video/ML32CeRUglU/видео.html

    • @goitombbm9644
      @goitombbm9644 4 года назад +2

      What about AU ? Is it not the establishment of H. Selassie?

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад +2

      @@goitombbm9644 That's not important, Haile Selassie ruined our country.

    • @thethanoskillingkind3180
      @thethanoskillingkind3180 4 года назад +1

      @@eho6380 Said the mass murdering communist, rot in hell you filthy traitor.

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      @TPLF tigray I'm an Amhara Ethiopian.

  • @lelo4275
    @lelo4275 5 лет назад +41

    Am so proud to be Ethiopian 🇪🇹I love our 👑 king so proud of him when ever I talk about him tears come in my face may God bless him and our country one love ❤️

    • @Mik3xcellence
      @Mik3xcellence 5 лет назад

      Lelise Gemeda aw ur cute

    • @lelo4275
      @lelo4275 5 лет назад +1

      Mikado The Great thank you 😊
      @Lelise_7 follow me on Instagram

    • @rasjahLeeiLee
      @rasjahLeeiLee 4 года назад


  • @Sheppesh
    @Sheppesh 6 лет назад +24

    For black Americans and the African diaspora as a whole, because of its insurmountable strength it displayed against Italy and against eurocentricity/colonization, Ethiopia is a shimmering beacon on the hill. Also, as I am a visual artist, I really appreciate the cultivation of the arts by Selassie. May God continue to bless Ethiopia.

    • @tollabulla9063
      @tollabulla9063 5 лет назад +1

      It was the people of Ethiopia who organized themselves and defended themselves against the invaders. Haile Selassie was on the run. This our true story. He eliminated the Ethiopian heroes when he got back and took power.

    • @roginebacani8669
      @roginebacani8669 Год назад

      Help sir... 🙏🇱🇷🇪🇹🇵🇭🇯🇵🥺

  • @AllAmericanBabe
    @AllAmericanBabe 4 года назад +70

    I love the way their eyes light up with the positive memories of the Emperor. ❤️✊🏾

    • @98ohnibuk
      @98ohnibuk 3 года назад

      Haile Sellasie was one of the worst dictators in whole history. He was responsible of famines in Ethiopia and hundreds thousands people deaths. He stole millions $$ from Ethiopian citizens and never give them back. The same time people lived in extreme poor and starving

  • @princepcn6909
    @princepcn6909 4 года назад +9

    Thank You Daddy Haile Selassie I. Continue to Rest in Power. Who is getting this inspiration in May 2020

  • @youhanaalikana4464
    @youhanaalikana4464 8 лет назад +399

    Ethiopia is the shining beacon of Africa, example of self- determination, freedom and nation pride, city that promote unity of Africa. nation that refuses to use English as their national language. I think when all African countries decided to stop using foreigner language such as English and French and develop one national Language we can move forward.

    • @shesBlessed83
      @shesBlessed83 8 лет назад +27

      I fully agree with you. I think Swahili is best choice as an African continental language. What do you think?

    • @youhanaalikana4464
      @youhanaalikana4464 8 лет назад +11

      I think you right, early this year, i decided to learning Swahili on my own, by watch movies, books, news,RUclips, etc,

    • @shesBlessed83
      @shesBlessed83 8 лет назад +7

      +Youhana Haider I will try that. I am South African by the way

    • @largelysubatomic
      @largelysubatomic 8 лет назад +11

      Soon they'll be speaking Chinese

    • @ምንግዜምኦርቶዶክስ
      @ምንግዜምኦርቶዶክስ 8 лет назад +38

      Never brother. China gives loan to african mega projects with out precondtion unlike the western theives who were stealing african resources. For example if IMF or world bank is asked for loan or aid they need structural adjustment in the country like allowing freemarket but China the true friend of Africa never interfers in issues of sovereign states.The west help africans to dismantle their country, to overthrow legal governments and bring their puppet to power.

  • @negusnegus47
    @negusnegus47 4 года назад +37

    My grandmother seen His majesty in 1966 . Magotty st. Elizabeth Jamaica .

    • @acescafe7713
      @acescafe7713 3 года назад +2

      Onelove 🇯🇲

    • @sharonbrown2755
      @sharonbrown2755 3 года назад

      @ Negus I also saw him passed by on a train..On his way with gov't officials going to Montego Bay..1966 it was

    • @negusnegus47
      @negusnegus47 3 года назад +3

      @@sharonbrown2755 experience of a lifetime

    • @booblam6919
      @booblam6919 9 месяцев назад

      Are you knowledgeable about the 13 months ? Am seeking for solid information. .

  • @Quickxphos
    @Quickxphos 4 года назад +19

    Respect to Selassie from the U.K may he rest in peace. From what I’ve read Ethiopia hasn’t been the same since he died

  • @TheMrhycannon
    @TheMrhycannon 6 лет назад +47

    I remember seeing Selassie on the tv when I was young.. I always felt drawn to him.. There was something special about the man.. There was no common background.. My great-grandfather was also named Jahile, spelled differently but pronounced the same.. I've never heard the name elsewhere..

    • @fayathedevotee225
      @fayathedevotee225 4 года назад +4

      Greetings in the name of His Imperial Majesty. May the almighty bless u and your father madam. Ignore the silly devilish selfish racial comment I c here from some uneducated fool. We as rastas and followers of The emperor r nothing like this we r fun loving naturalist type of ppl who have a great feel and happiness towards our fellow man and ooman. May u b blessed with a long life. Glory Halelu Jah. Selah

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      @@fayathedevotee225 Haile Selassie was a Dictator,
      He was rated by the Freedom House as not Free and tortured political opponents.

    • @blessedgirl1428
      @blessedgirl1428 3 года назад

      Well your grand father was not a great man but Ethiopian raster was in African history.

    • @Younima4
      @Younima4 3 года назад

      @@eho6380 Salty

  • @andrewmboweni8285
    @andrewmboweni8285 5 лет назад +42

    haille selassie was a great man of african continent

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      Oh no, He wasn't.
      He was a Dictator who caused 900,000 death's in droughts and made our economy shit.

    • @lilpp4791
      @lilpp4791 4 года назад +2

      @@eho6380 stay salty

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      @@lilpp4791 You too

  • @ailee3034
    @ailee3034 3 года назад +23

    With courage, faith and a just case, David will beat Goliath 💯🆙🙏🙏

  • @knudlorenzen5323
    @knudlorenzen5323 4 года назад +31

    23:40 His voice is a sharp sword. A humble heart claiming justice.

  • @temesgengetachew6191
    @temesgengetachew6191 4 года назад +11

    I'm one of Ethiopan people so I love it this history.
    Because of Ethiopan is the lights of the world.

  • @classickruzer1
    @classickruzer1 3 года назад +5

    Was fortunate enough to see the Emperor on one of his trips to Eritrea. One of the highlights of my life..

  • @unitedcameroon1341
    @unitedcameroon1341 5 лет назад +85

    Cameroon and Etheophia remains friends for ever.

    • @Travel_kidz
      @Travel_kidz 4 года назад


    • @IAMJEFFREY-cw9ns
      @IAMJEFFREY-cw9ns 4 года назад +5

      We even share the exact same colours on our flags. Respect to Cameroon from Ethiopia 🇪🇹🇨🇲🙏🏿🙏🏿

    • @Mikitadesse837
      @Mikitadesse837 3 года назад

      Forever BROTHER

    • @samanth.
      @samanth. 2 года назад

      @@Travel_kidz 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡💩💩🤮🤮

  • @EdwinOmegaodhis
    @EdwinOmegaodhis 3 года назад +3

    Receive much love from kenya, long live Haile Selasie, your ideas still live in Africa

  • @Zare-v7j
    @Zare-v7j 8 месяцев назад +1

    What a great documentary!! I love the background songs❤❤❤. 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹

  • @paweltrawicki2200
    @paweltrawicki2200 5 лет назад +39

    This person just looks special,look at his eyes......wow and wow again....extraordinary!!!!

    • @98ohnibuk
      @98ohnibuk 3 года назад

      Haile Sellasie was one of the worst dictators in whole history. He was responsible of famines in Ethiopia and hundreds thousands people deaths. He stole millions $$ from Ethiopian citizens and never give them back. The same time people lived in extreme poor and starving

    • @paweltrawicki2200
      @paweltrawicki2200 3 года назад

      @@98ohnibuk He stood up to Linguini

  • @rupertrozells5816
    @rupertrozells5816 5 лет назад +9

    Halle Selassie was a great leader for Ethiopia, a patriot & a statesman. The documentary was most informative & well presented

  • @jaqenhghar6996
    @jaqenhghar6996 4 года назад +24

    Greetings in di name ah di most high Selassie! Jah bless, sanctify, remember di poor, Rastafari! Babylon nuh like wi, fiyah bun fi dem bloodclaat! ❤🇯🇲❤🇯🇲❤🇯🇲!!!

  • @majidtv9197
    @majidtv9197 9 лет назад +211

    Very inspiring..I pray I'll be a great leader like him ...and also that great leaders like him should be birthed in other places so that we can free Africa!!! So help me God!!!

    • @peter-johndejong5303
      @peter-johndejong5303 7 лет назад

      Africa is only free when the Governments are held against strong ethical and Governamental codes of ethics and moral,,,,and illiteracy will be eradicated....

    • @teetalksthereal
      @teetalksthereal 7 лет назад +4

      It's all lies can't you see Haile was a Kazaar Jew

    • @Amanueel
      @Amanueel 6 лет назад +11

      Fuck Haile Selassie, a leader? This guy was a rich bitch worth millions of golds yet didn't care to feed the starving people of his own land and started wars with the neighbouring countries. A greedy sick man. Fuck him. Awate Nehafash!

    • @temesgenwondimagegnehu105
      @temesgenwondimagegnehu105 6 лет назад

      Tee real talk ...you need to join the nearest gym...

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 6 лет назад

      so there can be more poverty, and request hand outs from the rest of the world, and continue to have a victim mentality. ebola is not such a bad thing!

  • @anthonymaangi5829
    @anthonymaangi5829 10 лет назад +35

    Finally an alternative view from what the media and some historical records in the past has presented to the rest of the world. We Africans need to cut some slack for some of our heroes despite their perceived or real human weaknesses. I love the pride in these beautiful people! Real African pride!

  • @scottvankeuren950
    @scottvankeuren950 4 года назад +30

    If all leaders were made of the same stuff as Haile Selassie, the world would be a much better place instead of the mess it is now. He was a great man.

    • @98ohnibuk
      @98ohnibuk 3 года назад

      Haile Sellasie was one of the worst dictators in whole history. He was responsible of famines in Ethiopia and hundreds thousands people deaths. He stole millions $$ from Ethiopian citizens and never give them back. The same time people lived in extreme poor and starving

    • @98ohnibuk
      @98ohnibuk 3 года назад

      Haile Sellasie was one of the worst dictators in whole history. He was responsible of famines in Ethiopia and hundreds thousands people deaths. He stole millions $$ from Ethiopian citizens and never give them back. The same time people lived in extreme poor and starving

    • @usmanjohn3267
      @usmanjohn3267 8 дней назад

      And the other conflicts in Ethiopia today he created it and when his people were facing fermin instead of him solving the problem he went ahead to spend 35milion dollars for his birthday and that was his downfall

  • @kawooyavicent6011
    @kawooyavicent6011 4 года назад +31

    I love Ethiopia, very rich history, Godly people.
    I must visit Ethiopia.

  • @solomonmuluneh617
    @solomonmuluneh617 3 года назад +8

    Thank you CGTN! Great documentary! HIM was a great leader. A visionary that African leaders should take inspiration from!

  • @teferisyum9229
    @teferisyum9229 4 года назад +2

    I'm from Ethiopia but I like this story in my home Thank you so much

  • @gloriarwobahirya7855
    @gloriarwobahirya7855 4 года назад +15

    This various African history is so great! Thank you for the great work you do to educate us!

  • @SuperMmiimmii
    @SuperMmiimmii 4 года назад +3

    Outstanding journalism. We Ethiopians will prevail again. Thank you.

  • @happyngambi3416
    @happyngambi3416 2 года назад +2

    HAILE SELASSIE ''POWER OF THE TRINITY'' he is surely rembered and regarded to have been a very great leader

  • @ShadowMoon96
    @ShadowMoon96 5 лет назад +61

    I really love the Ethiopian culture nature and natural food , beautiful country

    • @JohnDoe-sw1rs
      @JohnDoe-sw1rs 3 года назад +1

      It is unfortunately going to disappear due to Oromo genocides against Amharas

    • @samanth.
      @samanth. 2 года назад

      @@JohnDoe-sw1rs 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡💩💩

    • @JohnDoe-sw1rs
      @JohnDoe-sw1rs 2 года назад

      @@samanth. Galla

  • @iamcoming3658
    @iamcoming3658 5 лет назад +10

    Just Ethiopian and Jamaican people would believe that haile selassie was an angel 👼.

    • @robel8126
      @robel8126 5 лет назад +2

      Ethiopians don't believe he is angel , he is just another king

    • @Torsdagskvallsmys
      @Torsdagskvallsmys 4 года назад

      @@robel8126 a King dosnt kill all The People The country are depending on for it to work. Thats also why he was forced of the throne. He was no King, a King lead is country. He was a piece of shit

  • @kelvinmugendi4157
    @kelvinmugendi4157 3 года назад +3

    A Visionary Leader would be an understatement, Above all He was a great advocate for Peace(War is never good) How I pray that other leaders would at least borrow a page or two from his book of leadership....

  • @africaninjamaica632
    @africaninjamaica632 3 года назад +67

    The ONLY Emperor that the queen bowed to!

    • @joemoe1219
      @joemoe1219 3 года назад +3

      The queen bowed because they wanted to hoodwink the rulers. While going after whatever needed to control the land.

    • @kenny4328
      @kenny4328 3 года назад +4

      @@joemoe1219 but they didn't soo

    • @Debbie-Muls
      @Debbie-Muls 3 года назад

      Sudaniaaaaaa... whoolooo fhdnsns indidnsjs haile selassie.

    • @Debbie-Muls
      @Debbie-Muls 3 года назад

      Haile Selassie says ambua mwa gogo albeit.... trauma na abuser Goreng sudania agenda... hooyooo indeminalachu. Indeed palestine was not born well. Indammineioooo. Arab states fighting are quiet. Diminished to wait.
      In typing we are hacked by noises of savagery.
      Even I by a mum of prostitution. Sad. LOL

    • @Debbie-Muls
      @Debbie-Muls 3 года назад

      No sudanese spirit. Indeed hooyoo. Bahasa internet. Tigrigna is warrior. Not small big bums and breasts like my hooyoo with useless temper and hacker spirit of I want to be like God.
      La Israel is sign of Jew
      La bum bum is sign of G E N T I L E

  • @anatoli6564
    @anatoli6564 5 лет назад +211

    He tried to unite all Africa but he was alone😐😓✊

    • @randomusername8767
      @randomusername8767 5 лет назад +20

      MAD MAX He killed innocent African,if he wanted to unite Africa it wasn’t for its liberation but for him to rule.

    • @tsioneyasu3500
      @tsioneyasu3500 4 года назад +17

      He did not kill innocent African people. He wanted peace

    • @truthhitman7473
      @truthhitman7473 4 года назад +9

      He was a friend of racist European monarchs. And thousands of Africans starved to death because of him.

    • @thethanoskillingkind3180
      @thethanoskillingkind3180 4 года назад +5

      @@randomusername8767 Said the mass murdering communist

    • @randomusername8767
      @randomusername8767 4 года назад

      @@thethanoskillingkind3180 I’m not a communist try again

  • @mogeswoldearegay946
    @mogeswoldearegay946 3 месяца назад

    . good and wonderful historical document you made for us , i thank you

  • @Spino2Earth
    @Spino2Earth 7 лет назад +130

    Glory to Afrika!!
    Respekt from Norway :)

  • @papapaye9795
    @papapaye9795 2 года назад +3

    Black is bold, black is Beautiful. I love My ancestors, I'm proud to be an African..

    • @davidatkinson5858
      @davidatkinson5858 Год назад

      Good for you 👍but what are your people famous for?

  • @uyoedetmusic5077
    @uyoedetmusic5077 4 года назад +2

    He deserves to be honored with national holiday. He lifts Ethiopia and Africa up in a special way than any leader in the whole of Africa. Shame to those soldiers who mistreat him after overthrowing. Such a great man deserve better treatment. May almighty God bless him and give his soul peace for great accomplishments.

  • @andrewalligood3121
    @andrewalligood3121 5 лет назад +5

    One of the best ever documentaries I ever view!!!!!!!!!!!Lots to know some of which I wasnt aware=wish all leaders were as noble as this humble loving man.....Ras Tafar I live on!!!!!!!!!!

    • @maxlindeberg3517
      @maxlindeberg3517 3 года назад

      He ignored a hunger catastrophe in Tigray that killed 500 k people.

  • @blessedgirl1428
    @blessedgirl1428 3 года назад +5

    Much love for Greatest African leader Haile Salisse. Rest in power. Best example of African Father.

    • @marvellousmarvin6127
      @marvellousmarvin6127 3 года назад

      🤣🤣🤣 he was no African leader but raw meat eating amhar who kill our people

  • @thompsond-great3526
    @thompsond-great3526 4 года назад +10

    Incredible history, heard of Haile S, but I never knew how great a man he was. I am amazed by the kind of heart for his people he had, not only his people but Africa in general. We have such kinds of people in Africa today but they’re hiding in their shells 🐚 God bless Africa, God’s own land.

    • @edwardjames791
      @edwardjames791 11 месяцев назад +1

      Truly he is. JAH Rastafari SELAH

  • @natmaelane2118
    @natmaelane2118 4 года назад +4

    Am proudly South African, & African . The visionary leadership & his martyrdom is inspirational. We need many of his kind 2 lead One Africa vision

    • @usmanjohn3267
      @usmanjohn3267 8 дней назад

      I don't think you will need him he is Evil and wicked try to know him more and ask

  • @krisstarring
    @krisstarring 4 года назад +35

    Jah bless the Ras Tafari, Haile Selassie.

  • @african-2000
    @african-2000 Год назад +1

    Thank you CCTV \ CGTN Africa for this extra amazing video of Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia 💚💛❤

  • @dia.6213
    @dia.6213 8 лет назад +271

    I really like the 'quietness' of this documentary: the narrator has a nice, calm voice and there is no harsh music in the background....better able to absorb the information.

  • @ko-koscoffee
    @ko-koscoffee 4 года назад +7

    Jomo Kenyatta and Ras Tafari; the best East African connection that ever existed. Kenya/Ethiopia's defense brotherhood that exists to date, is a culmination of their friendship. I want to visit Lalibella and Gondar in my lifetime. Haile was a genius.

    • @abdikadirhassanabdi2143
      @abdikadirhassanabdi2143 2 года назад

      Two cowards who helped the European.... that is why they still help you. Siad barre was the true hero who never bowed down to whites. To prove this, Europeans gave a large chunk of somalia to the neighbors in order to reward them for their loyalty.

  • @nahomdiro7818
    @nahomdiro7818 4 года назад +6

    I am an Ethiopian i have watched the documentry carefully and i can say it is the really history and the presentaton was clear.

  • @safi.4537
    @safi.4537 5 лет назад +50

    Wow!!! such stunning beautiful & handsome people⭐

    • @kflbr1590
      @kflbr1590 5 лет назад +2

      Yeah we are east african buddy

    • @ethanking4063
      @ethanking4063 4 года назад

      @@kflbr1590 lmao

    • @kflbr1590
      @kflbr1590 4 года назад

      Ethan King whadd up ??

    • @Southforthewinter
      @Southforthewinter 4 года назад +2

      Joepie De poepie if their older than Caucasian race then it’s the white who have Ethiopian shaped skulls

    • @Southforthewinter
      @Southforthewinter 4 года назад

      Joepie De poepie having common ancestors doesn’t mean you’re the same or have the dam origins...for all I know Caucasians we’re genetically modified and who ever did it failed to replicate the melanin required to protect themselves from UV rays. I look at humans like big cats. You have lions, tigers, leopards, panthers etc. I’ve seen a half lion half tiger cub before, the reason it’s special is because nature knows it’s tribe, humans 99% of the time don’t.
      Also I’m probably wrong about the exact number but doesn’t DNA and fossils research say humans are 6 thousand years old or something like that, but we know humans have been around longer than that according to the age of curtain structures and paintings etc.
      I have no legitimate data to back this but something about the way white People operate in this world tells me their either the newest humanoid race or their a hybrid of some sort, They have somewhere between 3-8% Neanderthal DNA in them depending on each person. Africans who have no mixing in their bloodline are 100% homosapien. Just something to consider you know, i think the world would be a better place if we acknowledged our differences and embraced them all and cherish culture. Instead we have one race who forced their way to supremacy and then tells everyone else’s stories and history as if they were there for all of it.

  • @Onetime150
    @Onetime150 4 года назад +21

    asanteniiba from ghana passing by , give me a like if u are a true african

  • @VRDailly7142
    @VRDailly7142 3 года назад +1

    thanks for giving me the actural story of King Haile Selassie. i love him so much, he wanted every thing for africa, we from liberia love him.

  • @selamdimetros1479
    @selamdimetros1479 5 лет назад +28

    Thank you for sharing our history!

  • @waffiki
    @waffiki 10 лет назад +155

    Haile Selassie went to exile because the priests, nobles, and government-officials persuaded him to go and defend Ethiopia from outside diplomatically, the emperor refused and was in the war front (there are pictures to prove it, and the burn on his hand from the poison-gas-bomb.) but the Orthodox priests used God name for him to get out and save the country using his power to fight from outside the country.
    the Emperor was a pillar for all Black race in the world.
    he single handedly help all Africa to be independent.

    • @herbertconstantinople3791
      @herbertconstantinople3791 10 лет назад +3

      So it was nothing to do with his total cowardice then I must of been wrong.
      I suppose you have an accuse of why he languished in his palace while children die around him of starvation

    • @angelohamlin7062
      @angelohamlin7062 10 лет назад +14

      Yushua Riding At that time Ethiopia did not have the communications, infrastructure, and networks that we have today. He may not have known. Keep in mind too, that He was a target of South Africa and European Powers that had colonized Africa. Throw in the Eastern s Block scramble in Africa, there was chaos.

    • @Burley_Bert
      @Burley_Bert 10 лет назад +9

      Yushua Riding Your hate will poison you.

    • @taketimeforyou
      @taketimeforyou 9 лет назад +10

      Yushua Riding He wasn't aware of that he ain't a coward please shut up you don't know nothing.

    • @angelohamlin7062
      @angelohamlin7062 9 лет назад

      I think you should seek medical help before you hurt yourself or some one else.

  • @jeffafrica2566
    @jeffafrica2566 3 года назад +12

    I think if Ethiopia had followed the kind of leadership that Emperor had brought, Ethiopia would have been the most developed and the eye of AFRICA. But imperialists painted him a bad image yet he was not a dictator like Hitler, Napoleon, Mossolin etc. He brought changes for the benefit of Ethiopian people.

  • @akeldama5434
    @akeldama5434 10 лет назад +404

    I love being Ethiopian!!!!!!!

    • @Mo91100
      @Mo91100 9 лет назад +13

      ***** I love being African.

    • @knowstitches7958
      @knowstitches7958 9 лет назад +5

      +YeAbyssinia Lij good for you

    • @adombelay9632
      @adombelay9632 7 лет назад +15

      even if you dont love it.you can be none.you didn't contribute anything to be an ethiopian it is a chance to born under any nationality so try to be proud by the things you did by yourself!

    • @MikeAnderson-mh2og
      @MikeAnderson-mh2og 7 лет назад +5

      Akel Dama
      You should get your government to bring back the Monarchy

    • @Rikard_A
      @Rikard_A 6 лет назад +2

      I hope the heir to emperor returns as emperor of Ethiopia.

  • @romeobrigarde543
    @romeobrigarde543 4 года назад +6

    I'm a black man from the carribean is fairly to say what this man do 4 Ethiopia 🇪🇹 theirs no one will ever better than him maybe in a 2 centuries good bless he's idealogie

  • @obajistarlord885
    @obajistarlord885 4 года назад +20

    Respect ✊ Emperor. I appreciate your efforts. Your spirit lives on in Africa.

    • @Torsdagskvallsmys
      @Torsdagskvallsmys 4 года назад +1

      Whats to respect? While he killed off ever one in his country it needed for to go round? Puttning whole country in starvation, living luxury while People died in starvation. Having costly parties, drinking champagne even feeding his dogs with fine beef the same time not far from his palace kids walked The Street with biafra stormach. Its was more important for him to live in lyxury and killing anyone Who was a threath to his total power. Do You really think this man deserves respect? People need to know this! He was a dictator. A Cruel one.

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      He was one of the worst Leaders Ethiopia has known:
      1. He didn't allow a Parlament, which made him a Dictator.
      2. He exported too much, because of this the civilians would have nothing.
      3. He didn't allow Freedom of Press and Speech, Protests were most of the time suppressed.
      4. He brutally suppressed Ethnic Nationalism, through plunderings and massacres.
      5. He didn't allow other languages than Amharic to be taught in school.
      6. He fucked the Education in Ethiopia since at the end of his reign (40 years) only 25% of the population could read and write.
      7. His Economy relied on Slavery (Haile Selassie being a Hypocrite at best).
      8. His Economy relied on Farmers (who made 80% of the population) who were heavily taxed by their Landlords, which lead to debts and loss of land, which would lead to poverty.
      9. He covered the Famines in Northern Ethiopia which killed in total 200,000 civilians.

    • @universaltube1603
      @universaltube1603 3 года назад

      @@eho6380 bunch of shits read history first

    • @samanth.
      @samanth. 2 года назад

      @@eho6380 we love him still, cry me a river💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮

  • @lulitliz4918
    @lulitliz4918 7 лет назад +8

    I ask all Ethiopians to see this hard work to build Ethiopia ,no matter what we should stick together .Proud Ethiopia

  • @toshdidon4434
    @toshdidon4434 5 лет назад +62

    Respect Ethiopia... ✊✊✊✊✊

  • @BlackRootsAcademyOfSoul
    @BlackRootsAcademyOfSoul 3 года назад

    This is a very well done documentary. Thank you so much.
    Rest In Eternal Power Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menem and those who lost their lives.

  • @HannahYaawusuahAdjepongL-AS
    @HannahYaawusuahAdjepongL-AS 6 лет назад +16

    Thank you for an excellent programme. We can only move forward by learning from the past. May Africa continue to rise up.

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 6 лет назад

      not if the information received is askew

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 5 лет назад

      that's unlikely!

    • @aldoajoudeng-akuey6959
      @aldoajoudeng-akuey6959 4 года назад

      Thank you

    • @dawitassefa7498
      @dawitassefa7498 2 года назад

      ruclips.net/video/5IpsPZQyml8/видео.html walking in Africa Ethiopia AddisAbaba city
      I need 1000 000 subscribers
      “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.``1 에티오피아 ዧሏጯቧፗ

  • @henokr.g.6215
    @henokr.g.6215 8 лет назад +64

    History is history. Haile Selassie I. laid the foundation of this great nation but his successors ruined all what he had aspired and built to put the country first in all the settings at least in the continent. Thank you for all you did in your time King, you were a wise, nationalist, pan-Africanist and visionary king of all time. Sorry for those who have muddled in bloods and backwardness. R.I.P! Thank you CCTV !

    • @henokr.g.6215
      @henokr.g.6215 8 лет назад +3

      Alexander Tessema oops ! thanks my brother it's a mistake. It must be his successors !

    •  8 лет назад +1

      Henok Reta your very welcome.

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 6 лет назад

      arrogance ! no nation is great, people are the same everywhere, mostly don't care!

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад +2

      Oh, He DIDN'T achieve anything!
      1. He didn't allow a Parlament, which made him a Dictator.
      2. He exported too much, because of this the civilians would have nothing.
      3. He didn't allow Freedom of Press and Speech, Protests were most of the time suppressed.
      4. He brutally suppressed Ethnic Nationalism, through plunderings and massacres.
      5. He didn't allow other languages than Amharic to be taught in school.
      6. He fucked the Education in Ethiopia since at the end of his reign (40 years) only 25% of the population could read and write.
      7. His Economy relied on Slavery.
      8. His Economy relied on Farmers who were heavily taxed by their Landlords.
      Haile Selassie's successors pretty much made Ethiopia more successful than ever.
      Ending Slavery, Making the Economy much faster and better, doing something to the extreme poverty, building more than 30 Universities and making Education much better, allowing ethnical groups to speak their language on school etc.

    • @Isabel4life
      @Isabel4life 3 года назад

      @@eho6380 kehady nek....lenegeru mekga kelyetm aymeta...beyans leloch apprecate seyargut yerasken histery try to tack it....u don't know ur own history...

  • @sajateacher
    @sajateacher 5 лет назад +6

    Just came back from a short trip to Ethiopia. Very nice people and interesting culture.

  • @sugerlipsxjamiewright4170
    @sugerlipsxjamiewright4170 5 лет назад +11

    I Love the humble nature of the emperors ways to behave in such style and portray himself with excellent humanity for all is outstanding to me it’s the significance of this when placed in times of trouble to stay focused on the bigger picture! And that he shows us many times in my opinion his way still inspires many people to my understanding this is the greatest way of being remembered! In my understanding.

  • @stefanhouston9451
    @stefanhouston9451 4 года назад +17

    A true hero ! .... in every sense of the word .

  • @Hasara_Tupu
    @Hasara_Tupu 4 года назад +9

    From kenya and i must say ethiopia has a very rich fascinating history

    • @usmanjohn3267
      @usmanjohn3267 8 дней назад

      History they couldn't preserve have you heard Ethiopian celebrating or remembering him nope everything has been abandoned and always conflicts with the same man orchestrated still happening today fighting

    • @Hasara_Tupu
      @Hasara_Tupu 7 дней назад

      @usmanjohn3267 every human has his bad side. His bad side cannot take away his achievements. Standing up to the west and resisting even for a day is not something to wish away when other africans were being caught like grasshoppers

  • @andchi2000
    @andchi2000 9 лет назад +49

    For people saying that Haile Selassie didn't achieve anything (etc), get your history right. Also, I would like to see how much progress you would be able to create in the shadow of two world wars, colonialism and global financial crisis.
    Key words: context, perspective, history.

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад +1

      Oh, He DIDN'T achieve anything!
      1. He didn't allow a Parlament, which made him a Dictator.
      2. He exported too much, because of this the civilians would have nothing.
      3. He didn't allow Freedom of Press and Speech, Protests were most of the time suppressed.
      4. He brutally suppressed Ethnic Nationalism, through plunderings and massacres.
      5. He didn't allow other languages than Amharic to be taught in school.
      6. He fucked the Education in Ethiopia since at the end of his reign (40 years) only 25% of the population could read and write.
      7. His Economy relied on Slavery.
      8. His Economy relied on Farmers who were heavily taxed by their Landlords.

  • @kenkioqqo
    @kenkioqqo 3 года назад +3

    God bless Ethiopia. Much love from your southern neighbor, Kenya.

  • @saidbarawa9096
    @saidbarawa9096 4 года назад +26

    A man who was loved all over the world,for his love for humanity

    • @maxlindeberg3517
      @maxlindeberg3517 3 года назад +2

      He fled the country when the Italians came. Later he executed the leaders who stayed and fought the invaders. This video is a propaganda piece.

    • @ChainChaincam11
      @ChainChaincam11 2 года назад

      Hundres of thousands of people straved

  • @almahigr.ashegier3958
    @almahigr.ashegier3958 5 лет назад +42

    and marcs gaffi rest in peace
    Form Sudan love

    • @dakanoa
      @dakanoa 4 года назад +4

      There is no black or white. We all are same same.

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      Haile Selassie was a Dictator

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 3 года назад

      @Detlaff Eretein A Dictatorial Emperor, yes.

    • @sofoniyas8666
      @sofoniyas8666 3 года назад +2

      @@eho6380 shut up he wasnt he wanted his country and africa to be treated like the western countries

    • @marvellousmarvin6127
      @marvellousmarvin6127 3 года назад

      He was nothing more than raw meat eating amhar

  • @Rasdashen1
    @Rasdashen1 5 лет назад +22

    My only favourate king on earth. He used to be loved by his people. He has modernized Ethiopia , educated his people, united Afica, helped and trained many freedom fighters including Mandela to their fight against apartied and colonialism. Mandela trained in Ethiopia. He also founded OAU/AU. The Empror was awesome!.. even until these days people swear in his name like a bible to show their afection and love to him. May God rest his soul in heaven!!

    • @vinnettemorgan7260
      @vinnettemorgan7260 4 года назад +1

      The Jamaican people loved him so,and still do.

    • @eho6380
      @eho6380 4 года назад

      He was one of the worst Leaders Ethiopia has known:
      1. He didn't allow a Parlament, which made him a Dictator.
      2. He exported too much, because of this the civilians would have nothing.
      3. He didn't allow Freedom of Press and Speech, Protests were most of the time suppressed.
      4. He brutally suppressed Ethnic Nationalism, through plunderings and massacres.
      5. He didn't allow other languages than Amharic to be taught in school.
      6. He fucked the Education in Ethiopia since at the end of his reign (40 years) only 25% of the population could read and write.
      7. His Economy relied on Slavery (Haile Selassie being a Hypocrite at best).
      8. His Economy relied on Farmers (who made 80% of the population) who were heavily taxed by their Landlords, which lead to debts and loss of land, which would lead to poverty.
      9. He covered the Famines in Northern Ethiopia which killed in total 200,000 civilians.

    • @sosinaalemayehu
      @sosinaalemayehu 9 месяцев назад

      Ignorance is bliss. There are so many I can say but no need to as It is useless to explain anything to you it will be like splashing water on black stone....... Oromo migration and TPLF's tribalist administration are a curse to the ancient kingdom of Abyssinia.@@eho6380

    • @sosinaalemayehu
      @sosinaalemayehu 9 месяцев назад

      Drink milk for your gastritis, you will never ever get someone from your clan at his level. Barbaric and uncivilized pagans@@eho6380

  • @yellowbird7279
    @yellowbird7279 3 года назад +10

    Haile Selassie high school is also in jamaica, he break ground for it when he visited in 1966 . One love from Jamaica.

    • @booblam6919
      @booblam6919 9 месяцев назад

      I like yellow bird.....Are you knowledgeable about the 13 months ? Am seeking for solid information.

  • @edwinonsombi
    @edwinonsombi 6 лет назад +46

    Am a Kenyan I like life style of Emperor of Ethiopia.

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 6 лет назад

      meaning what? no progression and doing nothing with their lives?

    • @dunkndognuts9829
      @dunkndognuts9829 5 лет назад

      Ninafuraha kukutana na wewe.

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 5 лет назад

      @La La shame, its usually a 'people problem' sometimes I feel there is no hope for humans, cruel to each other, innocent animals and children, will be so glad when I die, just wish the foxes and wild animals would be allowed to eat me. apologies to all on here when I was too much. I feel ashamed to be human!

    • @barbiebastille2536
      @barbiebastille2536 5 лет назад

      so you are going to live there? I've been to both and Ethiopia is most definately way behind!

    • @bielriek6256
      @bielriek6256 5 лет назад

      Don't yourself in family matters thanks U

  • @bubacarrsamura9343
    @bubacarrsamura9343 6 лет назад +22

    We were all blessed differently by God and all praises belongs to him alone. Selassie was blessed with wisdom given to him by God, but he doesn't deserved to be worship by any single Soul....his hardworks and intellectual only needed to be appreciated.

    • @jameskerr9388
      @jameskerr9388 4 года назад

      Bubacarr Samura big facts 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @ndunal
    @ndunal 3 года назад +2

    This was eye opening, a country that never been colonised, Ethiopia is underrated. Such rich history. a dynasty of thousands if yrs only to be ended by a westernised revolutionary type of mentality. as a forwarded thinker the Emperor was he would have made reforms.

  • @sheikowi
    @sheikowi 4 года назад +8

    Excellent doc of an amazing, heroic person. A giant in every important way,

  • @etmother2877
    @etmother2877 4 года назад +3

    ንጉሰ ነገሥት አፄ ሐይለሥላሤ እርስዎን ብረሳ፣ እግዚአብሔር ይርሳኝ 💚💛❤️

    • @Zare-v7j
      @Zare-v7j 8 месяцев назад +1

      Wow ❤ what a speech! The Amharic version of your speech is far way greater than the English translation! 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹

    • @Zare-v7j
      @Zare-v7j 8 месяцев назад

      He was a dreamer

  • @JoyJoy-sy4kd
    @JoyJoy-sy4kd 4 года назад +2

    በድጋሚ ሀገራችንን ከፍ የሚያደርግ መሪ አብቹን አግኝተናል እናመሠግናለን ትልቅ ነበርን ትልቅም እንሆናለን ታሪክ አይረሳቸውም ሀይለስላሴን much love 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹

  • @christianlindstad700
    @christianlindstad700 5 лет назад +13

    Jah Bless the world, good vibes from dominican republic and Norway Far Away

  • @ethiopianamhara3984
    @ethiopianamhara3984 5 лет назад +63

    Thanx all , እናመሰግናለን 💚💛❤️✊🏾🦅

  • @ኤደንተክሉ
    @ኤደንተክሉ 5 лет назад +2

    አዎ የድሮ ጀግኖቻችን ለሀገራቸው ለሕዝባቸው አልፎም ለአለም ጥቁሮች አስደናቂ የሚያኮራ እውነተኛ ታሪክ ስርተው አልፈዋል። ነብሳቸውን በገነት ያኑርልን። ❤❤❤🇨🇬🇨🇬🇨🇬 live ethiopa ❤❤❤❤

  • @birhanyemra4695
    @birhanyemra4695 4 года назад +3

    RIP Ambassador Zewde Retta, your work is unforgettable
    Much love

  • @barbarastepien-foad4519
    @barbarastepien-foad4519 7 лет назад +10

    a really good documentary, thankyou, I have learned a lot and I'm going too look up more on the internet.
    A very capable and forward looking man, he has to be admired.
    such a shame that internal politics killed him, I bet he would have lived to a ripe old age otherwise

  • @tensaeeskinderbekele7797
    @tensaeeskinderbekele7797 2 года назад +1

    God bless you my KING Haile Selasse!!! Truly proud to be Ethiopian!!!!

  • @NspNuhSympathyRebel
    @NspNuhSympathyRebel 4 года назад +13

    I love his imperial majesty the emperor haile selassie I

    • @98ohnibuk
      @98ohnibuk 3 года назад

      Haile Sellasie was one of the worst dictators in whole history. He was responsible of famines in Ethiopia and hundreds thousands people deaths. He stole millions $$ from Ethiopian citizens and never give them back. The same time people lived in extreme poor and starving