KAKA Industrial Universal Bender SBG-40 Installation

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @oscarlamb7827
    @oscarlamb7827 8 лет назад

    Hi, do you sell by separately the scroll and radius bender accesories?

  • @k122mark4u
    @k122mark4u 7 лет назад

    How much and where to buy?

  • @brandox3000
    @brandox3000 4 года назад

    hi i just spent $400 to buy this bender and i am trying to figure out the best way to use it and i cant find any good videos that can show me a demonstration! can you help me?

    • @SteveSmith-xf1ju
      @SteveSmith-xf1ju 4 года назад

      I just got one of these machines yesterday. Been out in the shed trying to figure out how to do scrolls for security grills. So far I can only make large slightly out of shape ones. I was excited about getting this unit but so far am pretty disappointed after what it cost. Have you had any luck finding info on it? I have reached out to the Amazon seller and now waiting for a reply.

  • @djnormil
    @djnormil 8 лет назад

    the first video and this one should sync in one would be so much better. thanks for this video anyway

      @KAKAINDUSTRIALLLC  8 лет назад

      Thank you for the great suggestion and support! Will do!

    • @djnormil
      @djnormil 8 лет назад

      My pleasure i like your product without testing them yet.

  • @joshwelch8288
    @joshwelch8288 2 года назад

    I just received this bender from vevor and i am so disappointed and frustrated, i pretty much bought a very expensive peice of s**t. I wish i could return it. I wish i would of just spent the extra money and got this one instead im super bummed :(

  • @faizahmadahmad8238
    @faizahmadahmad8238 7 лет назад

    hi price

  • @RajeshKumar-kn6ku
    @RajeshKumar-kn6ku 3 года назад

    कम्पनी का नम्बर चाहिए

  • @douglassmith2055
    @douglassmith2055 2 года назад +1

    very un-informative video

  • @SanjayKumar-cv8yg
    @SanjayKumar-cv8yg Год назад

    भाई से खरीदना है तो कैसे खरीदें