I’m 3 minutes into this video but I think the 120 years is talking about 120 jubilees which mathematically would be 50 years times 120 which would be 6000 years. A thousand years is like 1 day to the Lord so in keeping with my understanding of Scripture there are 6 days in a week with the 7th day be the Sabbath the day of rest. If each day represented a 1000 years to the Lord then the final day would be the Millennial Reign we’re familiar with before the White Throne judgement. Just guessing. Fascinated by this gentleman. The insight given by this gentleman of Jewish lineage coming to faith in Jesus as Messiah brings tears to my eyes. Only the Father can give this ability to anyone to perceive the truth because their heart is right before God. Going back to the teachings. God bless.
I too have looked into this and agree with the date but, I don't see the date arriving with a 3rd temple built by man, for if man's time is up what good would a temple be? Also, these verses have to be factored in: Matthew 24:21-22, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." We have to factor in 6030 as a 'not to achieve date, and we still have the 42 months of Revelation 13. - I believe there will be a temple in the millennium as outlined in Ezekiel chapters 40+. It will be there because the time for salvation by faith in Jesus ends at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. Revelation 10:5-7, "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets." The "first resurrection" began at the resurrection of Jesus, and continues as each believer dies, until the 7th trumpet sounds. Those that do not take part in the first resurrection will be judged according to their works, hence the need for the temple, and there will be some in the Book of Life! -I believe the "great tribulation" started at the crucifixion of Jesus and will end at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. -I believe the "70th Week of Daniel" is basically that time + the time that the vials are poured out. Jesus is the Sabbath of the "70th Week of Daniel."
@@Buzz-rh4dz if true , disqualifies Jesus for the order of MalkiTzedek as planned by the alteration of years in the masoretic text in genesis ( bringing Shem to know Abraham, for priesthood reasons , maintaining the third temple aspiration - Rashi one of the forgers) . The LXX, Josephus, Paul and Samaritan codex yields +600 or more years , which means we are above the 6650 years ( fixxing the timeline to babel and egypt pyramids and erasing the alteration of the rabbis on the masoretic text)
Here is the Medieval Rabbi's trick to kick out Jesus: Melchizedek = Shem Abraham Isaac Jacob Levi 🚫 Jesus As Jesus is not from the Levi Branch , which supposedly ( rabbies trick)comes from ShemMelkitzedek , then Jesus does not come from Melki tzedek priesthood, and Paul is a Liar ... Those Rabbies tried to save the talmudic religion...)
but it is not true... The LXX , Samaritan , Josephus and Paul are witnesses of the errooneus ( nice tho) count. Leningrad Codex ( masoretic, altered up to the middle ages) 35 Arphaxad 30 Selah 34 Eber 30 Peleg 32 Reu 30 Serug 29 Nahor LXX, Samaritan ( ~200 BC) , Josephus and Paul have additional 100 years per person . This demolishes the 6K version ( we are well in the 6650 to 6660. Otherwise Jesus is invalidated.
I have a lot I want to say about this video series but for times sake I'll just say thank you. It's all just great info, research and understanding. Humbly presented.
Luisa Piccarreta, a Catholic mystic and clear person of God, talked about this very same 2000-year cadence in her writings. It was revealed to her by the Lord.
@SamsonZionist my calculation is based on Jubilee year counts from 1406BC entry into the promised land - as Leviticus tells us to. Establishing a fixed Jubilee year in history (Nisan 10 1406BC), I can work backwards to a creation date of 4003BC, and forwards to the 70th Jubilee from entry into the promised land that is Nisan 10 2025.
It has to do with Planck's limits to matter, space and time and our perceptive devices ,suited for a material 4d world. We are surrounded by plasma, which is the 4th state of matter before any organization(from Erev to Boker in Bereishit/Genesis 1). We live in digits, like the 12 keys of a piano. Of course there are notes between the notes, but in our material reality, 12 is more than enough. In fact, any fundamental can be divided in harmonic series until they are outside our perceptive realm. Same with light, same with matter.
Where did the water come from? We have a lot of water, it was here somewhere, but where did it go? It's still here. During the flood, the crust of the earth was changed, the land and the mountains and the sea floor were somewhat leveled out, the at the end, the land rose, the sea floor and the trenches sank and we had what we find now. 70% of the world is covered in water 🌊. The water is still here. With God, anything is possible.🙏✝️👑✝️🙏
Why is that? As you will learn, it is more assumed that the Festival of Trumpets is actually the assigned festival for the RETURN of the Messiah. For "the trumpets will be blown and there will be a great rejoicing" when the captives are set free. I believe that the Messiah was first born during the festival of Sukkot, or sokkoth, the Festival of Booths. The manger was actully a sukkoth, a booth or tent to protect the sheep in bad weather of fall winter.
@@TheRealThomasPaine1776youre wrong, look at zecharia as a sign.. So basically Jesus born in month elul, or summer pass to fall, September 11. That why there is code 911 or 11 September agenda
Where can I locate Part 2 of this series. I have gone through your list for From the Fall to The Temple but cannot find a part 2. Your info is extremely helpful. But I think you could work on how you label things so it’s easier for us to go through the sequence. Ordered your book. Thanks
I live only a few minutes' drive by car to Brookhaven Lab. I didn't know that G-d brought water up out of the oceans during the flood. How interesting! Thank you, Louis, for the video and your hard work!
Yeah, some people actully say it never rained before the flood. Pretty wierd. Put the Bible is clear that God opened the flood waters and the waters came out of the earth which would mean Springs underground cisterns underground pockets of water they just rose up and exploded, presumably along with rain
@@TheRealThomasPaine1776 The reason some people say it never rained before the flood is Gen 2:4-6: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." We are clearly told that sometime prior to the current water cycle, a different mechanism was used to water the earth. We aren't told how long this condition lasted, but it does seem reasonable that whatever catastrophe caused the flood might also have changed the water cycle from one based on mist to one based on rainfall.
I'm curious how you resolve the years between a 5BC birth and a 30AD death? Is it as simple as making the presumption that he was nearly 31 when Scripture says that He was "about 30" when He began His ministry?
Le principe d’exégèse aide à mon avis à résoudre ce questionnement. On trouve dans les prophéties de Daniel des périodes similaires, en recoupant, « un temps, des temps et la moitié d’un temps » est un an, deux ans et la moitié d’un an, soit 3 ans et demi… le livre de Daniel explique le sens de ces périodes.
Yes, it was worldwide. I live in the UK close to Oxford. All our building here are build out of sand stone. Sand stone is created by sedimentary settlement. Example. There are really loads and loads of proof. Anwers in Genesis might have articles on this....
@@bradbrown2168 I googled ' YEC. I' this what it list : Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) Youth Evangelism Conference YEC: Youth Encountering Christ Conference Which one are you referring to ?
I've been tracking with 2030 quite a while. I don't have time to watch the series. What it fulfills is debatable. Not PTR, and the temple only has to be operating when the AC is revealed by the abomination, though I'm confident the faithful remnant Church will know before. As MANY historical agreements/covenants have been secret until announced, that's possible too. I'm expecting and watching though I'd hoped to get out before these last days, assuming they are them.
Ah so you found the same total, and so we're close to 8k now! I did adjustment with a solar calendar rotation vs lunisolar and got about 7989 if I recall correctly
The Masorectic Text uses different years for the ages of certain men in the generations of Adam than the Septuagint. The Septuagint would add about 700 years to the time that man has been in the earth.
The Acts of Pilate has the birth of Christ at 5500 years from the creation. Even if the book isn't true, the date came from what someone believed back then.
@@nozedicthe First Book of Adam and Eve gives the 5500 year timeline too. 1 God said to Adam, "I have ordained on this earth days and years, and you and your descendants shall live and walk in them, until the days and years are fulfilled; when I shall send the Word that created you, and against which you have transgressed, the Word that made you come out of the garden, and that raised you when you were fallen. 2 Yes, the Word that will again save you when the five and a half days are fulfilled." 3 But when Adam heard these words from God, and of the great five and a half days, he did not understand the meaning of them. 4 For Adam was thinking there would be only five and a half days for him until the end of the world. 5 And Adam cried, and prayed to God to explain it to him. 6 Then God in his mercy for Adam who was made after His own image and likeness, explained to him, that these were 5,000 and 500 years; and how One would then come and save him and his descendants.
@@ethercruiser1537 eh... the byzantium calendar puts the MESSIAH's arrival around 8 bc and the year 5500 AM since Adam. This makes perfect sense with herod dying a few years later
Your assumption that the calendar goes from Sept to Sept is also wrong. God explicitly states in Exodus that the beginning of the year is in the spring - when the winter barley is harvested.
Honest question: If Scripture says "Adam lived 130 years", wouldn't that mean that Adam completed 130 full years, instead of just being in his 130th year? Shouldn't we count from Adam's 131st year instead, using this same "average/Bell curve" method?
that's not how they counted the years. in true, any share of a year is said to be one year in the final sum. it is called 'inclusive' counting. See an example : Ester 4:16 (KJV): "Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink THREE DAYS, NIGHT AND DAY: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, ---- Ester 5:1 (KJV): "Now it came to pass ON THE THIRD DAY, that Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king's house,
There is a huge problem with this calculation. However great and how precise this calculation comes to the round figures. I'd very much have liked the idea and I follow also this series with great interest. But... there is a discrepancy in the genealogy in comparison with the much older LXX translation. All our Bibles nowadays are translated (as of around 1000 AD) from the MT (Masoretic Tekst) (2-3rd century) While the LXX translation (Septuaginta) is from before Christ. It is confirmed to be used by the apostle Paul because he quoted it. Also Flavius Josephus, who lived during the time when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, used the LXX genealogie. In our translations there is a big trendbreak in the years when the fathers after the flood got their sons. It starts directly after Shem. This implicates that Shem had over lived his grandsons up to the 8th generation. That never happened before and not to any other groundfather also. But... when we take the genealogy of the LXX translation, it all makes perfect sense again. All his sons and grandsons, but one, died as in normal biology as in life and nature, before their son. That's because the MT is corrupted. They left out the 1 before the conception yrs. So it's not 132 yrs but 32 yrs, for example. And for the last one, they made it 29 yrs instead of 79 yrs (from the LXX) So they altered it by 650 yrs. Very strangely the trend breaks again at Abraham's father Terah. Because than it goes back to 130 yrs as the conception year of Abraham by Terah. As explained by Luis. Why dit this happen? Well, it's because there was a discrepancy in the line of Jesus and Him being a Highpriest (In the order of Melchizedek) according to the Jews. By making Shem so old that he could meet Abraham, Shem was supposed to be the strange and suddenly appearing King and Highpriest Melchizedek. The person to whom Abraham offered his tides/tenths in great humidity and respect. So... if Shem 'could be' Melchizedek the flaw of Jesus being of Shem's line and could also be a Highpriest 'in the order of Melchizedek' was corrected. One big point to support this 'outer Biblical', is that when we follow the MT genealogy, the great Pyramid of Gizeh must have been build before the flood. While archaeology shows that the soil under the Pyramid contains fossils, but the Pyramid itself has not any signs of water damage what so ever. All the existing Pyramids would have been also the 'only' structures on the whole earth that supposedly have survived the Flood, where every other structure even as big as mountains ranges and even continents have been disrupted and driven apart. So the LXX genealogy brings everything in a totally normal natural pattern. Shem died before his own son and not after 8 generations of his grandsons. And the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was naturally build after the flood, whereby there was also enough time to build the world's population with enough people to be able to build the tower of Babel. And also more than a century later the first Pyramids elsewhere. (After the division of the people, by the offspring and generations of people who left from Babel with 'the knowledge' of building a Ziggurat shaped structure) I discovered this also after my own eureka moment of 120 jubilee yrs and the theorie of 3 times 2000 yrs. And the 1000 yrs of peace as 'the day of rest' or as 'the 7th day'. With also the end of Satan and evil as of than, which should start a total new beginning on the 8th day. So, I'm very sorry. Also for myself, because I'd like it to be true and so neat and precise also. But there is too much evidence that supports the LXX genealogy. There is a pretty good video to see and check about this subject ruclips.net/video/VI1yRTC6kGE/видео.htmlsi=qjNhKsLamSUgMZ6r
By my calculation based on the Jewish calendar is as follows 5785 (2025 Gregorian Calenda) + 215 years =6000 (2240 Gregorian Calendar) that is when Messiah will come. Shalom
So, if Abraham's father was 130, when he had Abraham, and he live to 250, than there is no real reason to think that abraham ans sarah were "too old to bear children". When WE hear they were 80 years old, WE think its too old, but Abraham's father, grandfather and grest grandfather all lived long 200+ year lives. So it should not have been a surprise at all to have kids at 80. Odd, because we are so clearly told that Abraham and Sarai were beyond the age of child bearing. Not very consistant.
To be precise, the Bible does not actually tell us how long it was from Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit to when God banish them from the garden of eden.
God would banish them the day they sinned. Sin is what separated them from God immediately. They were naked and ashamed and hid themselves. Then God spoke to them and banished them from the garden. The day you eat you will surely die... no delay.
However, one can assume that it was not a loooong period of time before God banshied them from the garden. Up to that pont, God had regular fellowship with them.So, the same day. "In the day that thou eastest therof, thou shalt surely die" That, in a spiritual sense of course. .
Actually we can assume it was almost immediately. In Genesis it reads about how, when God discovered Adam and Eve sinned, He began speaking about how He must avoid them eating from the tree of life. In the writing, God’s own sentence is cut off, implying He stopped speaking and moved to action VERY quickly. This is because Satans goal was to pervert the Image bearers of God by becoming eternal sinners as he was. Satan’s sin took place in the heavenly realms outside of time, making his sin eternal and redemption impossible, he wanted Adam and Eve to sin and become immortal too so that he could take Gods image and pervert it into his own to rule over. God realizing this acted so swiftly He evidently didn’t even finish His own thought before clothing and banishing Adam and Eve.
Noah's flood could be global, but has no requirement of global. In Genesis 7, all the high hills were covered, and the waters increased by 15 cubits and the hills were covered. Genesis chapter 8 makes a distinction between where the ark lands (harey) and the 2.5 months afterwards as the waters keep receding (hehereyim). Transliterated the-the-r- plural-plural. There are no other examples of double the"s and double plural's. The word in Genesis 7 is hehereyim. The KJV gets this partially correct, it should be hills and hills.
2030 is not too far away, especially if the temple will take a few years to build (there are no blueprints I've heard of). If the 3rd temple is NOT built by 2030, what part of the assumptions would you re-examine to see where the math went awry? Is the assumption of 1 year of God's strife with men == 1 jubilee cycle independent of 2030? How about the fact that for most of men's history in the scriptures, Jubilee was NOT kept faithfully?
Not only are there blueprints there's a scale model and a group of very determined Jews raising money to see it built, and they're already searching the world for spotless red heifers to sacrifice however the politics of physically erecting a building on land currently controlled by Muslims looks unlikely in the near future...but, perhaps the third temple is a metaphor and not an actual building.
The 3rd temple will take NO Time to build, it's already prepared, almost like leggos, blocks are precut and ready, I've read and heard many time, it could take maybe even no more the 6 months to build. Everything is ready for the 3rd temple now, just for either to dome of the rock to be destroyed or removed or if decided to be shared with on the temple mount, but I'm guessing the dome will be destroyed in the very near future due to rocket fire, time is very short now....
The third temple was destroyed in the year 70 by the Roman army. And Jews themselves overturned stones to get the Gold that melted and flowed into the space between the building stones. Just like Jesus said would happen.
the fact that for most of men's history in the scriptures, Jubilee was NOT kept faithfully is NOT important at all as the first jubilees didnt depend on Men as it was counted from the FALL. this is about the MAKIND on the Land (EARTH) not Israelites on their land Israel.
@@igorrocharibeiro1123 but does it make sense to you that God will count the Jubilee cycles that men don't even know about, when He wrote that He will "strive with men"? The argument that God is just counting down a clock that no men even understands (because how many men have made the connection that 1 year = 1 Jubilee cycle) seems forced.
When man sinned, at 33 years old, this is when God started to strive with man. Woman was created when Adam was 30 years old these are why Christ started his ministry at 30, start of the church, and was crucified at 30. Christ died on the cross exactly 4k years after man sinned, and returns exactly 2k years later, 6k after man sinned. So the 6k years ends in 2030. The jubillees are a restoration , so it starts at sin, and ends at the return of Christ.
...you contend with the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS there is not another temple built with hewn stone 2 Chronicles 7:19-22 Jeremiah 23:23-40 Matthew 23:37-39 Revelation 21:22 Acts 17:11
First, God doesn't need that extra water in the mantle, and I think it was likely a different natural phenomenon for the Flood that is simpler than getting water into and out of the mantle. Second, I have done similar, though more amateur, calculations and have come to this conclusion: we are indeed close to the Lord's return mathematically and prophetically, BUT there is uncertainty to the actual year and different sensible interpretations to prophecies. Hence, any idiot should be able to recognize the "signs of the times", but even the greatest of experts will probably not know the actual year (though they may get within 20 years or so). Also, I do not think some prophecies (like 6000 years) have to be exactly 6000 years, but just close. The other problem is so many prophecies that give a time have to know from what event it starts (do we start from the proclamation to build a temple or from the start of construction - ribbon cutting- or from its dedication, etc. That all being said, I find these calculations fascinating, and probably agree with many of these principles. All this being said, when the third Temple isn't built in the year 2030, don't dismiss many of these arguments. He may just be a decade or two off from the built-in uncertainty.
It wreeks of stupidity to see derogatory comments from a lot of people who seem to not understand thar 2030 is just 5 years away hence we can wait and see if a temple construction will begin shortly b4 that time to confirm if this man knows what he's talking about or not!!
If you read on in the scientific paper you show in your "rabbit hole", the paper explains that all the water is locked within the rock structure. It is not free to depart and return. Your maths is sound, but stay within your area of expertise.
The runway technology [imo] of the preflood world cracked the crust of the Earth ; the water was underneath ; the weight of the crust shot fountains of water up several miles into the atmosphere which then began to rain back down . The crust had begun growing on top of the water of Genesis 1: 2 after Genesis 1: 6
the truth is out and HIS people are discovering it: the "last adam" came at the year 5500 (6th 'day') since adam, as all Canon texts point to other than the masoretic or modern versions based off of it, with over 20 other confirming sources. the writings of the zadok/righteous priests said there would be approx 40 years between the MESSIAH's death and the new covenant being ratified... which is exactly what happened. comparing daniel 9:25-27(the prince/messiah of verse 26 is the same one in verse 25 and vs 27, with 11q13, with thessalonians discussing HIS return with fiery angels to judge... even secular jewish sources record the fiery heavenly hosts coming and battling. this would then mean his 7th "day" sabbath started around the fall of rome and lasted 1000 years... having a hard time accepting?... ask yourself why the copper scroll treasure map to the temple treasure was hidden in the back of the caves of betharaba/qumran behind the 2nd temple scrolls... because it was HIS righteous priesthood HE had fighting/destroying jerusalem. which would mean 1492 was around the end of the >heavenly< 1000 years of ruling, when the pope issued bulls to kill any non christians and steal all that is theres... this just so happens to be when tribes of yasharal started being shipped out of west africa. this should encourage all hebrews as the 8th "day" happenings are: circumcision/hearts priests arise to take charge offering of fire added to sukkot and when a temple was asked to be built YAHUAH refused and said on the 8th day HIS people will again be dwelling in tents. arise YASHAR-AL
Was Jesus supposed to rule Europe only? Did these land have peace as HIS reign should have as prophecied ? Where did His reign go if the Reign of the Rock should not be moved nor gained by anyone else as prophecied by Daniel ?
@@JohnJones-rr2kv ''is'' is present tense not future. nothing Jesus said in present tense in 30 AD is automatically a truth for future. How sense does make a kingdom not of this world over all the nations of this Earth ? Again : His kingdom should not end nor be moved. It should be over all the Earth and not over a poor share of it. It should be ruled with peace between the NATIONS.. where was/has been that peace ?
@@igorrocharibeiro1123 might I add your comments seem to be very much from a jewish perspective so here is a question for you: when israelite writings from 100 bc go into great detail about the MESSIAH about to show up and the fact that approximately 40 years later is when jerusalem will be judged... exactly as we see in AD 66-73... why do you choose to ignore these israelite scrolls
Nope Abraham was born in 1948, not 2000 yrs later. Also the creation of the world was in the Fall and while we aren’t given Abraham the day of Abraham’s birth, Isaac was born in Spring and they were very similar in many ways. Jacob and Josef shared some similarities too.
I have read this man's book and he might have something worth saying if he had a proper understanding of Daniel chapter 9 and could throw of his unscriptural belief in a pretribulation rapture. I could not in good conscience recommend this book to anyone.
Pre trib rapture is very scriptural! Church fathers believed in this as well. 😁 we who trust in Jesus were not appointed to God’s wrath as it is written.
@@jaimiejust7365all the pre trib rapture verses were for the people living in the 1st century. Jesus made it clear that He was returning to THAT generation, not one 2000 years later. The Tribulation, Rapture, Second Coming and Millennial Reign already happened or Jesus lied. And we know Jesus didn’t lie. Dispensationalism is a satanic deception.
But, if those dates are right, and you say the flood happened in 2300 bc, than how do account for 2300bc being the great age of the pyramids in Egypt, when the upper and lowere kingdoms were united, when Sargod the Great built Akkad, which would later become Assyria. Even if the flood never reached the Americas, and never touched the Mayans and Incas, why was Egypt not wiped out and set back 1000 years with everybody being destroyed? A kingdom with no people does not rise in 100 years! Not even 500, it takes a long time to go from ZERO people, with only Noah's family, to building Egypt. That just doesnt square in any way shape or form. Unless the Nephlim built the pyramids and God took them out. But where did all the people come from in just a few centuries? Noah lived 600 years and only had a few sons on the ark, so its not like they were putting out 500 kids is 600 years back than.
The good news is that Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of (eternal life) to all who trust Him alone for salvation 💖. He paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). 💕 That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation 💓. *This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.*
From Jesus's birth, to the destruction of the Temple, was exactly 70 years; 3.5 years after the destruction of the Temple, was the end of the Roman-Jewish Rebellion... The Scattering.
@@herinsh Who mentioned the Diaspora? The First Jewish-Roman War (66-74 CE), sometimes called the Great Jewish Revolt,[a] the First Jewish Revolt, or the Jewish War,[b] was the first of three major rebellions by the Jews against the Roman Empire. Fought in the province of Judaea, it resulted in the destruction of Jewish cities and towns, including the metropolis of Jerusalem, the displacement of its population, the appropriation of land for Roman military use, and the destruction of the Jewish Temple and polity.
@@Tyrannus_Gaming well your inference of the scattering implies that was the end of the rebellion, only with respect to Jerusalem, not the whole of Israel or even Rabbinic autonomy.
but is not True . The LXX, Samaritan pentateuch , Paul and Josephus attest we are well into the + 6650 years since creation . The forging in the masoretic text took almost. 100 years per generation below 35 Arphaxad 30 Selah 34 Eber 30 Peleg 32 Reu 30 Serug 29 Nahor The LXX and more ancient texts yield a difference of ~ 700 years. Why? To kick out Jesus out of the priesthood of malkiTzedek , making Paul a Liar, and saving the talmudic , Rashi and middle age rabbies made the forging.
The Bible doesn’t say or tell what age Adam was when he was created by God. Although the Bible says when theft was begotten, it doesn’t say for sure how long Adam had lived by then. It is hard to believe that God created Adam as an infant as he would not have had the way, and the means to survive as an infant without a mother. So it is conceivable that God created Adam as an adult not knowing the age, the biological age he would’ve had at that time. This fact loan makes calculation automatically wrong.
@@songohan7331 You are wrong because the 3rd temple was described by Ezekiel. He went into detail about the resumption of the Mosaic feast system and the priesthood. It was also prophesied by Daniel, Jesus, Paul and John. It will stand during the millennium, when natural people will be multiplying and repopulating the earth, while Satan uys bound. The New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven is after that, after this old earth has been destroyed, and a new heavens and earth created.
@rubygray7749 apparently you haven't read your Bible. Do you have any idea how big Ezekials temple would be? Go do the math and come back and tell me it's going to be built in Israel...
Here is a problem i see: Adam was 130 years old when he had Seth, NOT 130 years AFTER the fall. This means that you must subtract the number of years Adam and Eve spent in the garden from 130 years to get the correct year for the beginning of "fall" year. (e.g. Adam and Eve spent 25 years in the garden before getting kicked out, then had Cain and Abel, then had Seth on the 130th year... so the fall year is actually 105, not 130).
@@gerardmoloney9979 If you notice in my reply, i put e.g. This mean "for example". I used 25 years as an example. I hope this clears up your misunderstanding.
I would guess that the fall is the beginning of time. That, before the fall there was no time, no aging from a carnal or earthly point perspective. The week of creation would not be included because it would be a summary and shadow of the beginning to the end.
@@robertcain3426 Your comment made my brain tickle. Here is my thought. If there was no time before the fall, why are we told in Genesis 1 that the evening and the morning one day. Wouldn’t declaring a day necessitate time? And since ma wasn’t created until day 6, the time of the first 5 days would have already passed?
Adam and Eve were not mortal until the Fall, when they were made naked and given “garments of flesh” which I suspect is our corruptible flesh… there was no death in the Garden just like there will be no death in New Jerusalem.
Adam lived 1000 years approx. before Eve was created for Adam as a helper / sexual partner for him to perform procreation. That was Eves soul purpose to exist... Eve lived one day and then she sinned against Adam and against God Himself. In rebellion the woman tempted Adam with the apple and her nakedness. And that day is when God began to strive with mankind and gave him 50 jubilees of 120 years each, to get his act together and return to God.. That was year 4004 BC plus 6000 years = 2004 plus 49 years.
The English "Earth" comes from the Hebrew word Arets. Genesis chapter 2 reads about a river running through the garden of eden, it has 4 head waters. We have in the Hebrew, the Earth of the garden of eden, and the 4 Earth's that are the 4 head waters. Clearly Arets means region. There's no clear use of the word Arets that ever is meant as our modern use meaning global. Even the KJV authors had no concept of Global.
NO. Your calculations are very flawed. You make wild assumptions that are not supported biblically. The 4000th year has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. It is the death of Jesus that is the important 4000th year. That is the pivot point of human history.
*Genesis 11:26 - And Terah lived SEVENTY YEARS, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.* If Terah was 70 years old when he beget Abram and his other two triplet brothers, that means Terah was NOT 130 years old. This means ALL of your calculations are off.
The Moshiach broke 7 Seals - broken 1999 - WAY-TRUTH-LIGHT-SOULS-MANKIND-SEAL6-SEAL7 .Jesus only broke 2 seals ,, was given 2000 years as an Adonai .Moshiach is El Shaddai
From the time that Noah was told to preach and build the ark was 120 years. As it was in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. The Balfour declaration was put forth in 1917, establishing the basis for the return of God's chosen people to Israel. 120 years after that is 2037...
God's chosen people believe in Jesus. There are those that claim to be of Judea, they are mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. I think they are also the families described in Jeremiah chapter 1. BTW, shouldn't you be working?
I had a very strange experience in the late 1990s where I believe I went into a trance while sitting at my dining room table, reading a prophecy book about the Second Coming of Yeshua (Jesus). I was suddenly in a field in the night time and I saw many people looking up in the night sky with astonishment, and two old men by themselves near where I was standing. They were looking up as well and were talking with each other. I also looked up and saw a magnificent spectacle of Yeshua and the Host of Heaven way out in space, somewhere between the moon and earth. It was such a massive Heavenly army of angels and saints riding on white horses that one could actually make out what they were looking at. It was the Second Coming! I heard the two men saying to one another that this event was happening exactly when they had calculated. So I asked them "when is this?" One of them turned to me and said "two times twenty times three!" Immediately I realized that it was a mathematical equation riddle which I needed to calculate and decipher, so I asked him, "from when?" He replied, "1917!" Immediately I came out of the trance and was still holding the prophecy book in my hand! It wasn't a dream! It shook me up for a minute. I just sat there, stunned! 2 x 20 x 3 = 120. Plus 1917 = 2037!!! Well, there you have it!
Lord Rothchild nor the ashke nazis are YHVHs chosen people as a whole. Those who are YHVHs are those who turn and believe in His Son Yehoshua The Messiah. We are the temple. We don’t need a building because He is our once for all sacrifice.
This is the trick to bring Shem to know Abraham by the middle ages rabbies : Melchizedek = Shem Abraham Isaac Jacob Levi 🚫 Jesus. // Not from Levi disqualified , Paul then is a Liar.
@JohnJones-rr2kv the Talmudic Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus. Thats the reason of the trick to kick out Our Lord out of the MelkiTzedek priesthood, bringing the 6K theory out of the forgings in Genesis in the masoretic text, while distorting many items... Fortunately , the LXX, Samaritan Pentateuch, Josephus and Paul maintain the truth.
@JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@JohnJones-rr2kv JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@JohnJones-rr2kv JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@JohnJones-rr2kv JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@@Maxtana5 So Jesus was wrong when he called people serpents, dogs, sons of Satan, blind guides, foolish virgins, evil, etc etc?? Jesus was never politically correct.
Ive been watching this series of videos, and Im beginning to conclude the same. For example, just in this video, he just concludes that the 120 years in Genesis 6 is based on a Jubilee factor. What is the basis of this conclusion? What other scripture supports this? Where is the exegesis?
I’m 3 minutes into this video but I think the 120 years is talking about 120 jubilees which mathematically would be 50 years times 120 which would be 6000 years. A thousand years is like 1 day to the Lord so in keeping with my understanding of Scripture there are 6 days in a week with the 7th day be the Sabbath the day of rest. If each day represented a 1000 years to the Lord then the final day would be the Millennial Reign we’re familiar with before the White Throne judgement. Just guessing. Fascinated by this gentleman. The insight given by this gentleman of Jewish lineage coming to faith in Jesus as Messiah brings tears to my eyes. Only the Father can give this ability to anyone to perceive the truth because their heart is right before God. Going back to the teachings. God bless.
I reached this conclusion as well.
I too have looked into this and agree with the date but, I don't see the date arriving with a 3rd temple built by man, for if man's time is up what good would a temple be? Also, these verses have to be factored in: Matthew 24:21-22, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." We have to factor in 6030 as a 'not to achieve date, and we still have the 42 months of Revelation 13.
- I believe there will be a temple in the millennium as outlined in Ezekiel chapters 40+. It will be there because the time for salvation by faith in Jesus ends at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. Revelation 10:5-7, "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets." The "first resurrection" began at the resurrection of Jesus, and continues as each believer dies, until the 7th trumpet sounds. Those that do not take part in the first resurrection will be judged according to their works, hence the need for the temple, and there will be some in the Book of Life!
-I believe the "great tribulation" started at the crucifixion of Jesus and will end at the sounding of the 7th trumpet.
-I believe the "70th Week of Daniel" is basically that time + the time that the vials are poured out. Jesus is the Sabbath of the "70th Week of Daniel."
@@Buzz-rh4dz if true , disqualifies Jesus for the order of MalkiTzedek as planned by the alteration of years in the masoretic text in genesis ( bringing Shem to know Abraham, for priesthood reasons , maintaining the third temple aspiration - Rashi one of the forgers) .
The LXX, Josephus, Paul and Samaritan codex yields +600 or more years , which means we are above the 6650 years ( fixxing the timeline to babel and egypt pyramids and erasing the alteration of the rabbis on the masoretic text)
Here is the Medieval Rabbi's trick to kick out Jesus:
Melchizedek = Shem
As Jesus is not from the Levi Branch , which supposedly ( rabbies trick)comes from ShemMelkitzedek , then Jesus does not come from Melki tzedek priesthood, and Paul is a Liar ... Those Rabbies tried to save the talmudic religion...)
but it is not true... The LXX , Samaritan , Josephus and Paul are witnesses of the errooneus ( nice tho) count.
Leningrad Codex ( masoretic, altered up to the middle ages)
35 Arphaxad
30 Selah
34 Eber
30 Peleg
32 Reu
30 Serug
29 Nahor
LXX, Samaritan ( ~200 BC) , Josephus and Paul have additional 100 years per person .
This demolishes the 6K version ( we are well in the 6650 to 6660. Otherwise Jesus is invalidated.
I’m going to watch this a number of times, this is amazing I can’t wait for the next one. Thank you sir and blessings to you
I have a lot I want to say about this video series but for times sake I'll just say thank you. It's all just great info, research and understanding. Humbly presented.
What a great video! I can't wait for the next one!
nice. can't wait for the next videos.
Luisa Piccarreta, a Catholic mystic and clear person of God, talked about this very same 2000-year cadence in her writings. It was revealed to her by the Lord.
Mystics are demonic, period.
My calculations are similar, but not the same.
But love the dedication & presentation of this video. Thank you.
Looking forward to the next ones.
My calculation based on the Jewish calendar is as follows 5785 + 215 =6000 years that is when Messiah will come. Shalom
@SamsonZionist my calculation is based on Jubilee year counts from 1406BC entry into the promised land - as Leviticus tells us to. Establishing a fixed Jubilee year in history (Nisan 10 1406BC), I can work backwards to a creation date of 4003BC, and forwards to the 70th Jubilee from entry into the promised land that is Nisan 10 2025.
Your icon mentions simulation but you did not explain in the video...please explain. thank you.
Look for this video of his :
Mystery 1 - An Unlikely Universe - "By the Word of the LORD the heavens were made"...by information?
It has to do with Planck's limits to matter, space and time and our perceptive devices ,suited for a material 4d world. We are surrounded by plasma, which is the 4th state of matter before any organization(from Erev to Boker in Bereishit/Genesis 1). We live in digits, like the 12 keys of a piano. Of course there are notes between the notes, but in our material reality, 12 is more than enough. In fact, any fundamental can be divided in harmonic series until they are outside our perceptive realm. Same with light, same with matter.
@@errtrainer I am not making a connection from what you explain about dimensions to simulation. what am I missing? Thanks
@@errtrainer I'm a 'visual learner' ; any graphics or videos of what your describing ?
Where did the water come from? We have a lot of water, it was here somewhere, but where did it go? It's still here. During the flood, the crust of the earth was changed, the land and the mountains and the sea floor were somewhat leveled out, the at the end, the land rose, the sea floor and the trenches sank and we had what we find now. 70% of the world is covered in water 🌊. The water is still here. With God, anything is possible.🙏✝️👑✝️🙏
Many of the Ante-Nicene Fathers use the Millennium Week as it is a prophetic timetable.
Revelation 12 points to
September 11 - 3 BC as the birth of the messiah. Feast of trumpets.
Why is that?
As you will learn, it is more assumed that the Festival of Trumpets is actually the assigned festival for the RETURN of the Messiah. For "the trumpets will be blown and there will be a great rejoicing" when the captives are set free.
I believe that the Messiah was first born during the festival of Sukkot, or sokkoth, the Festival of Booths. The manger was actully a sukkoth, a booth or tent to protect the sheep in bad weather of fall winter.
@@TheRealThomasPaine1776youre wrong, look at zecharia as a sign..
So basically Jesus born in month elul, or summer pass to fall, September 11.
That why there is code 911 or 11 September agenda
Where can I locate Part 2 of this series. I have gone through your list for From the Fall to The Temple but cannot find a part 2. Your info is extremely helpful. But I think you could work on how you label things so it’s easier for us to go through the sequence. Ordered your book. Thanks
Go to more. Scroll down and select videos
It appears that it has been uploaded yet . ?
I live only a few minutes' drive by car to Brookhaven Lab. I didn't know that G-d brought water up out of the oceans during the flood. How interesting! Thank you, Louis, for the video and your hard work!
Yeah, some people actully say it never rained before the flood. Pretty wierd.
Put the Bible is clear that God opened the flood waters and the waters came out of the earth which would mean Springs underground cisterns underground pockets of water they just rose up and exploded, presumably along with rain
@TheRealThomasPaine1776 Yeah, makes sense because in Genesis G-d watered the earth from water coming up from the ground.
@@TheRealThomasPaine1776 The reason some people say it never rained before the flood is Gen 2:4-6: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."
We are clearly told that sometime prior to the current water cycle, a different mechanism was used to water the earth. We aren't told how long this condition lasted, but it does seem reasonable that whatever catastrophe caused the flood might also have changed the water cycle from one based on mist to one based on rainfall.
This is so good!
but is not True . The LXX, Samaritan pentateuch (200bc ), Paul and Josephus attest we are well into the + 6650 years since creation .
I'm curious how you resolve the years between a 5BC birth and a 30AD death? Is it as simple as making the presumption that he was nearly 31 when Scripture says that He was "about 30" when He began His ministry?
I can not find Session 13 - Part 2 of this discussion. I would appreciate it if someone could send me the link.
I don’t think it’s out yet. These seem to be every week, so probably by the weekend?
@Peter_Morris Thanks Peter
Oh. I read somewhere the number of years between when the prophecy was made and the flood was 120.
It's both
Very hard to either watch OR read, with the text on top of the speaker.
The text flashes by too quick to read
What about "un temps, des temps et la moitié d'un temps" as it is writen in the Apocalypse ?
Le principe d’exégèse aide à mon avis à résoudre ce questionnement. On trouve dans les prophéties de Daniel des périodes similaires, en recoupant, « un temps, des temps et la moitié d’un temps » est un an, deux ans et la moitié d’un an, soit 3 ans et demi… le livre de Daniel explique le sens de ces périodes.
Based on this numbering system the flood was about 4500 yrs ago? Any physical evidence of major flooding in the proposed area of Noah?
Yes, it was worldwide. I live in the UK close to Oxford. All our building here are build out of sand stone. Sand stone is created by sedimentary settlement. Example. There are really loads and loads of proof. Anwers in Genesis might have articles on this....
The oldest living tree is about +4000 years old .
@ Scientific Method does not demonstrate YEC.
@@bradbrown2168 I googled ' YEC.
I' this what it list :
Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)
Youth Evangelism Conference
YEC: Youth Encountering Christ Conference
Which one are you referring to ?
I've been tracking with 2030 quite a while. I don't have time to watch the series. What it fulfills is debatable. Not PTR, and the temple only has to be operating when the AC is revealed by the abomination, though I'm confident the faithful remnant Church will know before. As MANY historical agreements/covenants have been secret until announced, that's possible too. I'm expecting and watching though I'd hoped to get out before these last days, assuming they are them.
do these figures jive with archeological and geological records?
Why do you think God is talking about 120 Jubilee?
Ah so you found the same total, and so we're close to 8k now! I did adjustment with a solar calendar rotation vs lunisolar and got about 7989 if I recall correctly
It was 2000 years from the first year of Adam to God's impute to our father's father Abraham. That impute is part of our gospel.
The Masorectic Text uses different years for the ages of certain men in the generations of Adam than the Septuagint.
The Septuagint would add about 700 years to the time that man has been in the earth.
The Acts of Pilate has the birth of Christ at 5500 years from the creation. Even if the book isn't true, the date came from what someone believed back then.
The Septuagint and the masoretic text have a 1500 year discrepancy
@@nozedicthe First Book of Adam and Eve gives the 5500 year timeline too.
1 God said to Adam, "I have ordained on this earth days and years, and you and your descendants shall live and walk in them, until the days and years are fulfilled; when I shall send the Word that created you, and against which you have transgressed, the Word that made you come out of the garden, and that raised you when you were fallen.
2 Yes, the Word that will again save you when the five and a half days are fulfilled."
3 But when Adam heard these words from God, and of the great five and a half days, he did not understand the meaning of them.
4 For Adam was thinking there would be only five and a half days for him until the end of the world.
5 And Adam cried, and prayed to God to explain it to him.
6 Then God in his mercy for Adam who was made after His own image and likeness, explained to him, that these were 5,000 and 500 years; and how One would then come and save him and his descendants.
@ that would sync better with the archeological timelines. So, instead of at the 6,000 years since the creation of Adam we would be 7,500 years.
@@kmountain5533 in the rabbis attempts to discredit the Messiah, they invalidate their own history
Very interesting calculations, but beyond me. You might be correct. If our Gregorian calendars are 5 years off, then is this already really 2030??? 🤔
@@ethercruiser1537 eh... the byzantium calendar puts the MESSIAH's arrival around 8 bc and the year 5500 AM since Adam. This makes perfect sense with herod dying a few years later
Well, it's still 2025, but yes, in effect, it's off
Your assumption that the calendar goes from Sept to Sept is also wrong. God explicitly states in Exodus that the beginning of the year is in the spring - when the winter barley is harvested.
Honest question: If Scripture says "Adam lived 130 years", wouldn't that mean that Adam completed 130 full years, instead of just being in his 130th year? Shouldn't we count from Adam's 131st year instead, using this same "average/Bell curve" method?
that's not how they counted the years. in true, any share of a year is said to be one year in the final sum. it is called 'inclusive' counting. See an example :
Ester 4:16 (KJV):
"Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink THREE DAYS, NIGHT AND DAY: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king,
Ester 5:1 (KJV):
"Now it came to pass ON THE THIRD DAY, that Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king's house,
There is scholarly debate on the year of Herod’s death. I find there is dating assumptions made that might not be accurate.
King Harrod the Great started building the third temple about 10 BC and it was destroyed about 80 tears later.
There is a huge problem with this calculation. However great and how precise this calculation comes to the round figures. I'd very much have liked the idea and I follow also this series with great interest.
But... there is a discrepancy in the genealogy in comparison with the much older LXX translation. All our Bibles nowadays are translated (as of around 1000 AD) from the MT (Masoretic Tekst) (2-3rd century) While the LXX translation (Septuaginta) is from before Christ. It is confirmed to be used by the apostle Paul because he quoted it. Also Flavius Josephus, who lived during the time when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, used the LXX genealogie.
In our translations there is a big trendbreak in the years when the fathers after the flood got their sons. It starts directly after Shem. This implicates that Shem had over lived his grandsons up to the 8th generation. That never happened before and not to any other groundfather also. But... when we take the genealogy of the LXX translation, it all makes perfect sense again. All his sons and grandsons, but one, died as in normal biology as in life and nature, before their son.
That's because the MT is corrupted. They left out the 1 before the conception yrs. So it's not 132 yrs but 32 yrs, for example. And for the last one, they made it 29 yrs instead of 79 yrs (from the LXX) So they altered it by 650 yrs. Very strangely the trend breaks again at Abraham's father Terah. Because than it goes back to 130 yrs as the conception year of Abraham by Terah. As explained by Luis.
Why dit this happen? Well, it's because there was a discrepancy in the line of Jesus and Him being a Highpriest (In the order of Melchizedek) according to the Jews. By making Shem so old that he could meet Abraham, Shem was supposed to be the strange and suddenly appearing King and Highpriest Melchizedek. The person to whom Abraham offered his tides/tenths in great humidity and respect. So... if Shem 'could be' Melchizedek the flaw of Jesus being of Shem's line and could also be a Highpriest 'in the order of Melchizedek' was corrected.
One big point to support this 'outer Biblical', is that when we follow the MT genealogy, the great Pyramid of Gizeh must have been build before the flood. While archaeology shows that the soil under the Pyramid contains fossils, but the Pyramid itself has not any signs of water damage what so ever. All the existing Pyramids would have been also the 'only' structures on the whole earth that supposedly have survived the Flood, where every other structure even as big as mountains ranges and even continents have been disrupted and driven apart.
So the LXX genealogy brings everything in a totally normal natural pattern. Shem died before his own son and not after 8 generations of his grandsons. And the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was naturally build after the flood, whereby there was also enough time to build the world's population with enough people to be able to build the tower of Babel. And also more than a century later the first Pyramids elsewhere. (After the division of the people, by the offspring and generations of people who left from Babel with 'the knowledge' of building a Ziggurat shaped structure)
I discovered this also after my own eureka moment of 120 jubilee yrs and the theorie of 3 times 2000 yrs. And the 1000 yrs of peace as 'the day of rest' or as 'the 7th day'. With also the end of Satan and evil as of than, which should start a total new beginning on the 8th day.
So, I'm very sorry. Also for myself, because I'd like it to be true and so neat and precise also. But there is too much evidence that supports the LXX genealogy.
There is a pretty good video to see and check about this subject ruclips.net/video/VI1yRTC6kGE/видео.htmlsi=qjNhKsLamSUgMZ6r
You're saying the great pyramid of Gaza was built naturally due to the flood? Have you lost your mind?
By my calculation based on the Jewish calendar is as follows 5785 (2025 Gregorian Calenda) + 215 years =6000 (2240 Gregorian Calendar) that is when Messiah will come. Shalom
Shem 100 years old not included when he became the father of Arphaxad. Instead 2 years after the flood was added. not consistent.
So, if Abraham's father was 130, when he had Abraham, and he live to 250, than there is no real reason to think that abraham ans sarah were "too old to bear children".
When WE hear they were 80 years old, WE think its too old, but Abraham's father, grandfather and grest grandfather all lived long 200+ year lives.
So it should not have been a surprise at all to have kids at 80.
Odd, because we are so clearly told that Abraham and Sarai were beyond the age of child bearing.
Not very consistant.
To be precise, the Bible does not actually tell us how long it was from Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit to when God banish them from the garden of eden.
We caught the same anomoly.
God would banish them the day they sinned. Sin is what separated them from God immediately. They were naked and ashamed and hid themselves. Then God spoke to them and banished them from the garden. The day you eat you will surely die... no delay.
However, one can assume that it was not a loooong period of time before God banshied them from the garden. Up to that pont, God had regular fellowship with them.So, the same day. "In the day that thou eastest therof, thou shalt surely die" That, in a spiritual sense of course. .
@@sower2023 Problem is, exact dates are required for this to work as pointed by the creator of this video.
Actually we can assume it was almost immediately. In Genesis it reads about how, when God discovered Adam and Eve sinned, He began speaking about how He must avoid them eating from the tree of life. In the writing, God’s own sentence is cut off, implying He stopped speaking and moved to action VERY quickly. This is because Satans goal was to pervert the Image bearers of God by becoming eternal sinners as he was. Satan’s sin took place in the heavenly realms outside of time, making his sin eternal and redemption impossible, he wanted Adam and Eve to sin and become immortal too so that he could take Gods image and pervert it into his own to rule over. God realizing this acted so swiftly He evidently didn’t even finish His own thought before clothing and banishing Adam and Eve.
Noah's flood could be global, but has no requirement of global. In Genesis 7, all the high hills were covered, and the waters increased by 15 cubits and the hills were covered. Genesis chapter 8 makes a distinction between where the ark lands (harey) and the 2.5 months afterwards as the waters keep receding (hehereyim). Transliterated the-the-r- plural-plural. There are no other examples of double the"s and double plural's. The word in Genesis 7 is hehereyim. The KJV gets this partially correct, it should be hills and hills.
There will be no third temple.
2030 is not too far away, especially if the temple will take a few years to build (there are no blueprints I've heard of). If the 3rd temple is NOT built by 2030, what part of the assumptions would you re-examine to see where the math went awry? Is the assumption of 1 year of God's strife with men == 1 jubilee cycle independent of 2030? How about the fact that for most of men's history in the scriptures, Jubilee was NOT kept faithfully?
Not only are there blueprints there's a scale model and a group of very determined Jews raising money to see it built, and they're already searching the world for spotless red heifers to sacrifice however the politics of physically erecting a building on land currently controlled by Muslims looks unlikely in the near future...but, perhaps the third temple is a metaphor and not an actual building.
The 3rd temple will take NO Time to build, it's already prepared, almost like leggos, blocks are precut and ready, I've read and heard many time, it could take maybe even no more the 6 months to build. Everything is ready for the 3rd temple now, just for either to dome of the rock to be destroyed or removed or if decided to be shared with on the temple mount, but I'm guessing the dome will be destroyed in the very near future due to rocket fire, time is very short now....
The third temple was destroyed in the year 70 by the Roman army. And Jews themselves overturned stones to get
the Gold that melted and flowed into the space between the building stones. Just like Jesus said would happen.
the fact that for most of men's history in the scriptures, Jubilee was NOT kept faithfully is NOT important at all as the first jubilees didnt depend on Men as it was counted from the FALL. this is about the MAKIND on the Land (EARTH) not Israelites on their land Israel.
@@igorrocharibeiro1123 but does it make sense to you that God will count the Jubilee cycles that men don't even know about, when He wrote that He will "strive with men"? The argument that God is just counting down a clock that no men even understands (because how many men have made the connection that 1 year = 1 Jubilee cycle) seems forced.
When man sinned, at 33 years old, this is when God started to strive with man. Woman was created when Adam was 30 years old these are why Christ started his ministry at 30, start of the church, and was crucified at 30. Christ died on the cross exactly 4k years after man sinned, and returns exactly 2k years later, 6k after man sinned. So the 6k years ends in 2030. The jubillees are a restoration , so it starts at sin, and ends at the return of Christ.
...you contend with the
there is not another temple built with hewn stone
2 Chronicles 7:19-22
Jeremiah 23:23-40
Matthew 23:37-39
Revelation 21:22
Acts 17:11
... it will hurt this time not gentle like before
First, God doesn't need that extra water in the mantle, and I think it was likely a different natural phenomenon for the Flood that is simpler than getting water into and out of the mantle. Second, I have done similar, though more amateur, calculations and have come to this conclusion: we are indeed close to the Lord's return mathematically and prophetically, BUT there is uncertainty to the actual year and different sensible interpretations to prophecies. Hence, any idiot should be able to recognize the "signs of the times", but even the greatest of experts will probably not know the actual year (though they may get within 20 years or so). Also, I do not think some prophecies (like 6000 years) have to be exactly 6000 years, but just close. The other problem is so many prophecies that give a time have to know from what event it starts (do we start from the proclamation to build a temple or from the start of construction - ribbon cutting- or from its dedication, etc. That all being said, I find these calculations fascinating, and probably agree with many of these principles. All this being said, when the third Temple isn't built in the year 2030, don't dismiss many of these arguments. He may just be a decade or two off from the built-in uncertainty.
It wreeks of stupidity to see derogatory comments from a lot of people who seem to not understand thar 2030 is just 5 years away hence we can wait and see if a temple construction will begin shortly b4 that time to confirm if this man knows what he's talking about or not!!
If you read on in the scientific paper you show in your "rabbit hole", the paper explains that all the water is locked within the rock structure. It is not free to depart and return. Your maths is sound, but stay within your area of expertise.
It's free to depart and return should God will it. And he did say it was water molecules trapped in the rock.
The runway technology [imo] of the preflood world cracked the crust of the Earth ; the water was underneath ; the weight of the crust shot fountains of water up several miles into the atmosphere which then began to rain back down . The crust had begun growing on top of the water of Genesis 1: 2 after Genesis 1: 6
the truth is out and HIS people are discovering it: the "last adam" came at the year 5500 (6th 'day') since adam, as all Canon texts point to other than the masoretic or modern versions based off of it, with over 20 other confirming sources.
the writings of the zadok/righteous priests said there would be approx 40 years between the MESSIAH's death and the new covenant being ratified... which is exactly what happened. comparing daniel 9:25-27(the prince/messiah of verse 26 is the same one in verse 25 and vs 27, with 11q13, with thessalonians discussing HIS return with fiery angels to judge... even secular jewish sources record the fiery heavenly hosts coming and battling.
this would then mean his 7th "day" sabbath started around the fall of rome and lasted 1000 years...
having a hard time accepting?... ask yourself why the copper scroll treasure map to the temple treasure was hidden in the back of the caves of betharaba/qumran behind the 2nd temple scrolls... because it was HIS righteous priesthood HE had fighting/destroying jerusalem.
which would mean 1492 was around the end of the >heavenly< 1000 years of ruling, when the pope issued bulls to kill any non christians and steal all that is theres... this just so happens to be when tribes of yasharal started being shipped out of west africa.
this should encourage all hebrews as the 8th "day" happenings are:
priests arise to take charge
offering of fire
added to sukkot and when a temple was asked to be built YAHUAH refused and said on the 8th day HIS people will again be dwelling in tents.
Was Jesus supposed to rule Europe only? Did these land have peace as HIS reign should have as prophecied ? Where did His reign go if the Reign of the Rock should not be moved nor gained by anyone else as prophecied by Daniel ?
@igorrocharibeiro1123 "my kingdom is not of this world."
"kingdom of heaven is at hand"...
why I and so many took/take so long to listen I am not sure
@@JohnJones-rr2kv ''is'' is present tense not future. nothing Jesus said in present tense in 30 AD is automatically a truth for future. How sense does make a kingdom not of this world over all the nations of this Earth ? Again : His kingdom should not end nor be moved. It should be over all the Earth and not over a poor share of it. It should be ruled with peace between the NATIONS.. where was/has been that peace ?
@@igorrocharibeiro1123 "is" was not the focus...
">>>kingdom of heaven
@@igorrocharibeiro1123 might I add your comments seem to be very much from a jewish perspective so here is a question for you:
when israelite writings from 100 bc go into great detail about the MESSIAH about to show up and the fact that approximately 40 years later is when jerusalem will be judged... exactly as we see in AD 66-73... why do you choose to ignore these israelite scrolls
Nope Abraham was born in 1948, not 2000 yrs later.
Also the creation of the world was in the Fall and while we aren’t given Abraham the day of Abraham’s birth, Isaac was born in Spring and they were very similar in many ways.
Jacob and Josef shared some similarities too.
I have read this man's book and he might have something worth saying if he had a proper understanding of Daniel chapter 9 and could throw of his unscriptural belief in a pretribulation rapture. I could not in good conscience recommend this book to anyone.
Pre trib rapture is very scriptural! Church fathers believed in this as well. 😁 we who trust in Jesus were not appointed to God’s wrath as it is written.
@@jaimiejust7365all the pre trib rapture verses were for the people living in the 1st century. Jesus made it clear that He was returning to THAT generation, not one 2000 years later. The Tribulation, Rapture, Second Coming and Millennial Reign already happened or Jesus lied. And we know Jesus didn’t lie. Dispensationalism is a satanic deception.
Fine. Keep it to yourself. Whoever said you were a rocket scientist?
But, if those dates are right, and you say the flood happened in 2300 bc, than how do account for 2300bc being the great age of the pyramids in Egypt, when the upper and lowere kingdoms were united, when Sargod the Great built Akkad, which would later become Assyria. Even if the flood never reached the Americas, and never touched the Mayans and Incas, why was Egypt not wiped out and set back 1000 years with everybody being destroyed?
A kingdom with no people does not rise in 100 years! Not even 500, it takes a long time to go from ZERO people, with only Noah's family, to building Egypt.
That just doesnt square in any way shape or form.
Unless the Nephlim built the pyramids and God took them out. But where did all the people come from in just a few centuries? Noah lived 600 years and only had a few sons on the ark, so its not like they were putting out 500 kids is 600 years back than.
But seriously, how is it that Noah only had 3 kids, in 500 years?
The good news is that Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of (eternal life) to all who trust Him alone for salvation 💖.
He paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). 💕 That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation 💓.
*This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.*
"These sessions are based."
Ezekiels prophecy happened 666 years before 70 AD
From Jesus's birth, to the destruction of the Temple, was exactly 70 years; 3.5 years after the destruction of the Temple, was the end of the Roman-Jewish Rebellion... The Scattering.
The largest part of the Roman diaspora didn’t occur until after 136 CE, possibly as late as 139.
@@herinsh Who mentioned the Diaspora?
The First Jewish-Roman War (66-74 CE), sometimes called the Great Jewish Revolt,[a] the First Jewish Revolt, or the Jewish War,[b] was the first of three major rebellions by the Jews against the Roman Empire. Fought in the province of Judaea, it resulted in the destruction of Jewish cities and towns, including the metropolis of Jerusalem, the displacement of its population, the appropriation of land for Roman military use, and the destruction of the Jewish Temple and polity.
@@Tyrannus_Gaming well your inference of the scattering implies that was the end of the rebellion, only with respect to Jerusalem, not the whole of Israel or even Rabbinic autonomy.
I saw the movie Noah, and i can assure you, that if Noah's wife was Jennifer Connoly, he would have had a LOT more kids that just 3 over 50p years!
but is not True . The LXX, Samaritan pentateuch , Paul and Josephus attest we are well into the + 6650 years since creation . The forging in the masoretic text took almost. 100 years per generation below
35 Arphaxad
30 Selah
34 Eber
30 Peleg
32 Reu
30 Serug
29 Nahor
The LXX and more ancient texts yield a difference of ~ 700 years.
To kick out Jesus out of the priesthood of malkiTzedek , making Paul a Liar, and saving the talmudic , Rashi and middle age rabbies made the forging.
The Bible doesn’t say or tell what age Adam was when he was created by God. Although the Bible says when theft was begotten, it doesn’t say for sure how long Adam had lived by then. It is hard to believe that God created Adam as an infant as he would not have had the way, and the means to survive as an infant without a mother. So it is conceivable that God created Adam as an adult not knowing the age, the biological age he would’ve had at that time.
This fact loan makes calculation automatically wrong.
About 30. The same age as Jesus when he began his ministry.
There is no third temple..There is no need for it when new Jerusalem will come down from heaven....
Someone who actually understands scripture, a rare find. 🫡
You are wrong because the 3rd temple was described by Ezekiel.
He went into detail about the resumption of the Mosaic feast system and the priesthood.
It was also prophesied by Daniel, Jesus, Paul and John.
It will stand during the millennium, when natural people will be multiplying and repopulating the earth, while Satan uys bound.
The New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven is after that, after this old earth has been destroyed, and a new heavens and earth created.
@@rubygray7749 Ezekiel is not talking about a temple in our time. Dispensationalism is a satanic deception.
@rubygray7749 apparently you haven't read your Bible. Do you have any idea how big Ezekials temple would be? Go do the math and come back and tell me it's going to be built in Israel...
Here is a problem i see: Adam was 130 years old when he had Seth, NOT 130 years AFTER the fall. This means that you must subtract the number of years Adam and Eve spent in the garden from 130 years to get the correct year for the beginning of "fall" year. (e.g. Adam and Eve spent 25 years in the garden before getting kicked out, then had Cain and Abel, then had Seth on the 130th year... so the fall year is actually 105, not 130).
Your point is valid but we're are you getting the 25 years from. From another study I've come across Adam was 33 before the fall.
@@gerardmoloney9979 If you notice in my reply, i put e.g. This mean "for example". I used 25 years as an example. I hope this clears up your misunderstanding.
I would guess that the fall is the beginning of time. That, before the fall there was no time, no aging from a carnal or earthly point perspective.
The week of creation would not be included because it would be a summary and shadow of the beginning to the end.
Your comment made my brain tickle.
Here is my thought.
If there was no time before the fall, why are we told in Genesis 1 that the evening and the morning one day. Wouldn’t declaring a day necessitate time? And since ma wasn’t created until day 6, the time of the first 5 days would have already passed?
Adam and Eve were not mortal until the Fall, when they were made naked and given “garments of flesh” which I suspect is our corruptible flesh… there was no death in the Garden just like there will be no death in New Jerusalem.
Adam lived 1000 years approx. before Eve was created for Adam as a helper / sexual partner for him to perform procreation. That was Eves soul purpose to exist...
Eve lived one day and then she sinned against Adam and against God Himself. In rebellion the woman tempted Adam with the apple and her nakedness. And that day is when God began to strive with mankind and gave him 50 jubilees of 120 years each, to get his act together and return to God.. That was year 4004 BC plus 6000 years = 2004 plus 49 years.
The English "Earth" comes from the Hebrew word Arets. Genesis chapter 2 reads about a river running through the garden of eden, it has 4 head waters. We have in the Hebrew, the Earth of the garden of eden, and the 4 Earth's that are the 4 head waters. Clearly Arets means region. There's no clear use of the word Arets that ever is meant as our modern use meaning global. Even the KJV authors had no concept of Global.
NO. Your calculations are very flawed. You make wild assumptions that are not supported biblically.
The 4000th year has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. It is the death of Jesus that is the important 4000th year. That is the pivot point of human history.
*Genesis 11:26 - And Terah lived SEVENTY YEARS, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.*
If Terah was 70 years old when he beget Abram and his other two triplet brothers, that means Terah was NOT 130 years old.
This means ALL of your calculations are off.
I know I couldn't do a better job or even as close as he did, can you?
Genesis 11:32 Terah was 205 when he died .
Simulation, not Quite more like a test.
The Moshiach broke 7 Seals - broken 1999 - WAY-TRUTH-LIGHT-SOULS-MANKIND-SEAL6-SEAL7 .Jesus only broke 2 seals ,, was given 2000 years as an Adonai .Moshiach is El Shaddai
From the time that Noah was told to preach and build the ark was 120 years. As it was in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. The Balfour declaration was put forth in 1917, establishing the basis for the return of God's chosen people to Israel. 120 years after that is 2037...
God's chosen people believe in Jesus. There are those that claim to be of Judea, they are mentioned in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. I think they are also the families described in Jeremiah chapter 1.
BTW, shouldn't you be working?
I had a very strange experience in the late 1990s where I believe I went into a trance while sitting at my dining room table, reading a prophecy book about the Second Coming of Yeshua (Jesus). I was suddenly in a field in the night time and I saw many people looking up in the night sky with astonishment, and two old men by themselves near where I was standing. They were looking up as well and were talking with each other. I also looked up and saw a magnificent spectacle of Yeshua and the Host of Heaven way out in space, somewhere between the moon and earth. It was such a massive Heavenly army of angels and saints riding on white horses that one could actually make out what they were looking at. It was the Second Coming! I heard the two men saying to one another that this event was happening exactly when they had calculated. So I asked them "when is this?" One of them turned to me and said "two times twenty times three!" Immediately I realized that it was a mathematical equation riddle which I needed to calculate and decipher, so I asked him, "from when?" He replied, "1917!" Immediately I came out of the trance and was still holding the prophecy book in my hand! It wasn't a dream! It shook me up for a minute. I just sat there, stunned! 2 x 20 x 3 = 120. Plus 1917 = 2037!!! Well, there you have it!
Lord Rothchild nor the ashke nazis are YHVHs chosen people as a whole.
Those who are YHVHs are those who turn and believe in His Son Yehoshua The Messiah.
We are the temple. We don’t need a building because He is our once for all sacrifice.
This is the trick to bring Shem to know Abraham by the middle ages rabbies :
Melchizedek = Shem
Jesus. // Not from Levi disqualified , Paul then is a Liar.
@JohnJones-rr2kv the Talmudic Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus. Thats the reason of the trick to kick out Our Lord out of the MelkiTzedek priesthood, bringing the 6K theory out of the forgings in Genesis in the masoretic text, while distorting many items... Fortunately , the LXX, Samaritan Pentateuch, Josephus and Paul maintain the truth.
@JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@JohnJones-rr2kv JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@JohnJones-rr2kv JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
@JohnJones-rr2kv JohnJones-rr2kv Jews had to reinvent themselves after rejecting Jesus, forging alterations in the masoretic text, bringing the 6K fallacy as a result... But Qumran, LXX, Samaritan ( 200 BC sources) witness the truth. We are beyond 6500 years ( irrelevant , as Jesus points better accordjng to Hosea)
What a bunch o nonsense
If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all
@@Maxtana5 If they actually believe it's nonsense then it could be argued that it is nice that they inform everyone they can.
So Jesus was wrong when he called people serpents, dogs, sons of Satan, blind guides, foolish virgins, evil, etc etc??
Jesus was never politically correct.
@@fivefingerfullprice3403, sometimes it's better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Ive been watching this series of videos, and Im beginning to conclude the same. For example, just in this video, he just concludes that the 120 years in Genesis 6 is based on a Jubilee factor. What is the basis of this conclusion? What other scripture supports this? Where is the exegesis?
Good mythological story about mythological characters never existed