Filmmaker Alchemy: Turn Content Into Gold

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • НаукаНаука

Комментарии • 7

  • @matafilms
    @matafilms 2 дня назад

    People don't really understand how amazing Lumix cameras are.

  • @GITS99
    @GITS99 4 дня назад

    Will be thinking about this seriously, i can really identify with what you said.

    • @_tographer
      @_tographer  4 дня назад

      No pressure, there will still be plenty of regular videos posted as well. But ultimately I want to build to a point where I can make valuable content for the handful of people who will benefit from it, and it doesn't matter how many views it gets. That's the goal anyway.

  • @OttoFilmStudios
    @OttoFilmStudios 4 дня назад +2

    I think that your RUclips content would probably get a lot more views and therefore revenue if you made more clickable thumbnails? I know you don’t want it to be “clickbait” as you said in the end of the video but I think the content would get seen more if you spent a bit more time creating thumbnails. But whatever works for you works for you.

    • @waynealejo
      @waynealejo 4 дня назад +1

      I like to think he’s a Good Samaritan 😂 I watch all of his content and I’m pretty sure he’s got more people like me that simply watch him in the background and learn or simply hear his opinion.

    • @OttoFilmStudios
      @OttoFilmStudios 4 дня назад +2

      @ Yeah, I’m definitely one of those people, it’s just that he’s probably not growing his audience at a rate that he could be, as a returning viewer will most likely know it will be a good video, but new viewers tend to not click on a video unless it has a bright and attention grabbing thumbnail lol

    • @_tographer
      @_tographer  4 дня назад +1

      For all the RUclips “best practices” - they are true to a certain degree and of course the more effort you put in, the greater potential for success. However a lot of it is diminishing returns when at the end of the day, the algorithm will pick and choose winners and losers almost at random. Yes good content usually succeeds and bad content usually fails, but effort/energy/time/resources/etc are not rewarded in proportion to what they cost. So you have to find ways to make it all make sense.
      If I spent more time, effort, and energy making “better” videos with better thumbnails with better descriptions and better SEO, it’d still get more or less the same views (I know, I’ve done it many many times across many many channels). There’s a sweet spot where effort intersects with outcome - that’s the place I enjoy spending my time.