I have the fucking problem of the dodge not being able to be relied upon like I’ll press it and nothing happens.. that and I just fucking hate the double press to do the actual dodge roll got the armor set so I go teleport for the first press which is just better than the actual dodge but you can’t just use that one cause if you need to dodge twice quickly you end up doing the roll which has a longer wind up time so you end up getting hit sure it’s definitely timing and mines off but I’ve been okay the whole game till now and it’s only him I really seem to have trouble timing the dodge on his double unblockable sword swing cause I’ll have the dash then the wind up to the actual roll which isn’t quick enough and I don’t have enough time to wait the like second till I can just dash again cause again I’ll get hit
I have the fucking problem of the dodge not being able to be relied upon like I’ll press it and nothing happens.. that and I just fucking hate the double press to do the actual dodge roll got the armor set so I go teleport for the first press which is just better than the actual dodge but you can’t just use that one cause if you need to dodge twice quickly you end up doing the roll which has a longer wind up time so you end up getting hit sure it’s definitely timing and mines off but I’ve been okay the whole game till now and it’s only him I really seem to have trouble timing the dodge on his double unblockable sword swing cause I’ll have the dash then the wind up to the actual roll which isn’t quick enough and I don’t have enough time to wait the like second till I can just dash again cause again I’ll get hit