The best part In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves... on the ground Run away before you drown, or the streets will beat you down Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves... on the ground
I hear BT 3 or 4 years ago and since then I'm a huge BT fan. No matter what new band will come out they'll never be half as awesome as BT.
I love the Solo
they write like.. anthems. the kind of music that means something, and at the same time makes you wanna get up and sing along
As close to perfection as a song can get
saw them in Prague in 2010 when they were support for Green Day and slowly started to love them. They rox
Jesus cry, Amazing !! BT we love you dude !
every billy talent video is fucking art and tells a story...
best band eva
Billy Talent FOR EVER!
I discover Billy Talent by a video game and from there on i been liking all there songs !!!!!
great music....great band.......what more to say?
I LOVE BILLY TALENT when I saw them my heart stopped!!! there so amazing!!!
its something about 240 that makes the song good.
Billy Talent I freaking awesome!!
My favourite song 4ever.
Well i hear it i will be happy and i have got a lots of energy.
Heard it on the radio one day and i knew i had to find it
@Mw2OnTheToilette i´m hear it every day !! one of the best songs !!
156 thumbs up no thumbs down
just the way it should be!
awesome song!
the best punk rock song of all time! :D
Great music!
how can someone dislike this? it's awesome! :D
Brrr u are fabulous Billy xD
i love billy talent
It's been awhile since I've heard this song.
WOot for billy talent
Awesome RR bieber fans watched this video :D:D
this song is great..billy talent!!!
Billy Talent rockt
billy talent is the best
this song rocks !!!! aba dieser komiswche freak der nageln in die nase haemmert :D
First, i didnt like BT much.. but now with the time i find it awesome :)
i first heard this on mtw,
when mtv was playing music
good old time..
This band is way up with Ozzy and Möterhead and Mettalica as well as bands like AC/DC. I like the catchy choruses and easy to remember songs.
Billy Talent Rules
I heard this on friends radio and didnt know the title.. I searceg up 'fall at least' xD then tried 'they were lost and never found'
there so many things to say about this video.... just like that part where _______ was ______ in the _________. you can fill it in
Apparently this song is about Vancouver. I can sorta see why :P
BT for ever
BT rules..l like it so much
@Nackenschelle thats awsome!! beacuse im half canadian and half german :D
I love this shit !!!
The best part
In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves... on the ground
Run away before you drown, or the streets will beat you down
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves... on the ground
If someone is drowning please remember to start playing a guitar on top of them
@TheCampingKoala69 I've never seen Fallen Leaves in 360p. Never, never... And I know I'll never see.
After all these years i still think that the chicken is cool :-D
są zajebiści
@oizmoth i prefur virgin myself i like the deals they do :P sorry couldnt resist :)
The Music gets Deeper in 0:58
Use Sony Vegas and render super HD xD
@STEFANisCHAMPION so is the middle .. and ending
@hepa38 The beginnig is awesome :o
fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves, on the kraut :D
They're more awesomer live :)
i agree
1.) Click on the videostatistics -button next to the viewer-counter
2.) Recognize that Germans and Canadians own
3.) Thumbs up :P:P
In a crockad netz a found, they were lost and never found
@81shadowwolf HELL YA
@vampsarecool he has an accent :)
awesome but why is there a rooster on the hood?
i want his hair :O
earworm ..
Thumbs up if your watching in 2011
ill probably get some hate for this, but i dont think Linkin park is a bad band, just differs from Billy talent. They also have a different audience.
Haha the comments on this video are probably the funniest I've ever seen
12p.. does that even exists??
and over 1000 likes ;)
@I8people Hahahahaha golden
Apparently US soldiers roll into battle in Iraq with this song blaring on the Humvee stereo. Just sayin'...
@KingKael00 indeed o_0
2:04 is patchie the pirates wife from the wiggles :p
he sounds like he has an accent in this song
Thumbs up if you're about to leave at 0:40 and go to the vevo video.
if i had a pound for every pixel in this video then i'd have a pound
@GayGeisha it is perfet :D
only good bands can get more then 200k vieuws with 240p
I think they just went in to the prop room and lifted everything they could lol
@TheCampingKoala69 I would like this comment but that would change it to '124' which wouldn't be cool.
01:30 :D
@TheCampingKoala69 dude its a song, not a porn
Does anybody else think he's adorably hot? Woah XD tehehe
holy shit there's snow in my video.
Chiken :D
propper fancy a chicken sandwhich now like
Ok is it just me or does the guitar here remind anyone of chickens?
On a Green Day , Billy Talent went to the Linkin Park.
kurczak czy kura...............
Bad Quality ftw!
00:13 he is hot
@crispywafer100 Good point, then we dont have a thousand 2foot tall gay kids who use a can of hairspray to keep their straigtened hair down
240p hahahaha
Fucking 240p..
Bitch please, what about Linkin Park (What I've Done)?
8 bastards >:|
UNLIKE !!!!!!!!