HK Army SABR vs Tippmann Cronus - Paintball Marker Comparison | Lone Wolf Paintball Michigan

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 65

  • @justalpha9138
    @justalpha9138 2 года назад +8

    I've had my Cronus since I was in middle school and I'm in college right now. It still shoots amazingly well and it was extremely easy and worthwhile to modify! :)

  • @terminatorx1515
    @terminatorx1515 3 года назад +11

    Do a video on the spider Victor vs The saber shooting comparison which one shoots better or which one shoots faster

    • @jacksonmurphy5598
      @jacksonmurphy5598 3 года назад +1

      They both have adjustable FPS so they can shoot the same speed and the hk will be more accurate because of the better barrel on it

    • @fernandoluis53
      @fernandoluis53 2 года назад

      @@jacksonmurphy5598 not true. watch the indivudual videos for both. sabr is the worst gun.

  • @natestinson69
    @natestinson69 3 года назад +6

    We got a sabr in at our field and test fired it, louder than fuck, broke 10 of 600 balls, double fed 16, and the backpressure into the hopper was ridiculous. If it’s your thing go for it, but I wouldn’t suggest it

  • @austindelosreyes
    @austindelosreyes 3 года назад +5


  • @nootpengu
    @nootpengu Год назад +3

    Tippmans are the AK of paintball

  • @itsjustcaz
    @itsjustcaz Год назад

    Love this, you guys are a riot haha keep ‘em coming

  • @kohdetimetraveler
    @kohdetimetraveler 2 года назад +1

    are you able to change the barrel on the Cronus to install one of the Lazr barrel kits ??

  • @reedwetzel1324
    @reedwetzel1324 3 года назад +2

    Good comparison between both. If I had to choose it would be the sabr, easy to clean and work on and autococker threaded , is huge since most markers are autococker threaded

    • @nicbatten2590
      @nicbatten2590 3 года назад +2

      Have you watched the shooting video for this gun?

    • @reedwetzel1324
      @reedwetzel1324 3 года назад

      @@nicbatten2590 yes and for an entry level marker with a stock barrel it shoots fine

    • @nicbatten2590
      @nicbatten2590 3 года назад +3

      @@reedwetzel1324 even for the price, I wouldn’t recommend this gun.

    • @fernandoluis53
      @fernandoluis53 2 года назад

      @@reedwetzel1324 no you haven't. Stop confusing beginners like me. The SABR missed everytime. Can't say that for spyder or chronus. Much better accuracy. I think you just bought sabr and you're trying to convince us of your bad buy

  • @AlexisTorres-zt7lk
    @AlexisTorres-zt7lk 3 года назад +2

    I would’ve been a little bit impressed if HK actually created the saber but its just another rebrand like everything they do

  • @ajlainez1944
    @ajlainez1944 3 года назад +2

    Tippman Cronus, and the spyder victor both are way way better.

  • @tamsyndavis240
    @tamsyndavis240 3 года назад +5

    Bought both of these this weekend to get my wife and daughter into paintball and got to play a game with both. The Sabr is the worst gun i've ever played with. So inconsistant. Tried different barrels including a Freak kit and just no. Couldnt hit a barn door 20 fee away. Thinking the Cronus was a better buy, I played a game with that and couldnt get fps above 250. If the velocoty screw was turned out any further it would just burp and fart. Tried a different brand air bottle (Tippmann) incase it didnt like the Ninja valve on the other and no difference. Buy an Azodin or Spyder. These both suck.

    • @thegrafxguy1
      @thegrafxguy1 3 года назад

      back in my day (i'm just getting back into paintball after a 20 year hiatus) we had to run high-pressure systems to get stuff to work properly. perhaps that's the issue? i know my tanks these days i've got set to 450psi but there's no way my old mag would've run on that.

    • @tamsyndavis240
      @tamsyndavis240 3 года назад +1

      @@thegrafxguy1 That was my thoughts and so bought a Tippmann bottle. Was also returning after a ten year hiatus- dug out my old 68 pro-cabine. Oil, then 290,290,291,289,285,290. That thing is still awesome :)

    • @justalpha9138
      @justalpha9138 2 года назад +2

      You're probably doing something wrong with the Cronus because I can get mine above 250 no problem

    • @justalpha9138
      @justalpha9138 2 года назад +3

      And the Cronus definitely doesn't suck, so either you got a lemon, or you're doing something wrong because I've had mine shooting well since 2015.

    • @Synthetic-Rabbit
      @Synthetic-Rabbit Год назад +1

      My old school mechanical X7 gets up to like 300-350fps

  • @2talltv155
    @2talltv155 3 года назад

    Can y’all do 170r vs cs2/cs2 pro

  • @AndrewCreech
    @AndrewCreech 3 года назад +1

    Emek or sabr ?

    • @XoTicGunner
      @XoTicGunner 3 года назад +6

      Emek hands down. More expensive though, but performs way better.

    • @Raul-ms4cv
      @Raul-ms4cv 3 года назад +2

      You can’t compare the two..but if you’re new and trying to budget do the SABR.

    • @theJStrick54
      @theJStrick54 3 года назад +4

      Just picked up my emek and ran with her last weekend. She did not disappoint and was worth every penny.

    • @thegrafxguy1
      @thegrafxguy1 3 года назад +5

      Emek. there is no comparison between the two. save the extra money and get the Emek and don't look back.

    • @420livetoride
      @420livetoride 3 года назад +2

      Yeah i would rather play with rentals for a Sumer longer and get the emek than get my own marker now and it be a sabr. Emek far greater marker plus you can evolve with the emek and upgrade parts. The sabr like they said you can only really do a barrel

  • @swolekicks1042
    @swolekicks1042 3 года назад

    I’d appreciate it if you would do a video on how to program the TM40

    • @OSKOcolot
      @OSKOcolot 3 года назад +1

      Read the manual lmfao

  • @itsjustcaz
    @itsjustcaz Год назад

    I regret not waiting a bit more and skipping the Cronus in favor of a mini gs

    • @Synthetic-Rabbit
      @Synthetic-Rabbit Год назад +1

      I still have my almost decade old mechanical X7 - I honestly love that marker.

    • @itsjustcaz
      @itsjustcaz Год назад

      WOW, yeah that's old school. I now also have a GTEK 170R and I think the Chronus has it's moments (i modified it so I can use a barrel kit)@@Synthetic-Rabbit

    • @Synthetic-Rabbit
      @Synthetic-Rabbit Год назад

      Yeah it's an old workhorse I def upgraded a lot of stuff in it when I was really into paintball all those years ago. Me and some friends have been getting back into playing even though we're all in our 30's now lol but it's still a lot of fun and the marker still works great. @@itsjustcaz

  • @legentil_semite1639
    @legentil_semite1639 2 года назад

    5:46 amog

  • @Taintedmind
    @Taintedmind 3 года назад

    "Bring the Sun" lol

  • @AndrewCreech
    @AndrewCreech 3 года назад

    Ive beeping waiting for this. Lol

  • @runesrensen8551
    @runesrensen8551 2 года назад

    The HK Army looks like a New Legion riot 2

  • @Ezduztube
    @Ezduztube Год назад

    Cronus is around $119 in 2023

  • @joshklein317
    @joshklein317 Год назад

    Hk all day

  • @souled368
    @souled368 3 года назад +14

    God and Jesus loves you all spread the gospel

  • @BaconGod.
    @BaconGod. 3 года назад

    I turned my cronus into a marksman rifle and it's pretty good

    • @PostcastPosters
      @PostcastPosters 3 года назад

      what did you do it/attachments you’ve added?

    • @justalpha9138
      @justalpha9138 2 года назад

      I've created a custom wood stock for mine, upgraded the barrel, inserted a Nerf Nitefinder trigger spring to replace the factory trigger spring, upgraded the o-rings, removed the rubber tip on the bolt, got rid of all the side tactical rails to reduce the weight slightly and finally I added an ergo grip by Trinity paintball. :)

  • @some_guy9174
    @some_guy9174 3 года назад +2

    I feel like the best is the SABR from the start

    • @nicbatten2590
      @nicbatten2590 3 года назад +3

      It’s not

    • @justalpha9138
      @justalpha9138 2 года назад

      Not really. I've had my Cronus since I was middle school, and I'm in college now. My Cronus is also heavily modified to suit my needs.

    • @fernandoluis53
      @fernandoluis53 2 года назад

      stop lying, watch the shooting review. dont fuck over beginners just bc you got fucked w/ the bad buy

    • @justalpha9138
      @justalpha9138 2 года назад

      Yeah, after seeing a SABR in action, it SUCKS

  • @sl-lin0bi529
    @sl-lin0bi529 3 года назад +1


    • @justalpha9138
      @justalpha9138 2 года назад

      They really really are. I've had my Cronus since I was in middle school and I'm in college now. I've also modified my Cronus extensively to suit my needs and it's SOO good! :)

  • @fernandoluis53
    @fernandoluis53 2 года назад

    these videos are useless unless you show shooting comparisons.