The first time I heard this song was at a Paul McCartney concert in Brazil, I knew the Beatles' entire discography, but I didn't know Paul's solo career. So it was a pleasant surprise when he said: This song I composed thinking about my lifelong partner. Imagine: listening to music live for the first time in a stadium with an emotional Paul singing and playing just a few meters away from you, result: I cried throughout the entire song
The poignancy of McCartney at 80, one of the most beautiful voices ever, now ragged with old age, performing this to honor his old mate, his mate from boyhood, his mate when they were Liverpool schoolboys, completely unknown, with very uncertain prospects, children of the war, children who had both already lost their mothers, is a gift to us and to John. He feels he needs to get this on the record, because they conquered the world together, but then left Paul at 38 with forever unfinished business. These are Liverpool guys so no sobbing. But Paul here and in his concerts now deeply, lovingly honors John AND George, the deepest best way he can. When PAUL MCCARTNEY says "you were in my song" what higher praise or tribute can he give?
Just as magic as, 'Maybe I'm Amazed', both passionate love songs. John and Paul were the best songwriters from the last century and will be iconically going onward. My mentors from a far. Miss you John!
I’m so glad they cleared everything up, and had a great relationship again. Paul’s heart couldn’t bear it if they had been estranged. None of us could.
I suddently lost my best friend over 10 years ago now. Although life goes on and I no longer think about him everyday. The wounds never heal, the pain never goes away. Lennon is my favorite artist of all time, but Paul was the one left with the pain, the guilt (we all wonder if we could´ve saved our loved one), the unanswered questions. I sympathize immensely with that. John is fine, the loved ones that were left behind are in pain, even to this day. Bless you Paul, and the pain you have to carry.
Something just gets me about this song. There Paul McCartney is all alone on stage singing about his best friend who has now been gone for longer then he was alive. And Paul just wants to talk to him and say a simple “Love you” My heart just aches.
Can't stop the cascade flowing as I listen to someone lucky enough to have had someone they could truly call a best friend. How truly kind and blessed you are sir a an exemplary example of what it is to be human. Love from Toronto
Oh God... I can't stop crying... This song was so emotional... Oh... We love you John and will always remember you... Your kindness, humor, smile and your songs... 💙😞😭
Sembra che sia stata scritta non solo per John amico d'infanzia e successivamente partner di progetti e realizzazioni di vere gemme... Paul McCartney è un tesoriere nel linguaggio universale, la canzone sembra fatta talmente bene che sembra sia adatta a tutti quelli che hanno perso una persona cara... Grazie Paul! Sei un esempio di come si deve fare musica e farla ascolta a chi dovrebbe uscire fuori da un momento triste... ♥️💪🏻
It was never really meant to be played live. Ebony and Ivory with Stevie Wonder is the only song from Tug Of War that he played live following the album’s release (and that was in 1990, eight years after Tug Of War came out). He’s played Here Today live one other time, on his 2002 Back In The U.S. tour. Paul sings in the original higher tone. There still is a part like you discussed where things are a bit jumbled for a second, but i attribute that to this song not being created as a live performance piece, but as a true letter to his best-friend. I like this version of Here Today more though. This video is from 2010, and is in a more intimate setting, so I can understand why a 66 year old Paul would want to lower the song. Also, as the performance was on the 30th anniversary of John’s death, the emotion in Paul’s voice is very apparent and enriches the music with bittersweet sorrow
@@vidlwebby3304 It's a very personal song, but it has been played live. I saw Sir Paul in Memphis in 2013 and he sang Here Today. Just Paul, the band left the stage. A short acoustic solo set with Blackbird, Yesterday, etc. He also did it in Liverpool in 2015.
You’re wrong, this guitar was tuned like that because that’s the tuning for Yesterday and he used that same one without rectifying back the tuning. Until today, he sings it in the original tuning. This case was special
It appears in quite a lot of commentators are unaware of the fact that Carl Perkins wrote the song. It doesn't subtract from the beauty and relevance, and Paul emotional rendition is heartfelt. I just think people should know.
Paul wrote Here Today. Carl Perkins wrote My Old Friend, which unbeknownst to Carl, contains a line that John Lennon said to Paul McCartney at their last visit. “Think of me now and then old friend.” 😢
I'm a motorist that quite likes a drink when he drives who causes the loss of innocent lives. I'm the guy with the pistol who kills your best friend you can't really blame me cuz I'm round the bend. Hello, how are you? I'm jerk of all jerks, I'm here to undo all your charitable works. I do it quite simply by making mistakes and one little boo boo is that all it takes. And you're at the mercy of the jerk of all jerks. I'm the man that disposes of nuclear waste there's no need to worry it's perfectly safe. In fact, there is now every reason to hope that if anything happens I'll easily cope. Hello, how are you? I'm the jerk of all jerks. I'm the leader who says as he wages his war that the children are not the ones he's aiming for. Hello, how are you? I'm the jerk of all jerks.
Then it seemed you missed the intense emotion of it! Do you know that he wrote that to say things he didn't say to John, like I love you? I personally marvel that he can ever get through it especially in front of an audience!!! He holding back tears...
The first time I heard this song was at a Paul McCartney concert in Brazil, I knew the Beatles' entire discography, but I didn't know Paul's solo career. So it was a pleasant surprise when he said: This song I composed thinking about my lifelong partner. Imagine: listening to music live for the first time in a stadium with an emotional Paul singing and playing just a few meters away from you, result: I cried throughout the entire song
Se la dedicó a John Lennon por su muerte... Por si no lo sabías 😅
When you lost someone close it's hard to hold tears while hearing to this
The poignancy of McCartney at 80, one of the most beautiful voices ever, now ragged with old age, performing this to honor his old mate, his mate from boyhood, his mate when they were Liverpool schoolboys, completely unknown, with very uncertain prospects, children of the war, children who had both already lost their mothers, is a gift to us and to John. He feels he needs to get this on the record, because they conquered the world together, but then left Paul at 38 with forever unfinished business. These are Liverpool guys so no sobbing. But Paul here and in his concerts now deeply, lovingly honors John AND George, the deepest best way he can. When PAUL MCCARTNEY says "you were in my song" what higher praise or tribute can he give?
Unreal tribute to his best bud. Never ceases to bring a tear
You actually realise how much you loved someone when you lose them..
Unbelievably touching and sincere song I don't know how he keeps it together to perform it truly touching 😅
he was talking horribl sings about John and now he cries, after lusment John
So true. We take our loved ones for granted too often.
Just as magic as, 'Maybe I'm Amazed', both passionate love songs. John and Paul were the best songwriters from the last century and will be iconically going onward. My mentors from a far. Miss you John!
Knowing this is about John, and the message being that your loved ones can still be with you after they're gone is fucking gorgeous
I’m so glad they cleared everything up, and had a great relationship again. Paul’s heart couldn’t bear it if they had been estranged.
None of us could.
I suddently lost my best friend over 10 years ago now. Although life goes on and I no longer think about him everyday. The wounds never heal, the pain never goes away. Lennon is my favorite artist of all time, but Paul was the one left with the pain, the guilt (we all wonder if we could´ve saved our loved one), the unanswered questions. I sympathize immensely with that. John is fine, the loved ones that were left behind are in pain, even to this day. Bless you Paul, and the pain you have to carry.
I cried for Paul seemed to be holding back a bit, too. I love you John..and i love you too Paul.
Something just gets me about this song. There Paul McCartney is all alone on stage singing about his best friend who has now been gone for longer then he was alive. And Paul just wants to talk to him and say a simple “Love you” My heart just aches.
Moving song...great Paul!!
Living Legend
The genius is that something so simple could leave your heart in your throat.
Simply a beautiful song from a friend to a friend ...i no the feeling
I was 12 when they took the world by storm. The older I get, the more I miss him and George. 😥
Can't stop the cascade flowing as I listen to someone lucky enough to have had someone they could truly call a best friend. How truly kind and blessed you are sir a an exemplary example of what it is to be human. Love from Toronto
Oh God... I can't stop crying... This song was so emotional... Oh... We love you John and will always remember you... Your kindness, humor, smile and your songs... 💙😞😭
Beautiful tribute to john
BRILLIANT Thank you Paul ❤
How Paul has been able to sing this composition he wrote for John without crying is beyond me because this song messes me up every time I hear it.
John would have loved this….and I’m sure he knows and heard it!!!❤️❤️Best chaps ever😊
Amazing Liverpool we create so much talent its like british motown Love this city
Beautiful Macca
Sembra che sia stata scritta non solo per John amico d'infanzia e successivamente partner di progetti e realizzazioni di vere gemme... Paul McCartney è un tesoriere nel linguaggio universale, la canzone sembra fatta talmente bene che sembra sia adatta a tutti quelli che hanno perso una persona cara... Grazie Paul! Sei un esempio di come si deve fare musica e farla ascolta a chi dovrebbe uscire fuori da un momento triste... ♥️💪🏻
wow. I didn't know this one existed. Paul stripped down. It's the best version by far.
Here today,his Song for John..😢verry nice...lg Ellen from Germany ✌ ♥️
Well done, mate.
❤Here Today❤
its sort of poetic how jumbled the middle of the song is and how you know John woulda helped with that part and made it another #1
It was never really meant to be played live. Ebony and Ivory with Stevie Wonder is the only song from Tug Of War that he played live following the album’s release (and that was in 1990, eight years after Tug Of War came out).
He’s played Here Today live one other time, on his 2002 Back In The U.S. tour. Paul sings in the original higher tone. There still is a part like you discussed where things are a bit jumbled for a second, but i attribute that to this song not being created as a live performance piece, but as a true letter to his best-friend.
I like this version of Here Today more though.
This video is from 2010, and is in a more intimate setting, so I can understand why a 66 year old Paul would want to lower the song. Also, as the performance was on the 30th anniversary of John’s death, the emotion in Paul’s voice is very apparent and enriches the music with bittersweet sorrow
Paul didn’t need John for this song. It’s perfect the way it is
@@vidlwebby3304 It's a very personal song, but it has been played live. I saw Sir Paul in Memphis in 2013 and he sang Here Today. Just Paul, the band left the stage. A short acoustic solo set with Blackbird, Yesterday, etc. He also did it in Liverpool in 2015.
John can help him fine-tune it when they meet again some day.
Hardly jumbled, just clever song structure
Paul is playing his famous Texan epiphone acoustic guitar for the song Here today
He is chanelling Yesterday Paul right down to outfit
so happy he left the hair dye and the constant clean shave!
Where the hell did the original video of this go?
I'm crying...
Do you have the original video? THX a lot!
He tuned his guitar down a whole a G chord but coming out on the pitch F. When you get old your vocal range changes, can't blame him...
You’re wrong, this guitar was tuned like that because that’s the tuning for Yesterday and he used that same one without rectifying back the tuning. Until today, he sings it in the original tuning. This case was special
a que te referis?
@@catalinasauma7271 he meant guitar chords
My youth ended the day John died
Mémory 🎼Bijou pire vieille chic palette Olympia MODEL 1977👻🐺✋
It appears in quite a lot of commentators are unaware of the fact that Carl Perkins wrote the song. It doesn't subtract from the beauty and relevance, and Paul emotional rendition is heartfelt. I just think people should know.
Paul wrote Here Today. Carl Perkins wrote My Old Friend, which unbeknownst to Carl, contains a line that John Lennon said to Paul McCartney at their last visit. “Think of me now and then old friend.” 😢
Paul wrote this tribute to John, on the Tug of War album released in 1982. Carl Perkins co-wrote My Old Friend but Here today is Paul's
Carl Perkins did not write this. lol You're confusing it with Perkins' song, "My Old Friend". Paul wrote "Here Today".
a bit of a choker...
I'm a motorist that quite likes a drink when he drives who causes the loss of innocent lives.
I'm the guy with the pistol who kills your best friend you can't really blame me cuz I'm round the bend.
Hello, how are you? I'm jerk of all jerks, I'm here to undo all your charitable works.
I do it quite simply by making mistakes and one little boo boo is that all it takes.
And you're at the mercy of the jerk of all jerks.
I'm the man that disposes of nuclear waste there's no need to worry it's perfectly safe.
In fact, there is now every reason to hope that if anything happens I'll easily cope.
Hello, how are you? I'm the jerk of all jerks.
I'm the leader who says as he wages his war that the children are not the ones he's aiming for.
Hello, how are you? I'm the jerk of all jerks.
McCartney got the old man voice pretty quickly from all that smoking and screaming.
What do you mean he got the old man voice pretty quickly? He's 70+ here of course he will sound older.
@@jojohairee9987 This video is pretty old and his voice stared cracking and becoming husky when he was in his 50s.
@@rishabhaniket1952 i think you are right.. even on the "new" Anthology tracks you can hear it. But to be fair he did put his voice through a lot!
@@jojohairee9987 he's 80 ..ish
@@thomasfonager6986 he's only 70+ here and currently he's 79 years old not 80ish.
Best version my ass!😖😖😖😖
That was awful.
Then it seemed you missed the intense emotion of it! Do you know that he wrote that to say things he didn't say to John, like I love you? I personally marvel that he can ever get through it especially in front of an audience!!! He holding back tears...
What year is this